
Will There Be a World War III

Commentators have expressed concern that the war in Ukraine might lead to World War III since Russia's invasion of the…

2 years ago

Liaquat Ali Khan’s Assassination: The Unsolved Mystery

The following Research paper "the assassination of Liaquat Ali khan" is a piece of “investigative journalism” and being students of…

2 years ago


Who Was Saddam Hussein? Saddam Hussein was a secularist who worked his way up through the Baath party to become…

2 years ago

The I2U2 Summit 2022

The eyes saw another quadruple coalition between the Asian and Western regions to meet the national interests and enhance cooperation.…

2 years ago

Barack Obama 44th President of the United States

The Early Life of Barack Obama Barack Obama was not just the first president of African descent. And also the…

2 years ago

Where is Hamas Funding coming from?

Introduction Some Israeli media reports say that Palestinian diaspora also funds Hamas. Hamas is a Palestinian political and religious organization.…

2 years ago

Democracy of Dictator By The Green Book

The “mad dog of the middle east”, named by US president Ronald Raegan, the former Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi went…

2 years ago

Pakistan Russia Bilateral Economic and Military Relations

Introduction Problem Statement Pakistan relationship with Russia has been one of those lost opportunities to which Pakistan could not cater…

2 years ago

Bangladesh’s Economy Impressive Growth

Introduction According to the World Bank report, Bangladesh's Economy is the fastest growing economy. Apart from this, Bangladesh's poverty has…

2 years ago

The Chilling Horrors of the Notorious Guantanamo Bay

Introduction The Chilling Horrors of Guantanamo Bay cover an area of 45 square miles on the eastern coast of Cuba.…

2 years ago