Fear has a great place in individual’s minds, making them suspicious about little things. We witnessed an era where a series of dystopian literature...
In the realm of global economics, the "blue economy" stands as a beacon of promise, encapsulating the vast potential of sustainable ocean-based industries. Yet,...
In mid-June 2022, as the monsoon season descended upon Pakistan, little did its citizens anticipate the impending disaster that would unfold, devastating floods of...
Climatic change in Pakistan, like numerous other regions globally, is a significant, unsettling and pressing issue. As Pakistan faces many changes in its climate...
Downfall, Lessons for Our Final Century Ilhan Niaz CSCR, 2022 128 pages. The book, Downfall; Lessons for Our Final Century is written by Dr....
Climate change is one of the most significant emerging non-traditional security concerns. A report by Nature Climate Change shows that about 85% of the...
As the world grapples with climate change, many nations are looking to the Biden administration's climate bill as a potential solution. The Bill aims...
Gender equality is a cornerstone and key to climate justice. To delineate the interconnection between gender quality and climate justice, it is mandatory to...
Pakistan experienced severe floods in mid-June 2022. This was caused by heavy rainfalls, rain-induced landslides, and glaciers melting. According to reports, this flood was...