
Role of Media and Terrorism

Terrorism is a complex and subjective issue and one of the most disputed concepts in the social sciences. The general public…

2 years ago

A Cold Winter, Russian Oil Crisis:-

A cold winter, Russian oil crisis scarpe tata marella black friday alberto guardiani scarpe jordan 5 gore-tex 24 bottles clima…

2 years ago

Italy’s new Conservative Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni

Giorgia Meloni became the new prime minister of Italy. On Sunday, September 25, 2022, the country held its general election. After…

2 years ago

Pakistan and Qatar Cordial Maritime Entente’: Beholding a Promised Future

Introduction The foundation of the mutual relationship between the State of Qatar and the Islamic Republic of Pakistan is as…

2 years ago

What kind of King will King Charles III be?

Introduction scarpe tata marella black friday alberto guardiani scarpe jordan 5 gore-tex 24 bottles clima outlet geox spaccio online commanders…

2 years ago

The American Revolution, 1763 – 1783

The term "revolution" refers to a radical change or overthrow of a government. When we talk about revolution, how can…

2 years ago

The Rise of the Liberal Hawks

Introduction: Thousands of people gathered to hear Martin Luther King Jr. speak in 1967 at Harlem's Riverside Church, spilling out…

2 years ago

What would be life like in The Line: Neom City

All of us in our childhood always wished to live for real in those fantastic Hollywood sci-fi movies. Where everything…

2 years ago

Hindutva: A Threat to Secular India or South Asia?

What is Hindutva? Hindutva, a centuries-old concept, is today a growing phenomenon in India and the South Asian region, redefining…

2 years ago

George Washington’s impact on United States

Introduction George Washington has been regarded by the American people as one of the greatest president in American history ever…

2 years ago