
Surging Bitter Family Relations

Social Problem can be defined as, “an issue which influentially affects large number of people and has long-term impacts on them”. If these issues can’t be resolved, then they may cause huge problems at micro as well as macro levels. There are many social problems encircling our society. However, the social problem of core importance among them is increase in bitter family relations; a major issue in our society which results into worsening of the nations.

Family is the basic unit of a society; it lays foundations of social life. Family is where the upcoming generations are trained and grown up. If it gets disturb, worse scenarios will take place in society. The relationship between parents and their children is of high importance. Existence of strong relationship between family members matters a lot. Family is where one seeks peace.

Michael J. Fox has rightly said;

“Family is not an important thing. It’s everything”.

Parents consider that only giving their children the basic rights like education, good clothing, protection from outside world; are enough for their child’s development and growth in this complex society. Along with these basic rights, children also need their parents to understand them as they also have emotional needs, psychological needs and mental needs. Parents claim and always reply their child with this clause, “we know you better than you”, when any child argues or tries to explain himself or herself.

Major deficiencies of life are not related to wealth or money but genuine deficiencies are scarcity of confidence, understanding, hope, inner confidence, broaden vision, honesty, loyalty, persistency and bravery among people especially youth and growing children. Even parents don’t teach basics of life to their children. The only things that matter to them are good grades, good studies and good degrees. But this is not true love and affection. True love is understanding needs, minds and souls of their children. Giving them basic knowledge about bravery, courage, persistence, understanding, independence (not dependent on any other person or partner for their self-accomplishment) are of prime importance. Parents should also not care about what other people say.

. They should consider what is enough for their child’s development and growth. But they have eventually failed and resulted into serious deficiencies in their children, which has resulted into failure of nations as a whole Suicide levels have escalated to such an extent that it needs effective control and solution otherwise, serious implications will take place. According to World Health Organization report on Suicide Prevention (2021); More than 7,00,000 people die by suicide every year.  For each suicide, there are more than 20 attempts.[1] Suicide is the fourth leading cause of death among 15-29 years old in 2019.[2]

[1] https://www.who.int/health-topics/suicide#tab=tab_1

[2] https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/suicide

Children are unable to deal with life stresses, financial problems, chronic pains and big challenges. Sense of isolation escalates in such people. When sufferings reach at apex, suicide is the last approach considered valid for themselves. According to World Health Organization’s Report, Suicide Rate in Pakistan has crossed 8%.[1]

There are many causes for increasing bitter relations among family members.

  • Traditions play a huge role in conservative behavior of parents towards their child. We are all encaged in this world of traditions and ignorance. We all have created our own limitations and boundaries. But there are no boundaries and limits for our development, achievements and success.
  • Illiteracy and ignorance cause this evil to expand. Even it is a major root cause of this social problem.
  • Lack of trust and flexibility by parents towards their child results into aggression, violation and humiliation that escalates until it takes violent forms. This all is due to the “Generation Gap” that exists within societies. This leads to misperceptions, arguments and misunderstandings among family members. This is where conflict starts. Lack of understanding among family members is a major cause of every demolition in every family.

[1] https://www.who.int/health-topics/suicide#tab=tab_1

This evil can be controlled by taking certain precautionary measures starting from basic level. Children should not be victims of their mental and emotional torture. Effective communication and trust levels are required for successful development of children. Parents should be supportive, understandable, flexible, know how to communicate with their children by putting aside their traditional principles and values. Not every material softens by the flame; some melts but others further get hardened, this is how parent’s scold work. Every child has different abilities to perceive and grasp it. It does not mean that I am completely blaming parents but they do have the ability of growing a child and its development. If they do it in a flexible way, the results will be encouraging. The provision of basic, ethical and moral education is required for healthy developments of minds. Necessary measures are required by Government and organizations for creating awareness via various means in order to reduce this evil.

[1] https://www.who.int/health-topics/suicide#tab=tab_1 [1] https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/suicide [1] https://www.who.int/health-topics/suicide#tab=tab_1
Amna Zaman

Author is currently acquiring MPhil - International Relations at School of Politics & International Relations, Quaid-e-Azam university, Islamabad. Her Areas of Interest include; Non Traditional Security (NTS) Challenges, Escalating Regional as well as Global Insecurities, Diplomacy, Governance, Policy making and Foreign Policy.

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