Women’s Empowerment: A Global Perspective

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Women rights are fundamental human rights that were enshrined by United Nations for every human being. These include a lot of rights that every individual have and yet some of them even don’t know about them especially the people living in under-developing countries and people form the small states. These include, right of freedom, right to speak, right to educate, right to be protected, right to live free from slavery, discrimination, violence, right to vote and much more.  As a lot of people say now “Women rights are human rights.” This is to say that women are entitled to have these rights. Yet almost everywhere around the world, girls and women are still denied them, because of their gender.

Winning rights to women and girls is more about giving them opportunities to any individual women or girl, it is also about changing how countries and communities work. Global Funds also pays a lot of role in women rights, the women who aren’t stable enough to work, to support their families, to support themselves can be able to support, help their families and themselves. There are some other groups working as a part of organization, that includes to save them from domestic violence, sexual assault, and other harmful practices such as female genital mutilation.

We also stand for other rights that are vital for women’s equality. We stand for her rights to decide if and when she has children, and to have high-quality treatment and health care so that she won’t die in pregnancy or during childbirth. The UN Development has also set some goals and specific targets to reduce poverty, including targets for increased in gender equality in work, in education, and representation. While there is no concept of rights, equality and representation for the women in Pakistan. In Pakistan, women face substantial, systemic challenges in Pakistan, and the most fundamental question is “Violence”.

”. Women in Pakistan are still facing domestic violence issues even in this era where everyone knows about their rights. But women and girls in Pakistan have been facing violence, sexual abuse, harassment, rape cases and street crimes. In Pakistan, every 2nd girl is facing these problems in which they have to bear a lot of things, especially abuse and violence. While the Government of Pakistan has passed various laws to prevent violence and support those affected by it, the conviction rate for violence against women sits at only 1-2.5 per cent.

Women in Pakistan mainly encounter violence by being forced into marriage, through workplace harassment, domestic violence and by honor killing.  In Pakistan, domestic violence is considered as a private matter, as it occurs in the family. Spousal abuse is rarely considered a crime socially unless it takes an extreme form of murder or attempted murder. Various forms of domestic violence include, physical, mental, and emotional abuse. Poverty is one of the important causes for violence in Pakistan. In Pakistan, every third women is illiterate and is unaware know about her basic human rights. Increased level of education can create a sense of strength, and awareness and help them to speak up for their rights, and bring change in the society.  

In 2008 survey, about 70% of the women reported that they have experienced domestic violence. According to 2009, Human Rights Watch report, 70-90% of women suffered with such kind of domestic violence. About 5000 women are killed annually from domestic violence in Pakistan, with thousands of other women disabled. Martial rape is also a common form of spouse and is illegal in Pakistan. In Pakistan, Hindu and Christian girls are kidnapped, raped, and are forcibly converted into Islam and are forced to marry Muslim men. There is also a concept of honor killing in Pakistan. A lot of people have lost their lives in a view of this concept. According to a study case report out by Human Rights Watch that there is a rape once every two hours.

A Global perspective on women’s right underscores the multifaceted nature of the challenges and opportunities that women face across the world. While significant progress has been made in advancing women’s right. Women empowerment involves fostering self-esteem and confidence in women. Encouraging women to believe in their abilities and value their contributions is essential for overcoming societal and individual barriers. Building supportive networks and mentorship opportunities for women can enhance their professional and personal development.

Mentorship helps women navigate challenges, build confidence, and access opportunities. Closing the digital gender gap and ensuring women’s access to technology are important for empowerment. Technology can provide women with information, education, and economic opportunities. Women empowerment involves ensuring that women have equal legal rights and protections. This includes addressing issues such as gender-based violence, discriminatory laws, and ensuring access to justice for women.

Women empowerment is an ongoing process that requires a holistic and multidimensional approach. It involves addressing not only individual capabilities but also societal structures and norms that may hinder women’s progress. By empowering women, societies can unlock their full potential, leading to greater social and economic development.

Maida Irshad
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The author is an undergraduate student of Government and Public Policy at National Defence University, Islamabad. She tweets at maidairshad2.

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