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Political Instability is causing Economic Instability in Pakistan


In the world of nation-building, the delicate balance between political stability and economic well-being is like a tightrope walk. One misstep can lead to a tumble affecting the whole show. This relationship is not just a theory; it’s a real dance where each move affects the other. Let’s unravel this intricate connection and see why it matters, especially for places like Pakistan. When a country’s political scene is like a rollercoaster, its economy often feels the bumps.

Developed nations, whether they lean democratic or authoritarian, have something in common – stable politics. In these places, strong institutions flourish, creating a cozy space for economic growth. Businesses like stability, investors like predictability, and this harmony fosters an environment where everybody can thrive. Contrastingly, there are countries wrestling with political instability. Here, the link between shaky politics and economic troubles becomes crystal clear.

These places struggle to grow sustainably because political uncertainty makes investors nervous and businesses hesitant to take risks. Pakistan is right in the middle of this dilemma.

The economic costs of political instability here have set off a series of problems, as pointed out by many smart minds. According to the South Asia Economic Outlook for 2023, Pakistan’s growth rate is a modest 1.7%, way behind neighbors like Bangladesh at 8%, Afghanistan at 4%, and India at 6.3%. It is not just about numbers; it’s about the real impact on people’s lives.

When politics is a wild ride, investors get jittery, businesses hit pause, and economic plans become like playing darts in the dark – you’re not sure where it’ll land. So, why does this matter? Because a stable political environment provides ample opportunities for economic growth. Investors feel safe, businesses can plan for the future, and economic policies become more predictable. But when politics is a storm, economic growth takes a hit, like a flower struggling in the shade.

To tackle this challenge, nations need to juggle both political stability and economic growth. It’s like building a house – you need a strong foundation. Strengthening institutions, having open and honest leaders, and creating political environments that inspire trust are like laying the groundwork for a sturdy house.

Hence, this correlation between political stability and economic prosperity isn’t just a theory; it’s a practical reality. Businesses want stability, and economies thrive in predictable environments. To truly prosper, countries must pay attention to both the functioning of politics and the rhythm of the economy. It’s time to choreograph a routine where both partners move together, ensuring a brighter and more stable future for all.

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The Good Ancestor: A Radical Prescription for Long-Term Thinking


It is the year 2100. The Earth is burning, glaciers are melting rapidly, the forests being swiped up in the last century, lakes and rivers desiccated, seas polluted, agricultural lands turned barren, industrial production stagnated, atmospheric air unbreathable and there stands our descendent cursing us, ‘this is what our ancestors did for us.

They have made earth inhabitable for us simply because of their transient and short-term goals. They have polluted seas, dried rivers and lakes, swiped up forests to cut timber and extensively depleted fossil resources. Oh, God! They have made the earth inhabitable’

Imagine the abovementioned and deliberate what your response would be to future descendent? It is certitude that many of us would not be in the year 2100, and maybe our children or grandchildren would be living up till then, how would our descendent remember us?

They would likely curse us and the more they could do to us would be to annihilate our graves and wipe out our signs that we ever lived, this prospect should scare the hell out of us.

These are horrible deliberations and maybe if we continue with contemporary developments, the prospects would be more awful for future generations, rather by twenty first century, the civilization might collapse as Ilhan Niaz’s, Downfall, Lessons for our Final Century portends.

Although, Dr Niaz prognostications are quite horrible that suggest that the human civilization might vanished by the year 2100, and this may be our last century if leaders kept on with short term thinking like Croesus, however, there is still chance of humans a bit long survival if the current pace of environmental degradation is halted to some extent.

So, why not we try to avoid outcome portended by Downfall: Lesson for our Final Century and do such things that might lead to more generations far beyond the 2100, our posterity remembers us by the good name, ‘the Good Ancestors’

Here is an intriguing account by Roman Krznaric of short-term thinking of humans in his book, The Good Ancestor: A Radical Prescription for Long-Term Thinking’which guides us through plight of the present world to become ‘good ancestors’ for the descendants who could equally enjoy the felicities of life and thank us for our long-term thinking that would be affecting their lives in very positives ways.

The author gives us very profound and interesting insights into contemporary developments on the planet Earth that would certainly affect future generations. He points out the problems of our short-term thinking__based on immediate gains and instant gratifications__which is pervasive over the whole world.

Companies or corporations, governments, politicians, businessmen and states alike focus on very short-term gains such as politicians bent on winning next elections or corporations focusing on gaining as many shares and profits based on short-term results.

The book is divided into three parts which comprise of twelve chapters. The second part is most important which deals with six ways for long-term thinking and overcoming short-termism. The six ways for long term thinking are ‘deep-time humility’ which urges us to be aware of our minuteness in the comic world and look into broader time and space; ‘legacy mind-set’, desire to be remembered and recognized by posterity; ‘intergenerational justice’ care for future generations; ‘cathedral thinking’ which is the art of planning into distant future; ‘holistic forecasting’, accepting uncertainty and preparing for things when they happen and ‘transcendent goals.’

All of the aforementioned deal with the art of becoming good ancestors. They focus on long-term thinking, planning for future generations, the capacity of humans to be remembered, representation of future generations in contemporary planning__the idea may appear weird but it would intriguing to represent future generations because our current developments would impact largely on future generations and establishing commissioner for future generations.

The author brings to light the acts of the present generation that are going to colonize the future, colonization refers to the exploitation of future generations by our current short-term decisions.

Part three laments contemporary systems and solutions to problems. It highlights how efforts are being made and could be made to decolonize future generations. It divulges the short-sightedness of our politicians who are less concerned about the prospects of future generations.

The author aptly figures out the causes of short-sightedness in the democratic system which are short electoral political cycles, interests of pressure groups, digital media, political controversies, shunning of interests of future generations and nation-states focused on their interests rather than holistic thinking to combat major global challenges.

It is to be noted that we cannot say that our contemporary actions are exploiting and colonizing the future. The term colonization of the future is out of context because if the current generation plans something for its own sake and maybe its impacts go beyond a few decades that does not mean that it was a deliberate attempt to harm the future generation.

Colonization and exploitation are deliberate acts and it can be posited that alleging the current generation of colonizing the future is injustice.

There is another interesting and strange idea of representing future generations in current systems that would likely impact the future. It appears reckless to me how one can decide for the generations that are yet to come.

As Harari puts that we are unable to predict the world in 2050 and maybe our current systems of education may become obsolete up till then so it is impossible to determine the auspices of future generations and the idea appears insane utopia.

There is no doubt that the Earth is moving toward dangerous paths and long-term thinking is the only way forward. The author has aptly argued in favour of the future of the planet that needs careful attention from the leaders and planners of the world.

Many organizations and institutions are working for the safeguard against environmental collapse which is a major challenge to the modern world.

Though, Krznaric is scornful of the scientific views that it would be able to protect the planet from the despoiling acts of humans and seems pessimistic about science as solution to long term problems but it is quite possible that he is naive in speculations.

Thomas R Malthus, in his ‘An Essays on the principle of Population’ in 1798 speculated that population would exceed the production leading to collapse of the environment but scientific revolution solved the issue and production exceeds many times that of populations. It is probable that science may find way for sustainable future.

We need certain long-term planning and consent on the affairs regarding climate change and impending ecological catastrophes. The safeguard of our mother Earth should be the top priority because our survival is with her survival.

The author needs full compliments for bringing to light the major issues of the world and by tackling these issues shrewdly we can be remembered as ‘good ancestors.’

Despite disagreeing on few of his assumptions, the book is intriguing read to get insight of few intriguing and weird ideas of the author. Moreover, his emphasis for saving the Earth from collapse demands instant attention from the world community.

The only way to sustainable way forward is long-termism that Krznaric inform us that we can achieve via training our brain for distant planning by following his six ways. But who would follow and care these steps is subject to question because millions of people would not forsake their gratifications only for sake of becoming ‘good ancestors.’

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Cyber Diplomacy: Navigating Global Challenges in the Digital Era


Cyber Diplomacy: Global Challenges in the Digital Era.

French Prime Minister Clemenceau once asserted that war is too consequential to be entrusted solely to soldiers. Similarly, cyberspace is deemed too critical to be left solely in the hands of technicians. Despite this, the prevailing sentiment suggests that cyberspace was crafted by technicians, leading to the assumption that technical experts should be exclusively responsible for resolving its challenges.

However, the primary issues in cyberspace, whether in terms of internet governance or cybersecurity, transcend technical complexities and are inherently human in nature.

More precisely, they manifest as political and geopolitical challenges. The quandaries surrounding Internet governance extend beyond technicalities related to managing the Internet; instead, they evolve into highly politicized debates regarding societal management and global public goods.

Similarly, cybersecurity challenges transcend technical matters of averting cyber penetrations, delving into the political and geopolitical realm, questioning the motives behind these penetrations, and exploring strategies to constrain their impact. If we define digital diplomacy as the utilization of digital technologies in diplomatic efforts, then cyber-diplomacy can be understood as the integration of diplomatic principles into the realm of cyberspace.

One approach to comprehending cyberspace involves concentrating on its fundamental operational strata: the physical layer (comprising cables, switching stations, etc.), the logical layer (encompassing protocols ensuring data reaches its destination), the data layer (encompassing the content of webpages, emails, etc.), and the social layer (where humans and, increasingly, devices interact). Each of these strata possesses inherent political and geopolitical dimensions.

The imperative for nations to collaborate in upholding cybersecurity within the context of a globalized society is undeniable. Unfortunately, the practicality of such cooperation is, lamentably, not always attainable.

Cyber diplomacy emerges as a strategic maneuver employed by various nations to safeguard secure communication channels and fortify defenses against digital threats. In advancing a nation’s foreign policy objectives, the utilization of digital tools within the realm of cyber diplomacy becomes pivotal. Instances of such engagement include cyber espionage, cyberattacks, and the strategic use of social media to interact with foreign nations. This relatively recent concept has exerted a substantial influence on international relations.

To further a country’s foreign policy goals, cyber diplomacy utilizes digital tools, such as engaging in social media interactions with foreign nations, executing cyberattacks, and conducting cyber espionage. Despite being a relatively new concept, it has already had a substantial impact on the field of international relations.

The trajectory of international relations is poised to undergo substantial influence due to the escalating prevalence of cyber diplomacy. Nations will be compelled to devise novel collaborative strategies as globalization intensifies to uphold cybersecurity. The key to preserving tranquility in the digital era might reside in the realm of cyber diplomacy.

Cyber diplomacy presents several advantages. Firstly, it allows for quicker and more direct communication, which proves particularly valuable in emergencies when traditional diplomatic channels may be congested or unreliable.

Secondly, cyber diplomacy serves as a conduit for international collaboration, acting as a bridge between nations. By leveraging digital tools to connect people and ideas, countries can work together on shared challenges and devise innovative solutions.

Finally, cyber diplomacy can contribute to equalizing the playing field for both large and small nations. Traditionally, powerful states with extensive diplomatic resources have held sway in diplomacy. However, the internet has profoundly altered the global landscape, providing less powerful nations with the opportunity to compete on a more level playing field.

While cyber diplomacy comes with numerous advantages, it also introduces potential drawbacks that must be taken into account. Primarily, the increased vulnerability of sensitive data to hacking when utilizing digital tools raises new security concerns.

Secondly, the informality and rapid pace of cyber diplomacy can occasionally give rise to misinterpretations and misunderstandings. This has the potential to strain relations and escalate into conflicts between nations.

Finally, the utilization of digital tools, such as in cyber warfare, introduces new forms of conflict. As countries increasingly rely on digital infrastructure, they become more susceptible to cyberattacks that could potentially cripple entire economies.

Despite the challenges, cyber diplomacy is an enduring aspect of international relations. Nations must devise innovative strategies for engagement as the world becomes more interconnected.

Cyber diplomacy presents a unique opportunity to foster global cooperation and build bridges between nations. Over the preceding decade, the United States has asserted a notable presence in the domain of cyber diplomacy, primarily attributable to its possession of cutting-edge cyber capabilities on a global scale. Consequently, the U.S. has strategically deployed these capabilities to propel and actualize its foreign policy objectives.

Instances such as the WannaCry ransomware crisis, the Sony Pictures hack, and the Stuxnet strike accentuate the indispensable role that cyber diplomacy assumes within the realm of international relations.

Diplomatic endeavors emerge as pivotal in managing repercussions and preempting potential crises, given the escalating utilization of cyberspace by governments for malicious and strategic objectives.

The global acknowledgment of the imperative for regulations and collaborative frameworks in the digital sphere is palpable through initiatives like the UN Group of Governmental Experts, the Paris Call for Trust and Security in Cyberspace, and concerted endeavors in cybersecurity.

 Beyond addressing extant threats, cyber diplomacy propels worldwide cooperation, the interchange of information, and the formulation of guidelines delineating state comportment in cyberspace, thereby emphasizing its pivotal function in navigating the complexities of the digital milieu.

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Devastating Floods of 2022

Devastating Floods of 2022
Devastating Floods of 2022

In mid-June 2022, as the monsoon season descended upon Pakistan, little did its citizens anticipate the impending disaster that would unfold, devastating floods of 2022. What began as a typical rainy season turned into a historic catastrophe, catching the nation off guard.

The National Disaster Management Authority gradually sounded the alarm as water levels rose, overwhelming the approximately 150 dams, both big and small, built to regulate rivers and streams.

Devastating Floods of 2022
Devastating Floods of 2022

Impact on Residential Areas

As the floodwaters covered vast areas, it swiftly encroached upon residential zones, particularly affecting those living near rivers. Homes were submerged, and people found themselves without shelter, food, or any semblance of a normal life. The loss of homes and possessions left many in dire straits, facing a level of misery that is challenging to comprehend.

Infrastructure Breakdown

The flood wreaked havoc on the country’s infrastructure, especially in northern Pakistan, Balochistan, and the western Punjab region. Roads, flyovers, and underground highways were obliterated by the force of the water. Main thoroughfares turned into waterways, disrupting transportation and leaving people reliant on boats to navigate.

Large buildings, including malls and hotels, disappeared beneath the floodwaters, causing irreparable damage to businesses and livelihoods. The destruction surpassed that of the 2005 earthquake, making rehabilitation a monumental task requiring substantial financial resources that the country struggled to muster.

Agricultural Sector Devastation

With agriculture being the backbone of Pakistan’s economy, the flood’s impact on fields was catastrophic. Crops were destroyed, and the productivity of the land diminished due to soil erosion. The repercussions of the flood echoed through the supply chain, leading to a shortage of food, particularly affecting areas that relied on the affected regions for sustenance.

Human Toll and Healthcare Crisis

The human cost of the flood was staggering. According to the National Disaster Management Authority, over a million houses were destroyed, and more than 1,100 lives were lost. Beyond direct casualties, the stagnant water gave rise to waterborne diseases, including dengue, malaria, and typhoid. Inadequate medical facilities further exacerbated the crisis, leading to additional deaths and suffering.

Loss of Livestock

The flood didn’t spare livestock, impacting those whose livelihoods depended on animal husbandry. Animals were swept away, and the remaining livestock faced adverse conditions, contributing to the rapid spread of diseases. The loss of livestock further strained the already distressed agricultural community.

Environmental Impact

Beyond its human toll, the flood had severe environmental consequences. Vegetation was damaged, and pollutants in the floodwater disrupted water quality, impacting habitats and aquatic life. The altered landscape, coupled with the displacement of aquatic animals, added another layer of ecological distress.

Economic Downturn

Already grappling with economic challenges, Pakistan faced a further downturn. The destruction of infrastructure, disruption of supply chains, and loss of agricultural productivity dealt a severe blow to the country’s economy. The economic ripple effect extended to small businesses, exacerbating the financial strain on the nation.

Tourism Industry and Climate Change

The flood’s impact on the tourism industry was profound, with tourist attractions submerged and infrastructure in disarray. Additionally, the catastrophe raised questions about Pakistan’s vulnerability to climate change, with increased precipitation and glacial melting contributing to the severity of the flood.

International Aid and the Need for Dams

While international aid poured in, it became evident that the scale of the disaster far exceeded the resources available. Calls for increased dam construction and improved infrastructure emerged as essential steps to mitigate future flood risks.


The devastating floods of 2022 will be etched in Pakistan’s history as a colossal tragedy. Its multifaceted impact on lives, infrastructure, agriculture, and the economy underscore the urgent need for comprehensive measures to address the country’s vulnerabilities and build resilience against future disasters. As Pakistan embarks on the challenging journey of rehabilitation, the lessons learned from this catastrophe must guide future endeavors to safeguard the nation and its people.

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criminology css syllabus


Introduction to criminology css syllabus

In the dynamic landscape of CSS examinations, mastering the criminology syllabus is crucial for success. Our comprehensive guide delves into the intricacies of the CSS criminology syllabus, offering unparalleled insights that go beyond the surface.

Aspiring candidates aiming to excel in the CSS examinations will find this guide an indispensable resource.

Understanding the Core Concepts

CSS criminology encompasses a profound understanding of criminal law and procedures. A solid foundation in this area is imperative for candidates aiming for top scores.

Delving into the nuances of legal frameworks, our guide elucidates the intricate interplay between statutes, precedents, and evolving legal doctrines.

CSS Criminology 2023 – 2024 – Detailed Syllabus and Marks Distribution

A breakdown of the Latest Syllabus of CSS Criminology 2023 – 2024 with Marks Distribution is given below:

Section-I (25 Marks)

I. Introduction

Basic concepts used in understanding crime, criminality and criminal.

II. Understanding Criminology

Definition, meaning and scope of criminology, Criminology and criminal law; Crime as social problem; Deviance, Sin, Vice, Evil, Norms, Values; Security (Physical, Social, Economic)

III. Crime and Criminals

Occasional criminals, Habitual criminals, Professional criminals, White-collar crime, Organized crime, corporate crimes.

IV. Crime and Criminality: Theoretical Perspectives

An early explanation of criminal behavior

Biological Theories; Psychological Theories, Sociological Theories
Social Disorganization theory
Strain theory
Social Control theory
Learning theory
Labeling Theory
Islamic perspective on deviance and crime

Section-II (25 Marks)

V. Juvenile Delinquency

Meaning, definitions (Behavioral Vs Legal), Juvenile delinquent Vs status offender, Official statistics of juvenile delinquency

VI. Juvenile Justice System

Role of police
Juvenile court process:
pretrial, trial and sentencing
Role of prosecutor, defense counsel, juvenile judge, juvenile probation officer
Juvenile correctional institutions, probation and non-punitive alternatives

VII. The Criminal Justice System

Police and its role
Trial and Conviction of Offenders
Agencies: formal and informal
Criminal courts: procedures and problems
Role of prosecutors
Prisons, Probation and Parole

VIII. Punitive and Reformative Treatment of Criminals

Corporal punishment, Imprisonment, Rehabilitation of criminals.

Section-III (25 Marks)

IX. Criminal Investigation

Principles of criminal investigation, Manual of preliminary investigation, Intelligence operations, Data base investigation, Electronic investigation, Forensic Investigation

X. Techniques of Investigations

Gathering information from persons, Interviewing and interrogation techniques, Criminal investigation analysis,

XI. Legal and Ethical Guidelines for Investigators

Stop and frisk operations, Arrest procedures, Search and seizure.

XII. International Policing Criminal Justice Monitoring Organizations


Section-IV (25 Marks)

XIII. Modern Concepts in Contemporary Criminology

Terrorism, Radicalism and War on Terror
Media’s representation of Crime and the Criminal Justice System
Modern Law Enforcement and Crime Prevention
Intelligence-led Policing
Community Policing
Private Public Partnership
Gender and Crime in Urban and Rural Pakistan
Crime and Urbanization, Organized Crime and White-Collar Crime
Human Rights Abuses and Protection, especially Children, Women and religious, ethnic groups and the role of civil society and NGOs
Cyber Crime
Role of NAB, FIA, ANF

CSS examinations often test candidates on their understanding of global criminological trends. Our guide explores comparative criminology, highlighting variations in legal systems, law enforcement, and crime rates across different regions. This comparative analysis empowers candidates to approach questions with a global perspective.

Mastering Examination Techniques

Analytical Essay Writing

Acing CSS criminology demands not just knowledge but also adept essay-writing skills. Our guide provides a structured approach to crafting analytical essays, emphasizing the integration of theoretical frameworks and real-world examples. This section equips candidates with the tools to articulate their insights effectively.

Case Study Analysis

CSS examinations often present case studies for analysis. Our guide dissects exemplary cases, guiding candidates on how to extract pertinent information, apply criminological theories, and construct well-reasoned analyses. This hands-on approach enhances the analytical prowess of aspiring CSS candidates.


In the competitive realm of CSS examinations, our guide stands as a beacon for those seeking mastery over the criminology syllabus. By offering a deep understanding of core concepts, navigating the syllabus, and honing examination techniques, our guide is meticulously crafted to propel candidates toward success. Embrace this comprehensive resource to not only meet but exceed the expectations set by the CSS criminology examinations.

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Causes and Realities of Down Syndrome



In this article, we will try to understand the Causes and Realities of Down Syndrome. Down syndrome is a genetic disorder that affects individuals globally, yet often lacks widespread understanding. In this article, we aim to shed light on the causes of Down syndrome, debunk common misconceptions, and explore any potential link between late marriage or childbearing and the occurrence of Down syndrome.

Child with the down syndrome

By increasing awareness and sharing accurate information, we hope to foster a more inclusive and supportive society for individuals with Down syndrome. Understanding Down Syndrome: Down syndrome, also known as trisomy 21, is a condition caused by the presence of an extra copy of chromosome 21.

Most cases occur randomly during the formation of reproductive cells, resulting in an additional chromosome within the fertilized egg. This extra genetic material impacts an individual’s growth and development, leading to recognizable physical and intellectual characteristics associated with Down syndrome.

Causes of Down Syndrome

While the exact cause of Down syndrome is not fully understood, medical research suggests a correlation between advanced maternal age and a higher risk of having a child with Down syndrome. However, it is important to note that a significant percentage of babies born with Down syndrome are born to women under the age of 35.

This correlation is believed to stem from the potential increase in errors in chromosome separation during cell division as women age. Genetic counselling and prenatal screening/testing are available to expectant parents, offering valuable information and support in determining the likelihood of having a child with Down syndrome. These services empower parents to make informed decisions based on their individual circumstances.

Dispelling Misconceptions

It is crucial to debunk misconceptions surrounding Down syndrome, as they contribute to misunderstandings and societal stigmatization.

Firstly, it is important to clarify that Down syndrome is not caused by the lifestyle or actions of the parents; it is purely a genetic condition that occurs randomly during the formation of reproductive cells. Secondly, Down syndrome does not discriminate based on race, nationality, or socioeconomic background. It can affect anyone.

The Realities of Down Syndrome

Children with Down syndrome lead fulfilling lives, like their peers. While they may experience certain developmental delays, including intellectual and physical challenges, early intervention programs, educational support, and appropriate medical care can greatly enhance their quality of life.

Furthermore, individuals with Down syndrome often possess unique talents and enrich the lives of their families and communities through their joy, love, and individuality.

Creating an Inclusive Society

To foster a more inclusive society, it is essential to promote understanding and acceptance. This can be accomplished through awareness campaigns and educational initiatives that highlight the diverse abilities and achievements of individuals with Down syndrome. Advocacy groups, support networks, and inclusive education programs play a significant role in challenging stereotypes and facilitating equal opportunities for all.


Down syndrome is a genetic condition that affects individuals in various ways. While late marriage or childbearing may incrementally increase the likelihood of having a child with Down syndrome, it is not the sole determining factor.

By boosting awareness, addressing misconceptions, and promoting inclusivity, we can ensure that individuals with Down syndrome are valued and supported, fostering a more compassionate and inclusive society.

Behind every diagnosis of Down syndrome is a unique individual with their own strengths, talents, and potential. Let us embrace diversity and celebrate the beautiful differences that make our world a better place for all.

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The Philippines-China Dispute and America’s Litmus Test

The Philippines-China dispute
The Philippines-China dispute

The Philippines-China dispute is a long-standing territorial conflict over the ownership of various islands, reefs, and shoals in the South China Sea. China claims almost the entire South China Sea, a vast maritime area rich in natural resources and vital for international shipping, based on its so-called “nine-dash line.” This sweeping claim overlaps with the exclusive economic zones (EEZs) of several Southeast Asian countries, including the Philippines, Vietnam, Brunei, Malaysia, and Indonesia.

The Philippines has a more modest claim, asserting sovereignty over a smaller group of islands and reefs within its EEZ and rejecting China’s nine-dash line. In 2012, a tense standoff occurred between China and the Philippines over Scarborough Shoal, a small, uninhabited reef within the Philippines’ EEZ. The incident highlighted the potential for conflict in the region and prompted the Philippines to file an arbitration case against China under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).

In a landmark ruling in 2016, the arbitral tribunal invalidated China’s nine-dash line claim and upheld the Philippines’ rights within its EEZ. However, China has refused to abide by the ruling, maintaining its expansive claims and continuing to militarize the disputed waters.

The Philippines-China dispute remains a simmering source of tension in the region, with frequent incidents of Chinese ships intruding into Philippine waters and engaging in provocative actions. The dispute has also become a major flashpoint in US-China rivalry, with the US asserting its right to freedom of navigation in the South China Sea and conducting regular military patrols in the area.

Overlapping territorial claims and resource disputes have fueled longstanding tensions between the Philippines and China, particularly in the South China Sea. These tensions have manifested in a series of incidents, including: Mischief Reef incident (1995): Chinese forces seized control of Mischief Reef, a submerged feature in the Spratly Islands, sparking a standoff with the Philippines. Scarborough Shoal standoff (2012): Chinese vessels blocked Philippine ships from accessing Scarborough Shoal, another disputed feature in the South China Sea, leading to a months-long standoff. Arbitration ruling (2016): The Philippines initiated an arbitration case against China under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), challenging China’s expansive territorial claims in the South China Sea. The tribunal ruled in favor of the Philippines, but China refused to abide by the ruling.

Incursions into Philippine exclusive economic zone (EEZ): Chinese fishing and coast guard vessels have repeatedly intruded into the Philippines’ EEZ, prompting diplomatic protests and warnings from Manila. 2023 resupply incident: The Philippine Navy attempted to resupply its troops stationed on a grounded warship at the Second Thomas Shoal, but Chinese Coast Guard vessels reportedly blocked the supply boats, raising concerns about the potential for further escalation.

The ongoing tensions between the Philippines and China in the South China Sea set the stage for America’s involvement in several ways. Strategic interests: The South China Sea is a vital shipping lane and is believed to hold significant oil and natural gas reserves. The United States has a strong interest in maintaining freedom of navigation and ensuring that no single country dominates the region. Security alliance: The United States has a Mutual Defense Treaty with the Philippines, which obligates it to come to the defense of the Philippines if it is attacked. This treaty has been invoked in the past, such as during the Hukbalahap Rebellion in the 1950s.

Regional stability: The United States sees China’s growing assertiveness in the South China Sea as a threat to regional stability. The United States has conducted freedom of navigation operations in the region to challenge China’s territorial claims and deter its aggression. Countering China’s influence: The United States is also concerned about China’s growing influence in the region. The Belt and Road Initiative, a massive infrastructure investment project, is seen as a way for China to expand its economic and political influence in Asia. The United States has sought to counter this by strengthening its ties with other countries in the region, such as India and Vietnam.

In addition to these factors, the United States has a long history of involvement in the Asia-Pacific region. The United States is committed to maintaining a “free and open Indo-Pacific,” which means ensuring that the region is open to trade and investment and that no single country dominates. The South China Sea is a key part of this strategy.

As the tensions between the Philippines and China continue to rise, the United States is likely to play an increasingly active role in the region. The United States is already providing military assistance to the Philippines and has increased its naval presence in the South China Sea. It is also considering conducting joint military exercises with the Philippines and other countries in the region.

The United States and the Philippines have a long and complex history, marked by both cooperation and conflict. The two countries first established diplomatic relations in 1946, following the Philippines’ independence from the United States.

The United States gained control of the Philippines following the Spanish-American War in 1898. The Philippine-American War (1899-1902) ensued, as Filipino revolutionaries fought for independence from the United States. The war resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Filipinos. The United States ruled the Philippines as a colony for 48 years. During this time, the United States built infrastructure, established schools, and introduced American culture to the Philippines. However, American rule was also marked by economic exploitation and political repression. The Philippines gained independence from the United States in 1946. The two countries signed the Mutual Defense Treaty in 1951, which committed the United States to defend the Philippines in the event of an attack. The United States has played a significant role in the Philippines’ development since independence. The United States has provided economic assistance, military aid, and technical assistance to the Philippines. The United States is also a major trading partner of the Philippines.

U.S.-Philippines relations have been strained at times, particularly during the Marcos dictatorship (1972-1986). However, the two countries have generally maintained a close relationship.

China’s claim over the vast expanse of the South China Sea, justified by historical assertions and the contentious nine-dash line map, intersects with the territorial claims of nations like Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia, Brunei, and Taiwan. Beijing’s actions have accentuated tensions by aggressively reclaiming land, militarizing disputed islands, and routinely conducting military drills in the region, prompting concerns of potential conflict. China’s position centers on historical sovereignty, citing ancient control over the area, and upholding the controversial nine-dash line despite a 2016 UNCLOS tribunal ruling that invalidated its claims. The nation’s militarization efforts in the South China Sea further underscore its assertiveness.

This dispute hasn’t remained isolated, drawing in several international players. The United States, a key regional power, has contested China’s expansive claims through freedom of navigation operations (FONOPs) to uphold the right to navigate international waters. ASEAN has attempted to mitigate tensions through consensus-building and the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea (DOC). Japan, aligned closely with the U.S., has voiced concerns and amplified security cooperation with Southeast Asian nations. The European Union advocates for a resolution based on international law, while Australia, part of the Quad alliance, shares apprehensions about China’s militarization efforts in the South China Sea, amplifying the global dimensions of this regional standoff.

The Philippines has pursued legal avenues within the framework of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) to challenge China’s expansive claims in the South China Sea. Initiating an arbitration case in 2013, the Philippines secured a significant victory in 2016 when the tribunal ruled in its favor, invalidating China’s claims based on the nine-dash line and affirming the Philippines’ rights within its exclusive economic zone (EEZ). Anchored in UNCLOS principles, the Philippines argued its status as an archipelagic state, securing rights to delineate waters and an EEZ, along with continental shelf rights. However, China adamantly rejected the arbitration ruling, dismissing its jurisdiction and contesting the applicability of UNCLOS to territorial disputes. Beijing has consistently emphasized historical sovereignty, maintaining its claims based on ancient maps and usage.

Despite the legal precedent set by UNCLOS and the tribunal’s ruling, China’s response has remained steadfast in its refusal to engage in substantive negotiations, amplifying tensions with the Philippines and neighboring Southeast Asian nations. While international law, particularly UNCLOS, has framed the dispute and provided a legal basis for contesting China’s claims, its effectiveness has been constrained by China’s non-compliance and military assertiveness in the region, eroding the credibility of international law as a resolution mechanism.

In response, the United States has taken a firm stand against China’s expansive claims in the South China Sea. Conducting freedom of navigation operations (FONOPs) to safeguard freedom of navigation, the U.S. has also extended military aid to the Philippines and other Southeast Asian nations. Engaging diplomatically through ASEAN-led initiatives, the U.S. aims to counter China’s influence and maintain regional stability. However, while actively promoting its interests in ensuring the rules-based international order, the U.S. treads cautiously, avoiding direct military confrontation but emphasizing the importance of upholding international norms and safeguarding its interests in the region.

The multifaceted conflict between the Philippines and China over the South China Sea, characterized by overlapping territorial claims, historical disputes, and differing interpretations of international law, has drawn global attention due to its significant geopolitical implications. China’s aggressive stance, driven by historical assertions and its contentious nine-dash line, clashes with the Philippines’ pursuit of legal recourse under UNCLOS, resulting in a standoff marked by tensions, incidents, and China’s refusal to abide by the 2016 arbitration ruling. This volatile situation has amplified regional tensions, drawing in international players like the United States, whose strategic interests in ensuring freedom of navigation, regional stability, and countering China’s influence have prompted active involvement, albeit cautiously. The ongoing complexities of this dispute underscore the challenges of balancing national interests, upholding international law, and preventing escalation in a highly contested and vital maritime region.

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Women’s Fear of Sex ( Genophobia )



In the realm of sexual health, there exist various conditions that can significantly impact an individual’s well-being. One such condition is genophobia, which refers to an intense and irrational fear of sex. In recent times, there has been an increasing number of women experiencing genophobia, leaving their partners bewildered and women themselves grappling with the resulting mental health problems. This article aims to raise awareness about genophobia, shed light on its causes, and provide guidance for both women and their partners on how to navigate this challenging condition.

Understanding Genophobia

Genophobia often stems from a variety of underlying factors, such as traumatic experiences, previous sexual or physical abuse, anxieties related to performance or expectations, cultural or religious beliefs, or even medical conditions. It is essential to recognize that genophobia is a legitimate and complex issue that requires empathy and support from those involved. The Emotional

Toll on Women

For women living with genophobia, it is crucial to acknowledge the profound emotional toll this condition can have on their mental health. Experiencing fear, anxiety, guilt, shame, and a sense of inadequacy, these women often struggle with their self-esteem and overall wellbeing. Education and open dialogue regarding genophobia can help break down societal stigmas and provide women with the support they need in navigating this challenging journey.

Supportive Partnerships

One of the critical aspects in addressing genophobia is developing open and supportive communication within relationships. Partners must strive to create an atmosphere of trust, empathy, and understanding. A key component is fostering a safe space where women feel comfortable sharing their fears and concerns without the fear of judgment. Encouraging professional help, such as therapy or counseling, can be instrumental in guiding both partners towards effective solutions.

Seeking Professional Help

Genophobia is a complex condition that often requires professional support for diagnosis and treatment. It is crucial for women experiencing genophobia to consult with a qualified mental health professional, such as a therapist or a counsellor, to explore the underlying causes and develop coping strategies specific to their needs.

These professionals can help individuals work through their fears, anxiety, and trauma, empowering them to regain control over their sex lives and overall well-being.

Empowering Women

Regardless of the approach to treatment, it is essential to empower women to advocate for their needs and encourage self acceptance during their journey with genophobia. This process may involve a variety of approaches, including self-care practices, guided exposure therapy, mindfulness techniques, healing from past traumas, and actively involving partners in the recovery process. Each woman’s path to healing will be unique, and it is vital to emphasize the importance of patience and compassion during this transformative journey.


Genophobia can severely impact a woman’s mental health and overall well-being if left unaddressed. By shedding light on this issue, we hope to raise awareness and promote understanding and empathy for women facing this challenge.

Through education, open dialogue, and professional support, women and their partners can navigate genophobia with resilience and foster healthier and more supportive relationships. Remember, seeking help is a sign of strength, and together, we can create a world that supports the sexual wellbeing and emotional health of all individuals.

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Unraveling the stigma: Kotha culture


In a wide hall with Mughal architecture and fountains, a veiled, thinly cladded woman sits bound tight with chains. Some of these chains lay shattered but these broken chains still bind the woman.

Her head is downcast as if she bears the judgmental eyes of thousands on her. Around her, the fountains that once flowed have dried up and the hall once filled with people, laughter and merriment is now silent as a grave. Perhaps, this is the end to her and her legacy, the woman thinks. Perhaps she is but a relic of the past, a sinful and barbarous past brought to an end by her white overlords.

The world has not reverted to how it was, even with the departure of the white oppressors and perhaps, the world will always bear the wounds it has incurred. Or will it? In the silent hall where the woman lies bound, there is a glimpse of hope in this darkness.

. A ray of sunlight drawing ever so near the woman in chains. Perhaps, all is not lost to the cruelty of the foreigners or those that sook to emulate them and their ways afterwards. Who knows in the future, the world may change yet again. Maybe, it won’t return to how it was, but just perhaps, the chains laid by the foreigners might shatter altogether.

This is a passage in the honor of the rich musical culture that existed in the Indian Subcontinent and more specifically the Tawaif culture. Tawaifs were a profession that had existed for centuries in the Indian subcontinent and had been a stable in the court culture specifically. Kothas of Tawaifs existed as renowned and revered guardians of arts, ethics, sexuality and culture.

In these Kothas, Tawaifs would sing, dance, compose and recite poetry to the elite of the society. It was in these Kothas, the noblemen of India would send their children to learn about history, culture, ethics and other higher arts.

This rich culture, which had lasted for more than a millennia, did not survive the British era. The British who had come from an entirely different culture could not comprehend the Tawaif culture for what it was. They drew comparisons of Tawaifs to prostitutes and kothas to brothels. In a century or so, the stigma of tawaifs had come into existence and the kothas were now longer seen as places for the elite to socialize or indulge in culture.

After the British exited the subcontinent, the stigma remained entrenched in the minds of the natives and to this date, the word kotha represents a brothel and a low class one at that. Gone were the days where kothas were elite places of teaching, arts, poetry and literature. To this date, the chains the British placed on us remain and their influence binding.

In the picture we drew above, the empty hall of grandeur represents the lost cultural heritage due to colonialism, the woman in the thinly clad traditional garments the tawaif profession and the veil represents the imposed morality on natives. Her scanty dressing represents the lost sexuality of the Indians. The chains represent the direct colonial influence and the chains that have shattered but still bind the woman, the lasting impacts of the colonial era. The ray of light drawing near to her represents decolonization which is still a dream but one that draws nearer.

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Impacts of Climate Change and Mitigation Strategies for Climate Disasters


Climatic change in Pakistan, like numerous other regions globally, is a significant, unsettling and pressing issue. As Pakistan faces many changes in its climate due to its geographical location in South Asia it includes, landscapes, mountains, plains, deserts, plateaus and a long coastline along the Arabian Sea. Frequent and severe heatwaves, droughts, floods, storms, and wildfires are signs of a changing climate. For example, Pakistan’s monsoon rains last year spread to regions like Balochistan that normally never saw monsoon rains. Millions of people are forced to relocate as a result of the harm caused by these changes, which ruin ecosystems, agriculture, and infrastructure. In the past few decades the climate of Pakistan has effected not only the country but also the people. Floods are threatening lives in Pakistan, during the last year 2022, the floods caused so much destruction in the country. People became homeless, their lives were changed, they lost everything, including their loved ones.

The Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) estimates that the recent floods severely damaged 4.8 million acres of cropland in Sindh, 2.7 million acres in Punjab, 1.2 million acres in Balochistan, and 714000 acres in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in Pakistan. There were 90 affected districts, over 33 million affected individuals, and about 8 million displaced persons. As of November 18, 2022, at least 12,867 people have been injured and over 1,700 people had died, according to the Pakistan National Disaster Management Authority. The heat wave that struck in June 2015 claimed the lives of around 1,200 people in Karachi alone; another 200 individuals died in other parts of Sindh province. Around 200 water ponds have dried up in the Cholistan desert in 2022 as a result of the heat wave and lack of rainfall, severely impacting the locals and their livestock.

Pakistan, one of the developing nations with the lowest carbon emissions, is yet suffering from climate change. The Greenhouse Gases act similarly to a glass in the greenhouse. Due to Industrial discharge, a lot of dangerous and carcinogenic pollutants are released in the environment resulting in climatic change. These effects are primarily related to the emission of greenhouse gases and aerosols, as well as other pollutants that can indirectly influence climate. The industrial sector is a major source of greenhouse gas emissions, particularly carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O). These gases trap heat in the Earth’s atmosphere, leading to global warming and climate change. The more industrial activities emit these gases, the greater their impact on the climate.Industrial activities, including the use of synthetic fertilizers and some industrial processes, release nitrous oxide, another potent greenhouse gas. Nitrous oxide contributes to both global warming and stratospheric ozone depletion. Emissions from industrial processes, especially from the burning of fossil fuels and biomass, release black carbon particles. These particles can settle on snow and ice, reducing their reflectivity (albedo) and accelerating melting, contributing to regional warming in areas like the Arctic. Some industrial activities, such as mining and urbanization, can result in land use changes, which can affect local climate patterns, including temperature and precipitation.Industrial discharge into water bodies leads us to water pollution, which have indirect climate effects. Polluted waters can harm aquatic ecosystems and reduce their capacity to absorb and store carbon, potentially impacting the carbon cycle. Industries such as logging and mining can contribute to deforestation and land degradation, which can have climate impacts by reducing the Earth’s capacity to absorb CO2 through photosynthesis. It’s important to note that industrial discharge is a major driver of anthropogenic (human-caused) climate change.

The world is warming up as a result of climate change, and the nations that are causing it must take prompt action. The regional and global platforms must give climate change top priority in order to shield humanity from the negative effects of climatic disasters. Implementing policies related to climate finance, decarbonization, and climate change mitigation are necessary. One tool in the fight against climate change is the “Paris Agreement.” 198 nations have pledged to “slow down” climate change through global accords and commitments. However, inaction on the ground has made an alliance to address the global problem of climate change less likely.

To mitigate these effects the government must make sure that strategies are carried out effectively and transparently, with a special emphasis on assisting the most disadvantaged populations and getting to the grassroots level. Plans risk becoming merely formalities without actual action if there is a lack of strong political determination and dedication at the highest levels. Furthermore, officials need to understand that inefficiencies and bureaucratic roadblocks can impede or completely stall the implementation process. There could be delays and a lack of coherence as a result of the intricate cooperation required between several government agencies and stakeholders. In light of this, having a solid implementation strategy is just as important.

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