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Cyber Security and its implications on International Relations

Introduction In today's interconnected world, cyber security has become a critical issue in international relations. With the increasing reliance on technology in both personal and...

India: A Secular State or A Hindurashtra?

Let’s talk about what’s happening in India. Why is a citizenship law causing so much anger? And why are some people worried about what...


Pakistan experienced severe floods in mid-June 2022. This was caused by heavy rainfalls, rain-induced landslides, and glaciers melting. According to reports, this flood was...

Resurgence of Terrorism in Pakistan

After the United States pulled out of Afghanistan in August of last year, the Taliban took control of the country. At the same time,...

Palestine the Real Winner of World Cup 2022

Watching the Saudis shock the great Argentines in the group stage and the Americans tie with the English before winning an extremely exhausting game...

Women’s Participation in Politics of Pakistan

The percentage of women in the National assembly of Pakistan is 20 percent. In provincial cabinets, the situation is even bleaker. Women's participation in...

Impact of Fifth-Generation Warfare on Pakistan

Non-kinetic warfare, or "Fifth-generation of war," is a concept introduced by Robert Steele in 2003. This “war of information and perception” (as defined by...

Bursting the Myth of Islamic Bomb

Two significant events—the fall of East Pakistan in 1971 and India's nuclear weapons test in 1974—led to the beginning of Pakistan's nuclear program. Therefore,...

Gendered Disinformation

The concept of gendered disinformation is as old as humanity.  It was disinformation when Satan told Hazrat Hawa (Eve) that the apple was good...

Qatar World Cup Controversies

There is a famous African proverb: “Until the Lion Learns How to Write, Every Story Will Glorify the Hunter.” This proverb goes perfect in...
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