Ayesha Jalal and Saguta Bose’s highly renowned academic textbook “Modern South Asia: History, Culture, and Political Economy” offers an in-depth evaluation of South Asia’s...
For the first time since the late 1960s, space exploration and satellite technologies are making headlines. This is due to developments such as Elon...
'Critical Reflection on the Single National Curriculum and the Medium of Instruction' is a remarkable work by Anjum Altaf, one of Pakistan's most prominent...
In her splendid work ‘Big Capital in an Unequal World: The Micropolitics of Wealth in Pakistan’, Rosita Armytage, an anthropologist and political scientist, explores...
About the author
The book "Governing the Ungovernable” is written by Dr. Ishrat Hussain. Ishrat Hussain is a profound economist, and writer. Moreover, he remained...
Downfall, Lessons for Our Final Century Ilhan Niaz CSCR, 2022 128 pages. The book, Downfall; Lessons for Our Final Century is written by Dr....
The author of this book Robert Kagan, an American foreign policy advisor and the leading advocate for liberal interventionism, has attempted to explicate the...