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Pakistan’s Alarming Population Growth


Pakistan’s intercensal population growth rate has been inexplicably high since 2017, according to preliminary results from the 2023 census. The demographic data for the nation paints an alarming picture. 3.6 children per woman is the estimated fertility rate, which hasn’t changed much in 15 years. In the meantime, different nations in South Asia are arriving at substitution fruitfulness levels (under two births for every lady), with populace development paces of one percent or less — subsequently putting Pakistan among the segment slow pokes of the district and perhaps the world.

The population’s behavior patterns and government policies in the country deserve serious reflection and discussion in light of these alarming statistics. All things considered, Pakistanis are not socially unlike the residents of Bangladesh or India — so there isn’t anything natural to make sense of the immense uniqueness in fruitful conduct. However, other nations’ policy responses to population growth differ significantly from ours.

Beginning during the 1960s, Pakistan put forth attempts to bring down fruitfulness to control populace development rates, however progressive ages of political precariousness hindered the cycle. It led five development plans relating to population projections and was one of the first countries in the region to announce a population program. However, the program was halted during the Ziaul Haq era (from 1977 to 1988).

The country was able to redouble its efforts despite the setback, and from 1991 to 1998, fertility rates dropped from six to four births per woman. During that time, democratic governments passionately advocated for family planning in public statements. Much past underwriting, programs were supported and institutional hardware activated to quantify the effect after some time by circling back to fruitfulness rates. Benazir Bhutto, the prime minister at the time, introduced the National Lady Health Worker Program for Family Planning and Primary Health Care at that time. It remains one of the world’s largest community-based programs to this day.

The alarming population statistics of Pakistan call for serious reflection and discussion.So why has Pakistan not had the option to bring down its populace development over the most recent 20 years?It is possible to make the case that the country’s policy structure, which is dominated by politicians, bureaucrats, power groups, and donors from abroad, deprioritized fertility decline over time.

Additionally, a significant portion of Pakistan’s current political leadership holds the belief that a larger population equals political and economic power. This goes against the worldwide evidence that shows that high rates of population growth hinder economic prosperity. Similar to Pakistan, Indonesia and India have faced similar financial and governance challenges, but they have worked around them to maintain population sizes that do not strain their economies. The distribution of resources, such as Pakistan’s National Finance Commission Award formula, which is heavily skewed in favor of population [82 percent], has not hampered their efforts either. This underscores the need for additional resources to accommodate the growing population.

In contrast to other nations, Pakistan has struggled to implement structural and strategic governance and structural reforms, such as rewarding provinces for reducing population growth rates. Bureaucrats had a hard time adapting to the new administrative landscape that resulted from the passage of the 18th Amendment to the Constitution in 2010. This amendment gave provinces autonomy over policy areas such as population welfare and health. The step controlled the national government’s capacity to foster a drawn out vision and plans, and finished in equivocalness between the bureaucratic and common states in regards to assets and obligation. The crucial issue of balancing population growth with Pakistan’s resources and development priorities was omitted in the midst of this lack of clarity.

The needs of women’s reproductive health, particularly fertility and family planning, have not been the primary focus of the donor agencies’ discourse, despite the fact that these issues—maternal mortality, malnutrition, and early childhood development—are the primary topics of discussion.

So, how can we get out of this bind?

In order for Pakistan to have sufficient resources to meet the needs of its population, policies that reduce fertility rates must be designed and implemented by exceptional leadership. In addition, in order to guarantee a shared vision regarding population growth that takes into account the diverse requirements and dynamics of the population, it is necessary to achieve consensus among the most important stakeholders in the nation.

Populace government assistance ought not be decreased to language. It should be embraced as a strategy instrument to guarantee the prosperity of each and every person, particularly weak gatherings like ladies and youngsters. Millions of families with undernourished and out-of-school children require access to health care. It will need to target millions of women who have unwanted pregnancies and issues during childbirth.

In order to improve the shameful state of women’s health, the federal and provincial governments must both increase fiscal space and invest in structural reforms. The Council of Common Interests mandated Population Fund in 2018 to finance expanded coverage for family planning has not been put into action. By rewarding provincial health programs and private-sector providers for providing easily accessible and effective reproductive health services, the Fund should be quickly utilized to meet the unmet demand for family planning services.

While givers can uphold government endeavors, by exhibiting inventive arrangements, they can’t without any help finance effective enormous scope programs. As a consequence of this, it is necessary for governments to take the initiative in putting plans into action that are intended to make the innovations last beyond the assistance of donors.

At last, mediations pointed toward diminishing populace development must find success if the public authority initiative at the most elevated level screens them. The state leader’s key guide, which manages appropriate arrangement matters like the economy and energy, should likewise give due significance to lessening fruitfulness rates.

Pakistan has received praise for managing the Covid-19 pandemic successfully and nearly eliminating polio when federal and provincial governments shared responsibility. A similar methodology ought to be utilized to meet the crucial privileges of our 240 million or more residents to essential conceptive wellbeing data and administrations. There is a golden chance for this government and the next to right this wrong. The trial of administration lies in whether they will respond to the call.

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Unraveling The IMF-Pakistan Saga


Pakistan has had a long-standing association with the International Monetary Fund (IMF), seeking its assistance on multiple occasions to address economic challenges. The decision of whether Pakistan should go to the IMF again is a complex one, as it involves weighing the potential benefits and drawbacks for the country’s economic stability and growth. In this article, we will delve into the subject and examine the historical context, the advantages, and the disadvantages of seeking IMF assistance. Furthermore, we will delve into how the IMF is exploiting Pakistan.

Pakistan’s interactions with the IMF date back to the late 1950s when it sought the Fund’s support to address its balance of payments crisis. Over the years, Pakistan has sought IMF programs to stabilize its economy, address fiscal imbalances, and implement structural reforms. These programs often come with conditionalities, requiring Pakistan to undertake certain economic and governance reforms.

One of the primary advantages of approaching the IMF is the access to financial support. The IMF provides loans to member countries facing balance of payments problems, which can help stabilize the economy and address immediate fiscal challenges. Secondly, IMF programs often aim to stabilize the macroeconomic environment by addressing fiscal deficits, controlling inflation, and restoring investor confidence. These measures can contribute to long-term economic stability and attract foreign investment.

IMF programs come with conditions that often push governments to implement crucial policy reforms. These reforms can include fiscal consolidation, structural adjustments, and improvements in governance. Such reforms can enhance economic efficiency, reduce corruption, and promote sustainable growth.

One of the main criticisms of IMF programs is the strict conditionalities attached to loans. These conditions can be challenging to implement and often require the government to make unpopular decisions such as reducing subsidies, cutting public spending, or increasing taxes. These measures can lead to social and political unrest, especially among vulnerable populations.

IMF programs sometimes advocate for contractionary fiscal policies, which may exacerbate unemployment and deepen economic inequalities. These measures can have a negative impact on the country’s most vulnerable citizens and hamper social development.

Frequent reliance on IMF assistance can create a sense of dependency on external funding and limit a country’s policy autonomy. Critics argue that the IMF’s prescriptions may not always align with a country’s unique economic circumstances, resulting in policy constraints that may not be in the best interest of the country.

Pakistan should carefully evaluate its economic situation and consider alternative sources of funding before approaching the IMF. Exploring partnerships with friendly countries, attracting foreign direct investment, and improving tax collection mechanisms are all potential avenues for financing economic development without necessarily relying on IMF assistance.

However, it is important to recognize that the IMF can provide critical financial support during times of crisis and can help stabilize the economy. Additionally, the policy reforms advocated by the IMF can address structural issues that hinder sustainable growth. Therefore, seeking IMF assistance can be a viable option if the conditions are carefully assessed, and the potential benefits outweigh the drawbacks. 

The decision of whether Pakistan should go to the IMF depends on assessing economic needs, available alternatives, and the pros and cons of IMF assistance. While the IMF offers financial support and policy guidance, careful evaluation of conditionalities and economic constraints is essential. A balanced approach considering all options will be crucial for Pakistan’s long-term economic growth and development.

The second part of the article is a narrative often emerging that suggests the IMF is exploiting the country. This article aims to critically examine this perception, evaluating the role of the IMF in Pakistan, its impact on the economy, and whether the claim of exploitation holds true.

Critics argue that the IMF imposes strict conditionalities on borrowing countries, which often leads to economic hardships for the people. However, it is important to note that these conditionalities are designed to address structural weaknesses and promote economic stability. In the case of Pakistan, the most recent IMF program implemented in 2019 included conditions such as fiscal consolidation, energy sector reforms, and measures to improve revenue collection and governance.

The IMF’s emphasis on fiscal discipline and austerity measures is often criticized for resulting in reduced social spending and increased unemployment. While these measures can be challenging in the short term, they aim to restore macroeconomic stability. In the case of Pakistan, the IMF program helped reduce the fiscal deficit from 8.9% of GDP in 2018 to 4.8% in 2020, contributing to overall economic stability.

Critics claim that IMF loans increase Pakistan’s debt burden and dependency on external funding. However, it’s important to note that IMF loans form a small portion of Pakistan’s total external debt. As of June 2021, Pakistan’s external debt was around $116 billion, with IMF loans accounting for approximately $8 billion, or about 7% of the total. Therefore, solely attributing Pakistan’s debt burden to IMF loans would be inaccurate.

The IMF provides crucial financial support during times of economic distress. Since the 1980s, the IMF has approved multiple programs for Pakistan, providing significant financial assistance to stabilize the economy and address the balance of payments challenges. For instance, the most recent IMF program for Pakistan approved in 2019 included a loan of $6 billion.

IMF programs often push for necessary reforms to improve economic governance and promote sustainable growth. In the case of Pakistan, the IMF-supported program aimed to address fiscal imbalances, improve tax administration, enhance social safety nets, and strengthen the energy sector. These reforms are essential for long-term economic development and attracting foreign investment.

While concerns surrounding IMF engagement in Pakistan are valid, it is important to approach the issue with a balanced perspective. Instead of solely blaming the IMF for economic challenges, it is crucial to recognize the shared responsibility between the IMF and the domestic government in implementing policies and managing the economy. To mitigate the negative impacts and perceived exploitation, Pakistan should focus on diversifying funding sources and strengthening domestic institutions.

IMF programs frequently advocate the reforms that are required to enhance economic governance and encourage sustainable growth. The IMF-backed program in Pakistan aimed to alleviate fiscal imbalances, reform tax administration, reinforce social safety nets, and grow the energy industry. These changes are necessary for long-term economic growth and luring outside capital.

Although there are legitimate reasons for concern about IMF involvement in Pakistan, it is crucial to view the situation objectively. It is critical to understand that the IMF and the home government share responsibility for executing policies and managing the economy, rather than blaming the IMF entirely for economic difficulties. Pakistan should put its efforts into diversifying its funding sources and bolstering domestic institutions to lessen the negative effects and perceived exploitation.

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A Path to Counter Extremism in Pakistan


Extremism poses a significant threat to Pakistan’s stability and progress. To effectively counter this menace, adopting a comprehensive approach that focuses on empowering communities is crucial. By addressing the root causes of extremism, promoting education and economic opportunities, fostering social cohesion, and encouraging community engagement, Pakistan can build resilience and create an environment where extremism finds no fertile ground to thrive.

Socioeconomic disparities play a pivotal role in the rise of extremism. Poverty, unemployment, and lack of economic opportunities create a breeding ground for radicalization. The state must prioritize inclusive economic growth, job creation, and skill development programs to counter this. Individuals can acquire the necessary tools to improve their livelihood by investing in education and vocational training. Promoting entrepreneurship and supporting small businesses can also empower communities and reduce their vulnerability to extremist influences.

Education is a powerful tool in the fight against extremism. By providing quality education to all children, irrespective of their socio-economic background or gender, Pakistan can lay the foundation for a tolerant and inclusive society. The state must ensure access to schools, improve the quality of education, and promote critical thinking and civic values. Educating children about human rights, democracy, and pluralism can help build resilience against extremist ideologies. Engaging parents and communities in the education system can foster a sense of ownership and enhance its effectiveness.

Building social cohesion is vital in countering extremism. Pakistan is a diverse country with various ethnic, religious, and cultural communities. Embracing this diversity and promoting interfaith dialogue and understanding can bridge divides and foster a sense of unity. The state should facilitate platforms for people from different backgrounds to unite, engage in dialogue, and appreciate each other’s perspectives. By promoting tolerance, respect, and acceptance, Pakistan can create a society that values diversity and rejects extremist ideologies.

Communities play a crucial role in countering extremism at the grassroots level. The state should actively involve communities in decision-making processes and empower them to become agents of change. Local leaders, civil society organizations, and religious figures can collaborate to develop community-led initiatives that address the root causes of extremism. By providing support, resources, and training to community-based organizations, the state can strengthen their capacity to promote peace, tolerance, and social cohesion.

Online platforms have become breeding grounds for extremist ideologies in today’s digital age. Efforts must be made to counter online radicalization and misinformation. The state should collaborate with tech companies, social media platforms, and civil society organizations to monitor and remove extremist content. Promoting digital literacy and critical thinking skills can help individuals identify and reject extremist propaganda. Moreover, creating positive online spaces that promote dialogue, tolerance, and constructive engagement can counter the influence of extremist narratives.

Effective law enforcement and judicial reforms are crucial in combating extremism. The state should enhance the capacity of law enforcement agencies to investigate and prevent extremist activities. It is imperative to ensure that individuals involved in extremist violence are brought to justice swiftly and through a fair and transparent legal process. Additionally, reforms should focus on addressing gaps in the legal system that allow extremist elements to evade accountability.

Combating extremism requires international cooperation. Pakistan should actively engage with the international community, sharing experiences, best practices, and intelligence to counter transnational extremist networks. Collaboration with neighboring countries in intelligence sharing, border management, and countering the financing of extremism can enhance regional security. By fostering international partnerships, Pakistan can strengthen its efforts to counter extremism and promote regional peace and stability.

Countering extremism in Pakistan requires a multifaceted approach that empowers communities and addresses the underlying causes of radicalization. By focusing on socioeconomic development, quality education, social cohesion, community engagement, countering online radicalization, law enforcement, judicial reforms, and international cooperation, Pakistan can create an environment resistant to extremist ideologies.

Empowering communities through inclusive economic growth, job creation, and skill development, programs can uplift individuals and reduce their susceptibility to extremist influences. Providing quality education to all children, and promoting critical thinking and civic values can equip the younger generation with the tools to reject extremist ideologies. Embracing diversity, promoting interfaith dialogue, and fostering social cohesion can bridge divides and foster community unity.

Engaging communities in decision-making processes and supporting community-led initiatives can empower them to actively participate in countering extremism. Collaboration with tech companies and social media platforms can help monitor and remove extremist content online while promoting digital literacy, and positive online spaces can counter the influence of extremist narratives.

Strengthening law enforcement agencies and implementing judicial reforms are essential in ensuring that individuals involved in extremist activities are held accountable through a fair and transparent legal process. International cooperation, particularly with neighboring countries, is crucial in countering transnational extremist networks and promoting regional security.

The road to countering extremism in Pakistan will require commitment, collaboration, and sustained efforts from the government, civil society, religious leaders, and the international community. By prioritizing community empowerment, addressing socioeconomic disparities, promoting education, fostering social cohesion, countering online radicalization, strengthening law enforcement, implementing judicial reforms, and engaging in international cooperation, Pakistan can pave the way for a more peaceful and prosperous future.

Ultimately, the success in countering extremism lies in creating a society that values peace, tolerance, and inclusivity. By empowering communities, addressing root causes, and promoting a culture of dialogue and understanding, Pakistan can build resilience against extremist ideologies and create an environment where all individuals can thrive and contribute to a harmonious society.

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“Unmasking Extremism Violence: Exploring Roots and Impact in Pakistan”


Extremist militants gain support from those who reject criticism of religious extremism alone, emphasizing the existence of other radical forms. However, addressing religious-based intolerance remains crucial. Exploring deeper, common roots emerge among different types of extremism, including socio-economic disparities, political grievances, identity conflicts, ideological indoctrination, and historical animosities. Recognizing these shared origins enables comprehensive strategies to combat extremism, promoting tolerance, inclusivity, and lasting peace.

Extremism in the context of Pakistan’s environment can be characterized by an uncompromising hostility towards individuals’ religion or sect, an explicit rejection of their culture and customs, and a complete disregard for the rights of minority communities and women. It is driven by a determined resolve to convert or intimidate others forcibly and a willingness to resort to physical violence, including acts of terrorism, to eliminate those who do not conform to the extremist ideology. Given the absence of a standardized definition, it is crucial to recognize the multifaceted nature of extremism and the diverse factors that contribute to its presence and impact in Pakistan.

Extremist violence in Pakistan profoundly impacts women, as evidenced by a recent UNFPA survey. Shockingly, around one-third of women in Punjab, aged 15 to 64, have endured violence, with similar trends across the country. Alarming reports of women being burned alive or killed illustrate the rise of “honor killings,” even in urban areas. A girl in Bara Kahu, Islamabad, was subjected to a sexual assault by boys who disfigured her face to conceal her identity. Similarly, in Bahawalpur, another incident occurred where a deceased girl was exhumed from her grave and sexually assaulted by heartless individuals. Women face attacks for their autonomy in marriage, failure to meet dowry demands, and non-conformity to conservative appearance standards. Furthermore, girls are denied educational opportunities in certain regions. This highlights the urgent need to address and combat extremism’s detrimental effects on women in Pakistan.

Women and girls from bonded labor families, employed in agriculture, brick kilns, and other sectors, face various forms of exploitation by extremists. They endure labor exploitation, restrictions on their freedom of movement, inability to seek alternative employment, and are vulnerable to abduction and sexual abuse without any means of defense. Non-Muslim women and girls experience higher levels of violence than their Muslim counterparts, and those belonging to the scheduled castes, as identified by the state, face even more significant levels of violence than upper-caste Hindus and other non-Muslim groups.

Children who do not fall into the categories represent another significant group that endures violence perpetrated by extremists. Many street children face economic exploitation and suffer from physical and sexual abuse. Instances of abuse against domestic workers have been steadily increasing over time. The state’s efforts to eliminate corporal punishment in schools have proven unsuccessful, as evidenced by a tragic incident in 2019 where a young girl tragically lost her life, potentially from falling or jumping off a rooftop. She had been terrified of going to school, where she experienced severe beatings for struggling with her studies. Adding to her misery, her mother would tie her hands and feet and confine her to a dark room. Enforced disappearances represent one of the most disgusting forms of extremism.

Let us examine the occurrence of violence related to faith. Hazara Shias face targeted attacks due to their beliefs, while numerous hate preachers openly incite murder. Ahmadis remain victims of deliberate killings. The individuals who harbor anti-minority sentiments file cases under the blasphemy law and attempt to eliminate their targets while in police custody or public spaces. Even if someone is acquitted of blasphemy charges, finding a safe place to live within the country becomes challenging. Undeniably, acts of violence committed in the name of religion target non-Muslims in places of worship and Muslims in mosques and schools.

A casual examination of the evidence surrounding extremist violence reveals that it is not solely motivated by religious factors in Pakistan. Instances of violence are also driven by non-religious factors such as the exploitation of bonded labor and street children and the use of corporal punishment not only in schools but even in madrasas. The causes behind violence against women can be attributed to patriarchal practices, feudal culture, and misogynistic tendencies, although they do not exclude the misinterpretation of religious teachings. In terms of the extremist and militant narrative of terrorism in the name of religion, even esteemed Islamic scholar Dr. Khalid Masood, formerly the chairman of the Council of Islamic Ideology and currently a judge of the Sharia Appellate Court, has attributed it to a flawed understanding of Islam.

The state’s responsibility for all extremist violence cannot be ignored, stemming from its inaction or deliberate actions. The suffering of women due to patriarchal norms, misogyny, and feudal culture reflects the state’s failure to dismantle outdated customs hindering democracy. The abuse faced by children in educational institutions and the impunity of their oppressors raise questions about the state’s negligence. Bonded laborers and their families suffer while political influences protect their tormentors. Despite international commitments, the state’s inaction to eradicate severe child labor and allow enforced disappearances tarnishes its reputation in combating extremism.

When it comes to extremist violence carried out under the guise of religion, the state has been subject to criticism for its actions, and lack thereof. On the one hand, it has failed to take meaningful steps to counter the misinterpretation of faith that leads to such violence. On the other hand, it maintains associations with religious factions that openly reject democratic principles, human rights, and the concept of pluralism. Previous governments exacerbated the difficulties faced by both them and the people by appeasing the quasi-religious lobby. The current government needs to reflect upon whether it is surpassing its predecessors in pandering to orthodoxy, which has historically caused significant harm to Islam and Muslims over countless centuries.

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Countering religious extremism in Pakistan


Pakistan is home to a diverse array of ethnic groups, languages, and religious communities. While Pakistan was established on the two-nation theory, providing a separate homeland for the Muslims of the Indian subcontinent, its founding fathers were determined to create a country that would accommodate religious minorities and serve as a safe place for minorities within its borders. Quaid-e-Azam emphasized the rights of religious minorities in his first speech after the creation of Pakistan, and his appointment of a Hindu law minister demonstrated his commitment to religious harmony. However, over the years, Pakistan has fallen victim to the menace of religious extremism, resulting in severe consequences for its people and society.

To comprehend the factors that have contributed to the growth of religious extremism in Pakistan, one must delve into historical events, radical ideologies, geopolitical influences, and socioeconomic factors. One pivotal moment was Pakistan’s involvement in the Soviet-Afghan War, which not only had a lasting impact on the region but also influenced the rise of extremism within Pakistan itself. As the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan, Pakistan became the frontline in the fight against communist expansionism. With support from major global powers, Pakistan aided Afghan resistance fighters, inadvertently fostering the influx of weapons, foreign fighters, and radical ideologies. Tragically, this eventually led to the formation of militant groups within the country.

Another contributing factor has been the role of certain religious seminaries (madrassas) and leaders in promoting extremist interpretations of Islam and radical ideologies such as Wahhabism–A Sectarian brand of Islam. While it is essential to recognize that not all madrassas are involved in promoting violence or radicalism, some have supported militant groups, providing ideological and logistical assistance. Initially, these madrassas trained and recruited fighters to combat the Soviet Union, but later turned their sights on Pakistan itself, targeting religious minorities. Disturbingly, instead of condemning these acts of extremism, some religious leaders began praising those involved. This distorted narrative propagated a culture of intolerance, leading to the marginalization and persecution of religious minorities.

To reclaim the social fabric of Pakistan and provide security for all religious communities, addressing religious extremism must be a multi-faceted effort involving the government, civil society organizations, religious leaders, and educational institutions. Collaboration and cooperation are vital to counter radical ideologies, promote tolerance, inclusivity, and respect for diversity, and address the root causes of extremism. The main theme of the Book “The Power of Dialogue: Building Bridges in Pakistan” tells us the lessons of Cooperation and harmony. We need table talks to discuss it and seek solutions for it. 

Education reform plays a paramount role in countering religious extremism. There are a lot of flaws in the curriculum taught in schools. students should know about other religions to foster a tolerant and harmonious society. There is a need to conduct a comprehensive review of the existing curriculum in Pakistan to identify any biased or extremist content. This process should involve educators, subject matter experts, religious leaders, community representatives, and scholars who can provide a well-rounded perspective. The curriculum should reflect the multicultural and multi-religious nature of the country, emphasizing values such as tolerance, respect, and understanding. Incorporate diverse perspectives and contributions from various communities to promote unity. By revising the curriculum and including subjects that foster critical thinking, religious tolerance, and human rights education, we can empower young minds to challenge extremist narratives.

Engaging religious leaders and scholars to promote a moderate and inclusive understanding of Islam is equally crucial. They possess the potential to debunk extremist interpretations and foster a culture of peace, coexistence, and interfaith dialogue. By guiding people from the pulpit of mosques and teaching the true essence of Islam, religious leaders can help eradicate the prevailing culture of extremism. Introducing modern subjects and scientific education into the syllabi of madrassas can play a crucial role in shaping the minds of young students and helping them understand the contemporary realities of the world. By incorporating subjects such as science, mathematics, social sciences, and languages, these educational institutions can provide a well-rounded education that equips students with critical thinking skills and a broader understanding of the world around them.

The inclusion of modern subjects in madrassa syllabi not only helps bridge the gap between religious education and mainstream education but also encourages students to think critically and engage with diverse perspectives. It enables them to interpret religious teachings considering scientific advancements and contemporary challenges, fostering a more nuanced understanding of religion that is compatible with the realities of the modern world. This integration of knowledge equips students to navigate the complexities of the 21st century and contribute positively to society.

However, the government needs to regulate the activities of madrassas and ensure that the education provided is in line with national objectives and values. Oversight and monitoring mechanisms should be put in place to assess the quality of education being imparted and to prevent the propagation of extremist ideologies. The government should collaborate with madrassas to develop a curriculum that strikes a balance between religious teachings and modern education, promoting tolerance, pluralism, and respect for diversity.

Furthermore, the government needs to take financial responsibility for funding madrassas and managing the salaries of religious teachers. By doing so, it ensures that these institutions are not dependent on private and potentially destructive elements for funding. This measure not only helps establish transparency and accountability but also ensures that the education being provided is not influenced by extremist ideologies or foreign interests. Proper funding and management also allow for the training and professional development of teachers, ensuring the delivery of high-quality education.

Media outlets also play a crucial role in countering extremist narratives. Responsible journalism, focused on unbiased reporting and amplifying the voices of moderation, can help counter the spread of radical ideologies. The media should diligently highlight the contributing factors to the growth of religious extremism, shedding light on the complex issues at hand. Just as they highlighted the reasons behind the tragic killings of Mashal Khan and Sri Lankans in the country, media organizations should provide platforms for open discussions and debates, encouraging diverse perspectives and challenging extremist rhetoric. The media should arrange debates and seminars to impart true religious education and highlight the flaws in the judicial system and blasphemy laws.

In a nutshell, religious extremism has had a profound socio-political impact on Pakistan, posing challenges to its stability, democracy, and social fabric. However, through a comprehensive approach that addresses the root causes, and promotes education and religious tolerance as depicted in a Book ” Tolerance and Harmony: Countering Extremism in Pa Enhance” enhances security measures, engages religious leaders, fosters international cooperation, and upholds human rights, Pakistan can overcome the grip of religious extremism. It is a challenging journey, but by working together, the government, civil society organizations, religious leaders, educational institutions, and media outlets can forge a path toward a united, inclusive, and peaceful society. Pakistan’s rich cultural and religious heritage can once again shine brightly, serving as a beacon of tolerance and coexistence for the world to admire. Let us join hands and combat religious extremism, ensuring a brighter and harmonious future for all Pakistanis.

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Climate Change: Causes and Consequences


There is no denying the fact that climate change has created multiple problems that are: deforestation which has impacted the environment in different ways; surge in population growth which is the most dangerous bomb for developing countries; burning of fossil fuels, industrialization which is considered the root cause of environmental degradation; utilization of personal transport over public transport; last but not the least, burning of fossil fuels which is the biggest cause of global warming. These causes have devastating consequences on society, including floods, melting of glaciers, natural disasters, increase in temperature, and mitigate agriculture production. These perilous situations are created by climate change. However, the situation could be controlled by better policies, usage of renewable energy, and plantation. of trees, there are possible ways to elevate the impact of climate change.

Firstly, climate change is deforestation that has created a devastating situation for human beings and animals. The forest is not only needed by human beings for oxygen but also for animals. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on climate change, approximately 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions are due to deforestation and deforestation is considered the biggest cause of limiting global warming to 1.5 centigrade. Hence, it shows that deforestation and global warming have a great relation.

Secondly, the surge in population is another cause of climate change. It is a fact that the world population is increasing by the day. On November 15, 2020, the world population reached 8 billion Pakistan’s annual increase of 23 million people—a 25% increase in the world population is only due to Pakistan ranking 5th in the population index. Additionally, the “Population Bomb” by “Paul and Anne Elrich” painted a grim picture of environmental destruction if there is no halt to population growth. Therefore, it needs to decrease. 

Likewise, industrialization is the major indicator of affecting climate, as the persistent changes in the weather are due to and through anthropogenic activities mostly linked to industrialization. Industrialization and climate change have a great link even industry emits dangerous gases in the earth’s vast product mix in the ocean and massive level of burning fuel is dangerous for climate change. Even though Pakistanis contributed less than 1% to global warming but are more affected by the industrialization of developed countries. The World Bank stated that increasing industrialization is surging climate destruction. Industrialization ultimately leads to climate change. 

Another major cause of climate change is the utilization of personal transportation over public transport which is harmful to society, as it is the largest contributor of greenhouse gasses. According to the Inventory of United States Greenhouse Gas Emission 1992-2020, transportation has a large contribution to greenhouse gasses approximately 27%. Besides, it is also contributing to water pollution, and air pollution and directly or indirectly affects the ecosystem. The transport sector is made of transport causing 20 to 22% of global carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. The above is proved that transportation, especially personal transportation, is contributing a huge amount to climate change.

Lastly, the burning of fossil fuels is another major cause of climate change that has created a great impact on climate change. By burning fossil fuels dangerous chemicals in the environment are absorbed as it is burned it releases an abundant amount of carbon dioxide and greenhouse gases that are dangerous for the environment. Global warming is mostly caused by emissions from fossil fuels, according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), 89% of the world’s CO2 emissions in 2018 came from industry and fossil fuels. Global warming created by climate change is increasing world temperature by the day which caused the extreme rate of heat waves in recent years. Thus, a decrease in the burning of fossil fuels is needed for the world.

Climate change has a lot of consequences, the first consequence of climate change is the flood that many countries faced, but Pakistan was affected greatly, as the flood displaced 30 million people from their houses, and the high level of migration is seen toward a safe part of Pakistan. Food destroyed 2 million Arc of crops damaged due to flood. United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said: “Pakistan is facing a devastating situation that is an example for another country.” Moreover, the Pakistan Flood 2022 Damage Report stated that 81 districts, 33 million people, 13000+ injuries, and 4.4 million acres of land damaged, all are wrecked by the flood. Therefore, collective steps are needed to be taken to mitigate its impact. 

Furthermore, climate change added an abundant amount of contribution to melting glaciers that increased the sea level. According to research, glacier melt across the world has escalated over the past two decades accounting for 2.1% of sea level rise over the same period. Pakistan has more than say 7000 glaciers, but it is melting down by the day which is creating floods, drought, and destruction of agriculture in Pakistan. Pakistan is ranked among the top vulnerable countries to climate change. According to the global risk index Pakistan ranked among the top 10 countries. 

Likewise, national disasters like drought, forest fires, heat waves, and storms are increasing by the day. Moreover, natural disasters are not only dangerous for the environment but also for human beings as due to natural disasters many people get injured, die, or even lose their livelihood which leads to poverty. According to the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund 280 million people are facing starvation and malnutrition due to climate change situations which created a problem for the people to nourish their children. 

In addition to this, the increase in the world temperature is proven by different reports. Al-Jazeera reported that 40 degrees Celsius temperature with a long-hour electricity shortage for the citizen—of Pakistan is facing.  South Asian Nations have been experimenting with an unanticipated heatwave— some areas reached 50 centigrade even though Pakistan is contributing less than 1% to climate change, it is affected due to other nation states: China, the United States, and India, who are at the top in contributing to the climate change. 

Finally, climate change causes a decline in agricultural production that directly affects the lives of people across the globe. According to a World Bank report 52% of agricultural production is affected due to climate change which increases malnutrition and decline in production. In addition to this, a report published on climate change and food insecurity in which it was stated that 8.9% of the global population is angry about food insecurity’s major cause is the drastic change in the climate. It is evident from the report that Pakistan faced a severe food crisis. According to the World Bank, 18% of Pakistanis are experiencing a severe food crisis, while 43% of our compatriots lack adequate food. 

To better get a consequence and be ready to create further devastating situations; the global world needed to make policy that should be clear and based on equal treatment of all countries those countries who are well developed for instance China and the United States should invest in climate change so that the impending devastating situation could be decreased not only making policy but also implementation is the best possible manner is more to be focused by policymakers.

In addition to this, the use of renewable energy is the solution for controlling climate change disasters, as only 12.5% of energy comes from a renewable source which is needed to increase so that climate change is less harmful. The Conference of Parties COP 26 and 27 focuses on the use of renewable energy sources. The developed world needs to invest in it; so that the causes and consequences of climate change could be mitigated. Henceforth, the world should be transferred to a renewable energy source to diminish climate change destruction. 

In the last, the plantation of a tree is needed, as trees provide oxygen and inhale carbon dioxide that is dangerous for the environment. Further, it also creates wildlife habitats to reduce air pollution. It reduces climate change which is one of the major problems of the world. There is one famous Quotation on trees that is: “To plant a tree is to give body and life to one’s dream of a better world.” Therefore, the plantation is needed. 

To conclude, climate change impacts every aspect of life and creates different issues which are deforestation, burning of fossil fuel, growth in population, preference for personal transportation or public and industrialization. These have diverse consequences on the lives of people, some of which are heat waves, surges in temperature, melting of glaciers, natural disasters, and a huge decline in agriculture production. To overcome these challenges the world should devise a policy in which proper steps should be taken to decrease the impact of climate change, furthermore, focus on renewable energy and increase the plantation that has a great contribution in decreasing disasters.

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The Indispensable Role of the Pakistan Army


Pakistan, a nation with a rich history and diverse cultural heritage, has faced numerous challenges since its inception. However, amidst these challenges, the Pakistan Army has emerged as a crucial institution that plays a pivotal role in the country’s progress. Beyond its traditional role of ensuring national security, the Pakistan Army has actively contributed to various aspects of development, including infrastructure, disaster relief, and promoting peace and stability. In this opinion article, we will explore the indispensable role of the Pakistan Army in driving the progress of the country.

 The Pakistan Army is responsible for protecting the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the nation.  It accomplishes this by preventing foreign threats from entering the country, combating terrorism, safeguarding vital infrastructure, and upholding law and order. The Army has taken up the duty of cybersecurity in the digital age. To stop unauthorized intrusions or sovereignty breaches, the Army regularly patrols and monitors the nation’s frontiers. To recognize and neutralize potential threats, it also participates in strategic thinking and intelligence collection. Targeted military offensives by the Army have been made targeting terrorist networks including their lairs. These efforts have made a substantial contribution to Pakistan’s decline in terrorism and violence. To safeguard crucial infrastructure, including nuclear reactors, airports, seaports, and communication networks, the Army uses cutting-edge security measures, intelligence networks, and surveillance systems. To keep the nation’s peace and order, the Army engages effectively with law enforcement organizations and other pertinent authorities. The Army’s presence and assistance to civil administration in areas plagued by internal disputes, insurgencies, or intergroup violence aid in reestablishing peace and stability. To combat cyber threats, the Army maintains specialized units and cutting-edge technology. This ensures the security of crucial information systems and stops unauthorized access or cyberattacks that can jeopardize national security. The Pakistan Army is essential in defending the country from a variety of dangers. Its work is crucial to the stability and security of the nation.

The Pakistan Army has faced significant challenges from terrorist organizations operating within the country, which pose a threat to national security, social fabric, economic stability, and overall progress. The Army has carried out military operations like Zarb-e-Azb and Radd-ul-Fasaad to confront terrorism. Launched in 2014, Zarb-e-Azb was designed to destroy terrorist infrastructure and safe havens in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and the FATA. With intelligence-based operations such as targeted raids, Radd-ul-Fasaad, a 2017 initiative, aims to consolidate gains and eradicate terrorist remnants throughout Pakistan. To improve the efficiency of counterterrorism operations, the Army coordinates information sharing with both domestic and foreign intelligence organizations. Another top objective is to break up the financial networks of terrorist groups. This can be done by keeping an eye out for questionable transactions, tracking cash movements, and collaborating with international organizations that fight money laundering. To help ex-militants reintegrate into society, the Army runs deradicalization and rehabilitation programs. These programs provide education, job training, psychological support, and religious counseling. To fight terrorism and advance world peace, the Pakistan Army collaborates with allies through joint operations, intelligence sharing, training initiatives, and participation in UN peacekeeping missions.

The Engineering Corps of the Pakistan Army is heavily involved in national infrastructure development initiatives. Particularly in isolated and poor areas, they help with the building and repair of roads, bridges, schools, hospitals, and water supply systems. Their participation raises living standards, connectedness, and accessibility for marginalized populations. The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), a showpiece project including the development of roads, railroads, energy projects, and industrial zones, is secured by the Army’s presence. To lessen the effects of natural catastrophes, they also concentrate on developing disaster-resistant infrastructure. In cooperation with civil authorities, the Army offers technical know-how and assistance for successful project execution.

The Pakistan Army plays a crucial role In responding to and providing relief during natural disasters in Pakistan. They quickly deploy skilled workers and specialized equipment to the impacted areas. Their rescue operations result in the prompt provision of aid and the saving of lives. To meet the injured soldiers’ medical needs, the Army sets up field hospitals and medical camps. They also provide afflicted communities with necessities like food, water, and shelter. The Army takes part in recovery and construction work after disasters, repairing critical infrastructure and resuming vital services. By constructing relief camps and ensuring that their basic needs are satisfied, they help the displaced populations. The Pakistan Army also offers help abroad by taking part in humanitarian operations in other nations.

The Pakistan Army has been actively involved in UN peacekeeping missions since 1960, making significant contributions to global peace and security.  They have served in several conflict areas while exhibiting professionalism, restraint, and dedication. Pakistani peacekeepers carry out a variety of tasks, such as upholding the rule of law, safeguarding civilians, and assisting in conflict resolution procedures. To successfully address difficulties in the field, they go through intensive training at the Centre for International Peace and Stability (CIPS). Additionally, they support long-term peace and development by helping with post-conflict reconstruction initiatives like infrastructure development and medical aid. The Pakistan Army’s involvement in peacekeeping operations strengthens the country’s reputation as a responsible and helpful member of the international community and helps present a positive picture of Pakistan worldwide. Despite the costs involved, the world community respects and recognizes the bravery and tenacity of Pakistani peacekeepers.

 In conclusion, the Pakistan Army’s contributions to the progress of the country are invaluable. Through their unwavering commitment, professionalism, and dedication, the Army has played a crucial role in ensuring national security, countering terrorism, promoting infrastructure development, providing disaster relief, and contributing to global peacekeeping efforts. Their sacrifices and accomplishments have not only safeguarded the nation but have also projected a positive image of Pakistan on the international stage. As the nation moves forward, it is essential to recognize and appreciate the role of the Pakistan Army in shaping a brighter and more prosperous future. Collaboration between the Army, civil authorities, and other stakeholders will be crucial in harnessing the full potential of these contributions and building a resilient, inclusive, and progressive Pakistan. By continuing to prioritize security, development, and humanitarian concerns, the Pakistan Army can further contribute to the country’s progress and help create a better future for all its citizens.

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How to make this World a Better Place to Live?


In an era of interconnectedness and global challenges, the quest to make our world a better place has never been more crucial. As we navigate complex environmental, social, and economic issues, it becomes increasingly evident that the power to effect positive change lies within the collective actions of individuals. Each and every one of us possesses the ability to contribute to a brighter future, no matter how small or grand our efforts may seem. By fostering empathy, embracing sustainable practices, advocating for social justice, and promoting inclusivity, we can forge a path towards a harmonious and thriving global community. In this article, we will explore a range of actionable steps and transformative ideas that can empower individuals to make a meaningful difference and cultivate a world we can all be proud to call home.

Practical UN For Better World

Making the United Nations practical is crucial for fostering a better world to live in. To achieve this, several key aspects need to be considered. First, enhancing the UN’s effectiveness in conflict resolution and peacekeeping is essential. Strengthening its ability to mediate disputes, facilitate diplomacy, and deploy peacekeeping forces promptly can prevent conflicts from escalating and protect vulnerable populations. Second, promoting inclusive and transparent decision-making processes within the UN is vital. Ensuring that all member states have an equal voice and that diverse perspectives are heard enables comprehensive solutions to global challenges. Additionally, bolstering the UN’s capacity to address urgent issues such as climate change, poverty, and inequality through coordinated global action is imperative. By facilitating collaboration and encouraging sustainable development initiatives worldwide, the UN can drive meaningful progress towards a more equitable and harmonious world. Finally, adequate and consistent funding for the UN’s operations and initiatives is necessary to ensure its effective functioning. By addressing these fundamental aspects, we can make the United Nations practical and enable it to fulfill its mandate of promoting peace, security, and prosperity for all, ultimately making this world a better place to live.

Combating Climate Change

Combating climate change is crucial in our pursuit of creating a better world to live in. Through collective efforts, we can make a significant impact on mitigating the detrimental effects of global warming. By transitioning to renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power, we can reduce greenhouse gas emissions and foster a sustainable future. Embracing energy-efficient technologies and promoting eco-friendly practices in industries and households further contribute to reducing our carbon footprint. Reforestation initiatives and conservation efforts help restore natural ecosystems, safeguard biodiversity, and absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Additionally, educating and raising awareness about climate change and its consequences empower individuals to make informed choices, adapt to changing circumstances, and promote sustainable lifestyles. Together, by prioritizing sustainability and taking proactive measures, we can create a world that thrives harmoniously with nature and ensures a brighter future for generations to come.

Promoting Educational Revolution

Promoting education is crucial for making the world a better place to live. By ensuring widespread access to quality education, we empower individuals with knowledge and skills that can transform their lives and communities. Education equips people with the tools needed to improve their socio-economic conditions, break the cycle of poverty, and contribute meaningfully to society. It fosters critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving abilities, enabling individuals to navigate an increasingly complex world. Education also promotes inclusivity and equality by providing opportunities for marginalized groups and bridging socio-economic gaps. Moreover, educated individuals are more likely to make informed decisions, participate in democratic processes, and advocate for social justice. By investing in education, we create a ripple effect that benefits future generations, as educated individuals are more likely to raise educated children, thereby creating a positive cycle of progress. In summary, by promoting education, we empower individuals, foster social and economic development, promote equality, and lay the foundation for a brighter and more sustainable future.

Promoting Health Revolution

Promoting a health revolution is essential in creating a better world for everyone. By prioritizing physical and mental well-being, we can address the pressing global challenges we face. Encouraging healthy lifestyles, access to nutritious food, and regular exercise can prevent chronic diseases, enhance productivity, and improve overall quality of life. Promoting mental health awareness and providing support systems can help combat the rising rates of stress and mental illnesses. Investing in healthcare infrastructure, research, and education will ensure equitable access to healthcare services for all individuals, regardless of their socioeconomic background. By fostering a culture of well-being and prioritizing preventive measures, we can create a world where individuals thrive, societies prosper, and future generations inherit a healthier planet.

Uniform Economic Development

In order to create a better world to live in, it is essential to prioritize uniform economic development. This concept revolves around ensuring that economic progress is not concentrated in specific regions or groups, but rather spread evenly across nations, communities, and individuals. By striving for uniform economic development, we can address various social and environmental challenges, promote equality and inclusivity, and enhance overall well-being.

Moreover, uniform economic development also encompasses sustainable practices. Balancing economic growth with environmental preservation is crucial for the well-being of current and future generations. By promoting sustainable industries, investing in renewable energy, and adopting eco-friendly technologies, we can mitigate climate change, reduce pollution, and protect natural resources. This approach ensures that economic progress does not come at the expense of the planet and promotes long-term sustainability.

In conclusion, uniform economic development is crucial for creating a better world to live in. By focusing on reducing poverty and inequality, adopting sustainable practices, promoting innovation, and fostering international cooperation, we can achieve a more equitable and prosperous global society. Embracing this approach will not only improve living standards but also promote social justice, protect the environment, and create a brighter future for all.

Promoting Cultural Connectivity

In our increasingly interconnected world, promoting cultural connectivity is vital for creating a better place to live. By embracing and celebrating the diversity of cultures, we can foster mutual understanding, respect, and collaboration.

Cultural connectivity allows us to bridge gaps and break down barriers that often divide us. It encourages dialogue, empathy, and appreciation for different traditions, languages, and customs. Through cultural exchange, we gain a deeper understanding of one another, realizing that despite our differences, we share common values and aspirations.

When we promote cultural connectivity, we cultivate an environment that nurtures creativity, innovation, and cooperation. It enables us to learn from each other’s unique perspectives, enriching our own knowledge and broadening our horizons. By embracing cultural diversity, we unlock the potential for new ideas, solutions, and discoveries that benefit humanity as a whole.

Moreover, cultural connectivity contributes to peace-building and social harmony. It fosters a sense of belonging and inclusivity, fostering stronger communities and reducing conflicts rooted in ignorance and prejudice. Through cultural understanding, we can replace fear with acceptance and division with unity, paving the way for a more harmonious coexistence.

Changing Yourself

To make this world a better place to live, start by changing yourself. Take responsibility for your actions and choices, striving to embody kindness, empathy, and compassion. Treat others with respect, regardless of their backgrounds or beliefs. Foster a mindset of gratitude and mindfulness, appreciating the beauty and opportunities around you. Be open to learning and growing, challenging your biases and embracing new perspectives. By changing yourself, you can inspire positive change in others and contribute to creating a more harmonious and inclusive world.

In your quest to change yourself and make the world a better place to live, remember to practice forgiveness, both towards others and yourself. Let go of grudges and resentments, allowing space for healing and reconciliation. Cultivate a mindset of generosity, sharing your time, resources, and talents with those in need. Take care of the environment, making sustainable choices and advocating for conservation. Be an advocate for justice and equality, standing up against discrimination and injustice wherever you encounter it. Remember, even the smallest actions can have a ripple effect, creating a positive impact that extends far beyond your own sphere of influence.


In conclusion, creating a better world to live in requires collective effort and individual commitment. By promoting cultural connectivity, embracing diversity, and fostering understanding, we can break down barriers and build bridges of empathy and respect. Changing ourselves by embodying kindness, mindfulness, and responsibility empowers us to inspire positive change in others. Additionally, adopting sustainable practices, volunteering, and advocating for justice contribute to a more harmonious and inclusive society. Let us remember that our actions, no matter how small, have the power to create a profound impact. Together, we can create a world where compassion, unity, and harmony thrive, making this planet a better place for present and future generations.

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Liberating Student Politics from the Ban


Banning is often seen as a solution in Pakistan for various challenges and issues. There has been a cultural tendency to resort to banning to address problems or conflicts.  This approach is far outdated for the current era in which everyone is well aware of their natural rights, suppressing these natural rights lead to violence. This culture of banning can be observed in different aspects of society. I am concerned about the ban on students’ politics in educational institutions all over the country. 

In the current era, one has to choose a new approach to address national issues like the legalization of student unions. Education would be the best approach to identifying and solving any problem. To learn what caused the student unions to be banned have to take into account the historical realm of student politics.

Pakistan has a long history of the militarization of democracy starting from General Ayub’s reign to the current era. Mainly Ayub’s and Zia’s eras caused the damage to nurseries of Democracies. In General Ayub’s reign student politics was a significant hindrance to his cathedra. In 1968, a countrywide movement was started by student organizations instigated by the incident in which Police put the charge of smuggling on a group of students and a clash took place between them. At that time a systematic struggle started by all student unions of East and West Pakistan against an authoritarian regime. This struggle caused many students to lie on deathbeds. Such incidents embedded the seeds of violence in student politics. 

 Political Interference in student unions became the major reason for their ban.  Student unions in Pakistan have historically been affiliated with political parties and have often been accused of engaging in violence, terrorization, and other illegitimate activities on behalf of their affiliated parties such as MSF (Muslim Student Federation) and DSF (Democratic Student Federation) associated with Muslim League and Communist Party of Pakistan respectively. Political parties began meddling in student unions through money and influence during military rule, using them as their proxies protesting against military rule and also providing them safe havens for their heinous crimes. 

Zia’s rule is notorious for the ban on student politics because the military dictator was well aware of the potential of nurseries of democracies against his military rule. He used religion as a tool to manipulate the masses for the legitimization of his dictatorship. Active Participation of Youth in State-sponsored Jihad in Afghanistan against the USSR and Zia’s Islamization built an environment in which the students only picked up the violence, values of extremism, and weapon culture. Radical student unions took an active part in protests against the Zia ul Haq authoritarian regime. Campus Violence increased and society became polarized which caused severe damage to the social and democratic values. All these were the blessings of state-sponsored Jihad in Afghanistan and Zia’s military regime. Following these reparations, General Zia banned student politics just like he banned democracy in country politics.

After mapping out the roots of violence in student politics now we will focus on why student politics is necessary for all realms of society, especially in Pakistan where democracy is on a ventilator, and how to abstain students from being manipulated by different mafias. 

Student politics, the active engagement of students in political activities and decision-making processes on campus, holds immense importance in driving progressive change. Student politics have the potential of promoting social awareness by creating different platforms to set off students to think critically.  Student politics fosters an environment where students can engage in critical discussions, exchange diverse perspectives, and challenge societal norms. Diverse social issues such as gender equality, climate change, social justice, and mental health would be broadcasted by students to make the masses aware. Student unions can serve as a catalyst for educational reforms by advocating for inclusive curriculums and diverse perspectives, fighting for affordable and accessible education, and addressing the systemic issues in the educational system. Campus policies can also be made student-friendly by active student politics through student councils serving on the campus. Hence, student politics is necessary for the betterment of campus policies and society at large. 

Now our country is in dire need to lift the ban on student politics and unions. Our legislators have to foster their attention toward this pressing national issue. Once the ban is lifted the government should direct university authorities, especially professors and former leaders of unions to guide new generation students of their true potential and also guide them about the technicalities of running a union peacefully.   

Here are some recommendations that would help student unions not to fall at the mercy of the elite, politicians, and other manipulators.

To revive student unions at the national level, first, we have to develop non-violent student councils by collaborating with university administrations all over the country. According to Aristotle, every state can be characterized by three distinct classes: the very rich, the very poor, and the middle class. Aristotle believed that moderation and finding the mean between extremes is ideal for governance. In this condition, people are most likely to follow rational principles, leading to well-administered states. Aristotle argued that states with a large middle class are more likely to be successful. The presence of a strong middle class prevents either extreme from gaining dominance, thereby ensuring balance and stability in governance.

Extending the principle of Aristotle’s politics, these councils should be developed by the rational and intellectuals neither by the extremists nor by the illiterates. These students should nominate themselves for certain positions in the council. Autonomous elections should be arranged by the students and university administration. As students of social sciences have the subjects of democracy and electoral politics in their course. These students should raise awareness about the theoretical approaches of their subjects which would be used practically to conduct elections. These students should be promoted to practice direct democracy and implement the theories of electoral politics such as spatial theory, directional theory, behavioral theory, and mobilizational theory to mobilize the electorate to elect the candidates who align with their preferences. 

This would cause numerous benefits, for instance, students would learn the implications of theoretical approaches that they have applied and would be able to present new social theories in their subject. The candidates would be able to understand the voter’s preferences and behaviors and learn how to mobilize voters and how to target particular voter segments to gain maximum voters in council elections and then in general elections when they get the chance to participate in the country’s politics. Lifting the ban on students’ politics, our educational system would be able to produce the philosophers and true politicians that would help the country to get rid of the test-tube politicians. Then, these politicians would also make the country prosper. 

After conducting fair and free elections, the university administration would form a committee comprising professors, former union leaders, and the elected candidates. That committee would lay out the constitution for the working of the council. That constitution would be comprehensive and will cover every detail about the functioning of the council. After that student council should serve the interest of the students and enhance the involvement of students in campus politics. If the student council project becomes successful, then these councils should be directed to make student unions at the provincial and national levels under some guiding principles which would avoid violence. By continuing the ban we are wasting the potential of our youth which would lead the country to detrimental consequences.

   Finally, reviving student politics is a critical step toward developing a politically engaged and active youth population in Pakistan. It would foster a culture of democracy, civic involvement, and critical thinking, all of which are necessary components of a vibrant and progressive society. The country can leverage students’ potential to promote good change and construct a brighter future by giving them a platform to express their opinions, contribute to decision-making, and solve social concerns.

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Religious extremism, threat to global peace


Religious extremism has become a serious threat to world peace, causing upheaval, violence and  instability in many parts of the world. This form of extremism, characterized by an intolerant and  intolerant belief system, has disastrous consequences for society, undermining social harmony,  human rights and inter-religious relations. . In this article, we will delve deeper into why religious  extremism poses a serious threat to peace and explore potential solutions to address this pressing  issue.  

During the Soviet era, several prominent analysts predicted that Islamic extremism would cause  the collapse of the Soviet Union. They also believed that an underground Muslim movement that  had continued throughout the Soviet era would rise up and challenge the communist successors.  But these concerns are not real. In fact, until 1999, the idea that religious extremism led by radical  Islamists would become a serious destabilizing factor in post-Soviet Central Asia seemed excessive. Islam’s most important role was in the cultural sphere, not as active resistance to  the post-Soviet government. Besides the rise of Islamism in Tajikistan during the Tajikistan Civil  War (1992-1997), Islam played a minor role in the broader politics of Central Asia. In recent years,  however, Islam has gained new importance as a religious tradition and as a form of cultural and  political identity in the Central Asian republics.  

Observance of Islamic rituals, introduction of ‘assalamualaikum’ as a form of greeting, religious  marriage, daily practice of prayer and attendance of mosques are on the rise. The construction of  religious buildings also increased significantly. The number of uncertified mullahs has increased  and the number of mosques has also increased, especially in rural areas. In recent years, it is  estimated that the number of mosques has increased from 160 to 5000. Several seminaries have  been established in Azerbaijan and Tajikistan. Large donations are voluntarily collected and used  for the construction of mosques and madrasa. A survey in Central Asia shows that the level of  religiosity among Muslims, especially among the younger generation and intellectuals, is higher  than it was 10 to 20 years ago. To understand the threat of religious extremism, it is essential to  examine its underlying causes. Many factors contribute to the rise and perpetuation of extremist  ideologies in religious communities. Socio-economic disparities, political grievances, lack of  education, and cultural alienation often cause feelings of social exclusion and create fertile ground  for extremist ideologies to sow. sprinkle.  

In addition, erroneous interpretations of religious texts, along with charismatic leaders who  manipulate these interpretations for personal gain, play an important role in promoting extremism.  Religious extremism undermines social harmony by dividing religious communities. Instead of  promoting peaceful coexistence and mutual respect, extremists incite hatred, intolerance and  violence. This hostility creates an environment of fear and distrust that disrupts the fabric of society.  The impact of these divisions is particularly acute in areas characterized by diverse ethnic and  religious groups, as community tensions are often exploited by extremists for their own ends. The 

erosion of social harmony not only leads to violent conflict but also hinders economic development  and social progress. Religious extremism often manifests itself in acts of violence and violations  of human rights. Extremist groups use terrorism, bombings, and targeted attacks against  individuals and communities perceived as distinct or “heretic”. These acts of violence result in the  loss of innocent lives, destruction of infrastructure and the displacement of entire populations.  Furthermore, extremists often justify their actions by invoking religious doctrines, further  tarnishing the image of their respective faiths. Furthermore, religious extremism poses a serious  threat to human rights. 

Extremist ideologies often deny basic freedoms and rights, especially to women, religious  minorities and dissidents. This suppression of individual liberty hinders the development of  inclusive and democratic societies and perpetuates cycles of violence and oppression. Some  prominent examples around the world show it very clearly. Terrorism by Islamic extremists: 

Various Islamic extremist groups such as Al-Qaeda, ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria), Boko  Haram, and the Taliban have carried out numerous terrorist attacks around the world. These groups  religiously justify their actions and often claim to defend or establish a particular interpretation of  Islam through violence. Hindu-Muslim Tensions in India: 

Tensions rose between India’s Hindu and Muslim communities, leading to violent clashes and  social unrest. Religious extremism on both sides contributes to these conflicts, often fueled by  political agendas and deep-rooted religious divisions. Buddhist-Muslim Conflict in Myanmar: 

In Myanmar, tensions continue between the Buddhist majority and Muslim minorities, especially  the Rohingya. The rise of Buddhist nationalist groups such as the 969 Movement and Ma Ba Ta  has fueled hatred and violence against the Rohingya, leading to widespread human rights abuses  and forced displacement. Sectarian Violence in the Middle East: 

The Middle East faces significant sectarian conflict fueled by religious extremism. Conflicts  between Sunni and Shia Muslims have fueled violence in countries such as Iraq, Syria, Lebanon  and Bahrain, often leading to civil wars, terrorist activities and geopolitical tensions. Hindu  Nationalist Violence in India: 

India is a diverse country with many different religious communities, but the rise of Hindu  nationalism has increased tension and violence. Certain Hindu extremist groups, such as Rashtriya  Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) and Vishwa Hindu Diocese (VHP), have been linked to attacks against  religious minorities, including Christians and Muslims. Christian Extremism in Central Africa: 

Violent incidents by Christian extremists have occurred in central African countries such as the  Central African Republic and Nigeria. These groups have launched attacks on Muslim  communities, exacerbating sectarian tensions and leading to reprisals. Countering religious  extremism requires a multifaceted approach. Governments, religious leaders, civil society and  international organizations must work together to address the root causes and mitigate the effects  of extremism. Education reforms aimed at encouraging critical thinking, promoting tolerance and  debunking extremist narratives are essential. Investing in quality education and skills training can  make opportunities more accessible to marginalized communities, thus making extremist 

ideologies are less attractive. Interreligious dialogue and the involvement of religious leaders play an  important role in promoting mutual understanding and cooperation between different religious  communities. 

By emphasizing shared values, religious leaders can counter extremist interpretations and  emphasize the importance of peaceful coexistence. Efforts should also focus on socioeconomic  development, reducing inequality, and resolving political grievances exploited by extremists.  Social inclusion efforts that empower marginalized communities and increase their participation  in decision-making can help counteract feelings of alienation and marginalization. Moreover,  effective law enforcement and intelligence cooperation is essential to disrupt extremist networks  and prevent violence. Governments must take steps to identify and arrest individuals involved in  extremist activities while protecting civil liberties and human rights. Religious extremism poses a  serious threat to world peace and endangers social peace, human rights and international security.  

Addressing the root causes and mitigating their impact requires a comprehensive and collaborative  approach involving governments, religious leaders, civil society and international organizations.  By promoting education and non-sectarianism. It is important to note that religious extremism can  occur in any religious context and is not limited to any particular belief. These examples  demonstrate the devastating impact of extremist ideologies and actions of various religions around  the world.

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