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General Asim Munir profile, life and biography


Lieutenant General Syed Asim Munir Ahmed Shah HI (M), who formerly held the rank of three-star general in the Pakistan Army, is now serving as quartermaster general in the Pakistan Army. He is now in the position of the highest-ranking officer on the list of generals who are in the running to become the next Army Chief of Pakistan.

Background of Asim Munir

As the commander of the XXX Corps, he was in charge of Gujranwala between June 17, 2019, and October 6, 2021. (Pakistan). Until Lt. Gen. Faiz Hameed replaced him as Director-General of the ISI on June 16, 2019, he served as the organization’s 23rd Director-General. After Hameed’s appointment, he resigned from his post. He has additionally received the Sword of Honor numerous times.

During the 17th course, Syed Asim Munir underwent his instruction at the Officers Training School located in Mangla. The 23rd Battalion of the Frontier Force Regiment bestowed upon him the honor of officer status. His commission was also granted to him. He received a promotion to Lieutenant General in September 2018. Soon after, he was appointed Director General of the ISI, with the duty of overseeing it. Earlier in his career, he served as the Director General of Military Intelligence. He held this job.

COAS Pakistan

Asim Munir received the Hilal-i-Imtiaz honour in March 2018 in celebration of everything he has accomplished. Earlier in his career, he had served as the commander of troops based in the Northern Areas of Pakistan. His station was in Pakistan at the time. Lt. Gen. Faiz Hameed was chosen to assume control of the ISI after Munir’s term as Director General of the ISI came to an end in June 2019. Munir is now the Corps Commander of the XXX Corps in Gujranwala as a result of a promotion and transfer to a new location.

Newly appointed Army Chief of Pakistan

In terms of seniority, Lieutenant General Asim Munir is the top candidate among the top generals vying for the coveted position of Chief of Staff of the Pakistan Army. According to reports from the local media, however, he plans to hang up his uniform a few days before the incumbent does so.
According to a report from Dawn, the Prime Minister has the authority to promote a Lieutenant General to the rank of a four-star general before the individual’s retirement. This promotion could add three years to the individual’s career. If the Prime Minister chooses to appoint General Asim Munir as the next Chief of Army Staff, he could find a way out of this situation.

General Asim Muneer

Under the condition of anonymity, a source close to the situation revealed to Dawn that “Mian sahib thinks it should be the senior-most guy, while the other side has a different point of view.”
According to the information provided, Nawaz is “aware that he must strike a balance” in light of the scandals that have dogged each of General Bajwa’s subsequent terms in government.
The Sharifs are taking into account various aspects at this time.
One, that an appointment of this weight has significant ramifications, and two, that there is a significant trust gap between them and the army.

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Russia’s response to the Economic Sanctions imposed by the West

Russia’s response to the Economic Sanctions imposed by the West


This research paper outlines a complete framework for understanding and analyzing the response of Russia toward the economic sanctions imposed by the west during the invasion of Ukraine. Due to the globalisation of society, conventional weapons, ammunition, or arms are not used to fight war. Currently, unconventional strategies are adopted, namely “sanctions,” to contain the hostile nations. The main aim of this research paper is to study in detail western sanctions on Russia. How it is impacting Russia as well as the west? And how is Russia countering and responding to those sanctions? By the end of this research, it is our aim that develops a thorough understanding of Russia’s strategy against the west due to the sanctions imposed.

Keywords: Sanctions, rubles, Russia, west, counteraction, response


Sanctions have always been the vital instruments of western powers in punishing aggressive nations. It has been used as the initial persuasive tactic to deter the belligerent state from acting in opposition to its geostrategic and geopolitical goals. The West started to impose sanctions on Russia after it annexed Crimea in 2014. From then onwards Russia is in a continuous struggle to counter those sanctions in ways that could create drawbacks for the west.

In the wake of the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, America and its allies resorted to the imposition of economic sanctions against Russia. The west could contain the aggressive state and put a strict check on actions it will take against Ukraine. The purpose of these sanctions was to put Russia under financial strain. Though the real-term impacts of these sanctions are debatable. It is yet to be determined whether such sanctions achieve their purpose. Or they lead to a further intensification of the conflict. Nevertheless, the USA and European powers partnered in imposing various categories of sanctions against Russia. However, the main aim of this study is to analyze these three main questions in our research paper.

Research Questions

  • What are the measures taken by Russia as a response to counter the economic sanctions imposed by the west?
  • Why is the Russian energy sector so important to the west that sanctioning economically might be a zero-sum game for the west?
  • How is the west effectively sanctioning Russia as a means to control the Russian aggression and prevent its invasion of Ukraine?

Exclusion from the Service Swift Management

Amid Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the United States and European countries have been announcing a series of economic sanctions. One of the biggest restrictions is the exclusion of Russia’s major banks from the SWIFT payment system. It is regarded as a significant decision by the US and European countries to bar Russian banks from the SWIFT payment system. This has dealt a severe blow to Russia’s financial system and could lead to economic losses. However, by imposing sanctions on Russia, the United States will also hurt European countries because the big companies in all these countries export their goods to Russia. Payments to all big corporations would stop if Russia left the SWIFT system.

Therefore, it was not until after Russia attacked Ukraine that Western countries demanded that Russia be shut off from the world financial system. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson tweeted about Russia’s removal from the SWIFT payment system. Johnson even tweeted that “we have isolated Russia from the global financial system.”

What is SWIFT?

SWIFT, as the name implies, is a joint venture system for worldwide money transactions. There are 11,000 financial institutions connected to the SWIFT system across 200 nations. This system doesn’t work independently. It works and runs collectively with the National Bank of Belgium, the European Central Bank, the US Federal Reserve, and other banks. The network’s headquarters are in Belgium, despite the fact that its Board of Governors is composed of US bank executives.

It is also a type of financial messaging infrastructure that serves to connect the world’s banks. But SWIFT is no ordinary bank. Therefore, SWIFT is a global system that transmits financial communications between banks and financial institutions around the world. It enables secure financial transactions between them. The SWIFT Network transfers trillions of dollars daily to various governments and companies. The system transmits 40 million messages daily. Out of these 40 million messages, the rate of messages to Russia is one percent. American and European banks, who did not want one bank to gain a monopoly on its payment system, founded SWIFT. Currently, this network has 2000 banks and other financial organizations connected.

Why SWIFT is important to Russia?

International transactions are very important for the economy of any country. Foreign trade strengthens the country’s economy. SWIFT manages activities such as international trade, foreign investment, and remittances from abroad. A nation’s economy will be significantly impacted if it is cut off from the global financial system such as SWIFT. Russia’s expulsion from the SWIFT system will affect Russian business.

It would make it hard for Russia and the companies working in Russia to do trade and commerce. By 2020, Russian financial institutions will account for 1.5% of SWIFT’s total transactions. As a result, Iran and North Korea are both subject to the same sanctions. For its members, SWIFT secures global trade and does not support any particular side in conflicts. The restrictions on Iran’s nuclear programme, which cut its oil revenues in half and its trade with the rest of the world by 30%, led to its exclusion from the system in 2012.

SWIFT and Russia

Withdrawal from the SWIFT system would make it difficult for Russian companies to pay, which would severely affect its energy and agricultural exports. In that case, the banks will have to make direct payments which will incur additional costs. This would reduce the Russian government’s revenue. Since annexing Crimea in 2014, Russia has faced threats of expulsion from the SWIFT system. In response, Russia has stated that it would view such a move as a declaration of war. Russia’s exit from the SWIFT system would reduce its economy by five percent. But there are concerns about the long-term effects on Russia’s economy. Russia’s withdrawal from the SWIFT system would require the support of European countries, and many European countries are reluctant to do so for fear of damaging their economies. Excluding Russia from the SWIFT system would hurt companies doing business with Russia, especially German companies.

Russia supplies oil and natural gas to countries of the European Union so Russia is the largest supplier and finding an alternative will not be easy. Oil and natural gas prices are already rising in the world, and European governments do not want to disrupt Russia’s oil and gas supplies at this time. Companies that want to borrow money from Russia will have to find an alternative payment system. Russia’s economy could suffer immediate consequences as a result of its expulsion from SWIFT.

According to an article published in the US broadcaster USA Today, the move would also cut off Russia from international financial transactions, including international profits from oil and gas production. The global financial system has now shut off communication with Russia.  Russia’s ban on SWIFT transactions has also added to India’s woes. Now both countries have to look at other options. Now trade between India and Russia can be in their local currency Rupee and Ruble. Given the economic sanctions imposed on Russia, India can import more from Russia through the local currency. So Russia is taking measures to respond to these sanctions.

Russia’s Response

Moscow is preparing to deal with Russia’s removal from the SWIFT financial transaction system between banks. Moscow is trying to reduce its potential losses if it is removed from SWIFT. So there are the following actions that Russia is considering. Firstly, Moscow-EU relations have soured since Russia’s retaliation against Brussels, invasion of Ukraine, and annexation of Crimea, following the withdrawal of the Swiss system from the US. Russia, in retaliation, has banned eight officials from Europe.

Secondly, as the world’s emerging economic powers, the BRICS have decided to replace SWIFT with a new financial system. The financial system in Russia is SPFS, while the financial system in China is called CIPS. Both intend to link their systems to each other, while India does not yet have such a system. Since 2015, China has launched and expanded a system called the Overseas Payment System (CIPS). Russia replaced SWIFT with the Financial Messaging System (SPFS) in 2014. The SPFS system, established by the Russian central bank, is currently used by 400 institutions. These institutions control one-fifth of local payments. The Russian Financial Reporting System SPFS is designed to counter the risk of Russian banks losing access to the SWIFT system. Iran is currently in talks to join the SPFS and it can rapidly expand with China and other Asian countries.

Russian Transactions

Furthermore, Russia has also developed its own system of transactions with the outside world, dubbed the “National Payment Card System,” also known as MIR. But very few countries use it. Thirdly the gas supplied to Europe is paid to Russia through SWIFT. About 40% of Europe’s fuel needs depend on Russian gas. Russia has threatened to cut off gas supplies to Europe if it pulls out of SWIFT. Europe’s dependence on Russia for energy has weakened the political position of European countries.

Europe cannot afford to shut down its industries and kill its people without Russian fuel. Last but not least, Russia had taken steps to protect itself from sanctions before invading Ukraine. It had accumulated large foreign exchange reserves. Russia’s foreign exchange reserves consist of 16 percent US dollars, 32 percent euros, 13 percent Chinese yuan, 6.5 percent British pound, and 22 percent gold, according to international organizations. Russia’s foreign exchange reserves are 10% of its GDP.

Financial sanctions: Banning the central bank of Russia

Financial sanctions have dominated the first group of sanctions imposed upon Russia. On the 28th of February 2022, a few days after the invasion, sanctions were inflicted upon the central bank of Russia and other sovereign wealth funds. The US department of treasury, Britain, Canada, and European leaders were at the forefront in imposing these sanctions. This was an effort to target Russian financial institutions and freeze their assets. Through this, Western countries will stifle the source of funds for the ongoing war. As it will destabilize the internal economy of Russia which will lead to turning the popular opinion against the war. Furthermore, on the external front, this will erode the value of the Russian currency and wreck fiscal and monetary losses. The move was successful in achieving its objective as these sanctions triggered a 15% fall in Russia’s GDP and causes inflation to rise to 20%.

The Russian response to the financial Ban

Russia acted fast in retaliatory measures in response to western financial sanctions, which included sanctioning the Russian state bank, freezing Russian assets, and efforts to devalue the Russian currency. First, Russia declared all these acts as “unfriendly and illegitimate actions”. Later onwards, on 31st March, Russia asked its energy client countries to pay in Rubble, Russian currency, for energy products. This was aimed at revitalizing the value of its currency. Then compelled Russian companies to not pay a dividend to foreign shareholders and establish any sort of business link with any country that endorsed sanctioning Russia.

The most significant development came on 4th May 2022 when Russia announced a decree. This decree laid down harsh measures and termed these sanctions as a violation of the Russian right to property. Through this, the central bank restricted payment to foreigners who owned local sovereign debt. These measures were not enough to recover 300$ billion frozen in western banks. Russia went a step further by deciding to prepare a lawsuit against international financial institutions.

Sanctioning on travel and transportation from Russia

Another domain of sanctions that garnered much attraction was the travel and transportation of Russia. In an attempt to completely isolate Russia on the international front, the western leaders cumulatively acted to ban Russian state representatives. In February 2022, the EU refused to access the Russian aircraft that may be private business jets or Russian registered. All of the West imposed sanctions on the exports of Russian goods and space industry industry. This has highly impacted the Russian economy.

Within that, the UK on 19 May 2022 announced new sanctions against Russia’s largest aircrafts Aeroflot, Ural, and Rossiya Airlines. They would not be able to sell their unused lucrative landing slots at the airport of UK. This has impacted the Russian economy about 50 million pounds worth of loss. Afterward, Britain and New Zealand restricted Russian aircraft from landing in the country. The Union of European Football Associations (UEFA) prevented Russian national players and Russian-based clubs from participating in the league.

Furthermore, the EU forbade road transport from Russia to Belarus then entered Europe. The prohibition aims to disrupt the road trade and turn down the economy by banning transportation. They can grant derogations forthe transport of energy, medical, agricultural, and food products. The aim of these sanctions was to target the soft image of Russia and decrease the value of the Rubles. They tried to leave no avenue through which Russia could remerge and present itself as a cultural force. Western leaders were highly successful in achieving their purpose. People particularly from Russia and generally from all over the world started blaming Russia for provoking aggression.

Russian Response on ban on travel and transportation: 

Russia also responded to a ban on travel and communication. In the first set of measures, Russia shut down its airspace to western countries. This made the flight of European and USA airlines take a longer route to Asia. Russia also imposed travel restrictions upon the host of people from the USA, European Union countries, UK and Canada. This ban included persons belonging to the different fields of life such as journalists and politicians.

In a recent move, 22nd of May 2022, Russia banned 963 government officials and other stalwart figures from traveling to Russia. This included Joe Biden and the president of Russia. The travel ban has an impact on Britain in addition to the USA. Russia also banned 150 members of the House of Lords, including English Prime Minister Boris Johnson. It is noteworthy that Russia made strides to maintain cordial ties with other countries that were not part of this sanction regime. 

This ban on transportation would deeply affect the economies of the following countries in Europe and Central Asia. The meetings between the officials wouldn’t take place because of the ban on transportation. States would be unable to negotiate diverse types of economic regimes and agreements, severely affecting multilateral diplomacy.  Apart from this the due to the ban on travel the trades routes won’t be used. For example Belarus to Russia route is closed for trade. If the same step Russia takes it would have a great impact on the economies. The regions will suffer from inflation, shortage of oil and gas, increased prices of commodities and instability.

Withdrawal of companies of Supply-Chains

When Russia decided to invade Ukraine on February, 24th caused so many problems for the West. In today’s globalized world a country can be contained through sanctions or we can say that it is the motto of the West. The fact is that a state will always be independent in taking decisions. To contain Russia and stop its war in Ukraine many global supply chain companies are closing their firms. They are re-examining their relations with Russia to damage its economy. In reaction, Russia would be compelled to end the Ukraine invasion. Some companies are maybe at a loss while leaving Russia. However, the pressure from the West have compelled them to do so.

The collapse of the Soviet Union made the Western firms step up their presence in Russian Federation. Russia is a big economy with a big landmass and huge human capital. The economy needs to prosper to gain a strong foothold in the world and mainly against the United States. So, Russia found the presence of Western companies positive and fruitful. It’s been decades that these firms are functioning in the Russian Federation and profiting a good amount of money.


These companies range from worldwide famous fast-food chains like McDonald’s, Starbucks, PepsiCo, Coca-Cola, and retail shops to luxury goods, technology, and so on. An estimated 330 businesses are leaving Russia, according to estimates. In the year 2020, almost 44% of the Russian exports are for the NATO countries. And if we talk about imports, then approximately 38% come directly from NATO countries. Big billionaires and famous Russian oligarchs are known to have a close association with Putin. Because of this, they are directly targeted by the United States, European Union, and the United Kingdom. Their corporate and personal assets were frozen. They are not allowed to have any kind of access to maintenance or even for hiring employees.


Some car makers hurriedly stopped car production in Russia. For example, both Japan’s Toyota and Germany’s Volkswagen stopped their production in the Russian factories. They have also stopped the export of cars in Russia which is disrupting the supply chain. Additionally, luxury car manufacture has also been put on hold. Jaguar, Rolls Royce, Mercedes and many more have implemented the same restrictions.


Many renowned fashion brands have stopped their sales and shut their shops temporarily. For example, H&M, and Zara including the sports brands like Nike, Adidas, and Puma. Not only but also Adidas even stopped its production for the football team. Many luxurious brands like Louis Vuitton, Chanel, and Hennessey have also stopped their sale and shops temporarily. Along with many makeup brands like Estée Lauder, L’Oréal, Michael Kors, DKNY, etc.

Impact on Global Supply Chain

The disruption in global supply chains is not something new. From COVID to the US-China trade war to the climate crisis to the Russian war in Ukraine. Many expert analysts are saying that the war may go on for a longer period of time than expected. Russia is the largest exporter of wheat and fertilizer, which has had a significant impact on the food and agricultural markets. Due to sanctions the prices of these products have been rising. The African continent is more likely to get the most affected. Even the United Nations is warning about the high prices. Along with G7 countries they specify that the Russian invasion of Ukraine can cause the most severe food crisis around the globe.

Russia and the Black Sea are adjacent. As a result of the conflict with Ukraine, shipping is being severely hampered by the protracted delays of shipments. And putting the containers in huge amounts on the sea for shipment can disrupt the supply chain more. In order to cover the risks of armed warfare, shipping costs are also rising. The conflict has deteriorated the sailor labor shortage. Both states have around 14.5% of the global workforce of seafarers. The crews are stuck inside the ships in the black sea and Ukrainian ports.  And they are unable to take out the people safely.

Russian Minerals

Russia is also one of the main sources of various minerals that are crucial for the U.S industries. Including nickel, titanium, aluminum, scandium, and palladium. For example, nickel is the basic component of electric vehicle batteries. In catalytic converters the palladium is critical input and titanium is very important for the engines of commercial jets and airplanes as well. The price of all these components has hit the roof since the invasion. And the automobiles that use EV batteries, it will be very difficult for them to produce more. Even if they are getting the nickel it will be of very high cost.

The Russian and Ukraine war can help China and Russia to strengthen their relations. The Russian investment in China can increase. The Commerce Ministry of China has publicly cautioned companies that if they supported The United states and sanctioned Russia, China will take that as an offense to the Chinese law. These companies will bear the consequences in the market in China and even get added to the unreliable entity list. This statement of China clearly shows that Russia and China are somehow forcing firms to choose sides. It can be seen that the United States is doing the same, making the companies stop their businesses in Russia. As a result, many firms of China are deciding to make investments against the United States. So are the Firms of the United States looking for the supplies that are outside the boundary wall of China.

Moscow’s response as countersanctions against “Un-Friendly” States

With the intensification of the war, there was an increase in sanctions so that Russia will stop the war in Ukraine. But this time Moscow come prepared and they have put countersanctions against sanctions and named the states “unfriendly states”. These unfriendly states mainly include the United States, UK, and EU. Russia’s response towards the unfriendly states is: Firstly Russia made it mandatory for its debtors to pay back Russia in rubbles which is the Russian currency. Along with the unfriendly states that are buying gas from Russia. They have to pay in rubbles as well. If states do not pay in rubbles it can lead to more delaying in the supply of gas.

Secondly, it is made mandatory for the Russian people to ask the Government Commission for Control over Foreign Investments. To grant their people permission for having the transactions from the foreign countries which are “unfriendly states”. Thirdly any amount of money that is transferred from accounts of Russia to a non-resident of Russia (can be a company or an individual) from unfriendly states. That account will be suspended for at least six months.     

Fourth, it is forbidden for any business or organisation from a hostile nation to purchase any non-ruble currency from Russia.

Also, the companies of Russian states that are being sanctioned by the EU and USA are allowed to hold back any public information about the activities of procurement and the supplies as well. Lastly, until the end of the year 2022, the banks in Russia along with financial institutions refrained from putting certain information publicly for the sake of Russia to avoid any more sanctions from the unfriendly states. Mainly regarding ownerships, control structure, managing bodies, and many other offices. And along with banks and financial institutions, the insurance firms are also refrained from any contracts with unfriendly states.

Oil and Gas Sanctions

Earlier in the start of 2022, oil prices went 4% higher in the global market as The United States imposed a complete ban on Russian oil and gas imports due to its invasion of Ukraine. Following the US, the UK has also imposed a complete ban on oil and gas imports. According to US Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm, the US does not rely much on the Russian Oil and Gas supplies so no such impact would be deeply affected on the US economy due to the sanctions imposed.

Furthermore, on March, 27 European Union countries announced a “sixth-sanction” package on the Russian oil and gas imports. This plan would include a phase-out of Russian oil and gas imports by the end of the year. The main aim of these sanctions imposed by the west is to prevent Russia from taking over Ukraine and to limit its financial capabilities and it was a response to Putin’s aggression toward Ukraine. However, this plan significantly has and will deeply impact the European Union as Europe is the biggest importer of Russian oil and gas and 45% of its natural gas supplies comes from the Russian pipelines.

Fig 1.0 and Fig 1.1, basically describe the strategic importance of Russia as it has pipelines all over the European countries, which shows that almost all of Europe is depending on the Russian oil pipelines. The Russian Nord Stream and Blue pipelines, which import both natural gas and oil, are connected to almost all of the European nations. Putting on sanctions would stop the gas and oil flow and Europe would have to find an alternative or a new source quickly in a short period to meet the domestic demands in Europe. The impact of this sanction would further affect the landlocked states in Europe which are Hungary and Slovakia, which are 90% heavily dependent on Russia for its natural gas and oil supplies and they would now have to face a deeper challenge in finding a new source to overcome this deficiency.

How have oil and gas sanctions affected the economy of Russia?

These sanctions imposed by the west aim to put a check on Russia’s war tactics and to stop its invasion of Ukraine by targeting the Russian economy. The Russian energy sector is the target of these oil and gas sanctions, which also forbid the sale of European technology used to advance the oil and gas refineries sector. Through this Russia would not be able to receive much of the European technology to advance its industries. Secondly, according to the US Department of Treasury, these sanctions are to target the main backbone of Russia which is Gazprom which is multinational energy cooperation in Russia to restrict its ability to generate capital for its economy and to eventually utilize in the invasion of Ukraine.

According to Putin, due to these sanctions, some of the “unfriendly countries” in Europe are delaying the transfer of payments on the deliveries which were made, and these sanctions have heavily blocked the exports of technology, equipment, and funding that were directed to Russia for advanced development of the energy sectors.

Russian Oil Traders

Also, some of the traders have avoided the Russian oil and are searching for new sources like Qatar and Saudi Arabia for oil and gas and now Russia has to sell its oil at many heavy discounts in the international markets which in return is creating losses in the Russian markets and Russia hasn’t been able to generate any profit which would result in recession shortly.

According to Brent which is a global yardstick for oil prices, it was seen that they were trading the Russian crude oil from $108 a barrel to $30 a barrel. According to the International Energy Agency’s forecast, starting in May, production of 3 million barrels a day would be shut down. Numerous economists anticipated that Russia will experience high unemployment and inflation rates as well as an impending isolation from the infrastructure of the West.


In Fig 1.2, the statistics explain that due to the western sanctions, Russia is experiencing a 1.2 % of its drop in crude oil exports. 2.9% drop in its annual GDP from the natural gas exports. This gives a clear illustration that soon Russia will face a major hit in the economy. It will soon need to look for alternatives in order to improve and close the gap the West has created.

However, these sanctions have not yet put the powerful impact which the west wanted, as these sanctions would impact Russia in several years and will take a lot of time to show their effect and not in this short period. European countries are the ones that have a lot to lose due to these sanctions and the domestic and household activities in European countries are at risk.

Response of Russia to the oil and gas sanctions imposed by the west?

However, in response to these sanctions by the west, Russia is playing double tricks on the west by contemplating the “unfriendly countries” to pay for the gas and oil in Russian currency which could become a drawback for the dollar in the global markets. Additionally, the Russian energy company Gazprom is beginning to halt oil and gas shipments from Poland and Bulgaria and will only resume them once roubles have been paid. EU has considered this form of action as blackmailing did President Putin. But for Russia to boost its economy, payments paid in rubles would be the best course of action.

According to Kremlin officials, Russia has more than enough buyers who are ready to buy oil and gas, and Russia will not persuade anyone to buy their oil and gas. Russian Foreign Minister in a meeting in Turkey has mentioned that Russia will supply its oil and gas in the market and that the west is welcome to replace the Russian supplies. This type of response has shown that Russia is fully confident in its capability and that no sanctions can weaken Russian supremacy when it comes to oil and gas.

Russia and China

Russia is now also looking and establishing good ties with the Asian nations. It has been supplying its natural gas to China via the Serbia gas link. It has also been in continuous talk with Asia for a long-term deal for its supplies via Mongolia. However, the Russian infrastructure is not yet capable of importing gas towards the east. Energy imports from Europe won’t be as necessary if the agreement between Russia and Asia is implemented. It would develop this “interconnector.” 

According to some analysts, putting on sanctions against Russia may create an iron curtain between Russia and the West again. These oil and gas sanctions can result in catastrophe in the global markets because Russia is now moving toward Asia, especially towards China which is the second-largest economy in the world. This action would be a drawback for the west and they would have to face serious consequences.


In conclusion, the essay provides comprehensive responses to the concerns that were the focus of this research study by properly examining and comprehending the western and Russian perspectives. Even though the west has a proper agenda, it is portraying its propaganda in the form of sanctions to restrict Russia’s sphere of influence and to economically constrain Russia so that it cannot continue its invasion of Ukraine.

However, Russia, on the other hand, has been continuously countering those sanctions by creating new and advanced strategies. These are creating drawbacks for the west, as the majority of the European Union countries are heavily dependent on Russia for its oil and natural gas. They can’t search for other sources overnight. Despite the US and European sanctions on Russia, the Russian economy will not suffer much. The problems of developing countries like Pakistan may increase due to the high cost of food and fuel. Therefore not only is their disagreement in Europe over sanctions on Russia, but China, Asia’s second-largest economy, has also opposed sanctions on Russia.     

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Pakistan’s Catastrophic Flood; could it be averted?



This year Pakistan has received nearly twice of usual monsoon rainfall. It has affected more than 30 million people, about 15% of the population. Sindh and Baluchistan are heavily affected, and about one-third of the country is in water. A devastating flood has washed away roads, homes, and crops, leaving a trail of deadly destruction across Pakistan.

Pakistan has faced a setback of 10 billion dollars, and more than 800 km of the road network has been affected. Pakistan calls on the world to speed up aid efforts after devastating floods have killed more than 1000 people, with more than 3 lac displaced. Alongside death tolls, countless people have been wounded and suffering from water and waterborne illnesses.

Possible Causes of Flood

Despite having the most extensive irrigation system, Pakistan still faces this humanitarian disaster and cannot tackle it. Most of the Pakistani population lives near the Indus River, which has caused a lot of damage to the people and their properties. Thousands of villages are submerged in water due to unprecedented rainfall.

Landslides have blocked the roads. Poor developmental planning is also the cause. By constructing on river banks, we are just hindering the natural flow of water. There are agricultural areas on flood plains and flood-sensitive areas that shouldn’t have been there. According to estimates, two million acres of cultivated land were underwater, which has caused a food shortage in large number.

Due to the intense heat and heavy monsoon, the glaciers have started melting rivers which caused a lot of damage to people living near coastal areas. Unfortunately, there are not enough dams in Pakistan to store water and reservoirs.

Tarbela and Mangla dams were full, and the lack of dams in northern areas has caused colossal damage. Torrential rain led to flash floods with vast volumes of water pouring into the Indus River, which flows down the middle of Pakistan, bringing flooding along its length. Over one million houses are destroyed.

Climate Change and Flood

According to the global climate risk index, Pakistan is in the 8th spot in the most vulnerable country because of climate change. This changing climate will make the problems even worse now for Pakistan. It will cause mountain ice to melt quicker- a significant concern in Pakistan, home to more glaciers than any country outside the polar region.

Flash submerging from the surplus of glacial lakes can be devastating, mainly in the country’s mountainous regions. This year an intense heat wave was also seen in most countries, followed by colossal monsoon rainfall. It has been stated since June, but it was only in late July that the strength and scope became clear.

Unfortunately, our government is never prepared for this. We have experienced floods before. In the past, a flood in 2010 displaced 20 million people; however, this flood has caused destruction four times compared to 2010. The two dams (Tarbela and Mangla) were built during the Ayub Khan Period, but after 50 years, no government has made an effort to build more dams, and we are facing its consequences, particularly in the northwest.

Political and Economic Instability

Right now, the country is facing political and economic instability, and these floods have added fuel to the fire. Many government departments are shifting burdens onto the other government departments instead of taking responsibility, which has done a lot of harm in preparation for the floods. We could have prepared better for these floods if our priorities had been better aligned. If there were early warning systems and we could have evacuation plans ready, the destruction would be less.

Eventually, failed government policies and mismanagement are the root causes of what we face today. Weak agricultural production, dependence on energy imports, and the nonexistence of external investment contribute to the spiteful cycle of underdevelopment. Meanwhile, Pakistan needs an adequate number of dams, resulting in flooding yearly during the monsoon season.


To avert this catastrophe in the future, we need to bring reforms to our system. Changes should be made at the provincial and district level. To deal with these disasters, all the resources must be provided to disaster management authorities. If we haven’t changed our ways, it will create greater havoc on what we are facing now.

Small practices like the construction of dams, an increase in plantations, dewatering drives, and other equipment can go a long way in averting deadly circumstances during heavy floods in the rainy season. We can reduce the disastrous impact of flash floods presently occurring in the country to a great degree, if not eliminate them.

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Climate change is a first-rate global undertaking nowadays, and the arena is turning more prone to this alteration. Climate change refers to the adjustments in Earth’s climate situation. It describes the modifications inside the surroundings that have taken place over a period ranging from a long time to hundreds of thousands of years. A recent report from the United Nations anticipated that the average international temperature should rise to 6 Celsius by the end of the century. Weather change hurts the environment and atmosphere. With this essay’s assistance, students learn the reasons and effects of climate change and feasible solutions. Additionally, they will be able to write essays on similar subjects, which might increase their writing capabilities.

What causes the weather to alternate?

The Earth’s climate has continually modified and advanced. Many of these changes have been because of herbal reasons, including volcanic eruptions, floods, woodland fires, etc. However, some of them are due to human activities. Human activities, along with deforestation, burning fossil fuels, farming livestock, and so on, generate massive amounts of greenhouse gases. This results in greenhouse impact and global warming, which might be the foremost causes of weather trade.

Outcomes of Climate Change

If the modern-day state of affairs of climate change keeps comparably then, it will affect all types of life on the Earth. The Earth’s temperature will push upward; the monsoon patterns will exchange, sea ranges will rise, and storms, volcanic eruptions, and herbal screw-ups will often arise. The organic and ecological stability of the Earth gets disturbed. The environment will get polluted, and people will now not be capable of getting clean air to breathe and fresh water to drink. Lifestyles in the world will come to an end.

Steps to lessen climate change

The authorities of India have taken many measures to enhance the dire situation of weather alternatives. The Ministry of surroundings and Forests is India’s nodal agency for weather trade problems. It has initiated numerous weather-friendly measures, especially in renewable energy. India took several steps and coverage projects to create recognition of climate change and assist ability constructing model measures. It has initiated a “green India” program where numerous trees are planted to make the wooded area land more green and fertile.

We want to comply with the route of sustainable improvement to address climate change issues efficiently. We want to minimize the usage of fossil fuels. That’s the central purpose of worldwide warming. Not only that, but we have to undertake an opportunity for energy, consisting of hydropower, sun, and wind power, to make an innovative transition to smooth energy. Mahatma Gandhi stated, “Earth offers sufficient to satisfy every man’s need, but not any guy’s greed.” With this view, we should redesign our outlook and achieve the aim of sustainable improvement. With the aid of adopting clean technology, equitable distribution of sources, and addressing the troubles of fairness and justice, we can make our developmental manner more harmonious with nature.


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Pakistan and Tajikistan Recent Trade Relations



After the disintegration of the USSR, Central Asian states gained enormous prominence in Pakistan’s foreign policy. The nearest Central Asian state to Pakistan is the Republic of Tajikistan. It is at a distance of only 14km separated by the Wakhan corridor. This narrow territory acts as a linkage between Pakistan and central Asian states. Pakistan has established relations with Tajikistan since its independence on September 1991, after the disintegration of the USSR. It is also the first country to recognize Tajikistan. 

Importance of Central Asian States

Central Asian states are rich in oil and energy resources. Pakistan offers the possible straight route for trade & commerce corridor for Tajikistan and other Central Asian countries. This can produce a tremendous amount of revenues through this trade transit. Tajikistan also looks forward to accessing the world through Gwadar port of Pakistan. Tajikistan is the third major producer of hydroelectricity in the world. Pakistan has ample opportunities to cooperate with it in the energy sector.

Last year Tajik President Emomali Rahmon signed a defense agreement with Islamabad on a two-day visit to Pakistan. According to the agreement, Pakistan would provide domestically manufactured arms to Dushanbe. This will increase Pakistan’s influence in Central Asia and improve its strategic cooperation. Tajikistan, a remittance-dependent economy lacks adequate funds. It will be interesting to see how Dushanbe pays for the arms purchase from Pakistan.

Pakistan and Tajikistan Import Export

According to statistics, Pakistan’s export with Tajikistan in 2021 was $2.48 Million, which increased to $3.313 million this year. Though this trade is far below its true potential, Pakistan has an estimated export potential of $85 million with Tajikistan. Another deal of $373 million with Uzbekistan. Tajikistan is also an importer of Textiles, Sets, clothing, etc. Therefore, Pakistan offers vast scope for textiles to Tajikistan as in 2020 net export of textiles was $ 12 million.

In trade with Central Asian countries, Pakistani exporters have faced numerous difficulties. These included currency exchange, banking concerns, language barriers, and documentation issues. Afghanistan’s instability and security were hindering trade with Central Asian nations. More trade bargains by Pakistan with Tajikistan and Afghanistan would benefit in opening new export markets. Maximizing its trade with Tajikistan and Uzbekistan will help Pakistan strengthen ties with Central Asia.

CASA 1000 Project

CASA (Central Asia South Asia power project) is an important initiative that binds Pakistan and Tajikistan, one of the direct linkages between South Asia and Central Asia. CASA-1000 is an innovative energy export agreement between Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Afghanistan, and Pakistan (two Central Asian and two South Asian countries). The main aim is to sell the surplus energy available in Kazakhstan and Tajikistan to Pakistan and Afghanistan to manage their growing electricity demand. The CASA-1000 project will allow Tajikistan to enhance its hydropower generation and support a Pakistan government strategy.

Tajikistan ranks eighth in the world for hydropower potential, and over 90 percent of the country’s electricity needs are met with hydropower generation. But during warm summer, it often has an excess supply, which cannot be utilized locally. Supporting the growing economy, Pakistan, on the other hand, has an increasing electricity demand.

This transmission infrastructure will benefit Pakistan by creating an economic and political bond between the neighboring countries. Pakistan has public policy agenda that focuses on energy. Pakistan needs to solve the power crisis to alleviate poverty and economic development. PM Shebaz Sharif has assured President Tajik Emomali Rehman of Pakistan of the timely completion of the CASA-1000 power project, as Tajikistan has enormous hydropower potential and the cheapest electricity in the world. In this way, Tajikistan may prove crucial in reducing the electricity shortage in Pakistan. 

Recent Developments

At the 6th CICA summit in Kazakhstan, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif meeting with President Emomali Rehman, where both emphasized the significance of promoting connectivity in the region. They restated Pakistan’s readiness to provide access to Tajikistan to Gwadar and Karachi ports. PM Sharif briefed the Tajik President on the work being carried out by his government in the aftermath of the catastrophic floods in the country. In the light of recent floods, President Emomali Rahmon assured of Tajikistan’s continued support in this regard. He mentioned the dispatch of an additional convoy of trucks carrying essential flood relief items.

On the sidelines of the SCO Summit last month in Uzbekistan’s city of Samarkand, the prime minister met with the Tajik President. He expressed satisfaction with the progressively increasing bilateral engagement in varied areas. Both leaders also agreed to work together to strengthen peace, stability, and security in the region. They also acknowledge reinforcing their engagement to foster greater economic cooperation, particularly in trade, energy, and connectivity.


Pakistan and Tajikistan have extensive opportunities for cooperation in the areas of oil, energy sector, agriculture, defense, industry, tourism, and economy. These will strengthen the historical, commercial, and bilateral ties between nations. Pakistan’s geostrategic location has enormous importance for central Asian states, especially Tajikistan. For trade enhancement and economic cooperation, Tajikistan’s access to Gwadar will benefit both the regions as it is a gateway for Central Asian Republics to Europe, Africa, and the Middle Eastern States.

Although in the past, both countries have faced challenges in trade. There was no direct air route, language barrier issues, and instability in Afghanistan. The development of ongoing projects is expected to pave the way for enhancing both countries’ geopolitical and economic positions. Improving regional economic integration by increasing energy trade among Central Asian countries and bordering states can benefit the region.

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Benjamin Franklin: Biography


Even before the United States, some exceptions forged their roads to success. Their population skyrocketed in the years after the American Revolution. Massive numbers of people traveled from all around the world to attend. The standard bearer was and is undoubtedly Benjamin Franklin.

To paraphrase one of his more recent biographers, “He was the most talented American of his day and the most influential in constructing the sort of society America would become.” Franklin’s life, not simply his ideals, shows the indomitable American spirit of inventiveness that continues almost immediately to distinguish Americans apart even today.

Early Life of Benjamin Franklin

In 1705, Franklin joined his massive family in Boston as the seventeenth and last child. In his later years, he became a successful scientist, inventor, diplomat, writer, and publisher in the United States. Incredibly, Benjamin Franklin accomplished all this in a single lifetime. He established the University of Pennsylvania, invented bifocal glasses and a new kind of stove, popularized the concept of lending libraries, and established the first fire department in Philadelphia, among many other things.

Aside from his military training, Benjamin Franklin had just the rudiments of an education. His formal education had comprised classroom instruction, self-study, and unofficial learning from others, but it was never finished. His book “Poor Richard’s Almanac” was a best seller because of the helpful advice and witty asides it included. Franklin seems to be at just about every event of note. The concept of the United States owes somewhat to his thinking. He capitulated to the British government’s demands to stave off a war between the two countries. He gave up on his failed efforts and joined the revolutionary cause, fighting for freedom.

Political Contributions

As the American ambassador to France during World War II, he was critical in winning over the French to the Allies’ cause. The rebels’ chances of success would have been far lower without this collaboration. These rebels would have been defeated. The British would have tried him and the Founding Fathers as traitors and killed them. In his seventies and approaching the end of his life, Franklin was again at the center of attention. The new nation achieved its independence, steering the bickering delegates toward a new constitution. He called it a “new order for the ages.”

Franklin single-handedly rescued the enterprise and restored the delegates’ spirits at a low time in the considerable Philadelphia debate on the nation’s founding constitution by calling them to an uplifting prayer. After all, Benjamin Franklin is the one who documented the subsequent events in writing. A republic, if you can preserve it,” he joked when asked what form of government the meeting had established. Franklin thought America was a fantastic creation, a novel kind of government designed for novel types of people.

Literary Contributions

According to Isaacson, Benjamin Franklin “created and constantly rebuilt the most thrilling thing of all.” His book paints a beautiful picture of a guy who relished life’s surprises and had a wide range of interests. Like himself, he was an eternally restless soul who could never settle down. The underlying motivation behind whatever he did was to improve it. He did it in a style that is, once again, very American. He did things like schedule a crew of people chopping wood to build a fort, investigate how locals hid fires, test the properties of electricity, and write up his findings.

Benjamin Franklin turned the question around to himself to answer it. To him, his life wasn’t simply a series of random events; it was a strategy for developing his potential. According to his book, he made a list of the seven characteristics in a single column along the page’s left side. He began by enumerating the days of the week. He had one whole week to focus on the first virtue. Every time he accomplished anything, he marked off the calendar a day. (https://www.redmanpowerchair.com/) He reasoned that if he could be suitable for seven days straight, he would eventually internalize that virtue. This trait would come to characterize him in later years. His life’s results suggest it was effective.

This guy exemplified the stereotypical American pioneer in every way: he was experienced, humble, and upbeat. People were inspired to immigrate to America when they saw similarities between themselves and Benjamin Franklin. Status in society was meaningless in the United States. Not even the fact that they were from different nations could separate them. The degree of education didn’t matter. It was everything about raw talent, practice, and good fortune. In the United States, you have and always will be able to choose your route professionally. Like Ben Franklin’s writing style. He exemplifies the spirit of individualism and risk-taking vital to pursuing the American dream.

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Ernest Hemingway: Who was he?


An icon of 20th-century, a surprisingly sensitive soul, and one of literature’s most appealing characters, Ernest Hemingway was also one of the finest novelists of all time. Despite his relatively short lifespan, Hemingway’s life was dramatic, driven by ambition, and marred with blood. True love may even be able to stave off the inevitable. To struggle to love, and to be incapable of doing so, is to struggle with two sides of the same coin.

Early life of Ernest Hemingway

His mother wanted twins so badly that she became obsessed. She called them her “beautiful Dutch dollies,” and she got her wish when she made little Ernest appear like his sister. The little boy his mother had called Ernestine favored the masculine roles.

As a young man, Ernest Hemingway saw the outbreak of war in Europe in 1914. He enlisted with the Red Cross in France. He later joined the United States Army in 1917, and drove an ambulance throughout his service. In July 1918, while serving in Italy, Hemingway was injured by shrapnel from an Austrian mortar shell, which marked the beginning of his spectacular climb to literary prominence.

His time in Italy greatly influenced the writing of “A Farewell to Arms,” one of his most acclaimed works. If you asked someone to imagine Hemingway in Paris at its peak, the city probably wouldn’t have come to mind. Hemingway lived in the city during the events of his last novel, A Moveable Feast, which is a fantastic evocation of the era. Many notable locals made friends with Hemingway and his first wife, Hadley Richardson. Gertrude Stein, Ezra Pound, Pablo Picasso, and James Joyce were some of the names. His marriage to Hadley ended in 1927 when she learned of his romance with fashion writer Pauline Pfeiffer. Finally, Ernest Hemingway and Hadley divorced, and Hemingway remarried Pfeiffer.

Pauline and Ernest Hemingway uprooted their life and came to Key West, Florida, in 1928. Mutts and cats that live with their aging owner: The Paternal Hemingway Tourists go to Florida to see the Hemingway Home. Pauline’s uncle Gus made the first purchase of the landmark home on Whitehead Street. When visitors first arrived at the Hemingways’ extravagant mansion in the 1920s, they were greeted with many of the same pieces of furniture and artwork that still decorate the home today. Hemingway’s descendants, the six-toed mutant tomcats, may live here, along with artifacts from his travels and a quiet spot to write.

His Political Struggle

In 1937, Ernest Hemingway went to Spain to cover the Spanish Civil War for the North American Newspaper Alliance. It was a brutal struggle between the governing Republicans and Franco’s fascists. He had to help out and help others out. It was alleged that Hemingway supported the fascist cause. He helped pay for the transport of ambulances to Spain to support the Republican struggle. He also narrated a documentary that favored the Republican side. Pauline, Hemingway’s devoted Catholic wife, and a Nazi sympathizer had marital difficulties throughout the war. He fell madly in love with his future wife, Martha Gellhorn, shortly after meeting her. After his traumatic divorce from Pauline, Hemingway married Martha, and the couple settled in a house outside Havana.

Absurd conflict to Hemingway, World War II was more interesting than World War I because of its unique characters. His first order of business was to consult with the American ambassador to Cuba about the feasibility of establishing a surveillance network to track out and record Nazi sympathizers living in Cuba.

His secret group included servers, fishermen, prostitutes, aristocrats, priests, and others. Soon after, Hemingway ordered from the embassy a supply of weapons (including bazookas, hand grenades, machine guns, and radio equipment). So that he might use his fishing boat to go against German submarines in the Caribbean. As Martha Gellhorn recounted, Hemingway and his “Rough Riders” failed in their goal to destroy a U-boat. She dismissed the whole thing as an excuse for the authors to waste gasoline money and get drunk. A few days after the Germans had departed Paris, Hemingway drove up to the bar of the Paris Ritz. In a jeep, machine gun in hand, he demanded admittance and placed an order for fifty-one dry Martinis.

His End Life

Ernest Hemingway and his second last wife, Mary, whom he wed after divorcing Martha during the war, went back to Cuba to present the Nobel Prize to someone who deserved it. In 1954, he received the Nobel Prize in Literature, the highest accolade in his field. His “great, style-forming command of the craft of contemporary storytelling,” as the New York Times put it, was on display in his most recent work, The Old Man and the Sea. Hemingway and Mary eventually left Cuba after six years and settled in Idaho. It was the end of his life, and he had finally arrived.

Throughout the 1960s, Ernest Hemingway experienced a dramatic deterioration in his mental and physical health. His paranoia and anxiety worsened when he sought treatment at the Mayo Clinic, where he received electroshock therapy. Not much changed, which is unfortunate. On July 2, 1961, Hemingway took his own life after suicidal thoughts continued after further “therapy” at the clinic. Hemingway had written seven books. He had married four women, served in three wars, and been in two aircraft accidents at the time of his death. In Ketchum, Idaho, he was buried after passing away. He was a man whose life was more spectacular and dramatic than anything he wrote about having endured.

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Energy Crisis in Pakistan: Exogenous Shocks and Domestic Woes


The world had been battered by the COVID-19 pandemic, a once-in-a-century “system shock.” The pandemic exposed the vulnerabilities in the interconnectivity of global supply chains. There were optimistic expectations that by the end of 2022, the worst would have been over. But as global developments in recent months have shown, it was yet to come. The far-reaching consequences of the ongoing war in Ukraine have washed away hopes of a progressive post-pandemic economic recovery. The war and its knock-on effects have pushed hundreds of millions of the most vulnerable communities into poverty and an energy crisis. It also created an alarming cost-of-living crisis due to skyrocketing food and fuel prices. A UNDP report has highlighted how, in just three months after the outbreak of this regional conflict, over 70 million people had fallen into poverty at a faster rate than during the outbreak of a global pandemic.

Effects of Russia-Ukraine War

The growing price of basic goods around the world is a sign of the war’s aftereffects. It also led to the global interest rate hikes that followed in tackling the resulting inflation. That further added to the financial woes of the hardest-hit developing countries. Particularly those with the poorest households and limited fiscal maneuverability are struggling the most. Worldwide shortages of stable foods have triggered turmoil in commodity markets. Ukraine and Russia supplied the majority of wheat and barley to thirty-six countries. The subsequent disruption in supplies after the war had devastating consequences for them. Many of which were already among the most impoverished and vulnerable.

Because of the fragility of our interconnected global resource system, importing food under such circumstances has become unfeasible for such states, who also have to cope with drastic declines in domestic food production over the past year. Partly due to rising fuel costs which have simultaneously increased the prices of fertilizers, transportation of goods, energy production, and climate disasters that have ravaged crop yields. Consequently, the number of people suffering from acute food insecurity has doubled in the last couple of years.

A Global Recession?

Addressing these pressing concerns requires dollars that cash-strapped nations have drained over the past months in servicing debt and procuring overpriced commodity goods. Moreover, UNCTAD, in its latest report, has warned how tightening fiscal and Monetary policies in western states is contributing to prolonged stagnation. And nearing closer to a potential global recession which would be worse than the economic shocks of COVID-19 and the financial crisis in 2008.

Such exogenous shocks have pushed the limits of societal cohesion in fragile states like Pakistan. They have also led the state to the brink of a severe energy crisis. The country had been walking a tightrope between economic and political instability since the controversial ouster of its former Prime minister. Almost losing its balance and tipping over recently until it secured an IMF bailout after prolonged negotiations, averting a speculated default. The achievement of a fresh financial lifeline had given policymakers great joy, and they anticipated additional support from friendly nations and other international institutions. They had no idea that in the next weeks, their fears of suffering the same fate as Sri Lanka would only grow.

Climate Crisis in Pakistan

The torrential rains submerged one-third of the nation after the prolonged heat waves throughout the summer. And subsequent flooding in the South alongside glacial outbursts in the North. Tens of billions of dollars in expected losses and rehabilitation. The state’s inability to regulate external forces will hamper recovery attempts. Months of political and financial crises have left the national economy on a knife edge. The U.N. has acknowledged how the country had been forced to the frontlines of a human-induced climate crisis as it was already dealing with economic turmoil. The director of the U.N. Food Program in Pakistan had expressed concern about the devastating impact on food security in the region.

The agricultural sector has witnessed unparalleled destruction. Especially cash crops like cotton, which have always been a critical source of revenue. A U.N. report revealed the extent of the losses in production, with nearly one-third of the produce in Sindh being destroyed. After importing cotton to make up for the current scarcity, the nation’s textile industry, which is heavily dependent on supplies of cotton for its exports, is predicted to suffer billion-dollar losses.

Such circumstances have led to tightening fiscal space from both the revenue and spending sides. Resources used for humanitarian aid and reconstruction will increase export losses. Servicing foreign debt and paying the mounting energy import bills will become even more complex.

Energy Crisis in Pakistan

The energy sector in Pakistan is especially vulnerable to exogenous shocks, such as increasing input costs, considering the country’s overreliance on energy imports, particularly fossil fuels. Even before infrastructural damage to power plants caused by the floods, there was a looming energy crisis as fuel imports were steadily depleting the country’s foreign currency reserves. Prices of petroleum products have increased owing to certain IMF conditions and the strengthening of the dollar, even more so after the recent fed hike.

Soaring global LNG prices due to the war in Ukraine and subsequent sanctions on Russian supplies have also led to historic inflationary pressures being placed on Pakistan’s commercial sector, with supplies now a thousand times more expensive than just a couple of years ago. With the energy crunch in Europe diverting Asian supplies, Pakistan had to pay $5 billion for LNG imports in June 2022, the highest import bill to date.

Domestic Woes

Winter is just around the corner, and the supplies won’t be able to meet the rising demand. The consequences of this will be multifaceted and felt across all spheres of society. Widespread discontent will result because of the difficulty in producing energy from gas. It will be necessary to ration electricity and divert it away from power-hungry industries like fertilizers, which will harm harvests the next year in the long run in addition to causing commercial losses.

Consumers who rely on gas cylinders for their home needs will have to bear the brunt of the rising prices nearing unaffordability for many. The shortfall is inevitable considering suppliers have recently defaulted, giving Pakistan the short end of the stick, alongside unsuccessful attempts to attain a long-term LNG contract as Europe had already booked all cargo. 

All of these factors contributed to the historic inflation experienced in August 2022. A 50-year-high amid the backdrop of a global economic slowdown. Given the volatility in the international markets and our polarized domestic political atmosphere, with leaders engaging in rhetorical scoring rather than collaborative consultations with stakeholders to avert the future energy crisis in the country, these inflationary trends are likely to remain for the foreseeable future. 

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China-Taiwan Conflict: A Historical Perspective


Historically, Taiwan was under the control of China. The Qing Dynasty ruled Taiwan during the 17th century, when it was regarded as a part of China. However, the territory came under the control of Japan after the Sino-Japanese War, when China lost the war in 1895. China again acceded to Taiwan’s territory in 1945 when Japan lost the Second World War.

A civil war erupted between the Nationalist Government and the Communist Party in mainland China. The communist party won in 1949 and took control of Beijing. After that, the nationalist party fled to Taiwan and ruled there for several decades. The communist party was led by Mao Zedong, and the nationalist party by Chiang Kai-shek. According to history, China points out that Taiwan was part of its territory, but the Taiwanese argue the same point of view that Taiwan was never part of it.

Strategic Location of Taiwan

However, the root cause of the conflict is the strategic location of Taiwan. Taiwan is located in the southeast of China. It is an Island and considers itself a sovereign country. Approximately 13 countries accepted Taiwan as a Sovereign country. The remaining countries did not accept it as a sovereign country because of its diplomatic and economic bond with China. Taiwan Island has its essential in the economic Market.

Taiwan has many industries that are imminent in the world, especially the computer chips industries. Computer chip industries dominate the global Economic Market, which equals half of the Global Market Production and Revenue. Because these Taiwanese computer chips power so much of the world’s electronic devices, including computers, watches, and video games, it dominates. One of the main reasons for the conflict is that China wants to take over the Taiwanese industries.
As we have already discussed, its strategic location, It mainly located near some crucial regions of the USA. China is emerging as an economic power and wants to become a superpower. But the existing superpower, the USA, wants to regulate its dominance and status over the world.

In such a case the strategic location of Taiwan could create tensions for the USA. That’s why the USA wants Taiwan must remain a sovereign country. However, the USA himself did not recognize Taiwan as a Sovereign territory. America also has good diplomatic relations with China. But if tensions arose between China and Taiwan, the USA would provide military and Ammunition assistance to Taiwan for defense. American president Joe Biden expressed his views regarding this in his press conference in 2021.

This would be better for the whole world if this issue could be resolved through peaceful negotiations. Otherwise, this conflict could cause many economic challenges for the whole world.

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Climate Change in Pakistan: Impacts and Solutions


As climate change worsens, extreme weather events will become more common and severe. They will also affect us differently than before. For example, heat waves will cause more deaths and injuries. At the same time, heavy rains and floods will lead to increased flooding and damage to infrastructure.

Recent floods in Pakistan are an apt example of this phenomenon. The death toll from floods and rain-related incidents has risen to 1,603. In contrast, 2.3 million people have been displaced, the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) said in a statement.

Besides floods and heatwaves, Smog has become a visible problem in many Pakistani cities. Air pollution is a mix of industrial and vehicle emissions, burning trash, and open fires for cooking and heating. Smog season usually begins in October and continues through February.

It causes various health problems, including eye irritation, coughing, wheezing, and difficulty breathing. It can also aggravate heart and lung conditions. Young children, the elderly, and people with chronic health conditions are especially vulnerable to the effects of Smog. This is not to talk about winter, which is predicted to be quite harsh due to climate change.

The effects and Cost of climate change in Pakistan

A recent study found that climate change has already caused $9.5 billion in damage to Pakistan’s infrastructure.

The devastating floods of 2022 have wreaked havoc on Pakistan’s economy, leaving the country in a state of emergency.

The floods have destroyed crops, inundated homes, and businesses, and disrupted transportation and communication infrastructure. The International Monetary Fund has also estimated that the floods will shave 2.5 percentage points off Pakistan’s GDP growth in 2022.

These floods had a widespread and far-reaching impact on our economy. The floods significantly reduced agricultural output, wiping off crops worth an estimated $3 billion. This loss of agricultural output is likely to lead to increased food prices, as Pakistan is a net food importer.

The manufacturing sector has also been hard hit, with factories being flooded and damaged by the waters. The tourism industry has been affected significantly, as many hotels, restaurants, and other businesses have been destroyed. The overall situation is quite alarming, but the question is, are we paying a considerate amount of attention to this issue as a Nation?

What is Pakistan doing about climate change?

Despite having extreme climate change, including floods, droughts, and extreme weather events, Pakistan has been slow to act on climate change. The Pakistani government has only recently begun acknowledging the threat of climate change. In 2016, the government released its first-ever National Climate Change Policy. The policy outlines some actions Pakistan will take to address climate change, but critics say it does not go far enough. Additionally, the ruling government cannot be expected to do much in the wake of the unprecedented political upheaval. So what do we, as Pakistani, do in this regard? Let’s look at some practical and actionable solutions that can be adopted on individual levels.

What we can do to mitigate:

As a Pakistani, I firmly believe we can achieve whatever goal we want as a nation. So, here are some things we can do to help fight climate change on an individual level:

  • Educate ourselves and others about the issue of climate change. The more people are aware of the problem, the more they will be prone to take action.
  • Reduce your energy consumption. This includes turning off lights when you leave a room, taking shorter showers, and avoiding unnecessarily high settings on your thermostat.
  • Drive less and walk or bike more. This reduces your carbon footprint and has the bonus of being good for your health! Even if it’s difficult, let’s promote carpooling culture.
  • We can also save water by turning the faucet off while brushing our teeth and watering our plants during the cooler hours of the day.
  • Another way to help reduce the effects of climate change is to eat less meat. It might sound weird to you, but Meat production creates many greenhouse gases, so people can help reduce these emissions by eating less meat.
  • We can also help by reducing waste and recycling more. By doing these things individually, We can significantly impact the effort to counteract the global climate crisis.
  • Last but not least, plant a tree with the hope of giving a better future to the next generation.

To summarize the whole discussion, we can say that the sooner we reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the less severe the impacts will be. We need to support policies accelerating the transition to a low-carbon economy and reducing emissions. We also need to adapt to the changes that are already underway. But most importantly, we need to act now.

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