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Pakistan’s evolving diplomatic landscape is full of challenges and opportunities in Middle East


Pakistan has generally maintained close and friendly relations with its Middle Eastern neighbors since its inception. Pakistan has consistently supported the Arab nations in their struggle against Israel. Over time, the Middle East has become a crucial region in Pakistan’s foreign relations.

The recent changes in the international system, like the Russian invasion of Ukraine, have had a significant impact on the diplomatic landscape in the Middle Eastern region. The global energy and food crisis has also raised concerns for all countries involved. It’s interesting to see the agreement between Iran and Saudi Arabia that led to the normalization of relations, with China playing a role as a mediator. This shows that there are ongoing changes in these countries and the broader Middle East,
as well as shifts in global dynamics.

It’s a sign that China’s role as a mediator in this agreement marks a shift from the traditional dominance of US influence in the region. With Saudi’s normalization with Iran, there was a glimmer of hope for Pakistan that Pakistan could increase its engagement with Iran for its energy appetites but a recent illegal act of Iran against Pakistan which has violated international law and challenged Pakistan’s sovereignty nipped the chances of opportunities for coordination. I think
with Iran’s beaten air strike chances of countering terrorism collectively and the concept of the Muslim Brotherhood have perished.

Since 2016, Pakistan has been navigating critical situations and striving to maintain a delicate balance among Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and other GCC countries. The Syrian, Iraqi, and Libyan wars have further complicated the situation, with Saudi Arabia and Turkey taking opposing sides, putting Pakistan in a
difficult position as it has good relations with both. Pakistan has made efforts to play a neutralizing role between Iran and Saudi Arabia, as well as between Saudi Arabia and Qatar.

The Israel-Hamas conflict is likely to have a profound impact on the region, leading to increased insecurity across the Middle East. Pakistan has always taken a proactive stance in the Middle East due to its strategic location, serving as a link between South Asia, Central Asia, and the Middle East via
Iran. However, the turbulence in the Middle East has posed challenges for Pakistan. The string of air strikes exhibited by Iran against its neighbor is a solid example of the spillover of war in the Middle East which Pakistan has to endure. Fortunately, Middle Eastern countries are now working towards
normalizing their relations, which presents an excellent opportunity for Pakistan to establish itself as a diplomatic center stage in the region.

Notably, Pakistan, Iran, and Turkey have initiated a cargo railway project, symbolizing their growing cooperation. Pakistan’s evolving diplomatic approach in
the Middle East amidst these scenarios brings both significant challenges and promising opportunities.

Threats and Opportunities:

In 2022 political instability in Pakistan, including the removal of Imran Khan’s government and the ongoing legal battles, has created a lot of uncertainty. This internal turmoil and conflict has
weakened Pakistan’s position on the international stage, making it more challenging to maintain consistent diplomatic partnerships in the Middle East. The shifting political landscape in Pakistan creates uncertainty for regional powers like Iran and Saudia Arabia who may hesitate to commit to long-term partnerships until a more stable government emerges. As a result, Pakistan’s leverage and influence in the region can be limited. It’s a challenging situation for Pakistan. A state’s policy
could be asserted and active when the state is stable internally as foreign policies are normally the reflection of the internal governance of the states. Let us accept internally my state is dealing with the bloody kind of militancy and endemic governance and economic issues with the unending
cycle of political vengeance.

The Middle East countries are major oil suppliers and have a significant impact on Pakistan’s economy. Pakistan relies on the IMF, World Bank, China, and some Middle Eastern countries for
economic stability. The ongoing Palestine-Israel conflict, along with the expected rise in oil prices and the fragility of the currency, may lead to higher costs for goods and services in Pakistan. Given Pakistan’s historical stance on the conflict, there could be negative public sentiments towards certain Western brands, but it is expected to have a symbolic impact on their business.

India’s presence in the Middle East is diverse, with connections between people and investments in various sectors like health, education, media, and film industry. India has been actively
strengthening its ties with the Middle Eastern region through various initiatives and partnerships.
One example is the India-UAE Comprehensive Strategic Partnership, which has enhanced cooperation in areas such as trade, investment, energy, and defense. Additionally, India has
deepened its engagement with Saudi Arabia through high-level visits and collaborations in sectors like energy, infrastructure, and technology. India has maintained its democracy, emphasizing the importance of continuity in the governing system. On the other hand, Pakistan faces challenges in
policy consistency, especially in economic policies. India’s impressive economic growth, attracting high levels of foreign direct investment, showcases its industrialization. The recent
altercation between Pakistan and Iran can also be exploited by India. Although the Indian ministry stated that it is a Pakistan’s and Iran’s internal matter, but still we cannot accept India to be neutral as India is a spoiler of the region let me repeat the sentence of our National security advisor Moeed Yousaf that ” Spoiler can’t be a peace maker”. Meanwhile, Pakistan has struggled with debt and relied on other countries for financial support. To enhance its standing, Pakistan should focus on
sustaining policies, fulfilling promises, and ensuring internal stability. In today’s world, a country’s economic health holds more significance than its alignment with global powers.

The normalization of ties between Iran and Saudi Arabia has important implications and opportunities for Pakistan. As Iran’s neighbor, Saudi Arabia’s partner, and China’s key ally, Pakistan stands to benefit from increased trade and energy ties. Iran has always been a significant trading partner for Pakistan, while Saudi Arabia serves as an economic ally with a large Pakistani
diaspora that contributes to remittances. However, Pakistan has faced challenges due to sectarian violence and the regional rivalry between Saudi Arabia and Iran. The normalization of ties
between these two countries could help defuse sectarian tensions and reduce the influence of extremist groups, which would have a positive impact on Pakistan’s stability.

The Middle East, especially the Gulf states, has a lot of money and investment potential. Pakistan can use its skilled workforce, strategic location, and growing industries to attract investments and boost trade. We can have joint ventures in infrastructure development, cooperate on energy projects like the Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline, and increase trade in agricultural goods and textiles. GCC member states are actively using AI to address climate challenges. Initiatives like the UAE’s
‘Net Zero by 2050’, Saudi Arabia’s ‘Green Saudi’, and Qatar’s Qatar Science & Technology Park (QSTP) are great examples. Pakistan, which has been affected by floods and water scarcity, really needs investments in renewable energy and resilient infrastructure. The Gulf, with its wealth and technological resources, could be a valuable partner in this effort. Together, we can use AI to identify and develop solar and wind farms in strategic locations across Pakistan, promoting energy independence and reducing climate risks. The Special Investment Facilitation Council (SIFC) can play a crucial role in facilitating Gulf-Pakistan collaboration on AI climate solutions. By funding projects, streamlining approvals, connecting expertise, promoting technology transfer, and ensuring long-term sustainability, the SIFC can bridge the gap between Gulf resources and Pakistani innovation, creating a regional model for addressing climate challenges through AI.


Pakistan’s evolving diplomatic role in the Middle East is full of promise with multiple challenges. Its strategic location, skilled workforce, and historic ties make it a potential bridge between different players in the region. By focusing on practical diplomacy and economic cooperation, Pakistan can
forge mutually beneficial partnerships that address its own needs and the challenges of the Middle East. However, Pakistan needs to navigate this evolving landscape carefully. The tensions with Iran have been DEESCALTED but you cannot believe Iran’s assurances because It is a rogue state that has been dealing with the sanctions for almost decades. Balancing relationships with various stakeholders and maintaining transparency is crucial. Domestic stability and good governance are key to projecting a reliable image internationally. By leveraging its strengths, addressing challenges, and promoting peace and cooperation, Pakistan can become a valued partner in shaping regional stability and prosperity.

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South Africa’s Genocide Allegations Against Israel


On the 7th of October, a significant escalation occurred in the Middle East when Hamas unprecedentedly attacked Israeli territory, capturing hostages. In response, Israel launched a massive military campaign that resulted in more than 26,000 casualties, including women and children. It led to the destruction of homes and the blockade of food, water, and medical assistance, creating difficulties for the survival of pregnant women and newborns. Israel vowed to continue until all hostages are released, and Hamas is annihilated. This disproportionate and collective punishment compelled third parties, none other than South Africa to stop Israel from such aggression.

On December 29, the South African government filed an 84-page legal case at the ICJ, accusing Israel of a “genocidal act” and violating the 1948 Genocide Convention during its nearly four-month bombardment of Gaza, to which both countries are party. South Africa’s immediate objective was to prompt action from the ICJ to order Israel to take “provisional measures” to prevent further humanitarian tragedy and uphold the rights of the Palestinian people mentioned in the Genocide Convention.

The UN’s top court on Friday Instructed Israel, after the appeal of South Africa:

  • Under the Genocide Convention and following its obligations to the Palestinians in Gaza, Israel must ‘take all measures within its power’ to prevent acts prohibited by the Convention, especially killing and causing physical or mental harm.
  • Israel must ensure that its military forces do not commit any of the acts described in Article 1.
  • Israel must take all measures within its power to prevent and punish direct and public incitement to genocide.
  • Israel must take immediate and effective steps to facilitate the delivery of humanitarian aid to Gaza.
  • Israel must take effective measures to prevent the destruction of evidence related to alleged violations of the Genocide Convention.
  • Israel must submit a report to the court within a month on the steps it has taken to implement the order.

Unfortunately, the ruling didn’t call for a rapid indispensable ceasefire, nor did it take any decision on whether or not genocide had been committed.

Friday’s ruling represents a nuanced outcome, neither favouring one side nor achieving a decisive victory, yet it underscores the victimisation of Palestinians and lends credence to their assertions. The ICJ placed limits on how Israel can continue its war. Although it won’t stop the war, Friday’s decision has the potential to create a pressured environment for Israel to justify its operations, especially to those countries backing Israel unwaveringly. On the contrary, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu responded through a video message, reiterating that Israel has a right to defend itself. He called South Africa’s request for a ceasefire “vile” and “blatant discrimination against the Jewish state,” pressing that “Israel’s commitment to international law is unwavering,” and that it will continue to facilitate humanitarian aid to Gaza.

A final decision is a long way away and arduous in this case. The court’s decisions are legally binding but difficult to enforce, exemplified by Russia’s ignorance of the court’s preliminary ceasefire order in 2022 after invading Ukraine. In this case, both South Africa and Israel are obligated to follow the court orders because they are party to the 1948 Genocide Convention. The ICJ is the UN’s top court; its enforcement mechanism lies with the UN Security Council. Firstly, The US has permanent membership and has a history of vetoing against any effort it sees as an antagonist towards Israel. Secondly, the Security Council is considered to be highly hanging on political dynamics, reflecting the limits of its ability to enforce resolutions.

Confirming genocide brings up tough challenges, demanding evidence of both systematic action and intent. These acts include killing members of a “national, ethnic, racial or religious group”; causing them “serious physical or mental harm”; and “the deliberate subjection of a group of life to conditions calculated to bring about its physical destruction, in whole or in part.” Such actions must be accompanied by the objective: “To destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group.” Is that an objective Israel does have?

The loss of more than 27,000 civilian lives, including children and women, coupled with the forced displacement of nearly two million Palestinians – representing 90 percent of Gaza’s population, Israel’s imposition of a ‘total siege’ that allows the killing of Palestinians through hunger, the disproportionate, collective and indiscriminate bombardments, demolishment of the residential environs; targeting of hospitals, and healthcare professionals; the deterioration and destruction of cultural, and schools, libraries and universities, and mosques. These all reflect the actions of genocide.

While the intent may be challenging to ascertain, the presentation of 500 statements underscored the Israeli State’s purported intention for inciting genocide since October 7, 2023. The statements are uttered by those with command authority in different sectors of government. The charged party’s intention is indirect and expressive. The law for Palestine database showed people with command authority made genocidal statements several times in the last three months.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu depicted Gaza as “the city of evil” on October 7, and then on December 24, crafted Israel’s onslaught as a battle against “monsters”. “This is a battle, not only of Israel against these barbarians, it is a battle of civilization against barbarism,” he let out. Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant clarified Palestinians, as “human animals,” in his statement about the “total siege” on October 9. Similarly, Israeli President Isaac Herzog declared on December 5, that Israel’s attack on Gaza is “a war that is intended, really, truly, to save western civilization… [from] an empire of evil.”

Israel depicted Hamas as an existential threat to themselves, presenting genocide in their case as a legitimate and indispensable defence. This mindset draws resemblances with the Nazis’ interpretation of their genocidal assault on Jews during World War II. Currently, all eyes are on the ICJ to fulfil its entrust duty after employing the explicit language of genocide and massive attacks on Gaza by Israel to save Palestine.

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Transforming primary education

Transforming primary education article pic
Transforming primary education article pic

World Education Day, celebrated annually on January 24th, holds a significant place in recognizing the pivotal role education plays in shaping societies globally. The theme for the 6th World Education Day, “Learning for Lasting Peace,” resonates profoundly amid the escalating global challenges of racism, discrimination, hate speech, and xenophobia. This day is celebrated across the globe, including in Pakistan. More than ever, education stands as a beacon for creating informed and empowered citizens, fostering democratic values and stability. It brings positive change to the behavior of individuals and society.

Education, originating from the Latin word “educare,” meaning “to bring up” or “to advance,” is the cornerstone of a nation’s development. It encompasses the process of acquiring knowledge, skills, values, and habits, propelling economic growth, scientific innovation, and cultural preservation. In Pakistan, despite numerous education policies like the National Education Policy 1972, the Education Policy 1992–2002, and the National Education Policy 2009, challenges persist, hindering the equitable distribution of educational opportunities.The recent National Education Policy 2023, focusing on access, equity, quality, and accountability, aims to address these challenges. However, the literacy rate remains stagnant, standing at around 62 percent, and Pakistan grapples with the second-highest number of out-of-school children globally, as reported by UNiCEF. Rural areas face infrastructure deficiencies, lacking proper buildings, electricity, and clean water, hindering quality education. It impedes the commitment to sustainable development goal number 4, which is quality education.

The dire situation extends to Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK), where nearly 4.7 million children aged five to 16 are out of school. While the government’s commitment to education reform is evident, challenges persist, including poor access, an ineffective and outdated curriculum from 2006, inadequate financing, and a lack of qualified staff. Despite these obstacles, KPK has introduced initiatives like free textbooks, conditional grants, increased education budgets, and teacher induction programs.A notable step in KPK’s education sector is the appointment of approximately 2500 school leaders, focusing on quality improvement in the primary sector, academic program monitoring, and professional development for teachers. This innovative approach is showing promising results in districts like Haripur, where school leaders have enhanced enrollment, improved education quality, engaged the community effectively, arranged successful annual events of co-curricular activities, working on the achievement of 100 percent literacy skills, and impelenting students learning outcomes (SLOs) in letter and spirit.However, the challenge of achieving both quality and quantity in the education system persists, especially in the primary sector. 

It is time to support this new cadre of School Leaders for the quality of education as well as empower teachers to address the crisis in the education system. This will bring positive change to the education system and progress across institutions, regions, and provinces. Education is a key to global peace and progress and can reduce regional polarization. Children are the national asset of a nation, and they are the future of Pakistan. For this primary sector, demand more investment, technology-oriented reforms, and an increase in the GDP percentage of education to make it a top national priority.Moreover, supporting Article 25A of the Constitution of Pakistan, which mandates free and compulsory education for all children between the ages of five and sixteen, becomes crucial. This constitutional provision is a fundamental right that needs rigorous implementation.The gender disparity in literacy rates is stark, with male literacy exceeding 70% and female literacy lagging behind at less than 50%. Empowering women through education is not only a matter of justice but also a catalyst for a better-educated nation. Despite the obstacles, now is the time to honor, respect, and empower teachers, the builders of a nation.

 The introduction of school leaders and their comprehensive job descriptions is a positive step, indicating a commitment to positive change. Their efforts, despite resource constraints, exemplify the dedication required to bring about substantial improvements.World Education Day serves as a reminder of the urgent need to prioritize education for lasting peace and sustainable development. Pakistan must seize the opportunity presented by the new National Education Policy 2023, support the school leader initiative, empower teachers, and diligently implement Article 25A to ensure every child’s right to education. Only through collective efforts at individual, societal, and national levels can Pakistan truly prosper through the transformative power of education. 

In conculsion, Education is the mother of all institutions; investing in this sector will bring fruitful change to society; it is the path to human development; and it will ensure human security. Especially investing in the primary sector will transform the quality of education at secondary, higher secondary, and higher education in Pakistan. It needs good governance, investment in the knowledge economy, the national priority of the government, and the consent of all the stakeholders. Then Pakistan will achieve the theme of the International Day of Education in 2024 and Sustainable Development Goal Number 4 in an effective, efficient, and productive way.

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Deep fakes: The Growing Threat

Deepfakes The Growing Threat
Deepfakes The Growing Threat

Fake news is not a new phenomenon; its origins can be found in the 13th century BC, under the reign of Rameses the Great. But in the 20th century, it rose to popularity, most notably as a propaganda tool during both World Wars. Fake news spread much more quickly after the Internet was introduced in the late 1990s because it was now more widely available and had more influence. Nowadays, misinformation is being used by powerful people and even governments to manipulate public opinion, making fake news a worldwide issue.

The story then turns to the introduction of Deepfake, a new technological danger. Deepfake creates or modifies movies to represent events that never happened by using machine learning, particularly deep learning algorithms. In itself, the word combines the terms “deep learning” and “fake.” Even while Hollywood has always used these kinds of deception strategies, the bar has been considerably lowered. Those who have a gaming laptop, an internet connection, and a basic understanding of neural networks may now make convincing phony films. Certain programs streamline the procedure to a mere click-based face-swapping encounter.

An anonymous user going by the handle u/deepfakes started a community on Reddit called r/deepfakes in November 2017, which marked the beginning of the Deepfake technology. Face-swapping films using the Deepfake algorithm were first created for this reason, and over time they have developed into incredibly lifelike and difficult-to-identify depictions of people speaking or doing things they never really did. Technology development raises serious risks to the integrity of society and people’s reputations by expanding the possibility of producing convincingly fake recordings that target politicians, celebrities, and governments.

A few instances highlight how Deepfake videos can be used as a tool for psychological or political manipulation, even though the majority of them are made for entertainment purposes. One example is a video that purports to support Belgium’s exit from the Paris Climate Agreement and features former US President Donald Trump. A Belgian political party posted the video on Facebook and Twitter, but fact-checkers later refuted it. The power and possible consequences of fake news and face-swapping technologies are further illustrated with a film that features comedian Jordan Peele’s mouth digitally added into an original clip of former US President Barack Obama.

These incidents underline the necessity of increased awareness and forceful action to counter the growing risks that Deepfake films offer across a range of platforms. The effects of deepfake footage in the initial months of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Artificial intelligence (AI)-manipulated deepfakes can produce false yet realistic videos of occurrences. According to the study, there have been cases of consumers becoming confused and doubtful about deepfakes and accusing real videos of being fraudulent. Deepfakes have the ability to disseminate counterfactual messages from reliable sources, as evidenced by the notable deepfake video of President Zelensky making an incorrect assertion about the conclusion of the war. Because deepfakes have the potential to undermine trust in legitimate media and feed conspiracy theories. Detection technology is not foolproof, making skepticism and verification crucial.

Apart from the political sphere, firms encounter distinct obstacles. Deepfake technology has been used to imitate business executives, which has resulted in financial fraud and breaches of sensitive data. Proactive cybersecurity measures are necessary in light of the financial and reputational harm caused by these dishonest actions. Additionally, deepfakes have changed the way that social engineering assaults are conducted. Once very simple, phishing attempts have evolved into more devious tactics by utilizing modified audio and video content. Workers and people now need to be extra careful to distinguish real communications from well-planned deepfakes.

The possible effects of deepfakes on national security are too important to overlook on a global basis. The stability of nations is seriously threatened by military deception, strategic disinformation efforts, and the fabrication of narratives. Global governments are realising that to meet these changing problems, comprehensive cybersecurity plans are required.

The fight against deep fakes is fortunately still ongoing. New avenues for creative solutions are being opened up by developments in artificial intelligence and machine learning. Scholars and cybersecurity professionals are working together to keep one step ahead of criminals through the use of blockchain-based authentication and automated detection algorithms. Human awareness and education play a critical role in the fight against deepfakes. Deterrents can be effectively employed when people are taught to evaluate digital content critically.

Moreover, Awareness-raising and training initiatives should concentrate on identifying and reducing deepfake risks to tackle the deepfake issue. National crisis-response centres must establish a specialised unit for the detection of deepfakes share information and coordinate operations across international borders. Monitoring programs should be expanded to detect altered information, and cybercrime units should be outfitted with the tools necessary to look into and bring charges for events involving deepfakes around the world. Furthermore, technology solutions for access control, encryption, identity management, and general operational security should be given top priority in research and development initiatives. Though it emphasizes constant adaptation to changing deepfake threats and the incorporation of legal frameworks to specify obligations in resolving deepfake occurrences, the dynamic management perspective is still crucial.

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In the Line of Fire- Book review

In the Line of Fire
In the Line of Fire

In the memoir, In the Line of Fire, Pervaiz Musharraf; the former President of Pakistan, discusses the political, societal, and economic condition of Pakistan. He also discussed Islam, al-Qaeda, and the threat of terrorism along with its repercussions on Pakistan’s domestic and international face. He briefed his stages of life, including childhood, adulthood, life at the Pakistan military academy, his career in the army, and the courses of events that led him as the Martial Law Administrator of Pakistan.

In the first chapter, he started by mentioning his birth, childhood, and academic life along with his family background who were migrants from India. He revered the Turkish people because of his childhood memories because his father was promoted to Foreign Office in Ankara, Turkey. He had an inbuilt passion for the military. After being trained in PMA, Kakul, his leadership, and endurance increased. Because of his chivalry in the 1965 war, he was promoted to captain. His leadership skills helped him earn unquestionable obedience from his subordinates.

Discussing the dismemberment of East Pakistan, Musharraf blames the inept political handling of East Pakistan since independence, and incompetent military leadership that led this debacle to occur. He conformed to the political leadership of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto but his nationalization drive under the slogan of Islamic nationalism to appease religious wing antagonized him. The author became familiar with politics when he got a chance to work under martial law headquarters as Colonel Martial Law. There he witnessed the Siachen incident leading to the Kargil war.

From 1985 to 1988, his army career took a route toward Chief of Army Staff, when the dreadful decade of democracy commenced. Democracy was rolling like a ball in the courts of PPP and PML-N. However, the army always played a reconciliatory role and avoided the military takeover, but the country’s situation was near bankruptcy because of a volatile government. On the incident of the resignation of General Jehangir Karamat, Musharraf writes in his book that General Jehangir gave his opinion on good governance to the government which led to his resignation under pressure from Nawaz Sharif.

Musharraf was appointed Chief of Army Staff just a year before the army deposed Nawaz Sharif’s government. His professional relationship was good initially with Nawaz Sharif except for some minor disagreements over the sacking off, and appointment of some army personnel, and his request for the Court martial of a journalist. This relationship went sour on the Kargil incident, which was the first clash between both countries after they detonated nuclear weapons. This incident was projected as a misadventure of the army, domestically and it distorted its image nationally and internationally. So Pervaiz Musharraf cleared some myths about the Kargil war in his book.

Under the title of the hijacking drama, Musharraf writes about the incident of his plane hijacking. On October 12, 1999, his flight was denied to land in Karachi, and he was ordered to leave Pakistan air space and land somewhere else outside Pakistan when the flight had just an hour’s worth of fuel. Meanwhile, it was aired that Lieutenant General Ziauddin Butt has become Chief of Army Staff. Later when the army took over the rule in resentment, it made the smooth landing of his flight. Nawaz wanted to sack the Chief of Army Staff to assume full power, but his coup met with the army’s countercoup that was already resented over the forced resignation of General Jehangir Karamat. Moreover, the army’s reaction was also a response to the deteriorating economic, social, and political conditions in Pakistan.

Assuming the position of Chief Martial Law Administrator, Musharraf’s strategy was to place the army alongside the civilian bureaucracy to monitor their performance and to guide them. He also kept the constitution working and became chief executive and head of government. At this point in the book, he gives an explanation and justification for all his measures depicting his sincere intentions and patriotism towards the country and nation.

Therefore, he elucidated that the foremost things on his agenda were: to strengthen federation and remove provincial disparity, revive the economy, ensure law and order, depoliticize state institutions, and decentralization of power and accountability setup. So, Musharraf established the institution of NAB, National Reconstruction Bureau, but he stayed in power after the allocated time granted to him by the court elapsed because he thought this time was not enough to steer the system on the right track.

He established a new political party PLM-Q under the pretext that the nation needs an efficient and transparent political party. He allocated seats for women in the National Assembly as a step towards women’s empowerment. He gave a joint electorate to minorities and established the rule that no one could be Pakistan’s President or Prime Minister more than twice. To ensure a foolproof institutional system of checks and balances, he established the National Security Council. He introduced the local system of governance by the Local Government Ordinance of 2000. Economic stability was the main goal of Musharraf. He strived for structural reforms for macroeconomic stability. He made a team of experts to kick-start Pakistan’s economy. He cut down the defense budget and narrowed down expenses instead of levying taxes, and consequently, Pakistan joined the international capital markets for the first time.

In the next part, Musharraf explained the era of the War on Terror, when Pakistan was threatened to join America and Musharraf rationally thought that Pakistan could not afford the animosity of a superpower. Moreover, the benefits of joining it would be the eradication of religious terrorism with American aid, the lifting of economic sanctions and loosening of debt, and being outcast after the nuclear test we would become the center stage internationally. He also wrote about how Pakistan was affected by the war on terror in the form of Afghan refugees and rampant terrorist attacks. He also elucidated the pivotal role of Pakistan in eradicating it and gave a details description of the manhunt of the core leadership of terrorists including Abu Zubaida, Khalid Sheikh Muhammad, Ammar al Balochi, Khalid bin Attash, Salahuddin, Abu Faraj al Libbi along with the biography of masterminds of 9/11, Mullah Omer and Osama bin Laden, their aims and goals, and their operational tactics.

In the last chapter, Pakistan at home and abroad, he first discusses nuclear proliferation. He condemns the hypocrisy of world powers to accept the nuclearization of India under the guise of peaceful detonation which increased the arms race in South Asia and their criticism of Pakistan for its nuclear power acquisition. He states that it was a requirement of deterrence stability for Pakistan to acquire nuclear capability.

International diplomacy was very important for Musharraf to establish bilateral trade relations with other countries. He gave the idea of enlightened moderation, which was the rejection of terrorism and focus on internal socioeconomic development by the whole Muslim world. It could be achieved by resolving Kashmir and Palestine issues. So, he initiated good terms with India for a peaceful resolution of the Kashmir issue and visited India. Because he believed that international relations are geoeconomic instead of geostrategic.

In the social sector, he took a holistic approach to education, improving educational standards by allocating more funds and scholarships. He also took measures for the emancipation of women in the political domain. As Pakistan was projected as an extremist country internationally at that time, to portray a soft image of Pakistan he promoted tourism, sports cultural art, and harmony.

Musharraf concludes the book by stating that no policy is one hundred percent successful or perfect but still by his diligence, patriotic spirit, and sincerity, Pakistan was steered on the path of progress and prosperity by stability in NWFP and defeating al-Qaida. Pakistan now has suppressed extremism and has sustained economic growth through better agriculture, increased FDI, industries, and exports. In the end, he recommends that more is needed to be done in these sectors along with poverty alleviation, increasing human development resources, consolidation of democracy, and rule of law along with maintaining an upright international stature.

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how’s life

how's life
how's life

Life is very arduous as well as delightful. Life is another name for challenges, trials and tribulations, and to make hard decisions, but it is also the most irresistible, exquisite, and spunky thing. Life is not about just frittering away, it’s about making your life as you want it to be, chasing your dreams, your passion and everything you want to do in life. We all go through a lot of catastrophes, but that doesn’t mean to give up on your dreams. Life is a vision one has towards life; he has a purpose to live that life.

We all ask some questions, like “What is the meaning of life?”, “Why are we here?”, “What is life all about?”, or “What is the purpose of life?”. Well, we asked these questions because we’re broken somehow, by someone, by circumstances, by other situations. But we do not think that whatever is happening let it happen. Yes, it does hurt you, but if it doesn’t hurt you how’ll you be able to make a stronger and better version of yourself.

Life teaches you a lot of things that people can’t teach you. Where you have to be resilient, strong, determined and negotiator. You meet different sorts of people in your life, some of them are positive, others negative. These people had so much impact on your life, some of them motivates you to be a better person and some of them intimidates you.

Well, life hasn’t been fair to everyone, some of them lost their love, some opportunities, some families, some friends but in the end, it makes you so strong, tenacious and contemplated.

Life is an intricate tapestry woven with threads of joy, sorrow, challenges, and triumphs. It’s a journey marked by peaks and valleys, and each step we take contributes to the unique mosaic of our existence. In the symphony of life, every individual plays a distinct melody, creating a harmonious composition that reflects the beauty of diversity.

Accept change wholeheartedly since it’s the only thing that will never change on this constantly changing path. Every sunrise is an opportunity to start over, to pull off the old layers and emerge a stronger, wiser, more compassionate version of yourself. Even though life’s turns and turns are unpredictable, you can control how you choose to respond to them. Select bravery over fear, confidence over pessimism, and resiliency over resistance.

As a compass, dreams point you in the direction of your true north. Nurture your dreams with steadfast faith and consistent work. Recall that obstacles are not signs of failure but rather side trips that take you in unexpected directions. No matter how small, acknowledge your accomplishments and use them as motivation to reach greater heights.

A fulfilling life is an elixir of gratitude. Take a moment to enjoy the small things in life, the beauty all around you, and the priceless lessons you have discovered along the way. Ordinary moments become extraordinary memories when one is filled with gratitude, and abundance is drawn to one who is grateful.

Take good care of your physical and mental health. Your body is the means of transportation for this journey, and a sound body supports a sound mind. Make self-care a priority, pay attention to your soul’s whispers, and schedule quiet time to revitalize your energy.

Keep in mind that you are the one holding the brush to create a masterpiece as you overcome the complex tapestry of life. Paint with passion, boldness, and purpose. Accept life’s ups and downs, for it is in the tango of contrasts that the splendor of life is revealed. You are the creator of your own narrative and the mastermind behind your fate; you are not just an observer. Take up the brush of life with bravery, thankfulness, and a firm faith in the remarkable journey that is being painted by the moments that are passing.

Relationships are the threads that hold us all together in the fabric of life. Make relationships that feed your spirit and lift your soul. Be in the company of people who uplift, encourage, and support you as you grow. Treasure the relationships that withstand adversity, as they serve as the rock, solid foundations that will steadily support you during turbulent times.

Take good care of your physical and mental health. Your body is the means of transportation for this journey, and a sound body supports a sound mind. Make self-care a priority, pay attention to your soul’s whispers, and schedule quiet time to revitalize your energy.

May you discover in the magnificent tapestry of life the courage to follow your dreams, the wisdom to relish joys, and the strength to overcome obstacles. Accept the unknown with an open mind and a spirit of curiosity because the real beauty of life is found in the process of traveling rather than the final destination. I hope you have a day full of affection, chuckling and purpose as you follow your own path. Treasure each moment because, in the end, what makes a life worthwhile are the experiences you have and the influence you have on others. Go forth, then, with thankfulness, fortitude, and a firm faith in the amazing journey that is life.

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Why Reforms for Gilgit Baltistan?

Why reforms in Gilgit baltistan

Since gaining independence from Dogra Raj, Gilgit Baltistan has faced numerous socio-economic crises, necessitating reforms. Some of the socio-economic issues are discussed below.

Why reforms in Gilgit baltistan

Identity Crisis:

Soon after gaining independence, Gilgit Baltistan faced an identity crisis. The “Karachi Agreement” of April 28, 1948, included the region as part of the Kashmir dispute, placing administrative control under Pakistan. Various ordinances and presidential orders further complicated the administrative control, exacerbating the identity crisis. Despite efforts such as the Advisory Council and the Northern Area Council, the identity crisis persisted. Even in 2009, the “GB Empowerment and Self-Government Order” failed to fully address the issue.

Sectarian Conflicts:

Gilgit Baltistan, with its diverse ethnic, linguistic, and socio-cultural makeup, experienced sectarian conflicts after the 1970s. Reforms during Zia’s regime, known as “Islamization,” supported Sunni Islam, leading to increased influence of Sunni Ulemas and extremist groups. External factors, including the Islamic revolution in Iran and financial support from Saudi Arabia, further contributed to sectarian tensions. Some scholars even considered these conflicts as a “divide and rule strategy” to divert attention from political and economic grievances.

Quality Education:

While access to formal education has improved, quality higher education remains a challenge in the mountainous region. Financial issues, regular fee hikes, and incompetent administrative staff in public universities hinder higher education. Gilgit Baltistan lacks a medical and engineering university, affecting educational opportunities for its two million residents.

Health Sector:

The health sector faces challenges such as a shortage of doctors, qualified paramedical staff, and inadequate facilities. Suicide cases, particularly among young girls, have increased, highlighting the need for mental health care centers. Child mortality rates are also a concern, with variations observed between genders and urban-rural areas.

Unplanned Tourism:

While tourism has become a major income source, it has led to environmental degradation, climate change impacts, traffic congestion, pollution, and disruptions to socio-economic patterns in the region.

Climate Change:

Gilgit Baltistan is highly vulnerable to climate change due to its elevation. Glacier melting, flash floods, GLOFs, and landslides are common issues, impacting infrastructure and livelihoods.

Energy Crisis:

The region relies on hydro-power, and despite an increase in the number of power stations, an energy crisis persists, rooted in technical issues, weak infrastructure, and disputed constitutional status.


After 75 years of independence, Gilgit Baltistan remains neglected. Addressing basic human and constitutional rights, along with a participatory approach involving local stakeholders, is crucial for the region’s development.

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Why Baloch Are Protesting?

Why Baloch Are Protesting
Why Baloch Are Protesting

Background of Conflict in Balochistan

Balochistan is the largest province of Pakistan in terms of area. After the independence of Pakistan in 1947 and the accession of Balochistan to Pakistan there has been a protracted conflict in the region. There have been different uprisings in Balochistan funded by India. Recently, different Baloch separatist groups have started a new wave of terror including attacks on military instalments, soldiers, foreigners, and labourers belonging to other parts of Pakistan. Different separatist terror groups operating in Balochistan includes the Baloch Liberation Army (BLA), Balochistan Liberation Front (BLF), Balochistan National Army (BNA), Baloch Students Organization (BSO) Azad among others. In recent years, different attacks have taken place in Balochistan including the attack on a Chinese teachers in University of Karachi conducted by a female suicide bomber Shari Baloch. Another major attack took place in November when fourteen soldiers were killed in an attack at Pasni by the Baloch separatist groups. The conflict has also resulted in enforced disappearances and extra judicial killings of people having connection to separatist groups and in some cases people with perceived links. In the context of ongoing conflict in Balochistan, the recent long-march is going on that has its roots in broader conflict in region but has been sparked by a recent case of extra-judicial killing.

Why Baloch are Marching?

The recent long march of Baloch people led by women in general and particularly by Dr. Mahrang Baloch is sparked due to the extra-judicial killing of a 24 year old Baloch by the name of Balaach Baloch in Turbat. The young person, Balaach was arrested by the counterterrorism police on the 29th October from his house in the Kech district, which is marred by the insurgency. Balaach was presented in front of an anti-terrorism court on the 22nd of November which granted a 10 days of remand to the police for investigation. However, in a turn of events, between the night of 22nd and 23rd November, Balaach was shot dead by the counterterrorism police in what they described as an intelligence based operation. Extrajudicial killing of Balaach sparked a protest in his hometown of Keech with a demand of accountability and investigation against the police. For seven days, protest continued with his body and after that he was buried.

Because of the sit-in and protest on 26th November, a local court ordered the police to file a first investigation report (FIR) against the counterterrorism officials for the extrajudicial killing. The protesters after the sit-in decided to march from Keech to Islamabad against the extra-judicial killing and enforced disappearances. The protest has been lead by Dr Mahrang Baloch under the banner of Baloch Yakjahti Committee (BYK) and other leader including Simmy Baloch. The march continued in form of convey first from Keech to Quetta. From there they moved towards Dera Ghazi Khan, passing through several cities of Balochistan. After that the protest entered moved from Dera Ghazi Khan to Dera Ismail Khan and in the form of a convey reached Islamabad. The protest was able to gather attention of a wider audience because it was led by women and majority of protesters were either women, children or old men.

What can they do next?

In light of the obstacles encountered throughout the Baloch Long March, potential subsequent courses of action may encompass:

The Baloch protestors might be planning to establish communication and dialogue with diplomatic channels and international human rights organizations in order to bring attention to the treatment of Baloch demonstrators. Request support and censure for the measures implemented by the Pakistani government.

Even in the absence of First Information Reports (FIRs) and mobile phone blocking, protestors might be planning to pursue legal recourse to contest their arbitrary detention, mistreatment, and abduction. Advocate for and mobilize legal professionals to represent the Baloch activists.

The Baloch activists might be planning to make use of media platforms to illuminate the injustices endured by the Baloch people by disseminating information about their plight. Leverage social media platforms and issue press releases to mobilize public backing and magnify the perspectives of the impacted families.

They might enhance communal unity and galvanize backing throughout Balochistan and the entirety of Pakistan. Inspire nonviolent demonstrations and assemblies to draw attention to the need for justice, protection of fundamental rights, and an end to enforced disappearances.

They can establish a coalition comprising civil society organizations, including those operating within Pakistan, in order to collectively oppose coerced disappearances and human rights violations. Collaborate with organizations that share your commitment to promoting justice and accountability.

Another option can be engaging with political leaders and parties in Pakistan who share a sympathetic stance towards the cause, imploring them to attend to the issues that concern the Baloch people. Advocate for policy changes and legislative action to prevent further violations of human rights.

Another step forward can be further encouraging the process of documentation and gathering evidence to continue to record incidents of violence, disappearances, and violations of human rights. Gather evidentiary material to substantiate forthcoming legal proceedings and global advocacy endeavors.

Dialogue-Programmed Initiatives Investigate potential channels of amicable discourse with governmental entities in order to effectively grieve the Baloch community. It is imperative to obtain guarantees regarding the safeguarding of fundamental rights and a dedication to an equitable and impartial legal proceedings.

This can also include a call for humanitarian assistant and intervention for protection of human rights of the people of Balochistan. In pursuit of international solidarity, solicit support from various organizations and movements that champion human rights and oppose enforced disappearances. Make connections with individuals who face comparable challenges in order to exchange strategies and experiences.

By integrating legal, diplomatic, and grassroots initiatives, these measures seek to advocate for the fundamental rights of the Baloch community and rectify the injustices they endured throughout the Long March.

Possible hidden agenda

It appears that the state is willing to address all reasonable requests for the resolution of the Balach issue. What is the reason behind the movement’s increasing intensity and why it continues to propagate separatist and balochist ideologies? The Baloch Liberation Army’s (BLA) affiliation with India is another presumption that demonstrates such an aim. Mahrang Baloch’s long march and its goals are further dubious because she is a BLA member’s daughter. Furthermore, the BLA’s recent attack and killing of Punjabi day gamblers in Balochistan raises doubts about whether the issue is really about human rights or if it is only about advancing separatist goals. However, the requests made by the missing people are a real human rights concern. The genocide of the Baloch people has been caused by a number of injustices against them. The demands made during the lengthy march, the human rights abuses, and the denial of residents’ freedom to peaceful protest are all legitimate. Without a doubt, the state of Pakistan has violated the constitution in all respects and in contravention of the law.

Another suspicious act of Mahrang Baloch is that she never condemns the killings of innocent Punjabi and Sindhi labourers. According to her any question to the affiliations of Baloch Liberation Army (BLA) is not an appropriate question to be asked whereas, BLA has not just been targeting state officials but have been specifically targeting any Punjabi workers in Balochistan include teachers, labourers and mere tourists. Balochistan is a very dangerous area for Punjabis to visit, considering the immense amount of hate against them which is promoted by the BLA. It seems like the BLA might be behind this and want to gain benefit of the heat in the public against state sponsored genocides happening in Gaza and Sudan. Even though, there is no doubt that a genocide has been underway in Balochistan for a long time now but the agenda and actions of BLA are still suspicious that whether it is only to get their rights as equal citizens or to challenge the writ and sovereignty of Pakistan. It is speculated to be motivated mainly by the separatist element of the BLA due to which they use the honest sentiments of the oppressed baloch people against the state of Pakistan but the main goal seem to be moving towards a separate state of Balochistan.

Role of Establishment

The Pakistani establishment and the government harbor resentment for the Baloch people. It seems that they have been attempting to negotiate the Baloch. Gulzar Imam Baloch, who was escorted to a table and then turned himself in in front of the establishment, is only one case. Sarfraz Bangulzai, the leader of the Baloch Nationalist Army (BNA), is another example of a recent surrender. However, China’s pressure on Pakistan to assist in peaceful negotiations with the Baloch people is the primary cause of this, not just a show of goodwill or democracy. But ever since Pakistan gained its independence, the State of Pakistan has treated the Baloch people unfairly. Law enforcement brutally attacked the Baloch Long March towards Islamabad, using tear gas and water cannons among other weapons. Hundreds of demonstrators, including women and children, were imprisoned by the government and subjected to abuse and torture. The demonstrators were freed after a day, but they were sent back to Balochistan.

The extrajudicial execution of Balaach Mola Bakhsh and others in Turbat, Balochistan, is said to have been the catalyst for the march. Under the name ‘March against Baloch Genocide,’ the demonstration sought to bring attention to the extrajudicial killings, arbitrary detentions, torture, and forced disappearances that occur in Balochistan.

Violent insurgencies have plagued Balochistan, resulting in forced disappearances and the dumping of dead. The conflict between Baloch nationalist organizations that charge the government of exploitation and the military’s conduct is brought to light in the book. National organizations representing the Baloch people have disputed the thousands of cases documented by the Commission of Inquiry on Enforced Disappearances.

The nation’s security agents are frequently held accountable for extrajudicial executions and forced disappearances. The passage highlights that even Pakistan’s highest courts have admitted to the role played by security forces. The way Baloch protestors are treated differently in Islamabad is perceived as a sign of governmental involvement in these crimes and a reflection of the state’s animosity towards its own people.

The necessity of taking immediate action to address extrajudicial killings and enforced disappearances is emphasized throughout the text. It demands a halt to these practices, the revelation of the whereabouts of the victims, impartial legal proceedings, compliance with global human rights norms, and full compensation for those harmed. It is warned that ignoring these problems will have historical repercussions and draws comparisons to earlier occurrences such as the “fall of Dhaka.”

Meanwhile the state’s behaviour seem to be changing from bitter to bringing the matter on table. This is being motivated by the pressure from Chinese diplomacy and is a good sign for the Baloch and the state of Pakistan to peacefully resolve the matters and give Baloch equal rights as all other citizens of Pakistan. This will help overcome the damage done by ethnic hatred and will bring peace to the situation.

The Baloch student, Dr Zaheer Baloch has been released by the establishment after 5 days of disappearance. And after seven days of unlawful detention, the remaining thirty-four Baloch students are released; during that time, they were subjected to mental torment, and their families were terrified for their safety. However, the demands of releasing all the hostages from the protest and the baloch missing person release has still not been met. This makes the observers and researchers to believe that the situation may escalate leading to a bigger Baloch movement than ever.

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Unity in Diversity – Promoting national integration of Pakistan


Interfaith, unity, law and order and national integration is essential to bring “guaranteed long term peace and stability” in Pakistan. Pakistan is one of the country which has various cultures, races, religions, genders, and languages. We can simply call Pakistan a land of unity in Diversity where people of different manners, lifestyles, thought, norms and cultures live peacefully together. Different people from different religions of Pakistan belong to different races, ethnicity and sects. Regardless of all this people live together with special bond of humanity. “We may have different religions, different languages, different colored skin, but we all belong to one human race” Kofi Annan. National integration and unity is reflected in every aspect of Pakistani culture. Majority of the population is follower of same religion which lead Muslims to live with minorities with peace and love as prescribed by Islam. Unity in Diversity promotes peace and brotherhood within the people under the flag of National integration and unity. Unity in Pakistan is a biggest and unbreakable source of strength for Pakistan. The flag of Pakistan also reflects the unity in Diversity culture where the green part of flag symbolize Muslims , white part symbolize minorities and the moon and star represents the message of peace, cooperation, integration and brotherhood. As it is said by Helen Keller “Alone we can do soo little; together can do so much”.



Pakistan is blessed with the most favorable geographic location by Allah. We are blessed with all 4 season and have a variety of geographical landscapes which includes plains , plateaus and mountains. Every reigion have it’s different but unique geographycal attraction. If one reigion has pretty clean beaches ,the other one have gaint mountains ; if one has five rivers and forests ,the other one have appealing sandy deserts. If one has alluring valleys, the other one have snow covered peaks and glaciers. Not only this the geography of the reigion decides the language, festivals, cuisines and clothing of people e.g some reigions like northern area, Koh e suleman reigion, makran reigion, and kohistan reigion are remarkable here.


Cultures evolved and change with passage of time and history helps us to understand diversity of the culture. Pakistan emerge on the map of world 76 years ago but history of pakistani culture is approx 5000 years old. We found out cultural roots in era of aryans and still have remains of Indus valley civilization, migration of Muslims in the reigion, Mughal empire and British colonialism. As a collective an Asian culture is known for its family values, respect for elders and love for childrens. When we look just little more on our cultural values we can find many customery practices such as hospitality, some practices we do in our weddings, funerals and other events ( varies in every reigion and religion ).We can say Pakistan is a multicultural country. Foreigners who come Pakistan got amaze by seeing that much colours of cultures living togather. Culture according to Taylor is “it is that complex whole including beliefs, art, religion, values, norms, ideas, law, thought, knowledge, custom, and other capabilities acquired by a men as a member of society” we can also define culture as a way of learning, eating, drinking, behaving, walking, working and dressing etc. The eating culture, dressing culture and others varies in every reigion of Pakistan.


The population of Pakistan is diverse too in sence of religion. Religious is an essential part of every single humans belief ,behavior and code of conduct of everything. People living in Pakistan are mostly Muslims as The Islamic republic of Pakistan was primarly founded for religious contemplations. Christianity, Hinduism, sikhism, and Zoroastrianism are some of the common religions follow by the Pakistani people. According to census of 2017 approx 96% of population are Muslims and approx 4% of population are non muslims( followers of Christianity, sikhism, Hinduism etc). Due to this religious diversity we can see visible differences in people’s eating and wearing choices.


The number of languages spoken in Pakistan made Pakistan a multilingual country. National language of Pakistan is known as Urdu (previously known as rekhta). Urdu emerge as a language of communication between soldiers and other people, where people of different languages had to find a way by whom they communicate. Urdu is a mixture of languages such a as Hindi, Arabic, Persian, Turkish and Italian etc. Urdu is widely spoken language in Pakistan, on other hand English is also spoken commenly between professionals and considerable in educational institutes. Reigional languages are one of the thing which is different in every reigion and a cause of unity in Diversity. Reignol language transform it’s dilect, accent and vocabulary in every ten kilometers radius. There are approximately 77 established languages in Pakistan Some common reignol languages are Punjabi, pashto, Sindhi, Pothwari, Balochi, kashmiri, lasi, siraiki, brahvi, hindko, etc


As we discussed about religion diversity. The festivals also depends on the religious believes of people. Muslims celebrate their religious festivals while minorities also enjoy their religious festivals within the country. And some are natinol Festivals which everyone in a nation can celebrate. Festivals in Pakistan reflects the countries diverse co living. Eid-ul-Fitr, Eid-ul-Adha, Shab e barat, Shab e mairaaj, Holy, Divali, Raksha bandhan, Nauratri, Easter, Christmas and Basant are some of the festivals of Pakistan. Some other reignol festivals such as Sibi mela, Kalash festival On other hand events like independence day, Pakistan day and defence day are some of the national events that are celebrated all around the country. These festivals not only promote harmony and unity but also reflects country’s rich traditions and heritage, and a reminder of one nation one body.


No culture can be a fascinating culture without it’s distinctive cuisine. The list lf popular food is longer then one may imagine. Food in Pakistan is rich and spicy and also varies according to reigions, religions and provences. Some provences and reigions like spicy foods and some like less spicy food. Religions make food different like Muslims eat meat while Hindu community are mostly vegetarians. Lassi, sherbat, rabri dodh, sugarcane juice, thadal, doodh patti and sattu are the drinks that every Pakistani know about. Saag, yakhni pulao,multani sohan halwa, naan paye and murgh cholay from Punjab, sajji, roosh and roasted chops from Balochistan, Sindhi biryani, nihari and fish curry from Sindh, chepli kebab, shinwari karahi, dumpukht, and namkeen gosht from Khyber pakhtunkhwa can make anyone crave. While one cannot miss the mouth watering and flavorful taste of Pakistani street food such as tikka boti, shawarma, pakora, bhutta (corn), chola chat, french fries, dahi bhallay, samosa, faloda, and kulfi etc. No one can exactly count as there is a huge number of other food items which list go on and on and never ends.


A number of dresses is worn in Pakistan. People in Pakistan always proud on their national dress (shalwar and Qameez) for men and women’s take duppata along with this. Each province has its own beautiful varient , style of shalwar kameez. Muslims mostly wear clothes according to their religion, while minorities also wear clothes according to their religions. Elegent, exquisite and consummate colours and designs, variety of fabrics such as silk, lawn, cotton, shiffon etc makes the Pakistani attire more unique and wonderful. Punjab is famous for Lungi, Dhoti, Kurta and khussa ;Balochi shalwar, Dastaar and phashik are popular among balochs ;The famous Sindhi attire has Chunri, Lehnga choli and Julaba ;Sharai, chogha and Kullah are famous pathani wearings. On other hand how one can forget white enormous turbans of Balochistan, Sindhi caps and Ajrak shawls from Sindh, khussa and pagri of Punjab and famous waist-coat and pathani topi of northern areas, heavy white churi wear by females of tharparkat, are soo megnifsent make anyone in love. Every dress has its unique look and promotes unity within the people.


Accepting diversity is a way to promote national integration. National integration which means for the acknowledgement and sence of belonging of a common identity in-between the citizens of country. National integration is one of the element which plays most vital role in contemporary era in the making of a nation. National integration keeps the entire country well-connected, organized and strong , regardless of the diversity of culture, religion and language. A country like Pakistan where people live with such a huge diversity, with a multi-ethnic, multi-religious, multi-cultural and multi-lingual society, national integration there not only object to bind and unite People together, but also become a reason of better environment to live in peace and prosperity.


National integration is important in Pakistan, aim of national integration in a diverse country is to keep country stable, helps in the development of the country, promotion of loyalty for the country, the ability of subordinance, boosting the feeling of nationalism, unification of countryman, builds a unified sense of consciousness and belongingness, endorsement of peace, tolerance and brotherhood and Increasing the economic and political stability.


Education, cultural unity and equity among people is a best possible way to promote national integration. Tolerance and respect for eachother also mean to promote national integrity. Proper administration and law and order in a country can be a reason of integration between people of state, on other hand activities such exposure visits, talks between people of different diversities on national level, seminars, conferences on such topics where people tell the audience about the concept it’s aim, challanges etc can also promote national integration within countryman.


National integration is a key concept to unify the nation but there are also some challanges which we count in Diversity but they actually are obstacle towards national integration. Voilence among communities and minorities, Provencialism, casteism, narrowness of views and acceptance, political unstability (due to lack of good leadership), economic unstability and injustice (due to wrong policy desicions), lack of social sence And frustration and uncertainty among the people of state. These such things are increasing challanges to national integration in Pakistan. For many States National integration is an important policy goal. No doubt Pakistan is a country full of diversity which makes it unique from other countries. National integration is an important thing which lead a country towards prosperity, development and wellness of people but only when we continuesly does efforts to promote it and encounter the challanges which not let people towards integrity.

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Elections a reality now


The recent decision by Chief Justice Qazi Faez Isa in a significant case heard by Pakistan’s Supreme Court. The case concerned the timing of Pakistan’s approaching general elections. Despite the administration’s chaos, he presided over a three-member tribunal entrusted with reviewing petitions for further information on election dates.

Throughout the hearing, the Chief Justice made it quite apparent that the elections would go place on February 8, 2024, as scheduled. “The election matter has been concluded through the agreement of all participating parties,” he asserted emphatically, and he was without a doubt correct. Please take notice that the election date has now been announced.

According to the Chief Justice, all parties concerned, including President Arif Alvi and Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) Sikandar Sultan Raja, have agreed upon this date. He emphasized the formality of the arrangement. Following an initial debate about the jurisdiction vested in them to select the date of the election, a resolution was reached via the mediation of the Supreme Court.

Individuals who seek to put doubt on the election date will face grave consequences, according to Chief Justice Isa. A severe warning was sent to the media, along with regulatory action threats, if they did not change their stance. “Any uncertainty that has been raised will be addressed by the court,” he promised reporters.

His great authority originates from his steadfast intention to permanently resolve the electoral controversy. Citizens from all throughout the nation were concerned about the election’s unpredictability. This was brought to the Chief Justice’s notice. He hopes to assuage people’s fears by reaching an agreement between the president and the executive committee’s commission on February 8th.

Citizens, according to the Chief Justice, have the right to vote at the correct time since it is a constitutionally protected basic right. He sees it as his ethical responsibility as Chief Justice to preserve this right. “Those who have taken an oath for this duty bear responsibility,” he told the authorities again, adding that “the greater the responsibility, the higher the position.”

His unwavering support for elections is most likely motivated by memories of countless constitutional infractions that occurred during previous political campaigns. Chief Justice Isa specifically mentioned General Pervez Musharraf’s declaration of emergency on November 3, 2007 and subsequent suspension of the constitution.

History must function as a teaching tool. Individuals who are found to be in breach of the Constitution will face public scrutiny, the Chief Justice has warned. Because of previous charges of intervention, they anticipate the 2024 elections to go off without a hitch.

As he announced the election date, Chief Justice Isa urged that all groups should proceed with prudence and understanding. During the Supreme Court session, everyone learned that the Court has limited jurisdiction and cannot interfere with the authority of the president or the Election Commission.

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