Confrontation Rather Than Cooperation

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Confrontation Rather Than Cooperation

In the contemporary era of the 21st century, It can be easily elucidated the term of “Thucydides trap”, which was coined by Political Scientist Graham T. Allison. He states that when an emerging power endeavors to displace existing super power to gain dominance of international order. The United States of America became a superpower in1989,after the dismemberment of the USSR. After a period of time, China adopted the policy of free market to enhance foreign direct investment by initiating the BRI which connects 140 countries. The major focus of the project is to invest in developing countries to uplift economic growth. The growing influence of China over the world is posing a great threat to the USA hegemony. In order to contempt Chinese influence, the USA has adopted rigorous measures which are discussed below.


The first policy which was adopted by the USA from (2009-2017) was the Pivot to Asia policy to counter China’s diplomatic ties with major countries. In which the US increased its ties with the neighboring countries of China by the assistance of alliances. In addition, the US joined the Asian Pacific Partnership with ten ASEAN countries and Japan to enhance its sphere of influence in areas which were close to China. The major aim behind the partnership was to curtail China’s economic growth.


The United States of America also initiated a trade-war with China by imposing high tariffs on Chinese goods exported to the USA, and similar steps were taken by China. In the recent times, war has shifted from the goods to technological gadgets where China’s surpassing the USA. Similarly, Joe Biden went to England in June, to attend the summit of G-7 Countries in which several multilateral issues were discussed, the meeting was solely focused on resisting China’s BRI project. In response to the BRI, USA and the G-7 Countries decided to introduce the B3W ( Build Back Better) project consisted of a 40 trillion dollars investment. Moreover, the USA and its alliances also raised some concern pertaining to human rights violations by China in Hong Kong, Taiwan, and with Uighurs Muslims.


.From the side of the USA, BRI is considered as Debt Trap which creates debt net for under-developing countries. However, there are two ways to conquer the world: One is by sword; other is by debt. China has opted for the second to rule the world. According to the report, There are eight countries which are unable to pay loans back to China. It is evidently vivid from last year’s event When Srilanka was unable to pay $1billion dollars debt to China, and it had to hand-over its strategic Hambantota port to companies which are now owned by China.

In the wake of COVID-19, where the entire global economy was going through economic stability, at that time, USA and China were alleging each other for utilizing coronavirus as a biological weapon against each other in the 5th Generation war.


To conclude the topic, the global communities ought to unite and cooperate at a single platform to address the major global issues such as covid-19, climate change, food scarcity and water crisis, rather than confronting each other. As Henry Ford once stated,” Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is a progress; working together is a success.”

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Arbaz Khan Pathan from Tando Jam, Hyderabad is currently enrolled in the final semester of Information Technology at Sindh Agriculture University. He is fond to write articles pertaining to contemporary politics, Socioeconomic, History, Modern information age.

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