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What is the importance of recycling

Introduction: The importance of recycling is essential since trash has detrimental consequences on the surrounding ecosystem.Since we are creating new items from old, useless...

History of the Internet; a brief overview

We live in a world where we cannot imagine a life without the internet. Most of us have almost 24/7- and 365-days uninterrupted access...

Nikola Tesla and Thomas Edison: War of Currents

Introduction Nikola Tesla and Thomas Edison are two titans of electrical engineering whose innovations transformed history. It's no secret that these two spark off each...

Unmeltable Ethnic Groups of Pakistan and Integration Strategies. 

Pakistan was founded in 1947, but it didn't have a strong history of national unity because its people didn't speak the same language, share...

Is Biological Warfare Still Used?

Introduction Two international treaties prohibited biological warfare in 1925 and 1972. They haven't done much to deter nations from developing offensive weapons research and...

4 Infamous Presidential Assassinations in US History

Whenever we study the history of the United States, we come across a dark chapter that is about presidential assassinations. Undoubtedly, young people are...

10 Most Corrupt Politician around the Globe

Transparency International claims that exposing corruption "can only happen if we understand how it works and the systems that enable it." Transparency International says...

Allen Weisselberg Expected to Plead Guilty in Tax Evasion Case

Introduction In a tax evasion case, Allen Weisselberg, former Trump Organization CFO, pleaded guilty. On Thursday, August 18, 2022, he pleaded guilty to multiple tax...

Why Labor Day is Celebrated on 5th September in USA?

Introduction Labor Day is a yearly celebration of American workers' social and economic accomplishments and is observed on the first Monday in September. The...

Draconian Restrictions and Violence in Afghanistan

They have imposed draconian restrictions to create panic and terror among people. Requisitioning control over Afghanistan a year ago, the Taliban mounted a sustained attack on human...
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