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Integration of Technology in Education in the Third world Countries


Integration of Technology in Education in the Third world Countries

Education is one of the most fundamental steps towards ending the adversities faced by poor nations. If we look at the countries that are indulged in economic instabilities and poverty.The lifestyle and the education level provided to the children there are inadequate.

The purpose of this article is to make the readers understand the need for technology-based education for the children of the underdeveloped countries.

To form a common pledge to enable the children to change their fortunes through the proper means which can be provided through donations from those who understand the problem and want to address it. Integration of Technology

Aim of Foundation:

Goodwillpdn Foundation is a charitable foundation which is aiming to help the orphans under their care through proper education and technology.

The world is prospering at a very fast rate and technology is advancing day by day, hence it is of utmost importance that if these children are to break the barrier of poverty and hopelessness.

They must be provided with the proper means to utilize and use their potential. By doing this, these children can get jobs, or they can do something creative in their life which could positively impact their society in the future. Integration of Technology

Current Dependence on Technology:

In the recent events of the COVID-19 pandemic. We have learned that physical modes of education and work are becoming obsolete, and more reliance is done on the internet and technology. Even when no schools and offices were open, the education and work continued through the means of online communication. Integration of Technology

A recent survey suggests that in work more efficiency was recorded when people were working from home using technologies like mobiles and laptops etc. This tells us that how much technology has an impact on the ways of the world now.

In accordance with these changes of times, the poor countries should be given the required help to stabilize their economies.This should be done by closing the technology gap that is created between the western world and the third world countries. Integration of Technology

This is the main pledge of this article, that actions are needed to be taken to make sure that the children who are not given the right facilities are helped and given proper education.

This education should infuse the use of technology so that this becomes an opportunity for these poor countries to grow out of their shambles and work towards changing their status. Integration of Technology

It’s the year 2021, and now the standards and methods of education have changed vastly, the focus has shifted towards providing education through technology.

The reason is that technology provides students with easy-to-access information, accelerated learning, and fun opportunities to practice what they learn. It enables students to explore new subjects and deepen their understanding of difficult concepts. Integration of Technology

If the current situation is analyzed, it is found that children living in poor areas have very limited access to opportunities for growth causing their talents and potentials to go to waste. Many children, especially disadvantaged girls, in rural areas have limited access to education.

And many of the schools that rural children can attend struggle with poor-quality teachers and limited resources. But new technology like solar-powered computers and projectors allow students to participate in real-time, interactive lessons with quality teachers. Integration of Technology

Impact of Technology in Education:

The question here arises that what will be the impact of technology in education in the fight against poverty in third world countries? When technology is integrated with education it can open several opportunities which could prove to have an exponential return in the future.Technology provides the right tools which can be used to enhance the value of output.

For example, if Laptops or personal computers are provided to the children under the Goodwillpdn Foundation, they can use the internet to further learn and gain knowledge about what is happening in the world and can place themselves in the competition, as in how they can play their part in the rising technological competition. Integration of Technology

Usage in Technology:

Mobile phones are the most basic and most indispensable mode of technology these days. A recent survey done by World Bank suggests that even in low or medium ranged economies, people have access to mobile phones more than they have access to water and electricity. Integration of Technology

In poor countries like Congo and Uganda, the situation has gotten worse, and one of the most real reasons is that these countries have gone far behind in the race of technology, which has impacted their education, their lifestyle, and their economies.

If we introduce technology-oriented education in countries like these, we could start a long-needed strive for improvement by providing education to their children who can change the inauspicious poverty problem. Integration of Technology

The world that we live in right now is revolving around technology and finding ways to improve technology which can, in turn, improve the lifestyle of people who use it.

In times like these, it should be acknowledged that those who do not work with technologies and whose ways of doing work are not integrated with the latest technologies will face dire repercussions in the future. Integration of Technology

Lack of Education: Issues and Challenges

Like a tree, poverty has many roots. But among the many causes of global poverty, one factor stands out: education. Not every person without an education is living in extreme poverty.

But most of those living in extreme poverty do lack basic education. Those living below the poverty line will also be more likely to keep their children out of school, which means that their children will also have a greater chance of living in poverty. 

Education is often referred to as the great equalizer: It can open the door to jobs, resources, and skills that a family needs to not just survive but thrive. Access to high-quality primary education and supporting child well-being is a globally recognized solution to the cycle of poverty. Integration of Technology

Now when we infuse this education with technology, we can establish a long-term solution for poverty. This is because technology will always continue to evolve.

If this technology change is continuously adopted then the poor countries of the world can escape the adversities of poverty that they have been facing for decades and can compete with the western world. Integration of Technology

The children of these poor countries who have no resources, if are provided with the right technology and education can secure jobs for big companies in the future and can create revenue for their countries which can improve their whole infrastructure.

Remedies: Build a Better Tomorrow

To tackle this issue, Goodwillpdn Foundation aims to hire professionals who have expertise in the use of technology who will help the orphans under the care of the foundation.

These children will be trained in a properly systemized manner. They will be provided with the opportunity to grow and excel in whatever area of the profession they choose to be.

Technology has provided us with the age of information technology where any person who has the right access to technology and the internet can utilize themselves into individuals having capabilities that can abolish poverty and illiteracy. Integration of Technology

The Foundation emphasizes the fact that the companies who are willing to donate to this cause due to the reasons stated above, should view these donations as a form of investment. When a donation is made by some IT company.

The donation will further be utilized to provide technological means for education. Doing this will open more and more channels of opportunities for the children, and these companies can provide jobs to these children in the future, who can utilize their talents and potential to make money for the company which can improve the overall economy of the country.

This is the basic aim of this project, to provide opportunities for the orphans.

It is in Our Hands:

The third world countries have been lagging in technology for some time now, and this is one of the reasons that the gap between rich and poor countries is continuously growing.

This problem can only be solved by deploying education, awareness, technology, the use of technology and proper guidance in each step.The effect of technology on poverty depends on access to the right information and in a manner that it can help the locals.

Where illiteracy is high, conventional information on the internet cannot bring any change. Information has to be palatable for it to make an impact.

Goodwillpdn Foundation will make sure that the use of technology for growth and knowledge be taught in the right manner and the donations collected by the foundation will be converted into a platform that is needed for the poor to shift towards a more advanced approach that could lessen their poverty if not abolish it. Integration of Technology

Your Donations: Milestone to Our Mission

Using the donations that the foundation will receive, the children will be provided with the optimal level of education integrated with technology, as it will become the first step in the betterment of the adverse circumstances created due to poverty.

It is said that money can end poverty, but what it does not tell us is that how this money can be utilized to end poverty. This article focuses on fighting poverty at the very grass root level, by providing quality education to those who are not capable of doing it themselves.

Read more: Role of Electronic Waste in Improving the Quality of Education in Third World Countries.


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Role of Electronic Waste For Achieving Quality Education in Third World Countries.


Role of Electronic Waste For Achieving Quality Education in Third World Countries.

There is a quote loose on everyone’s lips that “Education is the key to success”, but this is quite contrary for the underprivileged children in developing nations. Especially in the African countries – many of whom have no access to a quality education at all.

The same children end up stuck with the cruel fate of working blue-collar jobs under life-threatening conditions or worse, end up in the streets. Role of Electronic Waste

A heartbreaking example is where some end up working in the mines of Africa to produce the resources, for example, cobalt, used in manufacturing the electronic devices such as phones and laptops that we use daily – only to dump them back in these emerging economies as electronic wastes. Role of Electronic Waste

What if, we utilize this electronic device waste, regardless of their models and version, to offer technical education to millions of these children? Africa and other developing nations need the technology to educate: a mission of Goodwill Professional Development Network Foundation. Role of Electronic Waste

Why do We need to Reverse Electronic Waste?

Electronic waste is a fast-growing waste stream as people tend to dump their old and outdated devices when new models arrive in the market. Role of Electronic Waste

Every year companies manufacture several upgraded electronic devices utilizing new raw materials. The consumers buy these new or updated versions of electronic devices and the old ones end up in our drawers or worse, in landfills. Role of Electronic Waste

In 2020, the Global E-waste Monitor in conjunction with the United Nations Environmental Program reported that an estimated 53.6 metric tons of electronic waste were generated globally in 2019.

In the United States of America alone we generated 6.92 million metric tons of e-waste, and only 15% of the waste was recycled. Role of Electronic Waste

This global estimated value of this waste is expected to increase by 21%. These are billions of dollars gone to waste. Billions of US dollars ending up dumped in these developing countries like India, China, and Africa, especially Ghana.Because our big electronic companies lack the resources to recycle these electronic devices to make newer versions.

This waste contains hazardous compounds, for example, lithium, copper, and beryllium which pollute the environment and cycle back into the human population causing diseases mostly cancer.

Until these electronic manufacturing companies find a solution to e-waste management, what can we the consumers do to help fix this electronic waste problem?

The Situation of Technical Education in Africa

Africa is referred to as the “world’s youngest continent” having approximately 60% of its population under the age of 25. The young population is often described as our “future leaders or the cream of the society.”

The youth and children understand that the future of their countries lies with them, but they struggle with issues related to education and training, and even employability. Role of Electronic Waste

Access to a quality education in Africa is limited to the high and middle classes which constitute the least percentage of this population. Among the population with no access to education, the lucky ones defer to technical apprenticeship, with the rest being lost to the streets with the horrors that come with it. Role of Electronic Waste

Even with technical knowledge (from apprenticeship), most of these individuals end up making less than a dollar a day. This is well within the poverty margin.
We need to prepare the young population well especially, the underprivileged children of Africa, not for a job waiting for them out there, but helping them to be creative and innovative through technical education. Role of Electronic Waste

This way, they will be able to create employment opportunities amongst themselves and meet the developmental needs of their growing economies. Role of Electronic Waste

Our Mission

This is where Goodwill Professional Development Network Foundation falls in. Our mission is to provide access to I.T. Education as a means to eradicate and alleviate poverty among the orphans of third-world countries.

We believe that instead of destroying these electronic devices we deem as electronic wastes, we use them to offer quality education (technical and non-technical) to billions of children living in these third-world countries. Role of Electronic Waste

Role of Electronic Waste in Improving the Quality of Education for Children in Third World Countries.

We envision our organization to help Africa and to get the big companies to come and donate their equipment to us to provide quality education to our people. Africa needs technology to educate itself. We all have a role to play. Role of Electronic Waste

How Electronic Devices Will Improve the Quality of Education for Youths and Children

As the world is technologically advancing, third-world countries are lagging. They seem to be technically grappling with these technological changes due to the inaccessibility of adequate resources for technical education.

Africa has shown great potential and is welcoming the idea of assimilating technical skills such as computing, I.T., programming, and software development in their schools. Role of Electronic Waste

Usage Of Electronic Devices:

We can use these electronic devices such as computers/laptops, computer components, smartphones, cell phones, camcorders, headsets, speakers – any electronics to address the technical aspects of education for African children.

An education that guarantees employment by inculcating necessary technical skills in our children, from the basic level of education to the highest level, in the universities. Role of Electronic Waste

And what better way to achieve this unless we educate the underprivileged children and youths. The orphans, street kids, and those without the means of getting a good education for themselves – the untapped knowledge of Africa.Role of Electronic Waste

The benefits of using electronic devices are huge. Their usefulness is noticed in our households, businesses, education, and the government. Two key things come to mind when using electronic devices to address the issue of technical education:

  • Acquisition of competency-based skills
  • Having well-grounded scientific knowledge

Developing these practical and applied skills will in the long term prepare the young generation for employment generation in the fast-growing economies and help them cope with the challenges of globalization. Role of Electronic Waste

Using electronic devices to educate children will promote better learning. The children will be focused and develop long-term interests in various fields from engineering, teaching, and even in the government.

It will reduce the physical load of a student, for example, the number of books one can read daily. Electronic devices ensure design-based learning that boosts self-confidence and fosters good teacher-student conversations.

We have realized a vital requirement for technical education in third-world countries. There are already programs and non-profit organizations set in these third-world countries which are addressing issues developing nations are facing. Role of Electronic Waste

But responding to poverty alleviations, lack of education and even youth employability needs more than just government intervention. We need these electronic devices to tackle the issue of technical education both in partnership with the existing in-country organizations and the donor community. Role of Electronic Waste

Providing these devices to the underprivileged children and youths in Africa and allowing them to learn, will help them realize their full potential – which will bring about poverty eradication and sustainable economies.

So, donate now, to help those children realize their dreams. Donate at Goodwillpdn and create the future of these children.

Read more: Education First: Goodwill’s Professional Foundation

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Education First: Goodwill’s Professional Foundation

Kids getting Education

To build the nature of guidance and help guarantee enduring education for orphans, Save the Children shows successful teaching methodologies to teachers and trains them to get engaged with the students.

We additionally desire to notify kids with imaginative expression, empower their getting education and learning during and after the emergency, and put resources into the reliability of youngsters to guarantee they do not fall behind. Education First

Motive And Objective

This project gives quality education to poor or orphan kids in the world. Orphan and vulnerable kids are frequently underestimated due to their low norms.

They do not have the cash to go to class not to mention manage the cost of fundamental things. With well-rounded schooling, these kids will have a chance to succeed.

They will have the option to seek after vocations and contribute back to their networks. We can send these youngsters to class and assist them with creating and imagining in a protected learning climate. Education First

The more we can do to assist our children with accomplishing that objective, the better possibility they have for achievement in the future. Well-rounded schooling is a kid’s most obvious opportunity to get away from destitution. Education First

“Education is the weapon which you can use to change the world”-Nelson Mandela.

Our farsighted Objectives include:

  • To set up a PC lab with PCs, printers, and different peripherals for meriting vagrant kids and youth.
  • To offer instructive projects to help these kids and youth foster I.T. abilities and information.
  • To empower poor people and vagrant inhabitants in these nations and locales by offering them chances to seek after professions and work in IT-related areas.
  • To offer exceptional preparation, advancement, and vocation improvement programs for the female populace including vagrant female kids, youth, and ladies.
  • To channel monetary assets from awards, gifts, and other subsidizing sources to help our exercises as a charitable association consistent with IRS guidelines.
  • To work together and join forces with neighborhood and public local area associations and tech organizations to build the business of our projects and activate monetary and structure assets.

Importance of Education

Education is the way to transform a flaw into a power. It offers various organizations and approaches to comprehend issues that lay in front of us and help settle them.

All the more significantly, education gives us the extensive mental keenness to settle on the right choices and get the move on required. Numerous sorts of exploration show that informed ladies can all the more effectively face gender bias and conjugal brutality as they have improved their dynamic abilities. Education First

Schooling is essential to kids since education assists kids with figuring out how to think critically enhance their innovativeness and creative mind, will open them to novel thoughts, and it helps them, youngsters, discover the way to an aptitude that they wish to seek after as a grown-up. Education First

Educate an Orphan: Save the World

Schooling is not just about going to class to become familiar with your ABCs. Education is the identification to the future, deep-rooted freedom to see more and regard culture and customs.

While utilizing cutting edge to gain proficiency with a high-contact ability may appear to be illogical from the outset, innovation assumes a fundamental instructive part and without it, Luddites will get abandoned.

In all of this, we need you to help the orphan kids along with us because it is our accountability to watch over the need of their basic foundation of the pillar to get them what they truly deserve.

What are we providing?

  • I.T education
  • Computer labs
  • Affordable necessities. Education First

These are helpful for the orphan kids as they are the future income sources that the world is building upon, that is why our main focus is on providing the I.T.
There are several programs that we are offering. They are as follows.

  • Computer Laboratory setup and distribution of Tablets and Laptops. Education First
  • Provision of self-sustainable solar power. Education First
  • IT Education, skill Development, and Livelihood program. Education First
  • Female IT Education Program. Edu cation First
  • Job Training and Employment Program. Education First
  • Our Future Collaborative Projects. Education First
  • Online Resources for educational support.

Help those In Need: Donate Your Precious Pennies

We do not live in an ideal world, and there will never be going to be an ideal chance to give, yet there are consistently individuals out there needing assistance.

Regardless of whether loan costs are rising, the economy is down, or regardless of whether you are encountering monetary challenges of your own when you give your cash you give it for the sake of humanity. And you help those who are in need.

Your gift will discover a family for each youngster where they can appreciate a solid and useful life. Your gift will likewise guarantee that these families have the help they need so the youngsters can flourish. Your Gift Will Change Ages of Lives.

You do not need to get bothered with $10,000 to affect somebody’s life. In this world, even only a couple of U.S. dollars could bring about seven days of dinners for a destitute kid, truly necessary clinical consideration, and surprisingly improved education.

Do not simply think about your money gift from an American financial viewpoint. Frequently that cash can go much further somewhere else on the planet.

Your Money is Safe

We are attempting to ensure children can learn something during this crisis. Goodwill organization is a specialized improvement, charity association that will source out and gives electronic gadgets to young youth in underdeveloped nations in the venture to prepare these future chiefs boss. For us black lives matter and so does everyone.


Chasing after our targets and arrangement of our organizations, we will band together with these institutions and organizations.

  • Registered Non-profit and Non-Governmental organizations.
  • Online universities.
  • Telecommunication companies.
  • Government welfare and youth Development departments.
  • Orphanages

What are you waiting for? You can donate to Goodwillpdn services without any hesitation. Your donation can make many futures. They Need Us, They Need You.

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Climate change; causes, effects, and solutions


Climate change; causes, effects, and solutions

The variations in the weather conditions.

The world is one degree Celsius warmer than the preindustrial era. The change is likely to increase by 1 to 1.5, which is very alarming. If the same rising trends continue, the temperature may reach 3-5C. This would lead to a more faster climate change.

Sea level is rising 3.3mm per year due to an increase in its volume and melting of freshwater reservoirs such as glaciers.

There are varying causes of climate change, from natural to human-generated. The universe has been into varying temperatures from extreme hot to extreme cold. Although there are rising temperature trends on Earth due to unknown natural causes, it’s too slow.

The increasing temperatures, desertification of millions of hectares of land, floods, tsunamis, rising sea levels, and depleting freshwater resources are all climate change.

These conditions will further lead to poverty, insecurity, and breach of human rights. It’s a threat to the planet, a catastrophe for the Homo sapiens inhibiting and exploiting it. It’s considered to be caused by human activities, specifically after the industrial revolution.

Climate change & Desertification

While it might be tempting to close our eyes to apocalyptic news, it remains an undeniable facet of our existence. Consequently, addressing this dire issue becomes an imperative priority.

The planet is not on a path continuing to sustain life due to its detrimental effects. We are on a suicidal mission challenging nature. Climate change is the greatest of all risks; failing to be sustainable could be the biggest failure of all times.

The more clearly we can focus our attention on the wonders and the realities of the universe about us, the less taste we shall have for destruction. How we transition to a stabilized and still prosperous relationship with mother Earth and each other is undoubtedly the story of our time.

Absolute economic losses might be concentrated in high-income countries, the human cost of disasters falls overwhelmingly on low and lower-middle-income countries. Vulnerability to risk, and degrees of suffering is determined by levels of economic development, rather than simple exposure to natural hazards, per se.

Strategic support and partnerships with developed countries and communities therein are imperative to build global resilience. This is an effecitve step to counter impacts of climate change.

COP26: Is the UK ready to lead the fight against climate change?

The policy is not matching the sense of urgency. As civilized ones, we must start thinking about environmental responsibilities. First of all, we must begin acknowledging climate change as an existential threat.

There is a need for a multi-pronged strategy to make the fight against global warming. The governments, IGO’s, INGOs, NGOs, multi-national corporations should emulate methods by inviting experts, policymakers, and civil societies for robust and updated policies.

The solution to the issues requires attitudinal shifts among leaders and the public with a sound public policy beneficial to everyone.

READ MORE: Climate Change and Gender Equity

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8 best lifehacks to change your lifestyle to be healthy


8 best lifehacks to change your lifestyle to be healthy

Have you ever felt that there is nothing new every day you wake up, or your life is stuck at some point? You might also have felt that you have lost the sense of enjoyment and are just ‘killing the time’. These sorts of feelings will eventually lead you to ennui and you will end up feeling every day a burden on you. Well, you can try these basic 8 best lifehacks in your everyday life that will calm your mind and will help you understand life better and to get over these problems. lifehacks

1- Make your bed

The bed is usually one of the most neglected items in the household. Putting it in the words of Admiral William H. McRaven “If you want to change the world, start off by making your bed”. Making your bed in the morning confers a sense of the first accomplishment. This little step can keep you motivated throughout the day. lifehacks

2- Make your breakfast

Breakfast, usually the forgotten meal among teenagers, can also play role in shaping your lifestyle. The most common breakfast is cereal but if you have time, try something else in the breakfast which involves cooking or taking a bit more time in making it. When you eat a meal that you have cooked by yourself, you will feel a sense of fulfillment. lifehacks

3- Hang your clothes

You might have, or seen your roommate, put clothes on bed when sitting on the chair and then back on the chair when getting in the bed, and this cycle never stopped. There is a proper place for everything where it belongs. It never takes more than a few seconds to hang your clothes but doing so can invoke a sense of cleanliness in your mind.

lifehacks to change your lifestyle

4- Turn off lights when leaving

Apart from conserving electricity, turning off lights, when leaving, can develop a sense of responsibility in one’s self. This small act can slowly eradicate carelessness and could lead you to accomplishing more important tasks. lifehacks

5- Clean your windscreen

A lot of people do not even look at the windscreen before getting into their car and notice their windscreen dirty when they are halfway down the commute. Though they clean it with car wipers afterward, but it would have been much better if they had left with a clean windscreen. lifehacks

This attitude depicts negligence, which can sometimes turn into a disaster. Cleaning your windscreen before getting into a car will make you feel that you have checked your car and have done what was necessary before the start of the journey, making you realize the importance of minor tasks in the long run. lifehacks

6- Clean dishes after eating

Benjamin Franklin left this world a valuable piece of advice “Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today”. Time and tide waits for none. No one can predict time, nor can mold it, and can never know what lies ahead. One can only utilize the present moment. Cleaning dishes after eating is a way forward to realizing the importance of time, instead of leaving them as it is and waiting for some ‘special’ time to arrive. lifehacks

7- Perform simple tasks by yourself

Performing simple tasks can boost your self-confidence and can make you less dependent. Sometimes a person is afraid to carry out a simple task, e.g., replacing a light bulb, mounting a television, or washing his car, but he has never questioned himself that what actually lies behind that fear.

He might come up with an excuse of electric shock from replacing a bulb, but if told that it would not happen when the button remained turned off, he would still not be willing to do it. This feeling will never let a person accomplish his goals. Performing simple tasks can slowly help in overcoming such fears of the unknown.

8- Be the first

In his book “Think and Grow Rich”, Napoleon Hill said, “Do not wait; the time will never be “just right”. As a person cannot harness time, he should not wait for the omens to fall in his favor. lifehacks

Sometimes you only get one chance, and you realize its importance when it is lost. Try to be the first in availing these chances. Be the one to greet first; appreciate the work of others; be the first in expressing your feeling instead of waiting for others to make the first move. If someone does not matter the time, it does not mean you should also not.

Read more: The Human Rights Campaign

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Future of Speedster Hasan Ali ?



Recalling Nasser Hossain famous lines during Pakistan vs England CT’17 Semi-final when England’ captain Eoin Morgan was caught behind by Sarfraz Ahmed courtesy a classy reverse swing maestro from Hasan Ali: Hasan Ali’s career
“Oh gone gone gone, you need a wicket you go to Hasan Ali” and then whole Cardiff stadium erupted with slogans of “Pakistan Zindabad”, knowing something big was on its way to be achieved, showing that new hope was induced among Pakistan Shaheen supporters for they were sensing the birth of new generational talent. “A STAR IS BORN”

Future of Speedster Hasan Ali's career

Who would have thought that the guy who was predicted to have the potential of becoming the Great Fast- bowler of Pakistan modern cricket would suffer such an early downfall? 

Peshawar Zalmi speedster and current Captain of Central Punjab in Quaid-e-Azam trophy 2020-21 season. Hasan Ali has once again caught the selectors’ eyes after impressive performances in Quaid-e-Azam trophy. Hasan Ali’s career

Photo courtesy PCB

In 7 matches of the tournament, he has currently taken 32 wickets (two 5-wicket haul, one 10-wicket haul with an impressive strike rate of 33.84 and an average of 18.84. He has improved a lot in batting as scored critical knocks for the team.Thus led the team from the front. Hasan Ali’s career

Again, injury is the primary concern for him as he sustained a strain in his groin. After going through rehabilitation of his back concern for five long months. Hasan Ali’s career

Hasan Ali is already the fastest Pakistani bowler to take 50 wickets ODI wickets beating Great Waqar Younis. He was also the player and bowler of the ICC Champions trophy 2017. When Pakistan beat arch-rivals India by 180 runs in a historical final in Lord’s. Since then he never looked back. Hasan Ali’s career

Since his debut in 2016, it took only a year for Hasan Ali to announce himself on the world stage. His classic skiddy bowling that bowled many great batsmen of the modern era showed he was made for high pedestals.

He ruled ODI cricket for more than a year from 2016-18 during which he ended 2017 as the leading ODI wicket-taker of the world.Thus was the number one ODI bowler back then. Hasan Ali’s career

Alas! This motivated and inspirational run at the international level merely lasted for some time. Suffering an injury due to back spasm after being left out of ODI and Test series (Home) against Srilanka in September 2019.He hasn’t been the same since then.

He hasn’t played for Pakistan national side since Sep 2019 due to his injury. PSL-5 could have helped Speedster gain back the confidence, but he failed to impress the Chief selector and gain back the confidence of his fans. Ali’s career

But his recent record in Quaid-e-Azam trophy helped him gain confidence and enhance his leadership skills as he is captaining the Central Punjab side. Still, unfortunately, when things aren’t going right for you, you can’t do anything rather than praying for a better fate.

But as they say, where there is a will, there is a way. With Muhammad Amir’s retirement, the Pakistan team badly needs a typical new ball bowler in limited-overs cricket. Although Shaheen Afridi is doing well, there hasn’t been any other new ball bowler to help him out.

It is an excellent opportunity for Hasan Ali to get selected for Pakistan soon. Since, the T-20 world cup is on the cards around mid next year.

Pakistan Head coach, Misbah-ul-Haq, and Bowling consultant, Waqar Younis are looking for different bowling combinations, during recent tours of England and New Zealand. Later on, home series against South Africa, expected to be started from 26th January.

Thus, Hasan Ali can also comeback soon, knowing how much potential he has. For that PSL-6 starting in February will play a critical role in deciding Hasan Ali’s fate for his comeback.

As they say: “When the going gets tough, the tough get going”. Maybe Pakistan superstar and former number one ODI bowler, Hasan Ali soon start his redemption season with the national side.

Definitely, fans will love to watch Hasan’s trademark “Bomb Generator” celebration. For they know Hasan Ali on his day is a match-winner. The Cricket world awaits a shining star to come back with the same classy smooth bowling action rattling modern Greats.

READ MORE: Pakistani cricketers were left unnoticed by the ICC teams of the decade (2010-20)

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President of America Joe Biden: Biography


President of America Joe Biden:

The year 2020 had been quite a bumpy ride. A lot happened; a lot changed. And these changes had their effects on a single person to nations. The end of 2020 also changed the tide of world politics. The US general elections of Nov 2020 gave the world a new-different leader in the shape of Joe Biden.

President of America Joe Biden
Joseph Robinette Biden Jr., who goes by the name Joe Biden, has been elected as the 46th president of the united states of America. This name is not new to world politics, rather had been known as the 47th vice-president of the USA.

Born on November 20th, 1942 in Pennsylvania, Biden moved to Delaware at the age of 10, along with his parents and siblings. His father Joseph Robinette Biden Sr. worked as a car salesman at Delaware.

President of America Joe Biden
Joe Biden- second from right- is the eldest of four children.

In 1965 he graduated from the University of Delaware with a double major in political science and history. Although he never remained a prominent student during his early education. But he developed a passion for legal studies after graduation and 3 years later earned a degree in law from Syracuse University. President of America Joe Biden

In the meantime, he met Neilia Hunter, a student at the same university, with whom he tied the knot and had three children, 2 boys, and a girl. President of America Joe Biden

Neilia Hunter

Soon after he completed his legal studies, he started working as an attorney in Delaware. He started as a corporate lawyer but could not develop passion in that area, still did not turn to the criminal law side as it would not pay well. During his practice as a lawyer, he became a member of the county council in 1970.This became his stepping-stone to politics, and left legal practice after two years. President of America Joe Biden

His charisma, interaction with the locals, vote bank of the blue-collar voters, and the support of his young attractive family led him to win the Senate election.

Neilia never had the chance to see her husband become president as she faced a fatal accident in December 1972. She was gone for Christmas shopping, which took her little daughter too and left the two boys severely injured. President of America Joe Biden

Disheartened at the misery that he had recently faced, Biden considered resigning to cope with the trauma and to attend to his injured sons. But the majority leader of the Senate, Michael Joseph Mansfield, persuaded him not to do so. President of America Joe Biden

He was sworn the 6th youngest US senator on January 5th, 1973. Due to his service to society, he was re-elected six times making him the longest-serving senator of Delaware for 36 years. Along the way of his political career, he met Jill Jacobs, an educationist, whom he credits the reason for the renewal of his interest in politics and life.

They got married in June 1977 and had a daughter. Biden had also been an adjunct professor at Widener University’s school of law, Delaware from 1991 to 2008.

Biden remained prominent during his senatorship and had played a crucial role in shaping the country’s foreign and national affairs. He served as the chairman of the Senate’s Foreign Relation Committee twice and once as chair of the Judiciary Committee. His focus was also towards reducing arms spread and establishing a drug control policy. He established the office of ‘Drug-czar’, monitoring the national drug control.

He first ran for the presidency in 1988 but soon withdrew. His second attempt for presidency met the same fate in 2008 as it did not even gain momentum.

But his experience in the field of foreign relations and national security set the eyes of the Ex-president Obama on him. He assigned him as running mate for the 2008 vice-presidential elections. Biden remained the vice-president for two terms, ending his tenure in 2017.

Biden served as the 47th vice president during the Obama administration from 2009 to 2017.  President of America Joe Biden

In 2017, Biden published his memoir “Promise Me, Dad” which was focused on the loss of his son Beau to brain cancer and its effect on his personal life and political career. This book attracted a lot of attention and became the instant #1 New York Best Seller.

Biden’s book

He entered the race of the 2020 presidential elections in 2019 and contested Bernie Sanders in intra-party nominations. Bernie later withdrew from the race following the covid-19 pandemic, making Biden the presumptive Democratic nominee.

After all the struggle and challenging circumstances, Biden was successful in securing 270 electoral votes necessary to capture the presidency in November 2020 elections.
Now the whole world awaits what the new ‘most powerful man on earth’ has to offer this world. President of America Joe Biden


Read more: pakistan relations with us under biden

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Pakistani Cricketers were Left Unnoticed by the ICC


ICC Team of the decade (2010-20) is annnounced for both Men and Women side on 27th December 2020 across all game formats. Players from almost all the test playing nations were included in the teams, including the newly included test side Afghanistan.

Surprisingly, there was no player from the Test mace holder for 2016 and ICC Champions trophy 2017 winning side, Pakistan, that failed to impress the voters.

Despite their superior performances against all sides across all conditions (Home/Away) and all ICC competitions during the whole decade, many PCT players went unnoticed.

Some prominent Pakistani players who deserved a place in these decade team sides are as follow: Pakistani cricketers

1- Younis Khan

in ICC Test Team of the decade (Men): Pakistan leading runs getter and first Pakistani to enter in 10,000 runs club in Test format, “Legendary Younis Khan” was the most influenced cricketer of Pakistan side during this decade. Pakistani cricketers

T20 World cup 2009 winning side captain Younis Khan scored 4839 runs with a healthy average of 55.45 while playing from 2010-17 during this decade. Pakistani cricketers

From scoring an inspirational knock of 171 runs in fourth innings against Srilanka on their home soul to chase down the highest score (377 runs) in fourth innings in Pakistan all-time test history to becoming only Pakistani with 10,000 test runs, versatile & ever-reliable YK has come a long way. Pakistani cricketers

Pakistani cricketer younas khan and misbah

He scored a double ton against England in England, 175* against Australia in Australia, 111 against South Africa in South Africa, and 200 against Zimbabwe in Zimbabwe, all of which resulted in him becoming the only player to score a ton in 11 test hosting countries. Pakistani cricketers

This showed the class and caliber of the player himself. He should have been there in the ICC Test Team of the Decade, knowing he dominated all the teams in their home conditions and was the main reason for taking Pakistan’s side to the No.1 spot in the ICC Test ranking in 2016Pakistani cricketers

2- Fab 3 of Pakistan T20 side in ICC T20 Team of the decade (Men):

We all know that Pakistan had the most economical bowling in the most exciting format of the game in the modern era. With those classy Yorkers of Umer Gul (Guldozer), those fast drifters of Shahid Afridi, and those “dusra” of Saeed Ajmal, it will not be wrong to say that these three were the main pillars and Fab 3 of the Pakistan T20 side. Pakistani cricketers

Three of them topped the most international T20 wickets list for more than five years of this decade, with Gul on top, Ajmal on second, and Afridi on the third spot (later on, after Gul’s injury and Ajmal’s retirement, Afridi took over the top spot).

Pakistan’s side remained in the top spot for many parts of this decade, and it will not be wrong to say that this trio was the primary reason for that.

In the all-time T20 bowlers ranking, these three are also present with Gul topping the list, which shows this ICC T20 decade side is incomplete without their presence.  Pakistani cricketers

3- Sana Mir in ICC ODI Team of the decade (Women):

Pakistan women’s team Ex-skipper, Women’s cricket “Legend Sana Mir” is the most prominent figure in Pakistan women’s cricket. Pakistani cricketers

Pakistani women captain Sana Mir

The legendary off-spinner topped the ICC ODI bowlers’ ranking in 2018 and is currently standing in the ninth spot in the bowlers’ ranking, although she announced her retirement earlier in 2020.

Being the most economical bowler in limited-overs cricket in the world shows Sana Mir fittingly deserves a place in the ODI decade side, at least.

Her exceptional spells of 3-26, 1-37, and 3-53 against a line-up of top-notch Australian batters in 2018 is her most prominent bowling statistics in this decade.

The highly influential “Sana Mir” currently stands fifth in all-time ODI wicket-takers in women’s cricket.  Pakistani cricketers

4- Saeed Ajmal in ICC ODI Team of the decade:

Saeed Ajmal, the creator of Tesara, and Jadugar were ranked No. 1 ODI bowlers from Nov 2011 to Dec 2014 until his bowling action got illegal. Surprisingly, he never won a Man of the Match during this tenure.

Although four years are not enough to define a decade’s performance, seeing many players added to the decade’s teams playing even less than four years from 2010-20 shows Jadugar deserves a place provided no one comes close to his stature.   Pakistani cricketers

Many ex-cricketers were shocked too with no Pakistani cricketer included in the decade side, for they also believed individual players were unreal during the decade, and some even called the T20 decade side the “IPL Team of the decade.”  Pakistani cricketers

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