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What Does a Politician Do?


A politician is a person who is involved in politics. To become a good politician… do campaigns, take part in local politics .Responsibilities of a politician.

What Is a Politician?

A politician is a person who is professionally involved in politics and holds an elected office. He/she is part of a political party and has a similar belief to that party. We can also define a politician as a person who plays an active role in a political party and holds an elective office in government.

How to Become a Politician

To become a politician you need some experience and education in politics or a related field in particular. 

Meet Jason, a member of the Scottish Youth Parliament and Youth Select Committee, representing Angus South got into politics after watching the coverage of the 2016 presidential election in America.

Some steps to becoming a politician are:

  • Bachelor’s Degree

To become a successful politician you need to hold a bachelor’s degree. Areas of study could be political science, business, economies, and international law. Having a Bachelor’s Degree is indeed very helpful for those who want to pursue their carries as a politician on the federal or state level.

  •  Take Part in Local Politics

If you want to become a successful politician, then your interest level in politics should be very high. Get the latest updates on the political situations of the country through newspapers and television. Moreover, involve yourself in community politics. Also do volunteering for local campaigns and communities.

By becoming an active member of local political affairs you will get noticed by politicians. Also it will show them your interest in politics

  • Campaigning

Choose your position at a local political level and start campaigning for that. It will help you a lot in getting the support. Put your time and effort to run your campaign successfully.

  • Network with Local Leaders

Make friendly relations with the political leaders of your area. Get to know about them, and how they started their career as a politician. Apart from this, meet them often to the insights into the politics. Show them your interest so you can get support from them.

  • Form a Team

After you have done the campaign at a local level, start preparing for the higher level. It may require some time and you need to form a team for this so you can do campaigns easily at a high level. It will also require funding which you get from the support of your community.

Above all be not like typical politicians who made promises and forget them.  Be the man of your words and win the hearts of people.

Types of Politician

Politicians are associated with a political party. It helps them to connect with their voters. Some politicians work part-time along with their job while others work full-time. They are also known as a career politicians.

Some of the positions they hold include:


Councilors focus on any one aspect of the public services which may include education, housing, and transportation. City councilors which are also known as alderman. They generally focus on improving public services and solving community issues. They also work on a local level to distribute the city budget.


A mayor is the head of a city and is part of the city council or commission. He/she is responsible for overseeing city administration, city palming, and public relations. Mayor is appointed by an elected council. Some cities also elect their mayor separately.


Commissioners enforce laws and ordinances. They allocate the money within the budget for maintaining the infrastructure and are responsible for overseeing the county’s management. Along with this they also represent county interests at the state and federal levels.


Representative also referred to as congressmen or congresswomen introduces bills and resolution. They have right to amends bills and serve on committees.


Governors are responsible for implementing state law and advancing and pursuing new and revised policies. It is the highest-ranking office of state government. They have the power to appoint government positions. In addition to that they also have the power to appoint the judges.


A president is responsible for enforcing the laws written by Congress. They appoint the cabinets and head of federal agencies. It is the highest elected office in the United States.


A senator takes action on the bill, resolution, and treaties by voting. They have the power to confirm appointments of Supreme Court Justices. Moreover they can vote in a variety of ways like voice votes, roll call votes, and unanimous contests.

Cabinet Members

President appoints the Cabinet members. They advise the president on various subjects and policy areas in particular. There are 15 cabinet secretaries including the secretary of state, defense, and education.

Roles and Responsibilities of a Politician

Being a politician you have some responsibilities and you need to perform these duties punctually to retain your position: 

  • Firstly a Politicians ensure that public administration conducts in a neutral and impartial manner.
  • They coordinate and decide upon policies for the public administration.
  • They are also responsible for creating and formulating new policies.
  • Interact with constituents and write law.
  • They have to listen to the issues of the public.
  • Give speeches and campaign for votes.
  • Serves on committees and creates and approves budgets.
  • Has the power to shape the debate and sift the public opinions.
  • Above all they have the responsibility of Proposing law, budget plans, and funding allocations.


If you want to be successful in politics then you need to give your time and put in a lot of effort and hard work. It may take some time, some month’s even years but if you want to be among the renowned politicians then give your full dedication and it will pay off definitely.

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What is Neo-Nazism?

Origin of Neo-Nazism.


Neo-Nazism emerged after post-World War II and it is militant, social or political movements that implement the ideology of Nazism. Neo-Nazis seek to employ their ideology to promote hatred and attack minorities or sometimes to create a fascist state. It is a global phenomenon, and it is organized and represented in many countries and international networks.

Further, It takes elements of Nazi doctrine, including ultra-nationalism, racism, xenophobia, homophobia, anti-Romanism, antisemitism, and anti-communism. Holocaust is a common feature, as is the incorporation of Nazi symbols and admiration of Adolf Hitler.
Furthermore, Neo-Nazis display Nazi symbols and admired by Adolf Hitler and other Nazi leaders.

Neo-Nazism in the USA

Nazism has roots in Europe, and links between American and European neo-Nazis. Infact in European and Latin American countries, laws prohibit the expression of pro-Nazi, racist, anti-Semitic, or homophobic views. Infact, in European countries, Nazi symbols banned (especially in Germany).

Neo-Nazism in Russia

In addition, Russia has faced a wave of racist violence committed by Neo-Nazi skinheads gangs. In 2000, when Putin became President, his regime exploited this development in two ways. Firstly, the Neo-Nazi threat used to justify the adoption of anti-extremism legislation for the demand of some Russian liberals.

Secondly, the Kremlin introduced “managed nationalism”, which used to mobilize radical nationalist militants, including neo-Nazis.

On the other side, the Kremlin’s relationship with Russian fascists, so it is possible these linkages create a pro-Putin neo-Nazi movement. Moreover, Neo-Nazis and other right-wing figures played role in Russia’s onslaught against Ukraine. The Kremlin’s domestic neo-Nazis matched by its promotion of neo-Nazis in the West.

Neo-Nazism in Germany

The spread of neo-Nazism and White Supremacy across the country has exposed the public to symbols, terms, and ideology. It has drawn directly from Nazi Germany and Holocaust-era fascist movement.

Infact, Hitler was obsessed with race and he said the Aryan race was superior. His speeches and writings spread his belief that the world engaged in an endless racial struggle. Additionally, White Nordic people were in the top racial hierarchy; Slavs, Blacks, Arabs, and Jews were lower.

Related Article: D-Day: Allies storm Normandy’s Coast, WWII

“Blood and Soil”

“Blood and Soil” (Blut and Boden) was an early Nazi slogan used in Germany. It spread the idea of a pure “Aryan” race and the territory it wanted to invade. Further, persecuted Jews and said Jews as a biological threat to Germany.
Students burned Jewish authors’ books.

Neo-Nazism in Ukraine

In the past few decades, “neo-Nazism” with populism and racism has been growing across Eastern Europe, including Ukraine. It emerged under the protection of the so-called freedom, democracy, and human rights of the West. At the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) summit, Russian President, Vladimir Putin condemned how neo-Nazism started in Ukraine.

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D-Day: Allies storm Normandy’s coast, World War II


In World War II Operation Overlord, the long-delayed, cross-channel invasion of northern France, happened in May 1944 by the Western Allies. The operation’s supreme commander, General Dwight D. Eisenhower, commanded the combined efforts of 12 different countries.

In World War II, allies chose Normandy after a long debate. Because of this, the Allies would be able to use surprise to their advantage. As the English Channel narrows near Pas de Calais, the German high command prepares for an offensive there. Hitler had placed the majority of his panzer divisions in the Pas de Calais.

The Allied invasion strategy relied heavily on surprise. The Germans sent their 55 divisions in France into the sea when they found out where the Allies would arrive. With a 10-to-1 manpower disadvantage, the invaders would have taken the initiative.

The difficulties of landing a plane were overwhelming. It took the enemy months to build the 2,400-mile-long Atlantic Wall. This wall was to prevent ships from passing through England’s notoriously stormy and unpredictable English Channel.

There were 6.5 million mines in this fortification, as well as tens of thousands of concrete bunkers and pillboxes housing fast-firing artillery and thousands of tank trenches. And the German army would be encamped on the bluffs overlooking the American landing beaches, ready to spring into action.

Overlord slated to begin on or around May 1, 1944, during the Tehran Conference in August 1943. They were constantly preparing for the assault in the meanwhile. More than half a million soldiers and hundreds of thousands of vehicles rushed into the country. In the words of one American sergeant, “we were getting set for one of the greatest experiences of our life.”

“We couldn’t wait for it to be over,” they said. Meanwhile, the American and British air forces in England conducted a tremendous bombing campaign. This targeted railroad bridges and roadways in northern France. It prevented the Germans from bringing in reserves to stop the invasion.

D-Day for the invasion was declared by Allied authorities on June 5, 1944. The assault was scheduled for June 4, but bad weather in the English Channel caused Eisenhower to put it off for another day. There had been some anxiety among troops and sailors, but Eisenhower decided to proceed when meteorologists predicted a small window of calmer weather across the canal on June 6. Decisions like these were the most daring of World War II.

Allies started deploying airborne soldiers into hostile territory at midnight on June 6. Allies demolished bridges and railroads to prevent the enemy from sending reinforcements to the assault beaches. Soon after, the greatest amphibious invasion force ever organized started advancing through the swelled seas in direction of the beaches.

Allies launched Flat-bottomed Higgins boats from troop ships ten miles off the French coast to convey most of the Americans. The green-faced guys had to use their helmets to bail the nasty stew from the bottom of the boats as water rushed in over the gunwales. The male soldiers perspired despite the freezing temperatures.

The planners divided beach into five distinct parts. The British and the Canadians controlled Juno, Gold, and Sword. Omaha and Utah beaches were occupied by the United States.

Intense combat erupted on Omaha Beach, where the Axis forces were present on high bluffs overlooking the beach’s vast, flat expanse. For hours, merciless machine-gun fire converted the beach into an enormous killing field as troops sprang from their landing craft. Lieutenant Colonel Bill Friedman warned: “If you (stayed) there, you were going to perish.

As the Germans had built their fortifications on the cliffs, “we only had to.. attempt to reach to the bottom of the cliffs.” Over 4,700 Americans died, injured, or missing out of the estimated 35,000 that landed on Omaha Beach that day, a casualty rate of more than 13 percent, before noon.

More than 175,000 Allied troops arrived before midnight, and over a million more were to arrive in the summer. During World War II, the invasion of Normandy was one of the most pivotal events of the era. An immense army entered Nazi-occupied Europe, that never dislodged.

Germany felt threat of a tremendous Soviet invasion from the east that would reach the gates of Berlin by the following April. In order to grasp D-significance, Day imagine what might have occurred if it had not been successful. For at least a year, another landing was out of the question.

With more time to build up the Atlantic Wall, annoy England with V-1 and V-2 flying bombs, continue to develop jet aircraft and other “wonder weapons,” as well as finish off his death campaign against racial or sexual undesirables, Hitler would have been able to carry out these and other tasks.

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What was the Westward Expansion?

westward expansion

Westward expansion was the moment of settlers into the American West in the 19th century. It began with the Louisiana Purchase. It is fuelled by Gold Rush, the Oregon Trail, and also the belief in manifest destiny. Folklore of the United States also voices this expansion. Remains of the trail ruts are still present in various locations throughout West America.

 Westward Expansion and Manifest Destiny

Manifest destiny was a popular cultural belief in the 19th century in the United States. It clearly proposed that the U.S had the divine right to expand towards the west side which also means that the U.S. expansion was the will of God.

Editor of U.S. Magazine and Democratic Review, John L.O Sullivan originated the term manifest destiny. He also wrote about this in New York Magazine: “The right of our manifest destiny to overspread and to possess the world of the continent which Providence has given us for the development of the great experiment of liberty and federated self-government entrusted to us.”

Main Theme Of Manifest Destiny

The main theme of manifest destiny was:

  • Special virtues of American institutions and people. 
  • The mission of the United States to rescue and remake the west in the image of the agrarian East.
  • An irresistible destiny to carry out this essential duty.

Last but not the least to acquire lands in Texas, Oregon Country, and California in the U.S. Even though U.S had to pay a large amount for these lands or fight the Native Americans who had lived on the land for generations.

Timeline of the Westward Expansion

After having a brief overview of manifest destiny and westward expansion, let’s take a look at the timeline of the westward expansion:

 From 1803 to 1848

YearWestward ExpansionOverview
1803Louisiana PurchaseAfter the completion of the Louisiana Purchase of buying a massive territory west of the Mississippi River from the French worth $ 1.5 million, the size of the United States doubled.
1805Lewis & Clark ExpeditionPresident Jefferson in the years 1805 send two explorer Meriwether Lewis and William Clark to explore the area of to the west of Mississippi River. In the year 1806 they also reported the findings of their expedition.
1843Great Migration Via the Oregon TrailIn the year 1843 around 1000 people traversed the Oregon Trail via wagon train. They made it all the way to Oregon Country. The journey of approximately 2000 mile proved to be success they settled the area and were able to safely navigate the long journey.
1845Texas StatehoodIn 1845 Texas officially became a state. Congress passed a resolution in favor of annexing Texas.
1847Mormons Settle UtahUnder leadership of Brigham Young, the Mormons left their settlement and headed towards the west to search a new homeland. They traversed more than 1300 miles west and finally decided to stop in Great Salt Lake Valley and settle here. Around 2000 people settled here by the end of the year.
1848California Gold Rush BeginsGold was discovered in North California. Before this gold rush less than 1000 people lived there. After this gold rush around 100,000 people moved to California. This gold rush ended in year 1857.

From 1850-1890

YearWestward ExpansionOverview
1850California StatehoodIn 1850 California became a state and was granted statehood.
1859Oregon StatehoodOregon was granted statehood in 1859. This happened after the people who migrated to Oregon Country via Oregon Trail in 1840.
1862Homestead ActA homestead Act was passed in year 1862 through which people were able to claim up to 160 acres land in west. Many people rushed to west to claim their land and about 500 million acres were given to those people which made claim between 1862 and 1904.
1874South Dakota Gold RushGold was discovered in Black Hiss of the part of Dakota Territory during an expedition in 1874. Around 10,000 people relocated to the area in quest of gold.
1889Dakota Territory StatehoodIn 1889 Dakota Territory was split into North Dakota and South Dakota. And this was the last place to be settled before the expansion ends
1890America Declared to be SettledFinally the reporting on the rapid west during this time in the United States, the U.S. Census announced that country settlement has completed and it marked the end of westward expansion.

Read Also: History as a linear or a cyclic process

Reasons for Westward Expansion

Following were some main reasons for Westward Expansion:

  • The California and Dakota gold rush without a doubt paved way for the westward expansion.
  • Improved living standards and also better services were available.
  • Faster travel on the other hand was available by railroad to the west. So people opted that way.
  • Moreover a great opportunity for people to buy cheap lands under Homestead Act. The Homestead Act not only provides cheap lands but also the ownership of the lands to the people.
  • Cities the East were expensive and also they were crowded. This undoubtedly was major reason the the westward expansion.

Westward Expansion Facts

Some of the interesting Westward Expansion facts were:

  • In the light of westward expansion the Native Americans removed from their lands.
  • Additionally the cost of the Louisiana Purchase was the U.S. $1.5 million.
  • Furthermore the people who wanted to move west were provided free land under the Homestead Act.
  • The Gold Rush in California was an equally important factor in moving people toward the west.
  • Also during the period 1800-1900, the U.S population increased from 5 million to 76 million.
  • Use of Transcontinental Railroad to transport supplies and people across the country
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Pakistan increases fuel prices to unlock IMF funding

Pakistan increases fuel prices to unlock IMF funding


When fuel prices increase, a larger share of households’ budgets is likely to be spent on it, which leaves less to spend on other goods and services. The same goes for businesses whose goods must be shipped from place to place or that use fuel as a major input.

According to the study, after fuel prices increase by 25% and the price of petroleum goods falls by 2.7 percent, aggregate real household consumption falls by 2.1 percent. The most affected are urban and high-income households, showing the reform’s progressivity. 

As fuel prices increase, According to the country’s finance minister, Pakistan’s borrowing has been increased by 20% in order to keep getting loans from the International Monetary Fund under a $6 billion plan agreed upon in 2019.

petrol pumps

The Washington-based fund met with Pakistani officials in Qatar earlier this month, highlighting policy deviations by Islamabad in the areas of fuel and subsidies, particularly in February. In order to minimize the budget deficit, the government must tighten monetary policy and consolidate its finances against a backdrop of rising inflation, which reached an annual rate of 13.4% in April, dwindling foreign currency reserves, a 7% unemployment rate, and a substantial current account deficit.

Fuel prices will rise on Friday, with the new petrol prices in Pakistan of petrol set at 179.86 rupees ($0.88) per liter and diesel at 174.15 rupees, according to finance minister Miftah Ismail.

Petrol price hikes:

According to a Pakistani source intimately involved in talks in Qatar, the IMF and Islamabad had struck an agreement to release over $900 million in funding after Pakistan reduced gasoline subsidies and increased prices.

“The agreement will be completed if the petrol price increases. We’ve hammered out the details of a deal “After the Doha discussions ended, the insider added in a text message.

The petrol price hike has been the primary point of contention between Pakistan and the IMF, as part of an agreement to decrease the fiscal deficit by withdrawing subsidies in the oil and electricity sectors before the annual budget is delivered next month.

Queues at petrol pump

In addition to the $900 million, if the IMF passes the seventh review as a consequence of the talks, it will open the door to additional external finance for the cash-strapped South Asian country, whose foreign reserves are just enough to cover two months of imports.

About half of the $6 billion deal’s funds have yet to be released, and the IMF review has not yet been scheduled. The scheme, which had been proposed in 2019, was halted earlier this year after ousted Prime Minister Imran Khan cut and then froze fuel prices for four months, costing the government $600 million per month in subsidies.

Since taking power on April 11, Premier Sharif has deferred price increases three times, generating market fear over whether the government will be able to resume the IMF programmed.

The IMF’s staff stressed the importance of “specific policy initiatives,” including the removal of fuel and energy subsidies, as well as the fiscal year 2023 budget, to accomplish programmed targets, according to a statement released on May 25.

The remaining $3 billion from the loan program will be released if the program is successfully restarted. Pakistan has also asked the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to prolong its loan program for another year and increase the loan size by $2 billion.

Between July 2021 and February 2022, Pakistan’s current account deficit grew to more than $12 billion, compared to a $1 billion surplus a year earlier. 

If the IMF approves the seventh review, the country’s foreign currency reserve shortage will be alleviated. 

According to Reuters, Pakistan’s foreign reserves are only enough to finance two months’ worth of imports.

About half of the $6 billion deal’s funds have yet to be released, and the timing of the IMF review is unknown.

According to IMF forecasts made in April before the country’s downturn, Pakistan’s economy is expected to grow by approximately 4% this year. 

After increase in Fuel Prices

Effect of petrol price hike:

Petrol prices increase, meaning that each of us pays more at the pump, leaving less money to spend on other goods and services at the individual level. However, increasing gas prices have an impact on the larger economy in addition to the expense of filling up at the gas station.

Inversely, when gas prices decrease, it is less expensive for both consumers and companies to fill up the tank, which helps transportation-related industries like airplanes and truckers, but it hurts the domestic oil industry.

Higher oil costs are a drag on the economy in general. We’ll look at some of the immediate and indirect effects of petrol price hike in this article.


Petrol price hikes have the unintended consequence of reducing consumer discretionary spending as they spend a greater proportion of their income on gasoline. With higher pricing, shoppers will be less likely to drive to areas like the mall or shopping complexes. Academic and industrial research back this up, demonstrating that driving miles are directly related to gas prices.

Increase in Fuel Prices

Public transportation:

Effects of petrol price hike may result in a notable increase in the use of public transportation. If petrol costs continue to rise, shared and public transportation may become more enticing as a more cost-effective option to sitting in traffic with pricey fuel in the tank.


The companies’ fuel expenses and those associated with oil procurement are, on average, the highest operating costs for airlines. Fuel expenditures account for such a substantial amount of an airline’s overhead that fluctuations in the price of oil have a significant impact on the airline’s bottom line.

Auto industry:

Historically, the automobile industry has responded to rising gasoline prices by developing smaller, more fuel-efficient vehicles, such as hybrids and, more recently, all-electric vehicles that can drive up to 250 miles between charges.

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Most Expensive Koi Fish

most expensive koi fish

Kikokuryu, Ogon, Showa are some of the most expensive koi fish in the world. $1.8 million, the expensive koi ever sold. Breeding quality and importing outside makes them expensive.

Koi fishes are the type of crap which are found all over the world. Carp is a species of oily fish from the family of Cyprinidae. They are special due to their color and lineage. They are also kept for decorative purposes in ponds or water gardens.

You must be wondering why they are so expensive. 

Let’s have a look at the most expensive types of koi fish and why are they so expensive.


Most Expensive Koi Fish Ever Sold


Kikokuryu is among the most attractive koi fish. It has a metallic silver color body with splashes of bright orange. There are more than 100 varieties of Kikokuryu fish, among these, the popular ones are Taisho Sanshoku, Showa Sanshoku, and Kohaku. You might be able to get it for a few hundred dollars but a good size, color, and lineage can easily fetch over $2000.


Beni Kikokuryu

Beni Kikokuryu is a Doitsu and is a metallic Koi. It has an orange or red pattern. It comes in a variety of colors like white, black silver, and blue. Also they can change color according to temperature. They are also known for their lustrous body. The price of a Beni Kikokuryu depends upon its skin luster and may be somewhat around $2000.


Ogon is a solid, metallic single-colored koi crap. They are one of the most friendly koi crap. Ogon is also famous for its lustrous sheen and brilliant shade of gold and black lining around each scale. Ginrin, Platinum ogon, and Matsuba are some of the varieties of Ogon. As the Ogon fish comes in different varieties, the price of a Ogon fish can hence go up to $200 per fish.


Asagi is one of the oldest Koi. It has brilliant shimmering blue scales and brilliant luminescence. Asagi fish undoubtedly has attractive diamond-like patterns and their head is marked with grey, white or red circles. Asagi which have more pigmentation than usual is called Hi Asagi. Small asagi usually sell at a rate of $100 while large asagi at the rate of $3000.


Utsuri is a black koi with red, yellow, or white markings. A red-colored Utsuri is called Hi Utsuri, and a yellow-colored one is called Ki Utsuri whereas a white-colored one is called Shiro Utsuri. Besides that, a Utsuri fish also has a completely different color on the lower top and top half. Price of a large, well-colored Utsuri is about $3000.


Tancho is beautiful snowy white koi with a single red-orange color patch at the top of their heads. It has a flawless and unblemished body. Tancho fish also comes in three varieties. Because of its rarity, a perfect Tancho is very expensive. The price of Tancho is $3000.



Doitsu koi have no scales except for an enlarged scale on the lateral line and two linings running alongside the dorsal fin.The most common varieties of Doitsu include white, black, and orange color Doitsu. Because of the different colors, the Doistu can easily fetch upwards of $3000.


Showa fish has three-tone colors and unique patterns of patches and swirls. It usually displays all three colors on its head. You can easily identify a Showa fish by the black pattern on it’s head. Showa koi is a combination of white, black, and orange-red. Prices for Showa Koi’s vary depending upon size and color. Because of the unique patterns and colors the Showa fish has a varying prices. You may be able to find one Showa for $200 but the price of the best Showa is about $16000.


Sanke means “tri-color”. It is a three-colored koi. It usually shows two colors on its head, white and red. Alternatively you can also identify it as a white koi with a red pattern and black marking. A small sanke has a price of about $200 but if you plan to buy a big sanke koi then the price should be somewhat $6000.


Kohaku is a Japanese species of fish with red and white coloring. It is the most expensive koi fish ever sold with a price of $1.8 million. This Kohaku was a nine-year-old fish, named S Legend measuring over 300 ft. in length. Owned by a Taiwanese woman, Miss Yingying. Even though $1.8 million is above the average price of Kohaku koi, it’s not unheard of for people to pay over $16000.


Most Expensive Types of Koi Fish

Some of the most expensive types of koi fish are:

S Legend (Kohaku)$1.8 million
Beni Kikoryu$2000
Hi Utsuri$600-$700
Platinum Ogon$200-$300
Taisho Sanke$100+

Why Are Koi Fishes So Expensive?

Koi fishes are beautiful, and attractive due to their color and appearance. But their price sometimes might shock you. They are among the most expensive pet fish in the world. Kohaku is the most expensive koi fish in the world.

Here are some of the reasons why they are the most expensive koi carp ever:

Breeding Quality

Breeding a normal koi carp is easy but breeding a quality koi requires knowledge and expertise. It requires years of experience so that is whys a good koi crap is not found abundantly. And this makes them expensive.

Selective Breeding

If you breed koi crap randomly you will not get the desired color and patterns in the offspring. The parent’s craps are selected after observation. Breeders also use their knowledge to select them as parents.

Few Koi’s Are Raised to Adults

Despite having a high hatching rate, not all koi females are selected for breeding. A breeder selects a koi only when he notices a good indication of color and pattern. A 1kg female koi can lay up to 100,000 eggs. This is another reason for being expensive.

Koi Needs Quality Food

Koi fishes need quality food to grow big. For their good color they need quality food. A good diet therefore helps them to gain weight. So breeders feed them with quality food that’s why they are expensive.

Koi Fish Are Imported

Almost every kind of koi fish is imported from Japan. Buying the most expensive Japanese koi fish and shipping theme into your country certainly increases its price. Also the important has to pay a handsome amount of tax.

Japanese people believe that koi fish can bring good luck and fortune to any home .Their beautiful appearance and magical sound of water undoubtedly can cheer up your mood and reduce your depression. That is why koi are most popular in Japan.

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Finest Antivirus Program For Your Pc

Finest Antivirus Program

If you’re trying to find the Finest Antivirus Program security software for your computer, you’ll come for the right place. The most recent versions of those programs have more features than ever before.

But before you decide over the best you for your needs, always read this assessment to learn more about every single product’s benefits and drawbacks.

Finest Antivirus program

It is important to choose the best antivirus software for your laptop for a variety of reasons. These kinds of features and Technology are essential for keeping your PC or notebook malware-free.

While you’ll need simple antivirus protection, you should also try to find additional features to patrol your computer via online risks. For example , if you use public Wi fi frequently, you should search for a product with VPN.

Should you have children, you have to pick an item that includes parental controls to hold their on line activity under control. Norton 360 is one of these of a extensive antivirus. In this instance, you should dedicate more to get more features.

Finest Antivirus Program

If you’re a gamer or possibly a casual user, the best antivirus security software for game playing should keep your computer safe from threats without being intrusive. A gamer would like an ant-virus software program which slow down their very own PC.

Bitdefender has a characteristic that instantly switches to Autopilot setting after installation. This mode automatically makes security decisions based on your web patterns.

Nevertheless, you don’t want your PC to be overrun with alerts. The very Finest Antivirus Program with respect to video gaming should do more than simply keep your laptop safe from or spyware threats.

Finest Antivirus Program
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A short Review of Avast VPN

Avast VPN

In the light of Technology, a brief review of Avast VPN will cover the basic features and security. Avast supports the remarkably secure OpenVPN protocol. The security used is AES 256-GCM. This VPN service incorporates a kill in order to protect your connection in the event of a network failing.

You can read about its online privacy policy to learn what information this logs and what actions you should choose to adopt protect your self. Avast’s privacy plan is straightforward to follow and provide you full information on what data the service logs and how to deactivate it.

Avast VPN

Despite its many positive features, Avast VPN has a few cons that may put you off. While it doesn’t shop any of your info (IP talk about, operating system, edition of VPN software, wedding ring density, and passwords).

It is continue to not 100 percent secure, and so be sure to examine its coverage before saving the program. Avast offers superb customer support and knowledge bottom. If you encounter problems and/or unsure of something, you are able to visit the Avast VPN internet site for support.

Avast VPN

Avast VPN’s pricing is definitely reasonable. Right now there will be various payment options, which includes yearly, life span, and trial options. It can not as pricey as opponents, but you can use substantial discount rates when you help to make a long dedication.

Avast VPN does not have a enormous equipment network and therefore isn’t when expensive simply because other VPNs. Also, Avast VPN doesn’t have a free version, so it is less expensive than other VPNs.

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US Has Faced Multiple Shootings In 2022

US has faced multiple shootings in 2022

The United States has faced multiple shootings in the year 2022. There have been more than 200 shootings in the country so far. Among all these, the massacres were the Texas mass shooting and school shooting. According to the Gun Violence Archive, there have already been 232 shootings in the United States.

What Is Gun Voilence Archive (GVA)?

Gun Violence Archive (GVA) is a non-profit research group that has a staff of 20 professionals. It provides verifiable gun violence statistics and data in the United States. Gun Violence Archive (GVA) was established in 2013. The Uvalde shooting took place at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde Texas, killed 2 teachers and 19 children.

About The Shooting

This incident took place on May 24 and was among the deadliest shootings in the country so far as of 2022. This shooting happened ten days after the 10 people were shot dead in a supermarket in Buffalo. Law enforcement officers have identified the gunman as an 18 years old Salvador Ramos.

He was a student of Uvalde High School in San Antonio. Law enforcement officers shot Salvador dead. In addition to, Salvador’s social media post also indicated the school shooting. On the morning of the shooting he messaged an individual on Facebook informing him about the attack. The message reads: “I am going to shoot an elementary school.”

On that day before the school shooting, he first shot his grandmother to get access to the family truck to drive to Robb Elementary School. Salvador’s grandmother then called the police. He then drove to the school, headed inside, and shot 19 students aged between 9-11 and two teachers. Further investigations find out that Salvador Ramos has bought 1000 rounds of ammunition. Along with that a two AR-15 rifles two days ahead of his 18th birthday.

How Salvador Reached School?

Uvalde district police officer Erick Estrada while speaking to CNN told that he saw Salvador coming from a vehicle and he was carrying a rifle and was wearing body armor. He found him suspecting but was not able to stop him. Erick Estrada further said that two other officers from the Uvalde Police Department also tried to stop Salvador. But they were not able to do so.

Victims Of The Texas Mass Shooting

Among the Texas mass shooting victims was Mrs. Garcia who has been teaching in the School for 23 years. Another teacher is Ms. Mireless who has a daughter in college .She has been teaching in the school for 17 years.

Amerie who was a student in Robb Elementary School, his father Angel Garza confirmed the death of his daughter on Facebook said: “My little love is now flying high with angles above. Please don’t take s second for granted. Hug your family and tell them you love them.”

The first shooting that happened in the United States in 2022 was in Milwaukee on Sunday, 23 January. 6 people were shot dead among them were 5 men and 1 woman. Apart from that, early investigations suggests that this is target killing. On May 13, Friday an the attack took place in Milwaukee. 16 people gets wounded by the gunfire.

Shooting At Medical Building In Tulsa

The recent shooting in the United States was on Wednesday, June 1. The Incident took place at a medical office building in Tulsa, Okla. A young man carrying a handgun and rifle opened fire in the building killing 4 people and injuring several others. The Tulsa Police Department also reported that the gunman shot himself.

Captain Richard Mukberg from Tulsa Police Department said that this was not a random attack, the gunman deliberately chose to come here and his actions were intentional. The police officials were informed about the shooting at 4:52 pm.

The incident at Natalie Medical Building happened a week after the Robb Elementary School in Texas. And the people are still mourning the devastating loss. As per Gun Violence Archive (GVA), the United States had 417 shootings in the year 2019, and 693 in 2021. According to Education Week, there were 24 school shootings in the year 2018 and 2019, 10 in the year 2020, and 34 in the year 2021. As of 2022, the Uvalde shooting is the 27th school shooting in the United States.

Education Week is a news organization that has been covering K-12 education since 1981. It has its headquarters in Greater Washington DC, Bethesda, and Maryland .Editorial Projects in Education (EPE) owns the Education Week. Education Week has been trailing the school shootings since 2018 and has reported a total of 119 such incidents since then.

After the Texas shooting, The House Judiciary Committee held a hearing to advance legislation that would raise the age limit from 18 to 21 for buying semi-automatic centerfire rifles. Moreover, Protecting Our Kids Act, a legislation by Democrats proposed amidst the pressure to restrict the law after the Uvalde shooting.

Measures To Stop The Shootings

President Joe Biden’s administration has also been taking measures against the recent mass shootings in the country, measures to stop the (ghost gun) firearms bought in parts and assembled by buyers. The President however, has not implemented any actions for checking the background of the gun buyers or ban on assault rifles. The Second Amendment to the United States Constitution guarantees the right of American citizens to keep arms.

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Will Pakistan be the next country to put a halt To Starlink preorders?


Pakistan has stopped taking pre-orders for Starlink broadband services within its borders. Starlink is a satellite Internet. SpaceX operates the Starlink. Space Exploration Technologies Corporation (SpaceX) was founded by Elon Musk in 2002. Elon Musk is the founder, Chief Executive Officer, and Chief Engineer at SpaceX.

What Is Space X?

SpaceX provides space transportation services and aims to reduce space transportation costs. It is the first company that successfully launched the orbit. It also recovered a spacecraft and also the first one to send the spacecraft to the International Space Station.

The company attempted its first launch of the Falcon 1 rocket in 2006. The rocket fails to reach Earth orbit. Commercial Orbital Transportation Service program contract from NASA gave award to the company. After two more failed attempts, SpaceX finally succeeded in launching the Falcon 1 in 2008. It was the first private rocket fuel to do so.

What Is Starlink Internet?

Starlink Internet aims at global coverage. It aims to provides Internet access to 32 countries with plans to be available worldwide by the end of 2022. It includes a Kit that is used for installation and checking your connection. Starlink Internet accessories are also available which you can avail of through its shop after placing your order.

At present the company has already delivered about 2000 satellites into the Earth’s orbit, spreading across 14 countries and serving a customer base of more than 10,000.

In a news release on January 19,2022, the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) said: “Starlink has neither applied for nor obtained any license from PTA to operate and provide Internet services” in Pakistan.

PTA Statement On The Issue

PTA in a statement said:

“The directions came in the wake of reports that Starlink, through its website is asking its subscribers to pay a deposit of USD 99 (which is refundable) as pre-order for equipment/service .”

The Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) is a telecommunication regulator in Pakistan established in 1996. PTA establishes, operates, regulates, and maintains telecommunication services in Pakistan. PTA has taken initiative towards this matter by not taking the pre-orders from the intended customers . Because the company has not the license to operate in the country.

Telecom regulators have already warned people from booking pre-order services through Starlink Internet. The Indian government on November 26, 2021, announced that it has stopped taking pre-orders from the company until it has a license to operate in the country.

The Company Is Still Accepting Orders

But the website is still accepting orders for days after this announcement. In the same way as it is accepting orders from Pakistan after January 19 despite of the announcement to not accept the orders.

There were reports that the company will be applying for a license in India by the end of January 2022. But it has not applied for the license in the country till now.

On January 4, 2022, Starlink’s lead executive in India resigned after TechCrunch. Reuters reports that Space X has drop an e-mail to the customers in India. The e-mail says that the company will refund the pre-order deposits. It will refund until Starlink has the license to operate in India.

But there is no news about how and when the customers in Pakistan will get the refunds who paid the advance and did the pre-booking.

In the meantime, SpaceX has a plan to build a global coverage facility which was launched on January 18, 2022. It comprises a batch of 49 Starlink satellites on a Falcon 9 rocket to Low Earth Orbit. Statistics on this launch by space flight analyst and astrophysicist Jonathan Mc Dowell reported that SpaceX is operating 1879 Starlink satellites in Low Earth Orbit. The company operates 4408 satellites at 550 kilometers.

Starlink’s Message To The Customers

There are around more than 750,000 people around the world who have made a preorder for Starlink Internet services . Customers when placing their order on the site now get the following response:

“THANK YOU FOR YOUR INTEREST IN ORDERING STARLINK!. Starlink is not yet available in your area due to pending regulatory approval. As we receive approval our coverage area will continue to expand. So please check back for future availability in your area.”

Space X’s most recent mission includes the Starlink mission which was launched on April 21, 2022, from Space Launch Complex 40 (SLC-40) at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station, Florida. According to statistics by Jonathan McDowell, SpaceX has launched about 2388 satellites to expand its network. 2150 satellites remain in orbit whereas 2121 remain operational.

As of April 7, 2022, SpaceX is not providing its broadband services in France as the country’s highest administrative court cancelled its spectrum license. To improve its Internet services, SpaceX is looking for approval from the United States Federal Communications Commission for a second-generation network. It will be a network of nearly 30,000 satellites to improve its services.

Space X’s Proposal For Starlink Gen 2 System

Space X has submitted a proposal for a second-generation system (Starlink Gen 2 system). The National Telecommunication and Information Administration (NTIA) and National Science Foundation (NSF) has submit a letter to the Federal Communications Commission in this regard.

This letter raises some concerns over Low Earth Orbit, as it would increase the number of track objects in Low Earth Orbit. In addition to the risk of debris generating collision events based on the number of objects alone. Along with the risks of collision with NASA and other satellites, the Gen 2 system could also interfere with science missions.

These satellites will be in orbits below the NASA science satellite so they will create reflections of sunlight. These reflections will interfere with satellite instruments. NASA did not oppose this letter for the Gen 2 system but only raised the issues that needed to be addressed by SpaceX.

Launches from this second generation would start as soon as the company gets the regulatory approval, in addition to that permission for its Starship vehicle which it is developing for Texas and Boca Chica.

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