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A Glimpse of Afghanistan

A Glimpse of Afghanistan There are two mindsets in the world, the first one does support its self-interests at any cost, and the other one...

Apathetic leaders, an Ails of Pakistan’s Political System.

Apathetic leaders, an Ails of Pakistan's political system. The nature and behavior of a man is fond of complexity from being the kindhearted to the...

Why do Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs) need reforms?

Why do Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs) need reforms? Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs) are important institutions maintaining the social order in any country. However, the institutional...

Article 6; Guilty of high treason?

Article 6; Guilty of high treason? Military invasions throughout history have been witnessed many times where an egocentric  Military Leader of adventurous nature took over...

Accountability, Activism, and Digital Media

Accountability, Activism, and Digital Media Traditionally, accountability has stood for how responsible a person has been in the role they have taken in society. More...

Sliver of a Silver Lining

A sliver of a Silver Lining Orophile/Orophilia; a person who loves the mountains/ the love of and for mountains, as this is intended for those,...

How poverty can affect the environment and policy?

How poverty can affect the environment and policy? Poverty is one of the major problems that the world is facing. In 2015, 193 countries adopted...

History as a linear or a cyclic process :

History as a linear or a cyclic process: Herodotus, Khaldun, and Augustine In social sciences, we often come across different schools; in history or the...

Role of Political Philosophy in the formation of National Identity

Role of Political Philosophy in the formation of National Identity Political philosophy plays a major role in the formation of national identity. Throughout the history...

The ever-evolving security paradigm

The ever-evolving security paradigm The world of the 21st century, since its beginning, witnessed new threats and threat perceptions. It saw the terrorist attacks on...

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