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A Cold Winter, Russian Oil Crisis:-

A cold winter, Russian oil crisis

European countries are facing severe energy crisis as post war effects due to the Russian Ukraine war. Global sanctions have not impacted the production of Russian oil as its export has increased since April and May. Because the asian countries are importing oil. But the sanctions have cut the access of western oil markets to Russian oil.


Russian Ukraine War:-

During the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, Russia answered the global sanctions by cutting down the gas pipelines of Europe. It would not only cause blackouts but a rise in inflation too. Upcoming months are of the winter season in Europe and the Europeans are going to face many troubles. 

Since the Russian Ukraine war began, the western countries stopped importing oil from Russia due to sanctions. But the sanctions do not seem to be effective as Russia found new customers in Asia. This is the reason for increased production of Russian oil in May and April compared to the previous two months. 

European Energy Crisis:-

Furthermore, Gazprom is Russia’s leading energy company. It cuts off the gas pipeline to Europe. Experts blamed the US for the recent European energy crisis. In a cold winter Europe is paying the price of a US-backed economic war against Russia. 

The situation is becoming terrible for Europe day by day. Because the Russian oil crisis is not only a matter of the upcoming winter season. Media reports are saying that European countries can face the worst conditions for many other years. As the energy crisis is one of the post war effects.

Europe is trying to reserve oil and gas but Russia’s oil price caps are making the situation difficult. By shutting down the gas pipeline. And making the oil price caps for Russian oil purchases. Both factors are increasing European energy shortages.

Russia did not cut the pipeline the first time. It has fluctuated the energy supply to European countries many times since the Russian Ukraine war began. It caused the hike in energy prices five times more from August 2021 to June 2022. 

Hence, analysts reported that the US energy companies gained benefits from the energy and Russian oil crisis in Europe. Because the Europeans find them as alternative energy suppliers.

Europe was using the energy in industries and generating electricity. But the scenario has put the European government in trouble. Because it not only slows down the economic growth but also causes the rise in domestic utility bills. Spending a cold winter in a time of energy shortage is another huge issue. 

What role is Iran playing?

Iran is the second largest oil producing country. But due to the sanctions because of its nuclear program, Iran currently cannot sell it to European countries. But a spokesperson of Iran’s foreign ministry said that Iran can sell its oil to Europe. If Europe lifts the global sanctions against Iran. 

The European energy crisis can be managed by Iran’s oil. But there is not a quick way to solve the problem. Because there is not any pipeline. Hence, the upcoming winter would be a huge disaster for Europe. 

Europe’s Energy Need To Overcome The Russian Oil Crisis In Winters:-

Europe needs four times more energy in winter season than summer. The difference for the energy is estimated upto 15 percent. Furthermore, the shortage would not only affect the economy but European people too. 

The death ratio in relation to cold weather is 10 times higher than the hot weather. That simply means when energy was cheap the death ration was 10 times. But in the current situation, when energy is expensive then more casualties are expected. 

What is Europe planning?

Europe is looking for alternative energy resources that can help them in times of crises. Such as, they are importing LNG or liquefied natural gas from the United States. Azerbaijan and Norway are also exporting gas to Europe but it is quite expensive.

Germany is operating its coal power plant and has shut down some oil power plants. The European countries planned to lower oil usage till March, 2023.

Furthermore, the experts say that the measures can roughly make the situation better. Because the alternative plans are expensive and people would bear the consequences of the US backed Russia Ukraine war. 

Some European leaders warned that these all are short term planning and can ease the crises for this winter only. They are forced to do long term planning for Russian oil crisis because Europe’s economy is in serious trouble.

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Italy’s new Conservative Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni


Giorgia Meloni became the new prime minister of Italy. On Sunday, September 25, 2022, the country held its general election. After the political crisis began in the country, President Sergio Mattarella decided to dissolve the Parliament. The President called for new elections in the country.

Mario Draghi resigned from his post after one of the political parties under his ruling refused to vote in a vote of confidence. At first, The President of Italy rejected his resignation and asked him to address the situation in the Parliament. 

Who Is Giorgia Meloni?

Giorgia Meloni became the first female to serve as the prime minister of Italy. She is also the President of the European Conservatives and Reformists Party. Her political career began in 2006 when she became a member of the Chamber of Deputies. The same year she also started her work in the field of journalism. 

She completed her graduation from Rome’s Amerigo Vespucci Institute (AVI). At age 15, she joined the youth wing of a neo-fascist political party led by Benito Mussolini. She has also worked as a bartender, waitress, and nanny.

Brother of Italy

Meloni also held the title of the youngest minister in the history of Italy when she became the Minister of Youth in the Berlusconi IV Cabinet. She founded the political party Brother of Italy in the year 2012. As the leader of the political party, she led several political campaigns.

We want a different Italian attitude on the international stage…this does not mean we want to destroy Europe, that we want to leave Europe, that we want to do crazy things.”

Italy’s General Election

The Italy General Elections 2022 had the lowest voter turnaround of 63.9%. Brothers of Italy won the maximum of the seats in the Italian Parliament. The announcement of the 2022 general elections came on July 21 following the resignation of state minister Mario Draghi. Since that time, the election campaign has begun in the country.

Seats won by the political parties in the Italy’s general elections:

Political PartyLeaderSeats WonLeader’s seat
Brothers of ItalyGiorgia Meloni119 (Chamber of Deputies)65 (Senate of Republic)L’Aquila
Democratic PartyEnrico Letta69 (Chamber of Deputies)40 (Senate of Republic)Veneto
LegaMatteo Salvini66 (Chamber of Deputies)30 (Senate of Republic)Apulia
Five Star MovementGiuseppe Conte52 (Chamber of Deputies)28 (Senate of Republic)Lombardy
Forza ItaliaSilvio Berlusconi45 (Chamber of Deputies)18 (Senate of Republic)Monza
ActionCarlo Calenda21 (Chamber of Deputies)9 (Senate of Republic)Lazio

What Kind of Prime minister will Giorgia Meloni be?

Ever since the results of the general election have been announced in Italy, the one question in the mind of every citizen is what kind of Prime minister Giorgia Meloni will be. Meloni’s background and her opinions have raised concern among the people. She is said to have conservative thoughts, but she never hesitated to express her thoughts, regardless of what people said about her. She condemned the Italian racial laws and the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Acting as the country’s prime minister, we can say that Giorgia Meloni will adopt a traditional political stance toward the situation. Since Meloni is young and more energetic than Mario Draghi, therefore, people have many more expectations from her. She has the opportunity to prove herself by forming a credible government. Although Giorgia Meloni won elections with a huge margin, she still had to win the confidence of many Italians who did not vote for her.

Giorgia Meloni says that her strategy is to defend national interests to find common solutions. She has promised to put the national interest on priority. She said:

That is something that will change in the coming months. It doesn’t mean having a negative stance toward others, it means having a positive one for ourselves that starts off from the defence of national interests, because everyone else is doing it.”

Neo-Fascism in Italy

The neo-fascist Italian Social Movement formed in 1946 was an Italian political party. The party was great support for the Christian Democrats. The political agenda of the Italian Social Movement emphasized traditional social values, law, and order. Italian Social Movement thus particularly advocates a centralized state with a presidential government. The party was dissolved on 27 January 1995. A new political party, the “New Italian Social Movement,” was formed in 2000 by Gaetano Saya.

Giorgia Meloni’s party Brothers of Italy originates from the neo-fascist movement. Meloni used to praise Benito Mussolini, who led the neo-fascist party. During one of her campaigns, Meloni said:

The Italian right has handed fascism over to history for decades now, unambiguously condemning the suppression of democracy and the ignominious anti-Jewish laws.

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Sir Issac Newton


A list of the most influential people wouldn’t be complete without Sir Isaac Newton. Newton’s laws are tied to almost everything we see in everyday life. They help us understand how cars work, how baseballs move, how anything moves.
Yet there was a secret side to the 17th-century scientist, which will become clear by the end of this story. By his mid-20s, Newton had already invented calculus. Not bad for the son of an illiterate farmer. He would never meet his father, who died three months before his birth on Christmas day 1642 in the small English village of Woolsthorpe Manor in Lincolnshire. He was a premature baby and so small he was later told he could fit inside a quart mug.
He barely survived. When Newton was three, his mom remarried and moved to a nearby village to live with a wealthy clergyman. Newton was left behind in the care of his grandparents. That abandonment scarred him. Years later, he wrote a list of his sins, recalling an outburst from childhood: “Threatening my father and mother Smith to burn them and the house over them.”

He was a curious child – more interested in mechanics than making friends. He carved this sundial as a nine-year-old. When he was 12, he enrolled at a local grammar school/ His signature can still be seen by a windowsill of the King’s School today. After the death of his stepdad, his mother tried to remove him from school so he could be a farmer – a prospect that he dreaded. Luckily, the schoolmaster convinced his mother to send him back to class, where he gained the knowledge necessary to enter the University of Cambridge in 1661, paying his way by working as a valet. Although he studied the works of the ancient Greek philosophers, he questioned their theories, writing in his notebook in Latin, “Plato is my friend, Aristotle is my friend, but my best friend is truth.”

He vowed to find the truth through rigorous scientific experimentation. His time as an undergrad was unremarkable, but the extraordinary circumstances that happened next would set the stage for his greatest achievements. Shortly after receiving his Bachelor’s degree in 1665, the bubonic plague ravaged Europe and would take the lives of an estimated one out of every four people in London.

The pandemic forced Newton to work from his childhood home for the next two years, leading to his most amazing breakthroughs. He used a prism to discover that white light and sunlight are made up of the colors of the rainbow. The widely held belief at the time was Aristotle’s theory that color was a mix of black and white.

To prove his theory, Newton built a reflecting telescope that used mirrors rather than lenses, leading to a more accurate image. That’s much safer than when he stuck a sewing needle into his eye socket to determine if altering his eye shape would change his perception of color.

Outside the family home was also an apple tree. The famous apple tree. Legend has it that Newton was sitting beneath a tree when an apple bonked him on the head, prompting him to think about gravity – the force that brings things down.

There’s no evidence to suggest the fruit fell on his head, but he did ask the question that helped unlock our understanding of the universe: Could the same force reach the moon? He reasoned that the same gravitational pull kept the moon orbiting around Earth rather than wandering off, and he believed this could also explain the movement of our planets in the solar system.

The mathematics at the time wasn’t sophisticated enough to determine the motion of these objects, so Newton invented his form of math calculus. There was a dispute over who invented calculus. When German mathematician Gottfried Leibniz published his paper on calculus in 1684, Newton claimed he’d done the same work 20 years earlier.

The thing is, Newton was so secretive that he hadn’t made his efforts public because he couldn’t stand the scrutiny of his work. When Leibniz appealed to the Royal Society in London, Newton wielded his influence as the scientific academy’s president to get it to side with him. Most historians agree that the two discovered calculus independently.

In 1667, after the end of the plague, he returned to the University to continue his research as a fellow. He was a workaholic. Sometimes, he’d forget to eat. Just two years later, while still in his mid-twenties, he obtained one of the most prestigious academic posts in the world. Stephen Hawking later held the Lucasian Professor of Mathematics. Yet he was indifferent to his students.

One time, when no one showed up for class, he is said to have lectured to an empty room. His true passion lay in research. In 1687, he published his masterpiece, the Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy – often called Principia – one of the most important works ever written. This was his first edition copy. Here, he laid out his law of universal gravitation and his three laws of motion.

The first describes how an object acts when no force is acting upon it. For example, a rocket stays still until a force is applied. The second law tells us that the more mass an object has, the more force it’ll take to move it. A larger rocket requires more fuel to make it accelerate.

The final law states that for every action, there is a reaction. The engine produces hot exhaust gases that flow through the rocket’s rear. In reaction, a thrusting force is produced, pushing the rocket skywards.

Newton may be considered one of the world’s greatest scientists, yet he contributed more words to theology. Newton believed the Bible provided the code to the natural world, and by carefully studying the Holy texts, he could predict the future.

He believed the apocalypse would happen in 2060 with the caveat: “It may end later, but I see no reason for its ending sooner.” He foresaw a period marked by war and catastrophe, followed by the second coming of Christ and the beginning of a new, divine era. His religious side was largely hidden from the public until 1936, when Sotheby’s auctioned off his theological manuscripts. They ended up in the hands of a Jewish scholar before being given to the state of Israel—Seven thousand five hundred pages in Newton’s handwriting.

He did hold unorthodox views of Christianity by rejecting the Trinity – the belief in the father, son, and the holy spirit. He also fought against the attempt by King James II to Catholicize the universities, which got him elected as a Member of Parliament, where he served two brief terms.

He only said on the record to request a window be closed. Newton also had another unknown side to him. He spent 25 years secretly studying alchemy – the search for a method to turn common metals into gold.

This is a manuscript where Newton wrote down a recipe thought to be a step toward concocting the mythical Philosopher’s Stone now popularized in the Harry Potter series. Alchemists believed it could even help humans achieve immortality. Unfortunately, Newton may have gotten mercury poisoning from all the time spent in the laboratory.

He was examining his hair after his death and found high levels of the toxic compound, which scholars believe could explain his mental breakdown in 1693 when he lost grip on reality. He wrote letters accusing the few friends he had of conspiring against him. He suffered from insomnia and oppression.

The personal crisis lasted a year and a half. Not too long after, he ended his 30-year career at Cambridge. In 1696, he moved to London to help run the Royal Mint. Britain’s finances were in ruins because of the rampant practice of clipping off pieces of coins. Counterfeiting was also an issue. Newton used scientific precision to improve the accuracy of coinmaking as Warden and then Master of the Mint.

He also took it upon himself to prosecute culprits, some of whom ended up hanging from the gallows. His later years would be spent further cementing his reputation, and sometimes that meant trying to erase his rivals from the history books. Another ugly dispute involved a brilliant scientist named Robert Hooke, who contended he was the one who gave Newton the notion that led to his theory of gravity and wanted credit.

In response, Newton is accused of using his powers as President of the Royal Society to get rid of the only known portrait of Hooke. None exists to this day. Newton succeeded in getting the legacy he wanted. In 1705, Queen Anne of England knighted him during a royal visit to the University of Cambridge, making him Sir Isaac Newton.

A complicated man who remained reclusive yet desperately wanted to be remembered. Who threw himself into his work at the cost of all hobbies and never married. Who was a man of science and also a man of faith? Newton died in his sleep on March 20, 1727, and was buried at Westminster Abbey. The Latin inscription on his grave reads: Here lies that which was mortal of Isaac Newton.

His immortal legacy continues to mold our modern world. Newton’s accomplishments moved the English poet Alexander Pope; he wrote the famous epitaph: Nature and nature’s laws lay hid in night. God said, “Let Newton be,” and all was light.

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Pakistan and Qatar Cordial Maritime Entente’: Beholding a Promised Future

Pakistan And Qatar


The foundation of the mutual relationship between the State of Qatar and the Islamic Republic of Pakistan is as strong as ox, as peaceful as pigeons, as deep as trenches, and as truthful as a knight of old.

Pakistan and Qatar

This partnership is multidimensional, encapsulating fields of politics, economy, trade, investments, culture, religion, education, armed forces, defense, and many others. This alliance began in the early 1970s and is thriving and progressing to date due to mutual trust, forbearance, sentiments of brotherhood, and Muslim Ummah.

Pakistan- Qatar Relations: A Cordial Entente

Pakistan and Qatar’s cordial relationships date back to 1971 when Qatar gained independence and Pakistan emerged as one of the initial countries to extend its hands of recognition and cooperation to the newly created Gulf country.

Since then, both countries have always regarded each other as “ironclad brothers” and a substantial part of the Muslim fraternity. Qatar has always rescued and lent its support to Pakistan in times of crisis including Earthquakes, Floods, Wars, Counter-Terrorism efforts, and Economic downtrodden.

Qatar Aid

On matters of regional and global affairs, both countries have always been on the same page. Pakistan places considerable importance on its relationship with Qatar which is based on strong foundations of common faith and culture.

The economic ties between the State of Qatar and Pakistan have recently witnessed a remarkable development, as bilateral trade exchange has reached USD 2 billion, and about 1400 joint companies are operating in various fields, as well as 7 companies completely owned by Pakistanis.

Qatar encourages the businessmen of both countries to contribute to the development of bilateral trade cooperation and seeks to bring the Qatari companies and their Pakistani counterparts closer to cooperate in the interest of both countries.

Emir of Qatar

His Highness the Amir of Qatar, following his recent visit to Pakistan, directed to support the Pakistani economy with 3 billion dollars in the form of deposits and direct investments to underscore the strength of bilateral relations and express the confidence of the State of Qatar in the strength of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan’s economy.

Pakistani Businessmen and professionals are playing a major role in the banking, medical and construction sectors of Qatar. Recently an agreement has been reached to increase the Number of Pakistani blue-collar workers in Qatar to 100,000.

Pakistani workers in qatar

Despite the developed economic and political bilateral alliance, the governments of both countries are determined to promote bilateral relations on a broader front, introducing new avenues of cooperation, marked by Maritime Trade, Naval Defense, and Cooperation.

Bilateral Relations in Maritime Affairs

Owing to their brotherly ties and strategically pivotal locations, Pakistan and Qatar endure close and solidary relations expanding over decades, in the fields of Naval Defence and Maritime trade.

Pakistan and Qatar Navy

Pakistan and Qatar have engaged in several statutes, declarations, and Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs) in defense corporations. Both the parties have initiated and participated in joint and bilateral Naval exercises, training, deputations, provision of manpower, exchange visits, trading military equipment, and collaborations via Navy armed forces.

Many senior armed officers of Qatar Emiri Naval Forces (QENF) trained through joint training programs from the Pakistan Navy are currently serving in the armed forces including the Naval sector. 

“Pakistan and Qatar enjoy closed friendly ties and cordial relations, and the exercise will contribute to further enhancing the bilateral ties between the two countries.”

Pakistan Qatar Navy

Pakistan and Qatar have periodically hosted mutual visits of the highest level of armed Naval officers, the most recent being in March 2021, when Pakistan’s Chief of Naval Staff visited Qatar and met with the Chief of Staff Qatar Armed Forces (QAF) Lt General (Pilot) Ghanem bin Shaheen Al-Ghanem.

Both countries have participated in mutual drills, training programs, and expeditions, like in January 2019, Pakistan’s Navy convoy including PN KHAIBAR, PN RAHNAWARD, PN MADADGAR, and Maritime Security Ship, ZHOB visited Doha on a goodwill trip.

In February 2021, Qatar’s Naval delegation participated in Pakistan’s AMAN-21 Exercise along with 44 other countries, with the intent of showcasing Pakistan’s image as a peaceful, capable, and responsible naval power in the region.

In March 2021’s Joint Naval Drill in the Arabian Sea, conduction of  Passage Exercise (PASSEX) between the Pakistan Navy fleet and Qatar Emiri Naval Forces Ships, visit of Pakistan Navy Ships (PNS) ALAMGIR and AZMAT to Port Hamad in Doha, Qatar during overseas deployment, and participation in bilateral exercise Asad Al Bahr-II with Qatar Emiri Naval Forces (QENF).


In  March 2022, Pakistan’s flotilla constituted of PNS SHAMSHEER, PNS AZMAT, and also KOLACHI, Pakistan’s Maritime Security Agency Ship, visited Qatar to participate in Doha International Maritime Defence Exhibition (DIMDEX-22).

Pakistan and Qatar have also introduced several new avenues to bolster maritime trade and commerce between both states. A recent example of such an endeavor is the launch of a direct service between Pakistan and Qatar.

The new service, called PQX (Pakistan Qatar Express Service), will operate weekly between the Port of Karachi, Pakistan, and Hamad Port, Qatar with a competitive transit time of 4 days, making it the fastest direct connection between the two countries. The project has been innovated by a Qatar-based maritime transport and logistics cooperation called Milaha.

Pakistan Qatar Express Service

Future Prospects of a Win-Win Bilateral Maritime Partnership between Pakistan and Qatar

With the advent of non-traditional security threats in the regional and global paradigm, the future of regional maritime security shall depend upon sub-regional partnerships and alliances.

In this regard, Pakistan and Qatar can prove to be a refreshing and promising start to a new era of partnership between the Middle East and South Asia. In the maritime zone, the following are some of the major areas where both Pakistan and Qatar can reap the benefits of this cordial relationship.

Exploiting the Sea Trade Route

Qatar’s Doha Port and Pakistan’s Gwadar Port are geographically in proximity via the Strait of Hormuz in between. Currently, Pakistan and Qatar amount to $7 billion of mutual trade in the areas of Food Security, Textiles, Energy petroleum, gas, LNG, oil, Plastic, Chemicals, etc.

With CPEC thriving by each day and Gwadar transforming into a global hub for maritime trade and security, the bilateral trade between Pakistan and Qatar should be exploited via the sea route starting from Doha port, crossing the Persian Gulf, Strait of Hormuz, and ending at the Gwadar port.

Qatar Pakistan Sea trade

This shall provide a short, and brief trade route for both, Pakistani goods, and Qatari goods as it accounts for a mere distance of 3000 km, as compared to thousands of kilometers of land routes, consuming many excess folds of fuel, manpower, and money.

This will also increase sea traffic at Gwadar, increasing the prospects of effective port facilities, modernization of trading culture, proper training of port and vessel personnel, and addition of innovative technology.

Technology Transfer

Qatar has by and again proved itself in the field of innovative digital technology. Pakistan today faces the challenge of digitization of its management practices and implementing technological advancements in maritime affairs including improvement of port facilities, security, record-keeping, and tracking, and elevated facilities for ship personnel. This is another area where both, Pakistan and Qatar can cooperate and produce miraculous results.

Qatar can transfer its technology and services to Pakistan and grow and expand its IT sector and exports, whereas Pakistan can improve its digital infrastructure with the help of state-of-the-art tech facilities given by Qatar’s best IT experts.

Naval Defence

Pakistan and Qatar enjoy close defence Bilateral Relations nurtured over the years through naval collaborations and joint exercises. Based on their strategically pivotal location’s demand for a plait of certain security narratives, both countries have signed various MoUs in defence cooperation. 

Naval Defence

Having said that, both Pakistan and Qatar have the potential to collaborate in Naval defense and Maritime Security to enhance and overcome the security challenges, regionally and globally, through the exchange of intelligence, technology sharing, joint security forces, and vigilant patrolling in the Arabian sea.

Increase Fleet of Vessels

Pakistan’s fleet consists of a limited number of vessels and for most of the trade, we must rely on foreign vessels amounting to billions of dollars for our economy. 

With Qatar’s collaboration and cooperation, Pakistan can produce technologically advanced, customized, and highly effective vessel ships.

This will thereby increase areas of cooperation between both the parties, indicating strong and consolidated bilateral tiers while simultaneously increasing Pakistan’s shipping fleet, enhancing trade, and multiplying job opportunities for the Navy cadets.


Hence, to conclude, Pakistan and Qatar have a tremendous plethora of historic brotherhood and cordial alliances which are based upon the pillars of Islam, Muslim Ummah, culture, traditions, reverence for religion, and affiliated aims and goals.

While many common grounds of benefits have been warily exploited certain areas of mutual interest remain, at large and in need of appreciation and acknowledgment.

The Maritime Trade, Naval Defence, and Cooperation are some of those less regarded and unattended realms of welfare that guarantee further strengthening and deepening of Pakistan and Qatar’s official engagement.

Both countries should utilize these avenues and engage in agreements, declarations, and bilateral initiatives not only to increase revenue generation but to jointly promote regional and global maritime security.

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Evolution of the iPhone 2007-2022 

picture of Evolution of Iphone (2007-2022)

On January 9, 2007, Apple CEO Steve Jobs finally revealed the first iPhone following months of speculations and conjecture.  


Apple has been a pioneer in the computer and smartphone industries ever since its founding in 1976. The business is a pioneer in the development of personal computers, exclusive operating systems, and aesthetically pleasing phone models.

Since the release of Apple I, the business was successful in its field. Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak formed it. 

Subsequently, despite the highs and lows, they didn’t turn around. Furthermore, in August 2018, Apple (AAPL) attained a market capitalization of $1 trillion, making it the first publicly traded firm to do so.

Apple held a virtual event to introduce the iPhone 12 on October 13, 2020. We made the decision to review every iPhone that Apple has released in the midst of the clamor and intense excitement of iPhone owners.

Since the iPhone’s launch in 2007, it has continuously advanced significantly. Let’s review the lineup of iPhones that were released and examine how the brand’s flagship phone changed over time. 

iPhone (2007) 

Apple unveiled the first iPhone at Macworld 2007, hosted in San Francisco, declaring that this phone would transform the mobile phone industry .The plastic keyboard that was common in mobile phones at the time was absent from the first phone. Making such a bold decision is undoubtedly admirable! 

iphone 2007

In his keynote speech, Steve Jobs referred to it as a revolutionary phone. 

“I have been anticipating this day for the past 2.5 years. One is exceedingly fortunate if they get to work on even one of them in their career. Every so often, a breakthrough product comes along those changes everything, and Apple has undoubtedly been one of those companies.

Apple has experienced great luck. It has introduced some of them into the world.

iPhone 3G (2008) 

The next phone was the iPhone 3G. Where was the iPhone 2? It seems that Apple wanted to highlight 3G technology in the new iPhone. 

At Apple’s Worldwide Developers Conference in June. 9 2008, Steve Jobs, again in his black turtleneck, introduced the new iPhone 3G

iphone 3g 2008

This time indeed Apple came with the tagline of “Twice as Fast at Half the Price.”  They keep the price bar low but also accelerate the internet speed with 3G. Moreover, the phone had built-in GPS for expanded location-based mobile services, and it also had iPhone 2.0 iOS software, which in turn adds support for Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync. The iPhone 3G came up with a chipset SFL8900 and a TFT display of 320 x 480 pixels. 

iPhone 3GS (2009)

Apple introduced the iPhone 3GS, significantly which was two times faster than the iPhone 3G, right after the iPhone 3G. 

Again, at the Worldwide Developers Conference on June 8, 2009, Apple announced the third iPhone model. 

iphone 3gs 2009

The new iPhone 3GS was introduced by Phil Schiller, who was at the time Senior Vice President of Worldwide Product Marketing. He stated:

“This is the quickest and most powerful iPhone ever produced, with incredible technology and software that works together. Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to call friends and family just by speaking into your phone?” 

iPhone 4 (2010) 

Apple released the iPhone 4, its fourth phone, on June 7, 2010. The most recent phone at the time had FaceTime and a Retina display that allowed for high-definition displays and video calls. The iPhone’s 5 MP camera outperformed its forerunners, and it introduced a front camera with 0.3 Mega Pixels for the first time.

iphone 4 2010

Interestingly, the iPhone introduced the thinnest body made of glass and stainless steel, making it the thinnest mobile phone at the time. The iPhone 4 includes iOS 4, the most recent version of the mobile operating system, which featured 1500 new APIs for developers. 

iPhone 4S (2011) 

The iPhone 4S was the first phone released following Steve Jobs’ resignation. It debuted on October 4, 2011. The dual-core A5 CPU from Apple, 1080p full HD video recording, and Siri were all included in the iPhone 4’s features list. 

iphone 4s 2011

iPhone 5 (2012) 

Apple has crammed a remarkable amount of innovation and cutting-edge technology into a small and light, jewel-like tablet with a gorgeous 4-inch Retina display, blazing-fast A6 chip, ultrafast wireless, and even longer battery life; we think customers are going to love it. 

iphone 5 2012

iPhone 5S & iPhone 5C (2013)

For the first time ever, Apple released two identically sized iPhones in the same year. The iPhone 5c was released with the goal of giving people a cost-effective, premium phone. The iPhone 5s was merely the iPhone 5’s successor.

iphone 5s 2013

On September 16, 2013, a statement was made. The iPhone 5s has an Apple A7 64-bits chip, an 8-megapixel camera with True Tone Flash, and a Touch ID fingerprint scanner built into the home button that enables one-touch phone unlocking.

iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus (2014) 

The iPhone 6 has the best customer satisfaction rate in the business and is the most popular smartphone of the iPhone series. Apple is constantly improving it. Customers are going to love it because, uniquely, in addition, only Apple can seamlessly integrate the best hardware, software, and services at this unparalleled level.

iphone 6 2014

iPhone 6S and iPhone 6S Plus (2015) 

With the iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus, everything has changed, including the groundbreaking Live Photos feature, which allows for whole new and entertaining ways for customers to interact with their iPhones. 

iphone 6s 2015

iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus 

The new, specially created Apple A10 Fusion chip served as the foundation for the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus. It operates up to twice as quickly as an iPhone 6. The updated iOS 10 was included with the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus.

iphone 7

A significant upgrade to messages introduced by iOS 10 ensures dynamic methods to message your contacts. Additionally, the iPhone 7 Plus includes a dual camera with optical zoom.

iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus

On September 12, 2017, the new iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus were unveiled. The phones were equipped with Apple’s A11 Bionic Chip, which enables mobile augmented reality.

iphone 8

The iPhone 8 Plus introduced Portrait mode with Portrait Lighting and twin 12-megapixel cameras. It gave the iPhone spectacular effects. Wireless charging was made possible in both models thanks to the glass backs of the phones.

iPhone X (2017) 

Constructed with a 70% faster A11 Bionic chip than the A10 Fusion. Starting at $999, the 64GB and 256GB silver and space grey variants of the iPhone X were offered. 

iphone x

iPhone XS and iPhone XS Max (2018)

The price of the 64GB, 256GB, and 512GB variants of the iPhone XS and iPhone XS Max were between $999 and $1,099. 

iPhone 11 (2019) 

2019 saw the release of Apple’s iPhone 11, which was offered in 6 different hues. Apple claims that iOS 13 and the A13 Bionic combined provide the best machine learning foundation for the iPhone 11.

iphone 11

It includes built-in water resistance with an IP68 rating that extends to a depth of two meters for up to 30 minutes. However, iOS 13 for the iPhone 11 features a new appearance with Dark mode and a completely new map experience.

iPhone 11 Pro & iPhone 11 Pro Max (2019)

Apple debuted a 5.8-inch Super Retina XDR display with three 12 MP HDR camera lenses on the iPhone 11 Pro. These offer telephoto along with tele wide and wide-angle lenses.

The dynamic A13 Bionic chip, which was indeed built by Apple, provides unmatched speed for every activity while maintaining battery life throughout the day.

iPhone 12 & iPhone 12 mini (2020) 

With iOS 14.1, Apple debuted iPhone 12 models with 5G’s ground-breaking speed. The consumers of this ultra-fast technology have been waiting patiently.

iphone 12

The most cutting-edge dual camera system, computational photography features, and the greatest quality video in their smartphone are all part of the A14 Bionic, which was built by Apple and is the quickest chip in a smartphone. 

iPhone 13, iPhone 13 mini, iPhone 13 Pro and iPhone 13 Pro max

The series, which debuted in 2021, had very minor advancements such the A15 bionic chip, better cameras, longer battery life, and a narrower notch. 

iphone 13

iPhone 14, 14 Plus, 14 Pro and 14 Pro max 

The most recent iPhone series was unveiled on September 16, 2022. The models emphasized safety-related factors more.

A16 Bionic chipset, new dual camera system, SOS via satellite, and accident detection were among the changes. 

iphone 14


Apple’s guiding principle indeed when it begins to distribute iPhones is “Apple reinvents the phone.” The late Steve Jobs, infact, frequently emphasized the iPhone’s innovative design and user-friendly interface in his keynote speeches.

The newest iPhone models furthermore, demonstrate that Apple has not abandoned its original principles. Apple needs to reexamine the pricing of its flagship phones while maintaining its commitment to the company’s mission. 

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Women in Medical Research – A History of Innovation

Women in medical research

Women have always contributed a lot to the field of medicine. Studies have shown that women can provide better health care than men. From early civilization, we know that women were always involved in medical research. Women across the world have overcome all the adversities to make their contribution to medical research. 

Famous Women and Their Achievements in Medical Field

If we look at history, we can see that women have played a significant role in the medical field. Also, their work has paved the way for new inventions and discoveries.

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Here are some famous women and their achievements in the field of medicine. 

Rosalind Franklin

Rosalind Franklin

Science, for me, gives a partial explanation for life. In so far as it goes, it is based on fact, experience, and experiment.”

Rosalind Franklin, born on July 25, 1920, was a British X-ray crystallographer and chemist. She was famous for her X-ray diffraction study. It provided a clue for the structure of DNA. Her central work related to the systems of viruses, DNA, and RNA. She is also known as the “Dark Lady of DNA.” She died at the age of 37.

Early Life and Education

Rosalind was the eldest of four siblings. Her father, Elis Arthur Franklin, was a teacher at Working Men’s College. Franklin received her early education from Norland Palace School and St. Paul’s Girls School. She got her degree in natural sciences from Newnham College, Cambridge. She completed her Ph.D. degree in physical chemistry.


  • In 1951, Rosalind presented her information about discovering DNA in Cambridge.
  • She completed her work at the Crystallography Laboratory on DNA and coal. Also, she started her project on the molecular structure of the tobacco mosaic virus.
  • Her seventeen papers are published on the tobacco mosaic virus.
  • During her research at King’s College Biophysical Laboratory, the work on the X-ray patterns of DNA suggested that DNA is a double helix polymer.
  • With her expert X-ray diffraction techniques, she created photos of virus structures. 
  • For the 1958 World’s Fair, she created large models of viruses.
  • After her death, she was awarded the Noble Prize on October 19, 1962.

Marie Curie

Marie Curie

Life is not easy for any of us. But what of that? We must have perseverance and, above all, confidence in ourselves. “We must believe that we are gifted for something and that this thing, at whatever cost, must be attained.”

Marie Curie, born on November 7, 1867, was a chemist and physicist known for her medical research on radioactivity. She is the only woman who got the Nobel Prize twice for two scientific fields. She became the first female professor to teach at the University of Paris in 1906. Marie died at the age of 66 in 1934 due to the aplastic pernicious anaemia, a condition she developed after years of exposure to radiation through her work.

Early Life and Education

Marie was born in Warsaw; she was the youngest of four siblings. Her mother died in 1878 when she was ten years old. Marie got her early education from the local schools, and her father gave her scientific training. At the age of 24, she completed her higher education. Marie married the physicist Pierre Curie in 1895.


  • At the age of 10, she got Gold Medal in the gymnasium.
  • Marie Curie founded two medical research centers: Curie Institute of Warsaw and Curie Institute of Paris.
  • Under her supervision, treatment for the neoplasm was carried out. 
  • She is the first person to receive the Noble Prize twice and the first woman to receive Noble Prize. 
  • She won the Albert Medal in 1910.
  • In the year 1911, she also got the Noble Prize for the discovery of radium and polonium.
  • During World War I, Marie invented mobile radiology units.
  • Marie was the first female member of The Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letter.

Elizabeth Blackwell

Elizabeth Blackwell and medical research

I felt more determined than ever to become a physician and thus place a strong barrier between me and all ordinary marriage. I must have something to engross my thoughts, some object in life which will fill this vacuum and prevent this sad wearing away of the heart.”

Elizabeth Blackwell was a British physician born on February 3, 1821. She was the first woman to get a medical degree in the U.S. During her lifetime. Elizabeth made significant contributions to medical research. She promoted the education of medicine in women. She died at the age of 89 on May 31, 1910.

Early Life and Education

Elizabeth had two elder and six younger siblings. Her father was a sugar refiner. He died when Elizabeth was 17. Her family’s financial conditions were not so good. She also opened a school, “The Cincinnati English and French Academy for Young Ladies.” She started her education at Geneva Medical College in 1847. In April 1849, she traveled to England for further training. She also went to Paris the next month.


  • She completed her graduation in the year 1849. Her thesis on typhoid fever got published.
  • 1852, her first work, “The Laws of Life with Special Reference to the Physical Education of Girls,” was published.
  • She opened a dispensary in a slum district in the year 1853.
  • During the American civil war, she aided in providing the nurses.
  • Elizabeth also opened the New York Infirmary for Women and Children in 1857.
  • In the year 1784, she opened a medical school in London.

Rachel Carson

Rachel Carson and medical research

We are accustomed to looking for the gross and immediate effects and ignoring all else. Unless this appears promptly and in such an obvious form that cannot be ignored, we deny the hazard’s existence. Even research men suffer from the handicap of inadequate methods of detecting the beginnings of injury. The lack of sufficiently delicate methods to detect injury before symptoms appear is one of the great unsolved problems in medicine.”

Rachel Carson, born on May 27, 1907, was an American writer and marine biologist. She is famous for her book “Silent Spring.” The book was published on September 27, 1962. She started her career as an aquatic biologist and wrote around 24 books. Carson had breast cancer. She died on April 14, 1964, due to a heart attack. Her contributions to medical research saved many lives.

Early Life and Education

Rachel’s father was an insurance salesman. From her childhood, Rachel begins to write stories. Her first story was published when she was ten. Rachel received her early education at a small school in Springdale. As of her higher studies, she started studying at Pennsylvania College for Women. Rachel changed her major from English to Biology in 1928. She completed her master’s in Zoology in 1932.


  • She won U.S. National Book Award for her book “The Sea Around Us.”
  • In 1951, she got Guggenheim Fellowship for Natural Science, U.S. &Canada.
  • She was also awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
  • She also extensively researched the effects of pesticides on the food chain.
  • She was also elected to the National Institute of Arts and Letters.

Vera Rubin

Vera Rubin and medical research

We all need permission to do Science, but, for reasons deeply ingrained in history, this permission is more often given to men than women.

Vera Rubin, born on July 23, 1938, was an American astronomer. Rubin is known for advocating and promoting her life for women in science. She also inspired many females in the field of astronomy. She died at the age of 88 on December 25, 2016. 

Early Life and Education

Vera was the youngest of two siblings. From her childhood, she had an interest in astronomy. Vera completed her graduation in astronomy in the year 1948. She completed her master’s degree in 1951 from Cornell University. Vera completed her Ph.D. degree from Georgetown University.


  • Vera Rubin discovered the phenomenon of the “galaxy rotation problem.”
  • She received numerous accolades during her career. She also received The Bruce Medal and the Gold Medal of the Royal Astronomical Society.
  • She is also famous for the discovery of dark matter.
  • Her research discovered that invisible halos of matter surround the galaxy.

Rita Levi-Montalcini 

Rita Levi-Montalcini

Progress depends on our brain. The most important part of our neocortical brain must be used to help others and not just to make discoveries.

Early Life and Education

Rita Levi-Montalcini, born on April 22, 1909, was a neurobiologist. She served as a senator for life and was the first Noble laureate to reach 100. She died at the age of 103 on December 30, 2012.

Rita had five siblings. She had a twin sister Paola. Her father was an electrical engineer. She attended the University of Turin medical college and completed her education in 1936.


  • She was the first woman to receive Max Weinstein Award.
  • She got a one-semester research fellowship at Washington University in St. Louis in 1946.
  • Rita Levi-Montalcini also got the Nobel Prize for “nerve growth factor” in 1986.
  • She set up a laboratory in Turin during the time of World War II. In her laboratory, she studied the nerve fiber of chicken embryos. Her work was later described in the documentary “Death by Design/The Life and Times of Life and Times.”
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5 Countries Where Women Farmers Play a Vital Role in Agriculture 

women farmers


Significant growth and the poverty-reduction driver is agriculture. In many nations, agriculture and the rural economy underperform because women must overcome obstacles to boost production.

Using empirical data, we analyze where and how women participate in agriculture. Women comprise roughly 43% of the agricultural labor force worldwide and in emerging nations. 

According to the FAO of the UN, most women in LDCs work in agriculture. In rural places, poor women frequently shoulder the responsibility of farming and food production

Despite this, women are more likely to be poor, have less education, and lack necessities.

According to studies, women can greatly benefit from the economic and social empowerment that agriculture can provide. Women can transcend poverty if they own farms, use contemporary technology, manage their salaries, and provide for their families.

These advantages assist not only women but also their families and entire communities. 

Five countries where women play an important role: 

These five nations prioritize women farmers in agriculture despite the difficulties they confront. 


Since the agricultural sector produces most of Pakistan’s economic resources, the country has an agriculture-based economy. According to the World Atlas, 74% of women in Pakistan who are employed work in agriculture. 

Since female labor force participation in Pakistan is low, even more women work in agriculture informally.

In rural places, males prepare the ground, and women farmers plant and weed crops.

Pakistan farmers

Most women farmers harvest cotton in Pakistan, one of the world’s top producers of raw cotton. Women risk heat exhaustion, snake bites, chemical exposure, and cotton boll wounds in the fields.

Their sacrifices resulted in cotton, which is used to produce garments, linens, and other commercial goods all over the world. 


Moreover, two-thirds of Tanzanians work in the agricultural sector, which employs 70% of women. Agriculture is the country’s main source of income. 

Tanzania farmers

Tanzania has the largest proportion of women working in agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa at 81%, compared to 55% elsewhere. 

Most Tanzanian farmers are smallholders who operate on family-owned farms less than two hectares in size. It caused problems for women due to restrictive land ownership restrictions.


The Gambia’s agricultural industry is its most significant economic sector. Farming is frequently the only source of income for Gambians in rural areas. 

Around the nation, 38% of women work in agriculture, which employs 80% of Gambians. 

Women farmers run most of the country’s agricultural sector, except pump-irrigated rice farms; however, this varies among various ethnic groups and locations. 


In the Gambia, rice farming is viewed as a woman’s occupation since men are believed to be less skilled at managing and identifying crop varieties than women. Therefore, the whole production of rice harvests is under the control of sinkers, the female counterparts to village chiefs. 

Sri Lanka 

The Sri Lankan economy’s most significant industry is agriculture, where 34% of working women are employed. 

In Sri Lanka, women frequently engage in Chena farming, an old method of growing vegetables and grains, or in paddy fields, a flooded area used to grow rice. Women make up 50% of the workforce during this time of year and are heavily involved in food production after the harvest. 

However, women farmers in Sri Lanka struggle to have equal access to agricultural resources because of long-standing social conventions. 

Sri Lanka 

Since people can no longer make a living from their crops due to recurring droughts, climate change also threatens Sri Lanka’s agricultural sector. 


In recent years, Turkey’s economy has become less dependent on agriculture, but as men moved into other professions, women began running family farms all around the nation. 

In Turkey, 32% of working women are involved in agriculture, primarily in rural and underdeveloped areas. 

Turkey women farmers


The world’s food and resources depend heavily on women in these five nations and millions of others. Yet, they are frequently underpaid or made to labor in hazardous or unjust conditions. 

According to National Geographic, the productivity rate has increased by 30%. It would contribute to the eradication of hunger for an estimated 150 million people if they were given the same education and resources as their male counterparts. 

In addition to reducing poverty and battling climate change, empowering women farmers has been linked to eradicating hunger.

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What kind of King will King Charles III be?

King Charles III


Charles is the first son of the late Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip. He was born in Buckingham Palace, London, on the 14th of November, 1948. His complete name is Charles Philip Arthur George. He got his early education from Gordonstoun and completed his BA at Trinity College, Cambridge.

In 1981, King Charles married Diana Spencer and divorced her in 1996. Then he married Camilla Parker Bowles in 2005, and now she has become the Queen Consort of the UK. Charles has two sons, Prince William and Prince Harry. William, his first son, is the Prince of Wales. Whereas Harry’s second son is the Duke of Sussex.

 King Charles III with Diana and kids.

King Charles Proclaimed the Crown

King Charles proclaimed the monarchy on September 8, 2022, after her mother, Queen Elizabeth II, died. The announcement of his reign took place immediately on Saturday without any formal ceremony at St. James’s Palace. Charles is now known as King Charles III until his coronation. Until then, he can decide on any name out of his four-word name, Charles Philip Arthur George.

King Charles Proclaimed the Crown

Since Charles acceded to the throne, Camilla has been her Queen’s consort. William and Catherine are titled, Prince and Princess Cambridge. King Charles titled them the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall and Cambridge. Furthermore, King Charles announced them as the Prince and Princess of Wales. Before the beginning of Charles’ reign, he was the longest-serving heir. When he became monarch, he was the oldest monarch.
King Charles ruled over the following countries: the UK, Saint Kitts, Nevis, Tuvalu, Antigua, Barbuda, Australia, and Saint Lucia. Furthermore, Saint Vincent, the Grenadines, the Solomon Islands, the Bahamas, Belize, Canada, Grenada, Jamaica, New Zealand, and Papua New Guinea.

King Charles III and wife

The First Speech of King Charles III

On the 9th of September, King Charles III delivered his first speech that aired on television for the first time. In the speech, he talked about his priorities, which we discussed below, one by one.

First Speech of King Charles III

Said words about the former Monarch

First of all, he paid tribute to his late mother. He said the late Queen lived well and fulfilled her duty to serve people. Furthermore, he declared that the nation would mourn its Queen deeply. However, he talked about how his mother was an inspiration to him.
King Charles considered the late Queen as an example for him as well as for his family. Her death was a significant loss for the royal family and the United Kingdom. Her family and people will remember the late Queen Elizabeth for her affection, guidance, love, and understanding.

Then he said that he would always follow the late monarch. He will work for the service of his nation with complete devotion, like her mother. He emphasized that whatever the beliefs someone has, from wherever someone belongs, and whatever they face, he will always work for the betterment of his people across the nation.

Aiming to carry the Legacy of Late Queen Elizabeth II

King Charles said his reign’s missions were based on the Queen’s policy principles. He will continue the legacy of Elizabeth II, as she successfully ran her tenure for 70 years. Despite the many constant changes in the cultural, social, and political scenarios across the United Kingdom, the country’s values remained the same before, and those values must remain unchanged.

Showed attention towards kingship

Before his kingship, King Charles was involved with several charity organizations and was doing social work. But now, he said he could not work with the organization as a monarch. His office needs his attention, and he must hand the critical work to trusted people. Who carry on reliable charity work for society.

The Queen Consort

Furthermore, King Charles spoke about the roles of three women in his life. How Queen Elizabeth, his darling mama, played an important role throughout his journey and supported him with devotion and love. He discussed the role of his wife, Camilla, as Queen Consort for the whole family and nation. He said that Camilla supported him and would continue to do so as her new role demanded.

King Charles III Coronation

The coronation of King Charles III will be a formal, symbolic ceremony of his successful accession. Coronation will be held in 2023, and the British government will provide funds for it. This coronation ceremony is announced as being less expensive than previous ones. Camilla Parker Bowles, Charles’ wife, is crowned as “Queen Consort” with the crown of Queen Elizabeth.

King Charles III Coronation

Buckingham Palace confirmed that the coronation is not going to happen in 2022. Because a ceremony is a state event requiring several months to prepare, The Committee of Privy Counsellors is responsible for arranging the coronation ceremony. That is why the possible date for the ceremony is June 2, 2023. June 2 is also the 70th anniversary of the late Queen Elizabeth.


King Charles III clearly discussed his aims and missions in his first speech. His speech provided a thorough vision of the principles guiding his monarchy. Such an address covered all the key areas. From his late mother’s devotion and legacy for the nation to Charles’ leadership plans for his people, he delivered the whole speech in a confident tone with a gesture of peace for all the communities.

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The American Revolution, 1763 – 1783

The American Revolution

The term “revolution” refers to a radical change or overthrow of a government. When we talk about revolution, how can we forget the American Revolution? The American Revolution was a period of political revolution. It was fought as an insurrection to establish the sovereign state of America. 1763 was a turning point for the colonials as it suppressed the colonies. Also, it imposed revenue taxes. Since the 17th century, North Americans have played havoc with a series of wars. The wars between France, Spain, and Britain.

Timeline of the American Revolution, 1763-1783

Here is the American Revolution timeline from the years 1763–1783.

the American Revolution


1763           10 FebruaryTreaty Of Paris signing
17637 OctoberProclamation of 1763
17645 AprilSugar Act by Vice-Admiralty Court to put off smuggling cases.
176522 MarchStamp Act under which all the legal documents are required to be stamped or watermarked.
176515 MayQuartering Act. The act was designed to pay for supplies to the British garrisons.
176530 MayVirginian Resolution
17657-25 OctoberStamp Act Congress
176618 MarchUnder the Declaratory Act, the Parliament revokes Stamp Act.
176729 JuneTownshend Revenue Act by which the duties implies on the paint, glass, paper, and lead
17681 OctoberUpon the political unrest, the British troops arrived in Boston.


1770 5 MarchBoston Massacre, which resulted in the killing of five civilians.
177012 AprilTownshend Revenue Act was repealed,
177210 JuneAngered by the trade legislation, they burned the Gaspee near Rhode Island.
1773JulyPublications of the letter by Massachusetts governor, Thomas Hutchinson.
177310 MayThe Tea Act. Parliament exempts its tea from the export duties to provide support to the East India Company.
177316 December Boston Tea Party
1774May & JuneBoycott of British goods by colonies.
1774SeptemberContinental Congress
177519 AprilBattles of Lexington and Concord.
177516 JuneGeorge Washington was appointed as commander-in-chief of the Continental Army.
177517 JuneOn 17 June 1775, the first major war of independence took place, the Battle of Bunker Hill.
17755 JulyOliver-Brach Petition was made for American rights but George II rejected this petition.
17769 JanuaryThomas Paine’s Common Sense was published in Philadelphia.
17762 MayAmericans got aid from France.
17764 JulyThe Continental Congress issued the Declaration of Independence.
1776 August-DecemberBattles of Long Islands and White Plains. British forces occupy Americans.
1776 26 DecemberBattle of Trenton
1777 2 & 3 JanuaryBattle of Princeton
1777 13 OctoberBritish surrendered troops to Major General Horatio Gates at Saratoga.
1778 6 FebruaryFrance recognizes United States Independence.


178016 AugustThe Battle of Camden. The US gets defeated.
17811 MarchArticles of Confederation were rectified.
17815 SeptemberBattle of the Capes
178118 OctoberSurrender of the British Forces at Yorktown.
17825 MarchNegotiations by the British government.
17833 SeptemberTreaty of Paris, which ends the Revolutionary War.

Famous Personalities in the American Revolution

From the above timeline, we know the major events during the American Revolution. Now let’s look at some famous personalities and their role in the American Revolution in particular.

Thomas Hutchinson

Thomas Hutchinson was a businessman and politician in Boston, Massachusetts. He is referred to as the most important figure in pre-Revolutionary Massachusetts. As governor of the province of Massachusetts Bay, he tries to calm the situation, particularly after the Boston Massacre.

During the Revolutionary War, Thomas Hutchinson’s letters were published in a Boston newspaper. The letters explain the revolts in the colony against the taxes and call for the rights of the colonials. It also proposes suggestions for improvements for the colonials.

King George III

King George III

King George III was the King of Ireland and Great Britain. During his reign, many wars were fought. During the American Revolution, he sought the legitimate rights of Americans. One of the reasons why the Revolutionary War lasted so long was that King George III refused to surrender the colonies.

Benjamin Franklin

Benjamin Franklin

Benjamin Franklin was an American scientist, writer, and political philosopher. He played a major role in Philadelphia’s civic life and the Declaration of Independence. He also acted as a spokesperson for the colonials.

Patrick Henry

Patrick Henry

Patrick Henry was an American politician and attorney. He was one of the leading advocates for independence in the American Revolution. At the Second Virginia Convention, he gave a speech, saying, “Give me liberty, or give me death!” He also wrote many letters to put an end to slavery.

John Adams

John Adams was an American writer and attorney known for his extreme patriotism. J.Adams also played an important role in the negotiations of the Treaty of Paris. He served in Holland and France during the war period.

Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Jefferson was the third President of America. He was one of the people who started the United States. He wrote the Declaration of Independence, which says that the American colonies are no longer under British rule.

Thomas Jefferson

Slavery, rights of black Americans, and the American Revolution

The American Revolution undoubtedly had a great effect on slavery. Many enslaved people gained their freedom.Many of them were emancipated, while others freed themselves by running away. According to the reports, 5,000 enslaved people from Georgia got freedom, while a quarter of enslaved people from South Carolina did. In 1775, the governor of Virginia, Lord Dunmore, promised to free all the enslaved people who belonged to rebels.

During the Revolutionary War, Black Americans played a dominant role. Many black American soldiers served during the war period. During the war, many black Americans were assigned the role of servers, cooks, wagoners, etc. The revolution undoubtedly inspired the blacks to claim their rights, “The rights of Black Americans.”

Slavery, rights of black Americans, and the American Revolution

Outcomes of The American Revolution

The American Revolution was a particular period of political and military struggle. The colonials fought for their rights and representation before the British monarch. The Americans’ victory paved new ways for trade. The revolution also had a significant effect on the social and political life of the United States. Undoubtedly, it played a major role in freeing the people from slavery. Americans’ lives changed drastically positively, particularly after the war period.

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End of the British Monarch: Queen Elizabeth II’s Reign

Queen Elizabeth II

Queen Elizabeth II’s longest reign as monarch ended with her death on Thursday, September 8, 2022. The queen ruled for 70 years, from 1952–2022. She died at the age of 96 at her Scottish estate. Queen Elizabeth II’s reign was the longest and oldest monarchy in British history. 

King Charles III, son of the queen, announced the death of his mother, saying:

“We mourn profoundly the passing of a cherished sovereign and a much-loved mother. I know her loss will be deeply felt throughout the country, the realms, and the Commonwealth, and by countless people around the world.”

Early Life of Queen Elizabeth II

Queen Elizabeth II

Queen Elizabeth was born on April 21, 1926. Her grandfather, King George V, held the throne at that time. Elizabeth shares a very lovely and affectionate bond with her grandfather. She used to call him “Grandpa England”. Elizabeth has only one sibling, Princess Margret, four years younger than her. 

Both the sisters got their education from their mother and governess, Marion Crawford. The queen had also received private tuition in constitutional history. As a child, she was jovial but very sensible and knew how to behave.

In the year 1947, the Queen married Lieutenant Philip Mountbatten. The marriage took place at Westminster Abbey. Prince Charles, the first child of Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip, was born on November 14, 1948.

Significant Events During Queen Elizabeth II Reign

Queen Elizabeth took accession to the throne in 1952, after the death of her father. The first three months of Queen Elizabeth II’s reign were a period full of mourning. But after that, she carried out the duties of the sovereign. The crowning ceremony of the queen took place at Westminster Abbey in the year 1953. Here, the coronation was broadcast live, and it became the major television event of the year.

Here are some of the significant events during Queen Elizabeth II’s reign:

  • In the year 1965, the queen made her first state visit to Germany. This was the first official visit made by a British royal since 1913.
  • During a mining disaster in Wales in 1966, Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip themselves visited the place.
  • In 1977, Elizabeth celebrated the Silver Jubilee of her throne. The queen spoke on the occasion. “Although that vow was made in my salad days when I was green in judgment, I do not regret nor retract one word of it.”
  • In July 1981, Queen Elizabeth’s eldest son, Prince Charles, married Lady Diana Spencer. 750 million people across 74 countries across the globe turned to watch the wedding.
  • In the year 1986, Elizabeth visited China, becoming the first British monarch ever to visit the country.
  • The year 2002 marked the golden jubilee of her reign.
  • The year 2007 marked her reign as the longest-living British monarch.
  • In the year 2012, the queen celebrated the Diamond Jubilee of her throne. “To give thanks for the great advances that have been made since 1952 and to look forward to the future with a clear head and warm heart,” The queen thanked on the occasion.
  • In February 2022, celebrations for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee began.
Significant Events During Queen Elizabeth II Reign

A Beloved Monarch

Queen Elizabeth II’s reign will always be remembered, and she is a loved monarch. She stayed a strong figure throughout her rule. Queen Elizabeth II’s reign is the longest and, without a doubt, the one that will never be forgotten. Queen of England Elizabeth II’s reign ended, but the way she served the people during her reign is commendable.

She also made appointments of many officials and always gave all political matters prime importance, remaining impartial in all matters. She had regular meetings with the prime ministers. During her reign, she did many tours around the world and visited every region of the United Kingdom. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the queen sent a video to the British nation via a broadcast.

“The world is not the most pleasant place. Eventually, your parents leave you and nobody is going out of their way to protect you unconditionally. You need to learn to stand up for yourself and what you believe, and sometimes, pardon my language, kick some asses.”

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