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The Rise of the Liberal Hawks 

liberal hawks


Thousands of people gathered to hear Martin Luther King Jr. speak in 1967 at Harlem’s Riverside Church, spilling out the doors as far as 120th Street. King criticized the Vietnam War in front of the public because it had “broken and eviscerated” the domestic civil rights and anti-poverty movements.  

Martin Luther King Jr. and The Rise of the Liberal Hawks 

“The largest purveyor of violence in the world today” was the American government. 

In 2022, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky requested assistance from Congress in thwarting the Russian invasion by quoting a different MLK address. “I’ve got a dream. Each of you is familiar with these words today. I can say, “I need something to save our skies.  

Democrats passed a $40 billion (about $120 per person in the U.S.), (about $120 per person in the U.S.) package of guns and other aid to Kyiv with a unanimous vote two months later. 

These two examples show a change in the American left’s view of the military and war. Progressives view war as fundamentally cruel and dehumanizing, stifling progress, restricting free speech, and diverting funds to the “military-industrial complex.” 

Vietnam War and the Iraq War:

Vietnam War and the Iraq War and The Rise of the Liberal Hawks 

The left was at the forefront of resistance to both the Vietnam War and the Iraq War, denouncing American war crimes such as the slaughter at My Lai and Abu Ghraib.

Progressive military opponents have long accused it of wrongdoing, including discriminating against LGBTQ service members and recruiting in poor communities.

Former American presidents Harry S. Truman, John F. Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson, and Franklin D. Roosevelt and his associates have all been characterized as liberal hawks due to their contributions to making America the most potent military force in the world. 

This approach is also seen to align with the Clinton Doctrine. Most of the time, the term “liberal hawks” is used to describe liberals and leftists who supported or still support the 2003 invasion of Iraq, which was ordered by the U.S. Congress and led by President George W. Bush. 

The disagreement has been the subject of a heated debate on all political fronts.


Trump surrounded himself with a phalanx of generals because he viewed the military as a symbol of authority. However, he lost faith in the military when he saw they were not a Praetorian Guard that would carry out his orders, protect him from all adversaries, both domestic and foreign, and keep him in power by force if necessary. 

trump and army

Trump disrespected the culture’s most revered rites and beliefs by calling American generals “dopes” and “babies” who “want to do nothing but fight wars,” calling those lost in battle “losers,” and implying that Gold Star families had spread COVID at the White House. American POWs said that they preferred those who did not capture.

Despite warnings from military authorities that it would damage the military’s code of justice. Trump pardoned three service personnel who had been charged with or found guilty of war crimes. 

Christopher Miller said Trump instructed him to mobilize the National Guard to defend his followers from Congress.

This situation led to a fundamental conflict between the military’s adherence to the Constitution and the code of honour. When Trump asked why American generals couldn’t be more like Hitler’s generals, he didn’t mean the Wehrmacht officers who attempted to assassinate the Nazi leader but rather the fervent loyalists who fought in the rubble of Berlin. 

Trump has fostered conservatives’ assumption that Biden has been indoctrinating the military with liberal views since he left government. The U.S. military is at risk of turning into “a bunch of pansies,” according to Republican Senator Ted Cruz, who also suggested cutting off funds to the military until it ends its diversity initiatives: “Go after their budget.” 


It shouldn’t come as a huge surprise. With equal pay, socialized medicine, and the best government-run childcare program in the nation, the military is the poster child for big government. 

Now progressives are expressing new gratitude for an institution that understands the value of diversity, cares about the rule of law and is willing to stand up to Trump when the future of democracy was most in danger. 

Wesley Clark joked that there is “the purest application of socialism.” Liberal Hawks recognize that the military operates in a world of actual threats, intricate logistics, and basic respect for reality in an era of pervasive conspiracy theories like QAnon. 

People frequently hold onto lies until they collide with the truth, “typically on a battlefield,” according to George Orwell.

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A Timeline of important WW-II Battles

ww-II image for the visual effects
Laski diffusion/Getty Images

No one knew that the war that commenced between Germany and Poland in 1939 will engulf the whole regions of Europe and the Pacific. And it would become the WW-II, a war that lasted for 6 years and halted in 1945. Undoubtedly, the deadliest and most horrific incident of our history cost us the lives of nearly 60 million people including civilians and military personnel. This bloodiest incident took place between the Allied powers including Britain, France, the United States, and the Soviet Union, and the Axis states that included Germany and Japan.

Every corner of the world bears the brunt of this greatest tragedy, and every family in Europe and the Pacific is the victim of this bloodshed. The most decisive and important battles of this great war are listed here as follows.

1.    Battle of Atlanticcommencement of WW-II

The US.navy

Duration; September 3, 1939, to May 8, 1945

Parties; between western Allies and Germany

Casualties; almost 100,000 people, 3,500 merchant ships, 175 warships, hundreds of aircraft, and 70,000 sailors. Axis lost 783 U-boats, 47 warships, 17 Italian submarines, and 30,000 sailors

Conquest; the Allies

The conflict was about the control of the sea route of the Atlantic Ocean. The Axis fought with its famous U-boats against the Royal Naval powers. However, the Allied forces with advanced technological weapons including Radar detection turned all the tables. It was the longest struggle between the Allied powers and Germany. British Prime Minister, Winston Churchill said it was the best chance for Germany to defeat the Allies.

2.    Battle of Sedan


Duration; 1939- May 1940

Parties; Britain, France, and Germany

Conquest; German

Soon after the invasion of Germany in Poland in 1939, Britain and France coupled with Poland and declared war against Germany. France proposed an idea of defense against German atrocities by building a concrete rampart of the Maginot Line. However, Germany overpowered the French positions at Sedan by attacking Blitzkrieg and dive bombers. And this intense outbreak helped the German powers defeat the defenders.

3.    Battle of Dunkirk

the miracle of Dunkirk

Duration; May 26 to June 4, 1940

Parties; Britain and France with Germany

Conquest; Germany claims the conquest

Right after defeating France at Sedan, Germany invaded its forces in Dunkirk, a French town. They stopped their advance and this proved a blessing for the Allies’ power to evacuate their forces. The successful operation Dynamo of WW-II evicted almost 338,226 troops and refugees with some left behind. Germany claimed victory because the left-over troops had no option but to surrender. However, the world still remembers operation Dynamo as the struggle of Allied power resilience.

4.    Battle of Britain


Duration; July 10 to October 31, 1940

Parties; Britain and Germany

Casualties; heavy casualties on both sides

Victory; Britain

The battle of Britain is the only war in the history of WW II that was fought only in the air. This air show remained in progress for almost four months over the land of Britain. Germans attacked the man force, city artillery, and technological infrastructure of Britain to invade it. However, Hitler’s decision not to attack the military bases helped the Royal AF take the revenge on German Luftwaffe. And won the battle.

5.    Battle of Crete


Duration; May 20 to June 1, 1941

Parties; Allied Forced and Germany in Greek

Casualties; nearly 7000

Victory; Allied forces withdraw

In the elongated history of the battles of WW II, the battle of Crete was fought by the airborne paratroopers of the German force. On the first day, they faced heavy defeat but subsequently, Allied forces withdrew. Because Crete was an island in Greek hence, the Allies were afraid of an imminent naval attack from the Germans.

6.    Siege of Leningrad


Duration; September 8, 1941, to January 27, 1944

Parties; the Soviet Union and Germany

Casualties; almost 700,000 soviet civilians died of hunger

Victory; City was free at the end

It is called siege because the German and Finnish forces created a blockade around the city of Leningrad. The Soviet Union officially entered in WW-II. This is just the tip of the iceberg. The real cruelty is that the barrier cut-off Leningrad’s contact with the neighboring cities and there was no food, water, and electricity for the citizens. Almost 1.3 million people were rescued and evicted from the city and Leningrad was free by the end of the war.

7.      Battle of Moscow

Duration; October 2, 1941, to January 7, 1942

Parties; the Soviet Union and Germany

Casualties; both sides saw casualties

Victory; German pride was shattered

After invading Leningrad (today St. Petersburg) Nazi forces advanced toward Moscow and Hitler ordered to raze the city to the ground. Nobody told the Axis forces that winter is coming. They were not trained for fighting in cold weather where the temperature dropped to zero Fahrenheit. And importantly, due to winter, their supply chain was disconnected. Secondly, the resistance of the Red Army under the command of General Winter smashed the German pride into pieces.

8.    The incident of Pearl Harbor in WW-II

Epic/Getty Images

Duration; December 7, 1941

Parties; Japan and the USA

Casualties; approximately 2000

Victory; prima facie Japan

After the incident of Pearl Harbor United States officially became the party to WW-II. It was a secret attack on the US naval base Pearl Harbor located on Oahu Island, Hawaii. America after facing so many fatalities declared war against Japan. Followed by the incident of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bomb dropping during WW-II. Whereas, both countries fought the battle of Midway in June 1942 where America won.

The Us Navy

9.    Battle of Kursk

Duration; July 5 to August 23, 1943

Parties; the Soviet Union and Germany

Victory; Hitler couldn’t conquest Russia

You may also call it the battle of tanks. In the history of WW-II, it was the largest tank battle involving about 6000 tanks happened on the eastern front at Kursk. Russians already had the information about the German advance and they built a defensive line against the Axis forces. Once again, the Nazi dream to overthrow Russian remained a dream.

10. Battle of Normandy (D-Day in WW-II)

Galerie Bilderwelt/ Getty Images

Duration; June 6 to August 30, 1944

Parties; The USA, Britain, Canada, and France

Casualties; around 6000

Victory; Paris freedom

It is the biggest invasion of the troops on the beaches of Normandy. D-Day is the famous name of this battle. WW-II was entering its final stage after this. The Allied forces with the help of additional 325,000 troops kept resisting and eventually Paris earned freedom.

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What’s the Difference Between Deep Web and Dark Web?

Dark Web and deep web

What is a Web?

A Web is an information system that enables access to information over the Internet. We can access the Web through web browsers. With the help of a Web browser, users can easily find any information they want.

As the World Wide Web has grown, there have been many changes. Now, new kinds and features make it simple and easy to use. In the discussion of the assortment of the Web, there are three main categories: surface web, deep Web, and dark Web.  

The purpose of a website is to fetch content from the web server and display it to the user. The primary function or aim of every type of Web of same, i.e., “displaying information to the user.” But there many different kinds of web to give people a lot of data and information.

Surface Web, Deep Web and Dark Web

Surface web, Deep Web, and Dark Web are different kinds of Web with various accessibility features. Before we see their differences, let’s first see what a surface, deep, and dark Web is.

What is the Deep Web?

The term “deep web” refers to a subset of the World Wide Web that most Web search engines do not index. Chats, e-mails, texts, bank statements, medical information, and other forms of communication may all be considered components of a bark web. The deep Web is sometimes referred to as the “Hidden web” or the “Invisible web.”

What is Dark Web?

The dark Web is a kind of Web that requires the use of specific software or authorization. You can retrieve a dark web through the use of some particular configurations. A dark web can become a way to perform illegal online activities in particular. Examples of a dark web include DuckDuckGo’s, Dream Market, Empire Market, etc.

What is Surface Web?

A surface web is a web whose contents are easily searchable through standard search engines. A surface web is visible to all Internet users. People can obtain any information they want without the need for specific software. Examples of a surface web include Google, YouTube, Facebook, Wikipedia, etc. The surface web is also called the “Visible Web” or “Indexable Web.”

Difference between Deep Web and Dark Web

The three categories of a website differ in the content they offer to the users. Here are the five significant differences between the deep and dark Web that will help you better understand the two terms.

Deep WebDark web
Deep web contents are not indexed by search engines.Dark web content needs authorization access and permissions.
Users can access a deep web by a valid user id and password.Users can access a dark web by the use of specialized software’s.
It is a collection of numerous invisible websites content.Dark Net is the underlying infrastructure of a Dark Web.
A deep web is not browser-specific. A dark web is browser specific e.g. Tor, Freenet etc. 
It is all about hiding the personals and private information. So that all the personal information of the users are not disclosed to other users.With the dark web there are the chances that the information  of the users can be disclosed to the other users.

Surface, deep, and dark webs all have advantages and disadvantages. If we look at the surface web, it is a simple and easy one to use. No credentials or authorization is necessary. But to use the deep web, you need a username and password. When you use the dark web, there is a chance that someone could see your personal information.

The surface web offers content that search engines or people can easily find. Whereas the deep web has a range that search engines cannot see. And in the case of the dark web, the content is hidden intentionally. A surface Web contains only legal data and content. A dark web has illegal content, while the deep web may have lawful or unlawful content.

How to Access Dark Web?

Tor Network is the simplest and most common method to access the dark web. With the Tor Network, users can communicate by hiding their identities. In this way, users can access the dark web anonymously. To be safe, it’s best to first connect to a VPN and then to the Tor Network to approach the dark web. Also, you can download the Tor browser. That will make your process a bit easier.

Is it Safe to Access Dark Web?

Before you make it to the dark web, it is essential to know whether it is safe to access it or not. The dark web has illegal or stolen data. It is used for unlawful purposes. Some suspicious links may be present that can hack your accounts or devices. 

There may be some files on the site that contain viruses. Downloading such files can land you in trouble. It can disrupt the normal functioning of your device. So, it is advisable that you use the dark web less or at least use it safely. 

Application of Deep Web and Dark Web

The deep web helps to maintain the privacy of the user’s data. The use of passwords keeps your data protected. It becomes easy to access online database systems. It also keeps your personal information hidden and confidential from others.

Whereas with the dark web, you can do business online anonymously if you do not want to reveal your identity. This application is also beneficial for military purposes. The Crime Investigation Department can use the dark web to find criminals. Cybersecurity officials can easily reach out to potential hackers without revealing their identities. 


The surface web is said to be the safest web. But you never know. Hackers have many ways to attack your system. Regardless of your website, you must first check all the notifications that pop up when opening a browser. 

The deep and dark web is used to get information through the Internet. But we have seen that one provides you with illegal content while the other has legal or illicit content. So, it’s up to you to make use of one wisely.

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What would be life like in The Line: Neom City


All of us in our childhood always wished to live for real in those fantastic Hollywood sci-fi movies. Where everything is clean, block buildings, flying cars, floating trains, and telepathy is a normal things. But we all know it is just fiction and ultra VFX. Well, there is one country that has introduced a similar city plan. As we know Neom is a new initiative in Saudi Arabia. The kingdom is building the city of Neom on the virgin desert land. This project is the enterprise of the crown prince Muhammad Bin Salman (MBS). Simply, Neom is the home, destination, and tourist attraction spot for the people.

Basic Specs of Neom City

The Name; is the combination of two words from different languages. Neos is an old Greek origin word that means new and the fourth letter of the work is the first letter of Mustaqbil (Arabic) which means future. Hence, Neom is New Future.

Province; Tabuk, Saudi Arabia

Total area; 26,500 km2

Initiated; 2017

Completion of the first phase; by 2025

Net worth; $500 billion from the public investment fund

Also, the city is independent of the central government and has its laws.

courtesy: BBC News

This city is joining the borders of here middle eastern states, Jordan, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia of course. It is located on the shore of the Red Sea. People are also calling it the vertical city. According to a 2022 report in The Economist, just two buildings have been constructed right now. Yet, the deputy governor of the eastern province inaugurated the second stop of the Line on 4 September 2022.

Is Neom an actual city?

The crown prince MBS is a progressive man and he believes that Saudi Arabia must comply with the needs of the time. He said we cannot ignore the environmental crisis of the world. The futuristic city is based on the model of the smart city program and it’s a project of Saudi Vision 2030. The Saudi Vision 2030 is an effort to reduce the Saudi economic dependence on oil and shift it towards renewable or green energies. Public sector development gives the government leverage over resource control and sustainability. Neom is going to be the first city of its kind that will have clean and green energy produced from the sun. Significantly, it is more technology and sustainability-oriented but it provides all the necessities of life. Importantly, this city is going to be vehicle or car-free.

Sectors of Neom

This city is going to have 14 sectors which are the basic life facilities. To make the city car-free it provides everything on five minutes walk or bicycle ride. These facilities or sectors are

  1. Design and construction
  2. Education
  3. Energy
  4. Entertainment and culture
  5. Financial services
  6. Food
  7. Health, well-being, and biotech
  8. Manufacturing
  9. Media
  10. Mobility
  11. Sports
  12. Technology and digital
  13. Tourism
  14. Water

In addition to the sectors, Neom has three regions including Trojena (the mountains that will be the world-class destination), Oxagon (the floating part for the clean industrial city), and The Line (the new wonder)

What is the Line?

In July 2022, the government of Saudi Arabia uncovered a new project for Neom. The plan is the development of two skyscrapers on the desert land called The Line. These two towers are parallel and face each other covered with a glass wall from both sides. It is stretched across 170km distance, 500 meters high, and 200 meters wide. Sounds unappetizing and horrifying especially when you are not used to living in such a world.

The line is an example of vertical urban development where you accommodate a lot of people in a limited area. It keeps a check on your limited human and economical resources. The Line contains residential, commercial, educational, recreational, and sports areas. It can accommodate 9 million people in the residential area. The sophisticated transportation system connects the two ends of the city within twenty minutes.

An Israeli scholar contended that this city is self-explanatory proof of blind faith in technology.

The Haaretz in one of its articles denies the myth that the project of the Line isn’t original entirely. Indeed, a similar project of The Linear City was introduced in 1965 in America. Also, points out that such projects are not for the sake of construction but only for the sake of generating ideas.

Life in the Line

The city of Neom of Saudi Arabia at the bank of the Red Sea calls you to the future. No one has seen the future; we can just predict it based on the information we have and what we see. The Neom city presents life in the Line just like movies. You can see here they have glorified this fictional city by sending a girl there through a time machine.

But the city shows greenery, clean water, clear roads, and the scene of Christopher Nolan’s Inception. It feels like you are living in a three-D world. The structure of the Line is 3D. And surely, people are going to have gravity there.

Current status of Neom

Neom city is on the outskirts of the eastern province of Tabuk and is out of the influence of the central governmental and judicial system. It is a mega project of 14 different sectors and can bring revolution to Saudi Arabia. However, the general reaction of the people towards this project of gazillions isn’t satisfactory and they show annoyance. Ali Shihabi, a member of the Neom advisory board says the Line construction will continue module by module.

Despite a lot of criticism and backlash, the project of Neom is proceeding fast.  Undoubtedly it provides you the opportunity to invest in Neom.  Because of the investment Neom has the world’s largest renewable hydrogen plant. It is an opportunity for all the biggest companies in the world, however, the career opportunities are limited to Saudi citizens only. Indeed, Neom is a highly progressive and ambitious project and it’s a source of income for thousands of Saudi people.

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Flood in Pakistan 2022: NDMA and Threat Matrix



In his book, Pakistan: “A Hard Country,” Anatol Lieven wrote, “If the US or India, or both together, invade Pakistan & thereby precipitate its disintegration, the likelihood is that the country will hold together, and if it eventually collapses, it will not be Islamist extremism but climate change that finishes it off.” Pakistan’s National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) has similar feelings about this country.

Pakistan has designed its security architecture to counter India’s influence. It also tends to exercise influence in Afghanistan. But the current wave of floods is a wake-up call for the country, that it needs to add climate change to its threat matrix.

What does the NDMA say?

Due to climate change, extreme weather is becoming common in Pakistan. Pakistan’s already worn-out food and water security are now catastrophically vulnerable due to heat waves, floods, and droughts, says the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA). The irony of the matter lies in that Pakistan is one of the world’s lowest carbon emitter countries, yet it is among the top ten most vulnerable nations to climate change.

Almost every year, Pakistan breaks its record for being one of the worst-affected countries by climate change. Pakistan was named one of the top 23 nations battling drought over the last two years by the United Nations in May. Between 1998 and 2018, the country is projected to have lost about 10,000 lives due to climate-related catastrophes, with damages totaling around $4 billion due to 173 extreme weather events says the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA).

Flood in Pakistan: NDMA

For Pakistan, climate change has aggravated the latent threats of poverty, inter-provincial tussles, resource scarcity, and population displacement. All these threats combine to challenge the national security of Pakistan. Since 2013, Pakistan has seen a steady decline in terror attacks. Over the last five years, the country has remained relatively peaceful. However, Pakistan’s progress in terms of security is at the mercy of climate change.

Pakistan’s rural population migrates to urban and large cities faster than ever. The irregular weather patterns have affected agricultural yields significantly, thus causing a dramatic rise in migration to metropolitan areas of the country. Karachi is already among the world’s ten least livable cities, while Lahore’s air quality drops to a new low every year, and it may also face severe water scarcity in the future. These deteriorating living standards ultimately lead to the spread of diseases and a surge in the crime rate.

Pakistan and Syria

Due to scarce resources, social identities based on gender, religion, ethnicity, and socioeconomic background have become more noticeable. These identities may exacerbate violence, terrorism, dissident movements, political tensions, and organized crimes. This nexus of internal conflicts will eventually threaten Pakistan’s national security.

Generally, climate change has impacted the agricultural sector in South Asia and particularly in Pakistan. Agriculture contributes 21 percent to Pakistan’s GDP, but the techniques used are inefficient and outdated. The extremes of floods and droughts have decreased yields sharply, leading to food insecurity.

The Syrian civil war provides an excellent example to assess the implications of food insecurity and migration to urban areas. According to a World Food Programme report, 12 million Syrians, or 55 percent of the total population, are food insecure. In the first half of 2022, Syrians faced a 45 percent hike in food prices, which adds to the tension created by a 500 percent hike in the last two years.

A Threat Multiplier

Whether it was the United Nations Security Council or the United States Department of Defense, both declared climate change a “threat multiplier.” In the case of India and Pakistan, both countries are equally vulnerable to climate change. However, their cooperation is minimal. Pakistan’s dispute with India over water resources was hijacked. Kashmir conflict and counterterrorism. Pakistan has always raised its voice against the suppression of Kashmiris, while India always blames Pakistan for terror activities in IOJK. But both countries are not ready to address the more significant threat that can annihilate. Thus, scholars have an excellent rationale for believing climate change will only destabilize the South Asian region.

To put the cherry on top, Pakistan lacks any institutional setup to combat the multifaceted and complex issue of climate change. Pakistan’s new National Security Policy (NSP) did recognize the long-denied threat of climate change. It also emphasized climate action and climate adaptation. (colburnschool.edu) But even this blueprint failed to address the institutional gaps in the system. Even academia has yet to recognize the menace of environmental degradation. Their focus is still on security challenges posed by state and non-state actors.


At last, if we talk about the way forward, Pakistan needs to recognize climate change as a security threat. And Pakistan needs to add it to the assessment criteria of the threat matrix. It needs a robust institutional setup to adapt climate-action strategies. Across the urban development, agriculture, poverty alleviation, crime, resource scarcity, and diplomacy. Regarding the institutional setup, the NDMA also needs a revamp to avoid such disasters in the future. But most importantly, academia, policymakers, the media, civil society, and the public should take the threat seriously.

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Hindutva: A Threat to Secular India or South Asia?


What is Hindutva?

Hindutva, a centuries-old concept, is today a growing phenomenon in India and the South Asian region, redefining the country’s domestic politics, behaviour in the international community and its outlook on its citizens, and the region’s alliances, political dynamics, and geopolitical structure.

This research paper aims to acknowledge the rise of conservative Hinduism in India as an alarming reality and not just a matter of domestic concern. It also analyses the emerging threats associated with the rise of Hindutva in India and its regional neighbor, South Asia, which is the core research problem of the paper.

For that purpose, India’s national policies for its natives and its regional approach towards its neighbours are proximately and critically analyzed to observe how Hindutva is reshaping India’s attitude. Secondary methods, i.e., articles, journals, newspapers, research papers, books, etc., have been consulted to accumulate data for the research.

The scope of the research is academic in terms of covering the loopholes of the previous research and laying the foundation for future research, as well as practical in highlighting the real-time consequences and implications of the problem.


The paper concludes that Hindu nationalism, initially initiated to amalgamate the Hindus, has now changed into an assailant rendition that forces the Hindu religion and way of life over different organizations and minorities.

However, much as it compromises the harmony and strength of the country, it also undermines territorial coordination. It would cause serious repercussions provided no collective stance is taken by the international community and the Indian citizens to bottle the extremist nationalism.


Problem Statement

Hindutva, also often regarded as Hindu Nationalism, is an ideology followed by the conservative Indian natives, which preaches the hegemony and dominance of the Hindu religion, its culture, and lifestyle, not just in India but the entire subcontinent, from Afghanistan to Indonesia.

It revolves around the principles of establishing a “Hindu Rashtra” (Hindu Nation) in the South Asian region, revenging the oppression faced by Hindus by the Muslim and Christian rulers in the historic context by treating the non-Hindu Indian natives as second-class citizens, and transforming India from secularism to traditional and conservative religion.

This ideology has evolved, developed and adapted to the changing political and societal norms for 74 years and has today reached a position where it is not only convincingly threatening the Indian secular and diverse principles; which have long been prized and celebrated by India; through Modi’s extremist and antagonistic policies, dictating internal and external Indian politics based on fanaticism and radicalism, but is also shaping regional and international security.

Objectives and Limitations

The objective of this study is to officially recognize Hindutva as an emerging threat to national, regional, and global peace and not undermine the severity of the issue by labeling it as a domestic concern.

For this purpose, the paper argues for a closer look at Modi’s two eras of authoritarian regimes in 2014 and 2018, to observe his harsh policies through the lens of Hindutva ideology and identity and to analyze how Modi is performing his role as a Hindutva ambassador while being the administrative head of one of the most diverse and powerful democracies.

The paper also aims to analyze the secular and diverse underlying guiding principles through which Nehru laid the foundation of a tolerable and accepting India and the principles that Modi is putting forward to bring about an aggressive and conservative India. The focus of the study is only on India and the South Asian region, which restricts the research within the given parameters.

The research paper will neither deal with the successes the Modi administration has achieved in their rules, as they have fairly and over-exaggeratedly been discussed by the Indian media, nor with Modi policies other than those reflecting Hindu elements, as that would detract from the research’s main purpose.

While conducting the research, placed posed other questions than the thorough research needed to address my questions. The topic is being recognized currently, and research is regulated slowly and gradually.


The area of the research paper is kept within the bounds of how Hindutva is emerging as a national, regional, and international security concern for the global community and how Hindutva is undermining the profane basis of the Indian state and society.

The study is limited to specific regions to justify the topic within the given time frame with much analysis and research and not to add unnecessary arguments to make the reader lose interest.

Academically, such a research paper will open the door to many other opportunities for researchers willing to analyse Hindutva as a problematic phenomenon in national, regional, or international contexts.

It provides an insight into how Hindutva ideology and culture are damaging the core Indian principles of equality, diversity, and secularism, and that is why this paper can further be the basis of research on the global recognition of the roots, evolution, and implications of Hindutva as an ideology of the world’s biggest democracy. Practically, it will be of paramount importance.

Firstly, it will portray the true nature of Hindutva beliefs and reflect how the Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP) and Narendra Modi exploit Indian constitutional laws and its citizens to ensure the religious belief of Hindu hegemony.

Secondly, it will help the readers analyse the core importance of this emerging threat and awaken the human rights champions worldwide to break their silence against the inhumane treatment of non-Hindu Indian citizens.

Thirdly, it will indicate the policy options for India and other South Asian states to deal with the current security dilemma created by Modi’s fascist Hindutva policies.

Fourthly, it will also show that if the concerns are not timely addressed, what repercussions can they bring for India and South Asia?

Historical Background

Some analysts claim Hindutva to be a contemporary phenomenon resulting from Muslim militancy. However, this claim can be denied by highlighting the Arya Samaj Movement in 1875 and the concept of Hindu-ness it introduced.

history of hindutva

Arya Samaj was the first movement of its kind that encouraged Hindu nationalism and even introduced proselytization in Hinduism. Later, in the early half of the 20th century, social activists associated with Arya Samaj debated a meritocratic caste system to revive the Hindu identity, which was somehow refused.

Hindu nationalism then stood on more strict and conservative principles, i.e., the explicit divisions between Hindus, Muslims, and Christians.

It further led to the printing of a pamphlet in 1923 named “Essentials of Hindutva”, which later came to be known as “Hindutva: Who is a Hindu?” by Vinayak Damodar Savarkar, who, in his text, called out the Muslims and Christians as non-Indian entities and defined a Hindu by explaining the core of Hinduism and putting forward four principal criteria for Hindu identity :

  • A legitimate Hindu is geographically a citizen of India.
  • A legitimate Hindu shares the same race and common blood as that which ran through the veins of Ram, Krishna, Buddha, Mahavir, Nanak, Chaitanya, and other religious forefathers. 
  • A legitimate Hindu owns and practices Hindu civilization (Sanskrit language) as a whole.
  • A legitimate Hindu looks upon India not only as his motherland or fatherland but also as the Holy Land.

Two years later, in 1925, a Brahmin Hindu, Keshav Hegdewar, founded the militant Hindu organization, the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), arguing that an independent India should be a state for Hindus.

Hedgewar added two new pillars to traditional nationalism: Sangathan (Hindu organization) and Seva (service). In the 21st century, the Sangathan tenet in Hindutva has evolved and led to the creation of the Sangh Parivar, which translates into the Family of Associations.

“The Sangh Parivar is a network of Hindutva organizations with the same ideological goal of implementing the Hindutva agenda and often overlapped membership that gravitates around the RSS.” (Falak, J.).

It comprises approximately 52 associated organizations covering educational, political, social, and intellectual fields with a vast interwoven network locally and globally. The highlighted groups of the Parivar are:

  • Bhartiya Janata Party, BJP (the political wing).
  • Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, RSS (the militant wing).
  • Vishwa Hindu Parishad, VHP (the religious youth wing).
  • Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad, ABVP (the student’s coalition wing).
  • Bajrang Dal (the militant religious wing).
  • Vivekananda International Foundation, VIF (a think tank that sponsors and supports terrorism in the Indian neighbourhood).

Other than the Sangh Parivar, Hindu nationalism is promoted through other entities:

  • Local Allies: local political groups alliance with Sangh Parivar for vested interests, e.g., Shiv Sena and Sanathan Sanstha.
  • Splinter Cells: those groups fully follow the Hindutva ideology but are against the RSS hegemony in Hindu nationalism, e.g., Abhinav Bharat.
  • Lone Wolf- a person who conducts terrorist activities in compliance with the ideology but without any support from particular organizations and groups and on his own, e.g., Gopal Godse and Nathuram Vinayak Godse, both guilty of murdering Mahatma Gandhi.
  • A legitimate Hindu is geographically a citizen of India.
  • A legitimate Hindu shares the same race and common blood as that which ran through the veins of Ram, Krishna, Buddha, Mahavir, Nanak, Chaitanya, and other religious forefathers. 
  • A legitimate Hindu owns and practices Hindu civilization (Sanskrit language) as a whole.
  • A legitimate Hindu looks upon India not only as his motherland or fatherland but also as the Holy Land.

Through its interconnected networks and aggressive objectives, Hindu nationalism has fully progressed into “Militant Hindutva.” It actively engages in terrorist activities against non-Hindus (especially Muslims and Christians) and lower-caste Hindus.

A recent phenomenon called “Saffron Terrorism” has emerged to indicate the terror-spreading activities of Hindutva organizations. The widely known incidents of Saffron terrorism include the assassination of Gandhi by Gopal Godse (1948), the Gujarat Riots of 2002 (initiated by Modi), the Samjhauta Express Bombings (2007), the Mecca Masjid Bombings (2007), the Ameer Dargah attacks (2007), etc.

Due to its fanatic and radical ideology and inhumane activities, Hindutva in India has become a bigger threat than any other terrorist group.

Theoretical Framework

The constructivist lens can provide a better understanding of the Hindutva phenomenon and its underlying rationale. Constructivism asserts that state behaviour in the international system is neither driven by selfish human nature (realism) nor by the anarchic international system (structural realism).

However, the determinant of state behaviour is the different images of reality that states perceive. They tend to argue that “there is no such thing as absolute reality”. State perceptions of reality are based on assumptions and perceptions (Wendt).

These perceptions and images are based on a state’s culture, history, identity, language, values, ethnicity, etc., and are socially constructed through interactions with other states.

Analysing Hindutva through this perspective, it can say that the aggressive and harsh approach of Hindus against Muslims and Christians has been socially constructed through interaction with these communities over time.

Since Muslims have ruled over the Hindus for over six centuries through empires and dynasties and Christians ruled over them as their colonial masters, the resentment against both communities tends to be generated from these historic experiences.

Similarly, the Hindu Maurya dynasty, ruled by Chandragupta Maurya, is regarded as the most successful Hindu empire. The desire to repeat those achievements was socially constructed in the shape of the Hindutva ideology.

These identities and values establish state interests and behaviour, and simultaneously, the interests and actions of states tend to align with their identities. Wendt, in this regard, argues that “identities tend to shape who states are and interests mention what they want, so without telling who the states are, we cannot judge or presume what they want, and since identities involve cultural content, so do state interests.”

Wendt also argues that the state’s interests are of two main types: subjective and objective. Subjective interests include the reproduction of the four types of identity, and objective interests include those underlying beliefs of states on how to achieve their goals. Subjective goals are much closer to determining state behaviour.

Hence, India’s national interest can comply with its subjective interest as it continues to dictate policies to achieve identity aims.

Antagonistic Indian policies towards Pakistan, its vile attitude toward the Muslim and Christian minorities, its urge to dominate the region and compete with China, its inclination to expand its territory, and its actions to promote the Hindi language, lifestyle, and culture can therefore be studied under the light of its religion and can be rationalised that way.

Indian Secularism and Hindutva

The driving force behind the partition of the subcontinent in 1947 was the marginalisation of non-Hindu ethnic, religious, and linguistic groups, especially Muslims.

To understand the dynamics of plurality and multi-ethnicity in Indian society and to avoid future strife similar to that of the Two-Nation Theory, the founding fathers of India, Jawaharlal Nehru and the Indian National Congress, brought forward the concepts of “Secularism” and “Unity in Diversity” post-independence.

Jeremy Rodell defines secularism as “institutional separation, freedom of belief, and no discrimination on the grounds of religion.” This was the rationale behind Nehru’s Secularism. Secularism is to keep all the communities of India intact and steer clear of religious fanaticism and bigotry.

Hence, it was more of a political move than a social one. The move was successful in the initial periods of the 1960s and ’70s and also incorporated secular views into the Indian Constitution in 1949.

Still, ever since the Hindu-Muslim riots and tensions escalated in the 1990s, the BJP cashed in on those situations, and its militia wings, the Bajrang Dal, VHP, and RSS, have further fueled the rivalry to gain political benefits.

They succeeded, but with their success came the downfall of Indian multi-religiosity and secularism. Secularism and Hindu Democracy were the main highlights of Indian Democracy worldwide. The last nail in the coffin of Indian liberalism and pluralism has proved to be Modi’s fascist and authoritarian regime since 2014.

It has made India one of the most religiously, ethnically, and linguistically suffering nations where minorities are not safe. The following is an overview of the policy shifts taken by the BJP government to make India one of the most dangerous countries in the world to live as a minority.

Indian Secularism and Hindutva

Under Modi and the BJP’s influence, India has gone way too far in Islam’s hatred and enmity. Ever since they were in power, their policies were driven by the desire to suppress Muslims in every possible way and to make them leave India.

The rightist wings of Sangh Parivar have been deployed to bring harm, torture, and trouble to the Muslim community, as they are the largest minority community in India and, as per their thoughts, “a threat to Indian Nationalism”. 

Similarly, the Hindu Maurya dynasty, ruled by Chandragupta Maurya, is regarded as the most successful Hindu empire. The desire to repeat those achievements was socially constructed in the shape of the Hindutva ideology. These identities and values establish state interests and behaviour, and simultaneously, the interests and actions of states tend to align with their identities.

Wendt, in this regard, argues that “identities tend to shape who states are and interests mention what they want, so without telling who the states are, we cannot judge or presume what they want, and since identities involve cultural content, so do state interests.” Wendt also argues that the state’s interests are of two main types: subjective and objective.

Subjective interests include the reproduction of the four types of identity, while objective interests include those underlying beliefs of states on how to achieve their goals. Subjective goals are much closer to determining state behaviour. Hence, India’s national interest can comply with its subjective interest as it continues to dictate policies to achieve identity aims.

Antagonistic Indian policies towards Pakistan, its vile attitude toward the Muslim and Christian minorities, its urge to dominate the region and compete with China, its inclination to expand its territory, and its actions to promote the Hindi language, lifestyle, and culture can therefore be studied under the light of its religion and can be rationalised that way.

Modi’s First Tenure (2014-2019)

Modi’s first tenure was driven by the aim of introducing a new version of Hindu Nationalism in India, following the vision and version of RSS, and his policies reflected that.

Hindutva-driven groups and organisations

The influence of Hindutva-driven groups and organisations in the government can be witnessed from the first step of framing the Prime Ministers’ Cabinet, which was formed of 9 members from RSS.

Many State Ministers were also associated with ABVP (Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad), the student wing of Sangh Parivar, Modi’s National Security Advisor (NSA), Ajit Doval, has been in alignment with RSS ever since, and also his son, Shaurya Doval, initiated a think-tank called India Foundation, which is the keystone behind BJP’s policies.

Hindutva-driven groups and organisations

Therefore, Hindutva has been interwoven into the fabric of the BJP government since 2014 and has now become an inseparable part of the government and its policies.

Bajrang Dal

Bajrang Dal, a right-wing militia group of Sangh Parivar, which had been banned or abandoned for the last thirty years due to its involvement in religious terrorist activities, e.g., the demolition of Babri Masjid in 1992, Akhadas in 2005, etc., was revamped and legitimised by the Modi government on a priority basis. 

Not just this, but they were granted legal protection in cases against them, and not a single activist has been sentenced in any case during the whole time frame. They were celebrated in their camps as nothing less than able to eradicate Muslims from the country.

During his first tenure, there was a 28% spike in violence and brutality based on religious differences (against Muslims and Christians, most of which are not even reported) planned by Bajrang Dal, Shiv Sena, VHM etc. 

A report by UK-based MRG mentions that in 2017 alone, more than 700 outbreaks of communal violence occurred in India that killed 86 and injured 2,321 people. The actual number, however, could be higher as many cases go unreported (Bhomick, N., 2019).

Bhonsala Military School

The militant Hindutva wings have also established military schools for the training of men and women to prepare them “for the game of killing masses of men with the ambition of winning with the best possible causalities (sic) of dead and wounded while causing the utmost possible damage to the adversary.” (Islam, S.2018). 

Bhonsala Military School

The Bhonsala Military School (BMS) hires retired army personnel to train the young male population and has expanded at an escalating rate since the first Modi period. One trained batch of BMS, called “The Shadow Army”, has been specifically trained to organise mobs and use modern arms and weaponry under the banner of “Defensive Violence”. 

In an interview, Bal Thackery, the institutor of Shiv Sena, said, “Islamic terrorism is growing, and countering it with Hindu terrorism is the only way to counter it.” ” We need suicide bomb squads to protect India and Hindus” (News 18, 2009).

Similarly, for women, a Durga Vahini (Durga Army) named school has been established to train them for combat and violence and also inculcate anti-Pakistan hatred feelings among the trainees. One of their official slogans is, “Hindustan is for Hindus.” Pakistan can go to hell! ” (BBC, 2014).

In 2016, a group called “Hindu Swabhiman” set up training camps for preparing children as young as 8 for armed conflicts and a Holy Army (Dharma Sena) to counter war forces in India and take control of Uttar Pradesh.

Gau Raksha (cow protection) movement

The Gau Raksha (cow protection) movement gained much notoriety in the initial years of the Modi era. The Bhartiya Gau Raksha Dal, a nationalist group associated with the RSS, tortured and killed many cattle transporters (mainly Dalits) by accusing them of smuggling cows.

The so-called protectors have been actively involved in “cow terrorism,” especially against Muslims and Dalits, in Haryana, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, and Gujarat, and took no action against them. Instead, cases were made against the victims’ families. The perpetrators were granted impunity, which provided them with more room to threaten the lives and property of the minorities. 

Gau Raksha (cow protection) movement

One hundred sixty-eight (168) cases were reported of cow terrorism against the militants of Bhartiya Gau Raksha Dal, including Mohammad Akhlaq, UP; Pehlu Khan and Ummar Khan, Rajasthan; Mazlum Ansari, Imteyaz Khan, only 15 years old. And Alimuddin in Jharkhand; Inspector Subodh Kumar Singh, UP.

Civil activists who worked for the rights of Dalits and Adivasis and critics of the government were detained, put into jail, and accused of planning to kill the Prime Minister, including Sudha Bharadwaj, a lawyer turned activist, who was jailed for defending the rights of the Dalit community; Narendra Dabholkar, an activist, author, and a critic of the BJP government; Govind Pansare, a bold critic of Hindutva and BJP policies; M.M. Kalburgi, a scholar and author; Gauri Lankesh, a news reporter, journalist, and a daring critic of Modi authoritarianism, and the list can go on and on.

Anti-Conversion Law

The BJP government has passed an “anti-conversion law” which makes it illegal for Hindus to convert to Islam or Christianity. This law has been used as an excuse and justification by the militant wings of RSS to target Muslims and other minorities. For example, in 2016, in Uttar Pradesh, the Bajrang Dal intentionally blamed a worker for persuasively changing Hindus to Christianity, shaved his head, and strutted him through town on a donkey.

Under Modi and the BJP’s influence, India has gone far in Islam’s hatred and enmity. Since they were in power, their policies were driven by the desire to suppress Muslims in every possible way and make them leave India.

A Threat to Indian Nationalism

The rightist wings of Sangh Parivar have been deployed to bring harm, torture, and trouble to the Muslim community, as they are the largest minority community in India and, as per their thoughts, “a threat to Indian Nationalism”. 

Similarly, the Hindu Maurya dynasty, ruled by Chandragupta Maurya, is regarded as the most successful Hindu empire. The desire to repeat those achievements was socially constructed in the shape of the Hindutva ideology. These identities and values establish state interests and behaviour, and simultaneously, the interests and actions of states tend to align with their identities.

muslim mob lynching in india

Wendt, in this regard, argues that “identities tend to shape who states are and interests mention what they want, so without telling who the states are, we cannot judge or presume what they want, and since identities involve cultural content, so do state interests.” Wendt also argues that the state’s interests are of two main types: subjective and objective.

Subjective interests include the reproduction of the four types of identity, while objective interests include those underlying beliefs of states on how to achieve their goals. Subjective goals are much closer to determining state behaviour. Hence, India’s national interest can comply with its subjective interest as it continues to dictate policies to achieve identity aims.

Antagonistic Indian policies Towards Pakistan

Antagonistic Indian policies towards Pakistan, its vile attitude toward the Muslim and Christian minorities, its urge to dominate the region and compete with China, its inclination to expand its territory, and its actions to promote the Hindi language, lifestyle, and culture can therefore be studied under the light of its religion and can be rationalised that way.

The Second Tenure of Modi

The first Modi era concentrated on constructing a new type of Indian nationalism. The second tenure, however, is expansionist and aims to take another step towards establishing Hindu Rashtra or maybe has even reached there, which Modi has comprehensibly dictated through his government policies.

The Abolishment of Articles 370 and 35(A)

The abolition of Articles 370 and 35(A) from the Constitution, which is not just a violation of the Indian Constitution itself but a United Nations Security Council Resolution as well, is one of the most ruthless policies of the BJP and Narendra Modi and a clear indication of the fascist and expansionist policies of India. By eliminating the special status of Indian-occupied Kashmir along with the initiation of strict curfews and hundreds of thousands of RSS and Indian Army soldiers, the house-arrest of separatist leaders, blockades on communication throughout the state, and the introduction of a new political map of India, which also includes some disputed Nepali regions in Indian territory, India is giving the indication that India is no longer a secular state but, an authoritarian Hindu nation-state.

Love Jihad Law

Inter-religious marriages were a common practice in India until the secularist forces prevailed. Still, the extremist and militia wings of the Sangh Parivar, the RSS, Bajrang Dal, and VHS, have introduced the concept of “love jihad.” 

In which they accuse Muslim men of marrying Hindu women with the sole purpose of converting their religion. Under this assumption, they tortured, killed, and harassed many Muslims and Hindus who wanted to marry someone from another religion.

Anti-Conversion Law

Considering it as propaganda, the BJP government passed a “Love Jihad Law” in 2019 in Uttar Pradesh, prohibiting inter-faith marriages and enforcing strict punishment on those trying to do so. The main motive behind this law is to prevent Muslim men from marrying Hindu women, as Islam makes it essential for non-Islamic people to first convert to Islam and then marry.

Citizenship Amendment Act of 2019

The Citizenship Amendment Act of 2019 and the National Register of Citizens (2019) were other pearls in the string of anti-Muslim sentiments. This biased law marginalizes Muslims by accommodating and giving asylum to non-Muslim refugees but disallows Muslim refugees from being granted citizenship or entering India.

The wave of criticism it received was due to the harm it inflicted upon the constitutional articles. Delhi-based lawyer Gautam Bhatia says that by dividing alleged migrants into Muslims and non-Muslims, the bill “explicitly and blatantly seeks to enshrine religious discrimination, contrary to our long-standing, secular constitutional ethos.” (BBC, 2019).

The Pulwama attack

The well-crafted and well-planned Pulwama attack of February 14, 2019, by the BJP government, which left 49 soldiers dead, many others injured and blamed Pakistan for it.

The Pulwama attack

Instigated another anti-Muslim and anti-Pakistan sentiment among the public and gave the militias of the Sangh Parivar another excuse to carry out their sinister activities. The Bajrang Dal and VHP activists brutally thrashed Muslim Kashmiri students in different educational institutions, saying, “Through this, they are teaching those students not to take up such a course of action in the future.”

Babri Masjid Case

The biased decision of the Supreme Court over the highly controversial Babri Masjid Case in November 2017 also illustrates another example where Hindu nationalism has forced the judiciary to pass over the historical facts and give a decision to satisfy the Hindu community by violating Muslim rights to preserve religious and historic places.

Such a baseless decision by the highest level of the judiciary, despite the historic proofs and facts that strengthened the Muslim claim, is an embodiment that Muslims are no longer treated as equal Indian citizens, and their lives, property, freedom, rights—everything—is in danger today in Modi India.

Babri Masjid Case

The policies and examples discussed above are just the highlighted and mainstream government policies that have attracted attention since Modi came into power.

There are hundreds of other such examples of government strategies that have fuelled religious (especially Islam), ethnic, and linguistic differences and divided the once highly diversified nation into a conservative and a Hindu nation. And burying the sectarian values, norms, and vision aspired by Nehru and the founding members of the Republic of India. Making India some personal property of Hindus and a dangerously threatening place for non-Hindus to live.

Analyzing the extent of the Hindutva Threat

All thanks to Narendra Modi and his Hindutva-driven aggressive policies and strategies, Hindutva, which until yesterday was an inter-state and national concern, has now grown to be a grave national and international security threat.

Akhand Bharat

The driving motive behind Modi’s and his RSS-funded administration’s decisions, domestically and regionally, is the accomplishment and establishment of Akhand Bharat (which marks the territories under the empire of Chandragupta Maurya in the 3rd century B.C.), covering today’s Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Tibet, Myanmar, and Indonesia. They do not seek to wage war on any of the states to attain this vision.

As mentioned by Narendra Modi in 2012, before coming to office, Akhand Bharat “does not mean we wage war on any country… without war, through popular consent, it can happen.” “We call this Sanskritik Bharat (Cultural Bharat)” (Dhamijah, B.). They ought to weaken them internally so that it becomes easier for India to pull off this goal, and to weaken a state means meddling in its internal affairs, which India has constantly been doing since 2014.

The seizure of Kulbhushan Yadev and the entire RAW network in Balochistan, establishing tiers with militant organisations against the government, e.g., Bodu Bala Sena and Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) in Sri Lanka and 969 in Myanmar, forcing the Nepalese government to abandon the Federal Constitution in favour of a more Hindu Constitution and setting up fundamentalist fronts.

Ranabir Sena (R.S.) and Nepal Defence Army (NDA) to revive the monarchy and Hindi as the state language (which, however, they could not achieve), is a proof of how the Modi administration can fulfil their Hindutva vision of Akhand Bharat without having to wage war against any regional state, and also a proof of how Hindutva can damage South Asian peace and integration. 

Hostile and Aggressive India’s Foreign Policy

In addition to this, scholars and analysts fear that with the rise in communal violence against minorities in India, transnational extremist groups, including Jihadis, IS, etc., can penetrate the Indian borders, take sides, and increase violence, which India can use as an accusation against Pakistan, justify any offensive action against her, and can, resultingly, endanger the situation in the region.

Another factor through which Modi can put the South Asian peace at stake is through his aggressive and expansionist foreign policy. Ideological factors drive the foreign policies of states. Under Modi’s authoritarian regime, Indian foreign policy has proved to be of an aggressive and offensive nature, and this has evoked severe security problems for India’s neighboring countries, especially Pakistan. 

The reversal of Articles 370 and 35(A) has been the most belligerent step taken by the Modi government at the international level. Kashmir, a bone of contention and source of discord between the rival states ever since 1947, has been reshaped by the fascist Modi regime and could prove to be a source of armed conflict between the two nuclear states.

Adding to this, the continuous violation of ceasefire agreements on the LOC since 2014 (2158 in 2020 alone), the dramatized Pathankot attack in 2016, the pre-planned Pulwama incident in 2019, the detention of an Indian submarine by the Pakistan Navy in 2019, and the Balakot incident in 2019, which violated Pakistan’s space sovereignty, could have instigated a full-fledged nuclear war among both nations provided it was not a sensible and well-calculated response on behalf of Pakistan.

India’s foreign policy towards China is another example of how hostile and aggressive India’s foreign policy towards its regional neighbors has become under the Hindutva motive of ensuring Hindu supremacy in Asia. India is influencing the regional states either through economic, diplomatic, or military efforts to counter rising Chinese influence on BRI.

Change in India’s Nuclear Doctrine from NFU to FU to deter China; five severe standoffs between Indian and Chinese forces at the Line of Actual Control (LAC) since 2013; most recently at the Ladakh front, which was initiated by India herself, silent war of Indian and Chinese Navy in the Indian Ocean, confrontations in the South China Sea since 2014, India’s relationship with the US based on countering Chinese threat; are all the policies which depict an aggressive stance for China in Indian Foreign Policy to oppose its hegemonic rise and to ensure Hindu Hegemony in Asia. 

Not just with Pakistan and China, which can be justified as being historic enemies, but India has gotten under its other neighbors’ skin as well, including deteriorating bilateral relations with Nepal due to their democratization process and putting up a complete blockade on Nepal in 2015 in the wake of ethnic tensions across the border.

India under Modi has also undermined Nepalese sovereignty over the disputed areas after the revocation of Article 370 in 2019 and included the border areas within its territory and started building infrastructure over it (the 80-km-long Himalayan Road passing through the disputed Kalapani region), fueling a mob of hatred and criticism from the Nepali government and people. 

India’s relationship with Sri Lanka has been vandalized after an aggressive stance was taken by Modi-driven India to control Sri Lanka’s shift more towards China and its BRI Project (Energy Project and presence of submarines at Colombo Port), as compared to India and abandoning its projects (ECT Project). 

Relationship with the Maldives is also at stake as an upswing against the Indian-influenced government policies has come under a cloud of criticism and anti-government rallies, which will force the government to re-evaluate and reassess its relationship with India, and result in India losing another loyal friend from the community.

Expansionist activities of India in the Sikkim and Assam Arunachal regions of Bhutan for easy access to the religious places in Tibet are putting the Bhutan-India years-long friendship in jeopardy. Due to harsh and Hindutva-driven foreign policies, India, which has long enjoyed Bhutanese support in every matter, is now facing criticism and condemnation from its closest friends among its neighbors. 

All these foreign policy initiatives under Modi’s banner of “Neighbourhood First Policy” in its immediate neighborhoodneighborhood reflect how Indian leadership decisions are fuelled by hatred and antagonistic sentiments based on Hindutva ideology and how these decisions can put national, regional, and universal security at risk.

Hence, Hindutva is neither a national nor a regional issue. It has now transformed into a global issue, staking the risk of the entire world. Because, in the event of any full-fledged armed conflict between the regional powers (three of which are nuclear) because of the intruding and aggressive policies of Modi India, the repercussions of such a standoff would not remain limited to a region. They would be worldwide and uncontrollable.



Analyzing the answers and given hypotheses to the research questions, one can conclude that the constructivist lens and perspective not only help you clearly understand and comprehend the Indian sentiments, their historic experiences, and their religious and cultural basis but also provide future insight regarding the threats and limits posed by them.

The in-depth scrutiny also proves the suggested hypotheses and multiplies the validity of the research paper. Hindu nationalism, which started as a means to unite the Hindu identity, has now transformed into a militant version that imposes the Hindu religion and lifestyle over other sects and minorities.

As much as it threatens the peace and stability of the country, it also threatens regional and global integration. The Modi administration and its hate-filled policies have reflected upon its citizens and the rest of the world regarding its identity goals and aims.

The RSS-vision-driven BJP is guiding Indian policies and is calling for trouble from its entire neighbourhood, be it China, Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh or Maldives. India’s fascist and aggressive foreign policies are altering its decades-old alliances into enemies for the sake of fulfilling its identity goals, and there is no stopping it.

India is not just harsh on its neighbours. It is not sparing its citizens, discriminating and alienating its non-Hindu population, changing its demographics, and bringing about abomination amongst the different communities. The introduction of Hindutva prone bills and policies, e.g., Gau Raksha bill, Love Jihad, setting up of military schools, legitimisation of right-wing militia Bajrang Dal, Anti-Conversion law, Citizenship Amendment Act, detention of critics, abrogation of 370 and 35(A) articles, subjugation of Muslims, Christians, Dalits etc.

It is a proof of the extent of insanity to which Indian leadership can go without, for once, taking into account its consequences even for their state.
The same feature India cherished for decades has become a liability today. If we assess the problem, there is no specific, well-defined framework for putting an end to it. Even constructivism suggests that states with subjective interests (identity-driven interests) do not stop until their objections are achieved.

In the case of Hindutva, the end goal is Hindu India (free of non-Hindus) and Hindu dominancy and expansion throughout the South Asian region. No one policy solution can bottle this up. The only way to halt the Hindutva madness is through native public opposition and the international community’s response.

The public must stand up to the tyrant rulers and not let Hindu extremism consume their diversity. The international media, too, should wake up from its dead sleep and compel India to destroy the peace and tranquillity of the extended region and the world. Otherwise, the implications would be too serious to cope with.


For India

  1. With Hindutva sentiments to make India a habitat for only Hindus, India will most probably lose its diversity in its culture, ethnicity, and religions, which it has celebrated since independence. Most Muslim, Christian and even Sikh communities shall either be forced to leave India through Hindu-centric laws or be targeted to such an extent unless they cease to exist or become as helpless as non-existent.
  2. India will soon fall into the pothole of civil unrest or terrorism amongst different ethnic and religious groups. It will cause non-state militias to penetrate its borders, and its image as the world’s largest democracy will soon be shattered.
  3. India will no longer remain a tolerable, multi-linguistic, secular state, instead will become a traditional, conservative, and ruthless Hindu state.
  4. India will continue its efforts to control and involve in the internal affairs of its neighbouring states, most specifically Pakistan, to get hold of these states politically, which will provoke serious consequences in terms of armed conflicts and even war.
  5. India’s aggressive behaviour towards its neighbouring states, including Pakistan, Maldives, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, etc., will make room for China to overshadow the Indian alliance for the states, as it has done with Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and the Maldives through BRI, and so, will ensure China’s hegemony and dominance in the South Asian region against the United States and India.

For South Asia

  1. South Asia will surely get into chaos and conflict if India does not stop its policies. India and Pakistan are more likely to get into an eternal arms race, and not only a convenient one but a nuclear arms race, with the constant threat to regional peace.
  2. India and China will surely face a head-off due to the fight for regional hegemonic status, and no such skirmish will be limited to conventional warfare.
  3. India and Pakistan will also face a blind alley in the Kashmir issue if India does not stop its atrocities, and a full-fledged war could likely break out between the two.
  4. In case of conflict between any two entities, the entire South Asian and Asian region will suffer, as the conflicting parties will not keep the fight within themselves but will be supported by different neighboring states and allies, putting world peace at stake.

Policy Recommendations

For South Asia

  1. The member states should revisit the SAARC organization and amend its failures and reflectivities on a priority basis so that the conflicts and disagreements between states are negotiated and addressed through proper communication channels rather than through border skirmishes and aggression.
  2. The member states should use SAARC or any other international platform to side with one another against an aggressor state, limit its hostile policies, and take collective action to restore regional peace.
  3. The member states should keep a neutral alignment policy with either state and not align completely with one state so that they are not obliged to follow others’ orders and can decide what is best for their people.
  4. The member states should never let things between them go to the extent of war. Instead, they should opt for reconciliatory measures to diffuse the tension and co-operate in times of crisis.

For India

  1. The Indian people should unanimously oppose the antagonistic Hindutva-driven policies of the political leadership. They should stand with one another, irrespective of who belongs to which religion or sect.
  2. The media should step down from its yellow journalism and perform the function it is meant to, i.e., spread awareness and criticize the policies meant to be criticized.
  3. Civil disobedience and noncompliance movements should be initiated if the government tries to reform its forefathers’ Constitutional guidelines and principles.
  4. They should remember the slogan “Unity in Diversity” and the theme it conveyed and keep their most treasured characteristics intact by not imposing the majority religion upon others. But letting the diversity and variegation of different religions, sects, cultures, ethnicities, and linguistics define the true beauty and reality of Indian society.
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Since the pandemic began, financial stress has been at an all-time high. If you’re one of the millions of people struggling to make ends meet, don’t worry. You’re not alone. Individuals, businesses, and non-profit organizations have been indiscriminately affected by COVID-19. But even in the midst of all this chaos, there are ways to overcome financial stress. Here are 4 tips to get you started!

Create A Budget And Stick To It

The best way to overcome financial stress is to create a budget and stick to it. This means knowing what your income and expenses are and making sure that your spending does not exceed your income.

If you don’t know where your money is going, it’s easy to overspend and get into debt. A budget will help you track your spending and determine exactly how much money you have coming in and going out each month.

If you are overspending, you need to find ways to cut back. This strategy will not only stop you from wasting money, but it will also help you get better at managing your money. This can be difficult, but it is necessary if you want to get your finances under control.

Make A Plan!

Planning your finances in an efficient and effective manner is central, be it at home or in corporations. A lack of planning and a narrow view of money have made things very bad for millions of people, especially since the pandemic.

To overcome financial stress, make a plan. This means mapping out your expenses and income for the next few months and coming up with a strategy for how you will cover your costs. If you are struggling, there are likely ways to reduce your expenses or bring in more money. It may take some effort, but it is worth it in order to avoid financial stress.

Use Credit Wisely

Lack of enough financial resources is a problem, but lack of basic financial management is a much bigger issue. Efficient use of credit is critical when you are dealing with financial stress. This means only using credit cards for necessities or emergencies and paying off your balances each month. Spending resources on needless items will only exacerbate the stress caused by the pandemic. If you have credit card debt, it can be difficult to overcome financial stress. However, by using credit wisely and paying off your balances, you can make progress in getting your finances under control.

Ask for Help

If you are struggling with financial stress, it is important to ask for help. There are many resources available, but the first to approach should be immediate family members or friends. Our family and friends are the people we care about the most. Apart from that, you can reach out to banks, donors, or authorities for help to get the support you need to overcome your financial struggles.

Finally, we all observe that times are tough right now. The whole world is on edge with the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite all the turmoil, one should not be disappointed but rather look for avenues to overcome financial stress.

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Growing Vegetables in Seawater



Growing vegetables in seawater. According to a recent study, food production must expand by 70% in the upcoming 30 years to feed a global population that is forseen to reach 9 billion people.

food problem and seawater

Climate Change Effects

Due to the effects of climate change, traditional agriculture is experiencing a growing water shortage. Only 2% of the water on Earth is freshwater, which we use to drink, wash, and cook. Most of it is trapped in glaciers, so we don’t even have access to it.

The Sub-Indian continent and the Sub-Saharan region are two places where water is either extremely sparse or highly contaminated.

Even areas known for their rain, like the UK, are experiencing droughts because of low rainfall and rising water use. The UK hardly received half of the typical rainfall it would have in 2020. That spring was the driest on record in several parts of England and Wales, according to the UK Centre of Ecology and Hydrology, and the fourth driest on record overall.

Because of this, a farm on Scotland’s west coast is growing vegetables in the Atlantic Ocean.

They are replacing freshwater with saltwater to grow food, led by the Glasgow-based business Seawater Solutions.

Growing sea vegetables in saltwater

Yanik Nyberg, CEO of Seawater Solutions, says, “We take this land, whether it’s degraded agriculture or flood-affected regions, and we then develop an artificial saltmarsh ecosystem where we can extract food at the same time.”

Growing sea vegetables in saltwater

Seawater will pump this area, occasionally flooded, and then saline vegetation will start to flourish there.”
These plants, known as halophytes, flourish in semi-deserts and seashores that have water that contains a lot of salt.

Halophytes are edible or can be used as a source of primary materials for biofuels, cosmetics, and animal feed. They thrive in salt marshes that absorb 30 times more carbon than rainforests and shield the shoreline from erosion and flooding.

Solving the problem of soil salinization

The Salt Farm Foundation in the Netherlands has shown that “traditional” crops like potatoes and cabbages can handle larger concentrations of salt than usual, whereas the operation in Scotland is labor-intensive and extremely seasonal.

Solving the problem of soil salinization

Its Texel Farm, located on the North Sea, uses medium brackish water, a combination of freshwater and saltwater, to grow vegetables.

The organization is trying to find a remedy for the issue of soil salinization, a global phenomenon brought on by climatic change effects.

This occurs when seawater floods the area or seeps through the ground, leaving farmers with desolate fields where they are unable to cultivate crops as they once could.

The Salt Farm Foundation has established 16 fields on the North Sea in seven nations with its collaborators from the SalFar Project to investigate the salt tolerance of different crops.

The scientists discovered that several types of strawberries, potatoes, cabbage, tomatoes, carrots, and cabbage had high salt tolerance. Oats, barley, onions, and sugar beets responded well to irrigation with salty water.

Feeling the effects of climate change

Scottish farmers may not yet perceive climate change effect as a serious threat to their way of life since they have not been as impacted by it as their counterparts in other parts of the world. Similar to this, the Salt Farm Foundation noted that despite western Europe still receiving occasional plentiful rainfall, its salt-tolerant “traditional” crops have a limited market penetration.

Feeling the effects of climate change

As the effects of climate change intensify in Europe, we must make more choices to guarantee the agricultural sector’s best future.

Read More about Global Warming: Heat waves hit the European states


Modern halophytes raised by Seawater Solutions and hardy salt-tolerant plants researched have demonstrated that a different perspective on water may hold the key to a solution.

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K-pop Idols- how K-pop is taking over the world



K-POP is taking over the world. Taemin from SHINee is the youngest K-pop idol, having joined the group in 2008 at the age of 14. K-pop has become a worldwide phenomenon because of its catchy tunes, sophisticated choreography, and production values. However, the stunning South Korean singers who spend years polishing their singing and dancing skills in demanding studios.

K-POP The recent uproar about the youngest K-Pop idols making their debuts is reasonable. As a matter of fact, idols have been making their debut in the K-Pop industry for quite some time. Therefore, it is not a new phenomenon as it started in the early 2000s.

So, here are the 18 newest K-Pop idols, from oldest to newest.

The 18 Youngest K-Pop Idols to Ever Debut

They were all 14 or youngest K-pop idols:


Ni-ki debuted on November 30, 2020, at 14 years, 11 months, and 22 days old. As, he was born on December 9, 2005. And he was the young K-pop male idol.

Jongseob (P1Harmony)

Jongseob, a P1Harmony rapper, dancer, and maknae, debuted on October 28, 2020. He was born on November 19, 2005. He is also the K-pop male idol.

Krystal (f(x))

Krystal, the group’s lead vocalist, visual, face, and maknae, was born on October 24, 1994.

krystal kpop

Taemin (SHINee)

Taemin, the lead dancer, backup singer, and maknae of SHINee, had his stage debut on May 25, 2008, making him 14 years, 10 months, and 4 days old at the time. He is also the k-pop male idol.

Sohyun (former 4MINUTE)

Sohyun, a former member of 4MINUTE and their primary dancer, vocalist, rapper, and maknae, was born on August 30, 1994, and made her stage debut on June 15, 2009, making her 14 years, 9 months, and 16 days old at the time.


Leeseo (IVE)

Leeseo, the vocalist, visual, and maknae of IVE, was born on February 21, 2007, and she made her public debut on December 1, 2021. and it means that she was 14 years, 9 months, and 11 days old at the time!


Jiheon (fromis_9)

Fromis 9’s vocalist and maknae Jihoon had her public debut on January 24, 2018, and she was 14 years, 9 months, and 7 days old at the time.

Jiheon K-POP


Hyuna made her stage debut with Wonder Girls on February 10, 2007, making her 14 years, 8 months, and 7 days old at the time. She was born on June 6, 1992.


Sohee (former Wonder Girls)

Sohee, the Wonder Girls’ former lead singer, front-person, and primary dancer, was born on June 27, 1992, and she had her stage debut on February 10, 2007, making her 14 years, 7 months, and 17 days old at the time.

Sohee K-POP


Jian, a member of LIGHTSUM who performs as a rapper, maknae, and sub-vocalist, was born on November 4, 2006, and had her stage debut on June 10, 2021.

Jian K-POP

The Richest K Pop Idols

The popularity of Korean pop music has spread greatly worldwide. This type of music is popular because it is catchy and enjoyable. meanwhile, the Selling of CDs or concert tickets is a lucrative business for some of these singers. Therefore, these K-pop idols are compensated for their appearances in commercials, TV shows, movies, etc.

The richest K Pop idols are included last on the list. As a result, successful K-pop artists have entered the K-pop scene and established themselves. Some of them began as solo performers, while others were in bands. So, Their tunes are well-liked by fans all over the world.

Top 10 Richest K-POP Idols in 2022

Here are top 10 Richest K Pop Idols in 2022:

  1. Bae Suzy.
  2. J-hope.
  3. Dara
  4. Iu
  5. Taeyang
  6. Rain or Jung Ji-Hoon.
  7. PSY
  8. G-dragon
  9. Kim Jae-Joong
  10. Choi Si-Won

Modern K-pop is a bundle of colorful contradictions

South Korean music is still subject to government censorship, despite a gradual easing of this practice over time, as well as industry self-censorship in reaction to a variety of contentious issues. Regarding any of these topics might result in a song being unilaterally banned from radio play and broadcast in South Korea due to social mores that stigmatize everything from sexual references and innuendo to references to drugs and alcohol—as well as actual criminal activity by idols.

Songs with heavy subjects or complex concerns are frequently off-limits, and songs that mention queer identity are typically reduced to airy platitudes. Although, It frequently has themes that are endearing and naive, almost adolescent.

Despite these restrictions, young K-pop idol has become more nuanced and sophisticated over time because to artists and studios who frequently either took a censorship risk or used visual signals and subtext to fill in the blanks.

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George Washington’s impact on United States

george washington


George Washington has been regarded by the American people as one of the greatest president in American history ever since he announced his retirement. The Washington Monument, Capitol City, Mount Rushmore, and his recurrent placement near the top of presidential polls are all evidence of how strong his legacy is.

George Washington impact on United States

Indeed, numerous American generations have utilized Washington’s particularly well-liked memory for their own political ends. The founding era and Washington in particular were valued by both northerners and southerners as a shared heritage that they could both cherish after the Civil War.

The legacy of George Washington deserves tremendous respect. The position could only have been filled by him in 1789. He was the most well-known American, the only one with a large enough national platform to speak for the entire nation, and he enjoyed a high level of public trust. Therefore, George Washington’s impact on America.

Americans were confident in his ability to exercise great authority since he had already done so during the Revolution and voluntarily relinquished it.

America’s First President

After the Treaty of Paris was signed in 1783 between Great Britain and the United States, Washington handed up his army leadership, feeling that he had completed his mission. He then went back to Mount Vernon with the intention of starting again as a gentleman farmer and family man.

Washington President

But in 1787, he received a request to go to Philadelphia for the Constitutional Convention and serve as chairman of the committee drafting the new Constitution. The delegates were persuaded by his exemplary leadership there that he was by far the best candidate to serve as the country’s first president.

Washington at first resisted. Finally, he desired to go back to his calm life at home and abdicate responsibility for leading the new country to others. But because of how strongly George Washington impact on society the general population felt he eventually caved. On January 7, 1789, the first presidential election was held, and Washington easily prevailed.

The candidate with the second-highest number of votes, John Adams (1735–1826), was elected as the country’s first vice president. The inauguration of 57-year-old Washington took place in New York City on April 30, 1789. He resided in New York and Philadelphia since Washington, D.C., America’s future capital city, hadn’t yet been constructed.

While in office, he approved a bill that would have established Washington, D.C. as the nation’s long-term capital along the Potomac River.

George Washington’s Accomplishments

There was no precedent for the new president’s administration of domestic or international affairs because the United States, which at the time of Washington’s presidency had only 11 states and a population of about 4 million, was a small country.

George Washington made an impact with his efforts in terms of fairness, caution, and integrity because he was aware that his actions would likely influence how future presidents were expected to govern. He valued friendly relations with other nations while also favoring a neutral stance in international disputes.

washington president accoplishment

Domestically, he established his own presidential cabinet, selected John Jay (1745–1829) as the first chief judge of the United States Supreme Court, and signed legislation creating the nation’s first national bank, the Bank of the United States.

Alexander Hamilton (1755–1804), secretary of the Treasury, and Thomas Jefferson (1743–1826), secretary of state, were his two most notable cabinet picks. Both men had strong opinions about the function of the federal government.

While Jefferson supported increased states’ rights as a member of the Democratic-Republican Party, the predecessor to the Democratic Party, Hamilton supported a strong central government and belonged to the Federalist Party. Washington was troubled by what he perceived as a developing partisanship, despite his belief that diverse viewpoints were essential for the health of the new government.

A Class by Himself

Washington was not necessarily a great leader just because he was the first President of the United States. Washington was not particularly noteworthy in comparison to other political figures of his era like Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton, and James Madison.

He didn’t have much formal education. He had no language proficiency. He had never been to Europe before. He was not a remarkable thinker, writer, or speaker due to his personal aloofness and even coldness. Washington still ranks near or at the top of lists of outstanding presidents even today because George Washington impact on history is so tremendous.

George Washington, the first president, must be placed in a category all by himself. Washington was a genuine non-partisan, in contrast to the other founding fathers. He sought to stay neutral in political debates since he detested it when individuals split into opposing parties.

He made essentially no contributions to the contentious discussions that took place while he served as the president of the Constitutional Convention in 1787. Instead, he made use of his tremendous status to diffuse the situation and return people to their primary task of forging a new system of governance for the United States. In this way, George Washington had great impact on history.

Giving the Country Time

George Washington penned the following shortly before being sworn in: “My movement to the chair of government will be accompanied with sensations not unlike those of a criminal going to the scene of execution.” Washington used these phrases to explain his reluctance to accept a position that he knew would be challenging and, in this way, George Washington had a great impact on society.

At Mount Vernon, Washington could have retired as a war hero. He opted for the more challenging position of national leader instead. He was a skilled military leader, but his capacity to govern a whole country had not yet been put to the test.

He frequently took a long time to consult others before making a decision. Thomas Jefferson, Secretary of State, and Alexander Hamilton, Secretary of the Treasury, were his two closest advisors. The two men violently fought on nearly every major issue facing the country on a daily basis.

But in the end, Washington was the one to decide what was best for the nation and all its citizens. And because of these considerations George Washington had great impact on society.

Final words

On a public level, Washington could have spoken out against slavery while he was still alive or made the terms of his will know before his passing. It is possible that he chose to remain mute since the remarks of George Washington had a great impact on history.

Washington was concerned that southern states would leave the Union if he forced the matter. There will be no way to determine if he was correct or whether these worries were justified. But slavery played a significant role in Washington’s lifestyle and personal riches, and that fact must be taken into account when evaluating his legacy.

George Washington on death bed

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