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A shift in Biden’s foreign policy 

Biden Saudia Arabia

US President Joe Biden has confirmed that he will visit Saudi Arabia next month. This is a shift the invasion has affected in Joe Biden’s foreign policy towards the Kingdom. The aim to be achieved by the visit is pellucid.

Muhammad Bin Sulman

As inflation continues to rise, due to the intrusion of Russia because of  the global food crisis and the hike in petrol prices, and as Gulf countries are the source of oil production, Biden will pursue the MBS for the increase in oil production.

Motive Behind the Visit

Another objective behind the visit is normalization between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Israel. USA influence in the Middle East has dwindled because countries have not condemned Russian move in Ukraine even UAE abstained his vote in UN.

Israel Saudia Arabia Relations

Relations between the Kingdom and Joe Biden’s administration have been thorny since Biden came into power. Even though Biden renounced Kingdom policies on various fronts.

Cold War Between USA and Saudia Arabia

Jamal khashoggi MBS Muhammad Bin Salman

A bone of contention was human rights issues. Both leaders were at odds with each other, because of the violent policies of Mohammed Bin Salman at home ( jailing female protestors and beheading 81 dissidents) and abroad (the killing of Jamal Khashoggi in 2018). But as per the need, the Biden administration is ready to engage with an autocratic leader.

USA View on Human Rights

United Nation UN

Questions were raised by the different human rights communities over the visit because Democrats presented themselves as human rights champions. Joe Biden denounced Saudia Arabia for its human rights records, and they even tried to isolate the Kingdom. Recent efforts to engage the Kingdom dubbed by the scholars a realpolitik move by Joe Biden. 

Joe Biden & MBS Realation in Turmoil

As relations were in Turmoil, the first demand of Biden may be satisfied by MBS by increasing oil production. But normalization with Israel is not possible because of the weeks of Israeli atrocities, as per the recent OCHA report on human rights, which revealed that Israel killed more Palestinians in 2022 than it killed in the same period in 2021, so any kind of diplomatic ties with Israel is not plausible, albeit MBS is keenly interested in normalization.

Joe Biden Regaining Influence in the Region

Efforts to regain influence in the region will not succeed in view of the fact that Russia has a strong foothold in the Middle East because of Syria, and China’s economic investments have also made China a key player in the region. But Biden surely gets some favor from the visit in the form of an increase in oil production, but the reputational damage will be colossal, even to his own party members who are condemning this shift in foreign policy.

Iran on the Nuclear Brink

When Ned Price, spokesperson at the US Department of State, was asked about the shift. He categorically replied that the President’s view on human rights has not changed, although the global environment has changed.

Simply put, they ignore human rights in favor of economics. The Kingdom’s biggest concern is Iran. In a recent article published in Foreign Affairs titled “Iran on the Nuclear Brink”. It is stated that Iran has enriched uranium up to 60 percent and that in one or two weeks they will succeed in the enrichment of uranium up to 90 percent.

If the current negotiations on the Iran nuclear deal break down and Iran continues to advance its nuclear weapons program, the United States would also need to consider extending a nuclear umbrella to Saudi Arabia in exchange for a Saudi commitment.  But the visit will be a major breakthrough in relations after years of turbulence. members who

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Pakistan and Tea


Human civilizations in their early times developed taste for various foods and drinks for survival, pleasure, or both, one such drink is what we call tea. Camelia Sinensis is a species of green trees or shrubs, family Theaceae, Camelia Sinensis leaves are used to produce tea. Pakistan is the world’s third-largest importer of tea, imported worth $42.173 million in February (FY2021).

A sharp 17 percent increase has been recorded on year basis. Pakistan is importing $12bn tea annually, which encourages the import bill to increase. However, if people at the helm of affairs with the support of the government of Pakistan take the initiative and support the researchers in growing tea within the premises of the country it will help save billions of dollars.

The government should come forward to increase the national output that will, among other benefits, encourage more opportunities for farmers.


The tea plant is indigenous to East Asia, also in South China and North Burma.  According to the research by different authors, the origin of tea dates back to 2737 BC, during that time in Central and various other regions of China, the natives used tea plants for medicinal purposes. History records another event when in Sichuan, people started to consume tea by boiling its leaves into liquid.

With time, the tea consuming pattern was changed as the people used to pan-fry the tea leaves, dried them, and then boiled dry leaves with water. However, western traders and emperors started to drink tea in the 16th century. Mighty oaks from little acorn grow, the first ship carrying tea to Europe was recorded in 1607, when the Dutch East India Company carried shipment from Macao to Java.

After months, the second shipment of tea was recorded as shipping the tea from Japan to Europe. The Dutch introduced tea to France, Germany and across the Atlantic. 

“In 1567, Cossack atamans (chieftains), Petrov and Yalyshev, visited China, where they tried a local drink — tea. During 1638, an ambassador, Vasily Starkov, brought a present to the Russian Tsar from one of the Mongol khans — 64 kg of tea. While in 1665, when Tsar Alexey Mikhaylovich got stomach aches, the court doctor, Samoylo Kallins, treated him with tea.” said Denis Shumakov in his article.

In the meantime, the arrival of tea in the subcontinent began in the early 18th century. People of that region started to consume tea with lemon and other spices to cure a patient of headache. History records that, in 1820 the British East India Company started to grow tea plants in upper Assam, which gave them a positive result, the then Dutch company produced more tea and supplied in the Subcontinent.

Pakistan’s Love for Tea

When it comes to tea consumption, the Pakistani nation’s love is exemplary. Pakistan comes on the 3rd number, considered as the world’s third-largest tea importer with 23,492MT import in March 2021 Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS). In FY (Financial Year) 2020, the record break import of tea was recorded, as the nation consumed tea worth $234m in just five months cited Pakistan Bureau of Statistics.

Another revealed data assumed that the year-on-year basis tea import has been increasing by 5.98%. Although, the import of tea is fulfilling the demand of consumers, yet the dependence on foreign goods is rapidly surging. 

Import of Tea

Pakistan fulfils its consumer demand by importing tea from different countries. Most of its green tea is sourced from China and Indonesia, while 60% of its black tea comes from Kenya. The country has an annual per capita consumption of 1kg of tea. Pakistan has the potential for its tea production to decrease dependence on other countries.

Tea grows in a mild, humid climate with normal rainfall. Ideal tea soil is light, acidic, well-drained, and calcium-free, and it prefers 1200-2200m above sea level.

Reasearch on Tea in Pakistan

In past, an institute in the Mansehra district of KPK province showed a green signal to produce black and green tea in Pakistan. According to the Chinese experts and National Tea Research Institute, Pakistan can produce its tea in Mansehra which is the Potohar mountainous region. The Potohar’s climate has been regarded as the most ideal for a higher harvest. In an effort to boost local production and reduce the $12 bn worth of tea imports that are made every year.

Well-renowned research and award-winning leader in Sustainable Development, Masood Lohar, has claimed that Pakistan can grow tea in every corner of Mansehra. He said that the region has the potential to grow coffee, while the Lipton Tea Industry is also growing tea there.

The Government of Pakistan must focus on this policy to reduce the import. Increase the economic sustainability for the betterment of the economy, and promote local production. We need proper planning to encourage trials to grow tea and coffee, by supporting the local farmers and providing them with the planting facility.

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Avast Vs Malwarebytes – Which will Antivirus Application Should You Employ?

Avast Vs Malwarebytes

What is good Avast or Malwarebytes

When it comes to protecting your computer, you should look at using one of the two main antivirus applications, Avast or Malwarebytes. Equally programs have a variety of advantages and disadvantages. Avast has more features than Malwarebytes, although is also higher priced.


Malwarebytes’ support is more attainable via mobile, while Avast’s is available day-to-day. You can also acquire help through social media.

Avast Vs Malwarebytes

While the free editions of both equally programs are functional, they’re much less comprehensive simply because the paid versions. By using a free adaptation is only useful as a trial, but you won’t be protected long lasting.

For example , viewers Malwarebytes might flag all kinds of irrelevant actions and indicators that you just probably should care about.


In the meantime, Avast’s totally free version is going to constantly point out to you to up grade to its paid release, so it may be best to make use of free release only when you really need it.

Avast and Malwarebytes

The two Avast vs Malwarebytes are excellent ant-virus programs. While Malwarebytes is less expensive, it’s slower than Avast. They’re both equally available mainly because free downloading.

Both equally programs present paid types, but you can make an effort the no cost versions to view which fits your needs. Inevitably, you won’t bum out over buying both program.

If you are interested in guarding your computer, download and install both programs and see for your self which one works with your needs ideal.

Avast vs Malwarebytes

One thing to consider think about between Avast and Malwarebytes is your financial budget. Avast is actually a more expensive anti virus solution, but it’s still the ideal choice if you’re on a tight budget. But take into account that both courses use PROCESSOR power. яндекс

Avast’s large data source of noted threats decreases the need for unneeded CPU usage. Malwarebytes’ powerful personal unsecured database makes it a great choice just for security, but the free versions use up a significant amount of RAM.

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How to pick the Best Antivirus

how to pick best antivirus

There are many, good choose the best antispyware technology. Viruses and spyware and adware are not the only dangers encountered by your pc. Your prolateness and security are also in danger. You should select an ant-virus that is appropriate for your main system.

best antivirus

This way, you could be sure that the files secure and your personal privacy is safe. You should select anti-virus software depending on your needs and preferences. Moreover to secureness, you should consider the price of your anti-virus software.

McAfee is a popular anti virus that has received high scores from independent testing labs. You should use this malware on equally desktop and mobile devices. This kind of antivirus is simple to use and steers you away from phishing sites.

best antivirus

Additionally, it includes a software firewall to monitor the two-way network traffic. This is a best antivirus for your Apple pc. You can also choose a version of Norton Internet Security that protects your iPhone or perhaps Android.

Even though other antivirus programs at times outperform Microsoft’s security application, they generally come with bloat, like browser extensions that make your personal computer less secure, registry cleaners, and loads of excess junkware. They’re also made to track the browsing habits and make money.

These features will be unnecessary pertaining to security program and can build more complications than they solve. Therefore, make sure you select a security plan that offers not any bloatware.

best antivirus

It can protect your computer against infections and other potential threats although preventing your computer from working slower.

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Who Won The Battle Of Little Bighorn?

battle of little bighorn

The battle of the little bighorn also referred to as Custer’s Last Stand, was an armed engagement between combined forces of the Lakota Sioux, Arapaho tribes, Northern Cheyenne, and the 7th Cavalry Regiment of the United States Army. It resulted in the defeat of U.S. forces.

The battle took place on Jun 25-26, 1876 along the Little Bighorn River in the Crow Indian Reservation in the south eastern Montana Terrorism. The fight was an overwhelming victory for the Northern Cheyenne, Arapaho, and Lakota. It was led by several major war leaders including Chief Gall and Crazy Horse.

What Was The Battle Of Little Bighorn?

Battle of the little bighorn was fought between federal troops led by Lieut. Col. George A. Custer and Northern Plains Indians led by Sitting Bull. The battle undoubtedly symbolizes the clash of two vastly dissimilar cultures. The highly agricultural-based culture of the United States and the buffalo culture of the northern plains tribes. This fight was not only an isolated soldier versus warrior confrontation. But part of a much large strategic campaign designed to force the capitulation of the non reservation Lakota and Cheyenne.

battle of little bighorn

Treaty Of Fort Laramie

In 1868 many Lakota leaders agreed to sign the Treaty of Fort Laramie, which created a large reservation in the western half of present-day South Dakota. The United States wanted the tribes to give up their nomadic life which brought them into conflict with other Indians.

Lakota leaders rejected the reservation system. Many roving bands of hunters and warriors did not sign the 1868 terrorism. However, they felt no obligation to conform to its restrictions and this led to the battle of the Little Bighorn.

Exploration Of Black Hills

The tension between Lakota and the United States soared in 1874 when the Lieut. Col. George A. Custer ordered to make an exploration of the Black Hills inside the boundary of Great Sioux Reservation. Professional geologists discovered gold during the expedition.

The Discovery of mineral wealth certainly caused the seizure of miners and entrepreneurs to the Black Hill in direct violation of the treaty of 1868. The United States also negotiated with Lakota to purchase the Black Hills. But Lakota rejected the offer

Commander of the military division of the Missouri, General Philip Sheridan, devised a strategy to find and engage the Cheyenne and Lakota. General Alfred Terry left from Fort Abraham Lincoln in Bismarck.

The bulk of this force was the 7th Cavalry commanded by Lieut. Col. George A. Custer. It was expected that these forces will be able to deal with 800-1,500 warriors.

On June 22, General Terry decided to detach Custer and his 7th Calvary and approach Indians from the south and east. Custer was to prevent the Lakota and the Cheyenne allies from slipping away.

General Terry and Colonel Gibbon would approach from the north in support of Custer’s far-ranging movements towards the headwaters of the Little Bighorn River. The Indians were completely enclosed. Their escape seem impossible.

battle of little bighorn

On June 24, Custer established a night camp 25 miles east of where the battle took place on June 25-26. On the morning of 25 June, the 7th Cavalry Regiment positioned near the Wolf Mountains 12 miles distant from the Lakota encampment.

The warrior force was 1,500-1,800 men. Custer’s planned to conceal his regiment in the Wolf Mountains by 25th June and to launch an attack at dawn on 26th June.

Reno’s Attack

As commanded by Custer, Major Reno crossed the river about 2 miles south of the village and began advancing downstream towards its southern end. But the warriors also quickly rushed to fend off Reno’s assault.

Reno re-crossed the Little Bighorn River and struggled up steep bluffs to regroup atop high ground to the east of the valley fight. A large number of warriors approaching forced the cavalry to withdraw to Reno Hill. The Indians therefore held them under siege from the afternoon of 25th June. On Jun 26, the entire village began to move towards the south.

The next day forces of Gibson and Terry arrived in the valley where they badly battered and defeated the remnant of the 7th Cavalry. After ordering Reno to charge the village, Custer rode northward along the bluffs until he reached broad drainage known as Medical Tail Coulee.

The warriors after forcing Reno to retreat began to converge on Custer’s manoeuvring command. As a result it forged north along what today is called Battle Reign.

battle of little bighorn

Towards the end of the fight, soldiers made an attempt to get away. But all were killed in a matter of minutes. The warriors rushed to the top of the hill. Overwhelming firepower brought Custer portion of the Battle of the Little Bighorn to a close.

Battle of The Little Bighorn Significance

The battle of the Little Bighorn marked the most decisive Native American victory and the worst United States Army defeat in the long Plains Indian War.

More importantly the death of Custer and his men affronted many white Americans and confirmed their image of the Indians as wild and bloodthirsty. Within five years all of the Cheyenne and the Sioux confined to the reservations.

What Was The Outcome of The Battle of Little Bighorn?

The battle of the Little Bighorn resulted in the defeat of the U.S 7th Cavalry. The battle resulted in the death of 29 soldiers along with 41 soldiers wounded.

The United States government continue to retaliate in the ensuing months. The reservation boundaries were enforced, dividing the allied Cheyenne and Lakota. Lastly this outcome of the battle prompted a legal and moral battle over the sacred hills that continues today.

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The First Man On The Moon

First man on moon


On July 20, 1969, Neil Armstrong became the first man on the moon . Neil Armstrong and Aldrin walked around for three hours. They performed experiments and took bits of moon dirt and rocks. Apart from this they put a U.S. flag on the moon and they also left a sign on the moon. Infact, all three astronauts have come back to Earth safely on July 24, 1969.

When Neil Armstrong took his first step on the moon, he said “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind”. Apollo 11 effectively proved US victory in the Space Race. In 1971, Neil Armstrong resigned from NASA. After that, Neil Armstrong taught in the Department of Aerospace Engineering at the University of Cincinnati until 1979.

He was a NASA astronaut and aeronautical engineer. He also flew on NASA’s Gemini 8 mission in 1966. Neil Armstrong was a naval aviator from 1949 to 1952 and served in the Korean War. He received his bachelor of science degree in aeronautical engineering from Purdue University in 1955. Apart from this, he received a master of science in aerospace engineering from the University of Southern California in 1970.

Furthermore, Neil Armstrong was selected for the U.S Air Force’s Man In Space Soonest program in June 1958.

Apart from this, Neil Armstrong became a test pilot for NASA (then known as NACA, the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics). He flew more than 200 different aircraft, from jets to gliders and even helicopters. Neil Armstrong died at the age of 82 due to complications of coronary bypass surgery.

launch of apollo 11

Liftoff of the Saturn V rocket for the Apollo 11 lunar landing mission, with astronauts Neil A. Armstrong, commander Michael Collins, command module pilot, and Edwin E. Aldrin Jr., lunar module pilot, on board. (Photo: NASA.)

Neil Armstrong footprints on the moon

50 years ago, when Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin visited the moon. They left 100 objects there, including portion of lunar lander, the American flag, and various kinds of trash. Furthermore, those objects are still present there, surrounded by rugged bootprints.

Neil Armstrong and buzz Aldrin walk on the moon

On July 20, 1969, at 20:17 UTC, Commander Neil Armstrong and lunar module pilot Buzz Aldrin landed the Apollo Lunar Module Eagle. Neil Armstrong became the first person to step onto the Moon’s surface six hours and 39 minutes later. On July 21 at 02:56 UTC. Aldrin joined him 19 minutes later.

Further, they spent two and a quarter hours together exploring the site that was Tranquility Base upon landing. In addition, Armstrong and Aldrin collected 47. 5 pounds (21.5kg) of lunar material.

ing. In addition, Armstrong and Aldrin collected 47. 5 pounds (21.5kg) of lunar material. 

The Apollo Lunar Module Eagle

Apollo Lunar Module Eagle

Lunar Module 

Additionally, the Eagle lunar module used in the Apollo program. It was built almost aluminum. 

Neil Armstrong on moon video

Neil Armstrong moon landing hoax

The moon-landing hoax still present on the moon

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Top Anime Studios

Anime Studios

Top Anime Studios of All Time I.e., Toei Animation Studios, Mappa Animation Studios, Sunrise Animation Studios.


The earliest authenticated anime studio that can be used to date anime film can be found around 1907, which marks the beginning of the 20th century. With colorful painted images flowing over the projection screen in Ut sushi-e, a specific Japanese style of magic lantern show that was well-liked in the 19th century, Japan already had a rich legacy of entertainment before the invention of film.

Ut sushi-e showmen used mechanical slides and created portable, light-weight wooden projectors (Furo) that allowed multiple performers to independently control the movements of various projected figures. These techniques may have been influenced by European phantasmagoria performances.

The “fathers” of anime, O’Ten Shimokawa, Jun’ichi Kuchi, and Sei taro Kitayama, were among the second generation of anime history working in the late 1910s.

With the popularity of anime like Gundam, Macros, Dragon Ball, and other genres like cyberpunk, space opera, and real robots in the 1980s, anime production in Japan experienced a boom in anime history.

After being remade as Star Blazers and OrboTech, respectively, Space Battleship Yamato and The Super Dimension Fortress Macros also found success on a global scale.

How Is an Anime Made:

The process of producing animation is really untidy. Anyone working in a tiny, start-up environment is familiar with the occupational hazards of chaotic scheduling, constrained timeframes, missed deadlines, and widespread incompetence.

Anime production is a labor of love that calls on the skills of many people as well as the perseverance of a select few. After all, there are a lot of processes involved. Even one successful episode is no easy task, and one mistake could have disastrous effects on the entire production.

If you look closer, you’ll find color-coded checklists and production timetables that are the stuff of nightmares. There are countless spreadsheets and signatures.

The Production Process:


The stage of planning and funding is now. The expense of staffing, transmission, and distribution must be covered by the anime production firm. In essence, they pay production companies to create it, broadcasters to broadcast it, and the licensor to distribute it both domestically and outside. The money they make from the sales is what they value most.

A single anime may occasionally incorporate several production firms. The actual anime is produced by studios, which include A-1 Pictures, Bones, J.C. Staff, Kyoto Animation, Madhouse, Production I.G, Studio Ghibli, and Trigger. The studio will occasionally contribute money up front if the animation is an original concept.

Assembling the Team:

The show’s personnel are normally assembled by the director, who also serves as its creative leader. Each studio operates differently in terms of staffing. While some have full-time animators, colorists, editors, and production desks on staff, others will have a core team of full-time employees from each area as well as a sizable freelancer network.

Then there are the studios that completely contract out the work to independent contractors.

Post production:

The production assistant transmits the final cells to the recording director for post-production as the project draws to a close. The post-production teams that add the voice acting, sound effects, and music are supervised by the recording director during the “dubbing” process. The life cycle of one cut in anime production comes to an end at this point.

The editor then generates all the finished cuts after splicing, combining, editing, and so on. To ensure that the final product fulfils their vision, the director and episode director are checking in at each stage. The primary directing group then evaluates the finished episode and offers suggestions or their final approval.

The Greatest Anime Studios of All Time, Ranked:

Following are the most popular anime studio.

Toei Animation Studios:

Toei Animation Studios was established in 1948 by Zenjiro Yamamoto and Kenzo Masaoka. It is one of Japan’s oldest and most well-known animation studios. A shareholder in the well-known satellite television network Animax as well.

This studio created numerous well-known anime programmed and films that are still well-liked by many people. One Piece and Dragon Ball are the two most well-known anime produced by the Toei animation studio. 

Toei Animation

From 90s youngsters to today’s zen-age kids, both of this anime have spanned generations of viewers. For One Piece, it has created more than a thousand episodes. And a lot of new projects will soon be released.

The network of the Toei animation studio was recently breached by an unidentified third party in March 2022. However, things were under control.

Mappa Animation Studios:

Mappa Animation Studio was established in 2011 by Masao Maruyama. There have been numerous scandals involving this studio. Including problems with hostile workplace environments and underpaying animators.

Nevertheless, despite all of this criticism, the Mappa animation studio has done well for itself and has created a number of works that are well-known among anime fans. 


The Attack on Titan Final Season Part 2 is the most prominent illustration. Of the winter 2022 lineup, it was the Mappa animation that was most in demand and well-liked. Additionally, The Jujutsu Kaisen 0 film has recently gained praise from critics and fans for its excellent production.

Studio Ghibli:

Studio Ghibli was established in 1985 by Hayao Miyazaki, Isao Takahata, and Toshio Suzuki. It is renowned throughout the world for creating animated feature films that are suitable for families. Since Totoro is a character from the well-known studio Ghibli movie, he is the studio’s mascot and is instantly recognizable. 

Studio Ghibli

When My Neighbor Totoro was released in 1988, it immediately became a classic among anime aficionados. Several studio Ghibli movies rank in the Top 10 highest-grossing anime movies, with Spirited Away coming in at number two.

After completing and releasing his final anime feature film in 2023, one of the studio’s directors, Miyazaki, will retire.

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Fossil Fuels

Fossil Fuels

Fossil fuel is a hydrocarbon containing material. Remains of dead plants and animals forms the Fossil fuels naturally in the Earth’s crust. Its deposits are present all around the world.

Fossil fuel means found “buried in the Earth“, the term was first used by a German chemist, Caspar Neumann. Andreas Libavius introduces the theory that :

Fossil fuels are formed from the fossilized remains of the dead plants by exposure to heat and pressure in Earth’s crust over millions of years“.

Which Of The Fossil Fuels Is Most Abundant On Earth?

Coal is the most abundant fossil fuel on the Earth. It beds typically lie 200-300 below the surface of the Earth. It is cheap and found in abundance, but it releases a lot of pollutants when burned and has a calorific value of 25-35 MJ/kg. Anthracite coal is of the highest quality as it has a carbon content of more than 90%.

Is Wood a Fossil Fuel?

Some scientists argue that wood is low carbon fuel. The carbon get release when trees are cut down and taken up again when the new trees grow in their place.

A quick answer to the question of whether is wood a fossil fuel is: NO. It is a renewable resource. Fossil fuels are very different from wood. They contain what was once wood as well as plants and dead bodies of animals and other organic material.

Why Fossil Fuels Are considered Non-renewable?

Non-renewable resources are the natural resources. By non-renewable energy resource we mean that once they are used up they cannot be replaced. It includes coal, oil, natural gas, and nuclear energy.

Fossil fuels are non-renewable energy resources because they deplete at a much faster rate than the creation rate. Fossil fuels take millions of years to form but humans use all of these resources faster than the time it takes to replenish them.

How Does Burning Fossil Fuels Affect The Carbon Cycle?

When fossil fuels gets burn, it release a large amount of carbon dioxide and methane into the air which causes the temperature to rise. The burning of fossil fuels also disrupts the nitrogen cycle by altering the amount of nitrogen in the atmosphere.

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has found that emission from fossil fuels is the major cause of global warming.

Industries, factories, and thermal power plants makes the most use of fossil fuels . They burn and release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. A high amount of carbon dioxide can lead to global warming and can increase the acidity of raindrops.

How Long Does It take For Fossil Fuels to Form?

Fossil fuels take millions of years to form. Coal the most abundant fossil fuel on the Earth takes millions of years to develop. It would take 12,000-6000 years to accumulate enough peat to form a three-meter coal seam. Fossil fuels are formed from the bodies of tiny plants and animals that lived and died millions of years ago.

Most of the deposits found 540-65 million years ago when the Earth’s climate was warmer and wetter. The bodies of the once-living organisms became buried and compressed underground forming a mineral called Kerogen. Kerogen was slowly transforms into fossil fuels but geothermal heat, with some types of kerogen becoming coal and others crude oil or natural gas.

Advantages of Fossil Fuels

  • Fossil fuels are easy to obtain.
  • Fossil fuels are readily available and it is easy to produce energy from them.
  • They are cheap to use and yield a high amount of energy per pound when burned.
  • Oil, coal, and natural gas have become the primary fuels for electricity generation.
  • Liquid fuels like diesel fuel, gasoline, and kerosene have become the motive power for cars, trucks, trains, and aircraft.

Disadvantages of Fossil Fuel

  • Carbon dioxide released from the combustion of fossil fuels is the leading cause of global warming.
  • Extraction and burning of fossil fuels cause great environmental damage.
  • As fossil fuels are non-renewable resources so they will eventually run out.
  • The release of sulphur dioxide from the burning of fossil fuels causes acid rain.
  • They have led to extreme accidents like pipeline leaks, exploding drilling platforms, and also dumpling millions of gallons of oil into the ocean.

Consequences of Fossil Fuel Emission

Billion tons of carbon dioxide and more than 120 million metric tons of methane has emitted into the atmosphere from the production and burning of fossil fuels for energy and transportation. Carbon dioxide emission from fossil fuels has risen sharply reaching 35 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide emitted by 2020.

As a result of fossil fuel emissions, the average surface temperature of the Earth has increased by 1.1° C. Combustion of fossil fuels has created a parallel crisis of air pollution. The burning of fuels releases massive amounts of airborne fine respirable particles within an aerodynamic diameter of 2.5 μm.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) concludes there is need of urgent actions to limit global warming and minimize the catastrophic consequences.

Also Read:Pakistan increases fuel prices to unlock IMF funding

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Achievements and failures of President Ayub Khan

President Ayub khan

Although, the era of President Ayub Khan witnessed high growth rates and economy boomed at dramatic speeds but due to the concentration of wealth this high growth had not any impact on ordinary people.

The era of President Ayub Khan from 1958 to 1969 is the most important time in the history of Pakistan since independence. The era was termed as the great decade. During this time a lot of new things happened in Pakistan and for the first time marshal law was imposed in the country, abrogating the constitution of 1956.

Industrialization started in the country and Pakistan got a lot of new industries, economy was growing with high growth rates and many other reforms were introduced to lead the country towards progress. However at the same time Pakistan was faced with a lot of failures as Ayub government made a lot of blunders as well. This essay aims to elaborate the crowning achievements and the most egregious failures of President Ayub Khan during the great decade.

President Ayub Khan

During Ayub era Pakistan achieved a lot of success and economic growth was stellar. President Ayub Khan laid the foundation of industries in Pakistan. High growth rates were visible in province Punjab and City of Karachi. Growth rates in terms of both agriculture and manufacturing were twice.Pakistan received its first automobile industry and a cement industry.

Ayub Khan put Pakistan on the way to economic growth and this growth gave rise to industrialization and manufacturing. President Ayub Khan also introduced some agriculture reforms to boost the agricultural production.

On Jan 18, 1965, the New York times wrote that “ Pakistan may be on its way to economic milestone that so far has been reached by only one other populous country, the United States”,  a view which was endorsed by the times from London a year later, stating that, “ the survival and development of Pakistan is one of the most remarkable examples of state and nation building in the post war period”.

Land reforms was a long standing problem in east Pakistan. Ayub Khan’s government passed the first piece of  lagislation concerning land reforms in Pakistan.  Ayub government in 1959 imposed a ceiling of 200 hectares of irrigated land and 400 hectares of non irrigated land for a single person.

These reforms were introduced to stop the manipulation and exploration of peasants from the the feudal system and landlords. As a result of these reforms four million hectares of land were released for public acquisition which was sold to civil and military officers. This increased agricultural growth and brought a green Revolution in Punjab..

In a year marked by tight foreign exchange constraints, the economy unusually benefited from monsoon rains; agriculture led the economy in growth with perhaps a 10% increase, as against the GNP growth of about 8%. Tight control on prices slowed the inflationary trends that were an important problem in 1967, and exports continued to show impressive growth with an increase of about 8-9% over 1966-67.

West Pakistan led the way in this economic performance which the Aid Pakistan Consortium members labeled ‘Outstanding’ but it was a good year for east Pakistan’s agriculture as well.

President Ayub khan

In case of industrialization, during the tenure of President Ayub Khan 17 new jute mills were opened which helped increase in the production of processed jute by 15-18% . Cotton textile production would go up by 13-15% , which can be termed as a crowning achievement during the great decade. During that time cement production improved and many fertilizer plants were being built.

China and Russia aided many projects in the heavy industry and power fields. In the field of construction and infrastructure development , first time in the history of Pakistan construction of dams started and the largest project in this field that is Tarbela project was initiated. Another hallmark in the infrastructure development was the plan of a new Capital city for Pakistan which would be the first planned city since Pakistan’s independence.

Water distribution has been a grave problem among Pakistan and India. Indus River is the main source of irrigation for Pakistan which rises in the Tibet autonomous region of China flowing through the disputed region of Kashmir and then enters into Pakistan. This river is joined by many other water tributaries.

After the expiration of a standstill agreement of 1947 India began withholding water from the canals that were flowing to Pakistan. Negotiations continued but neither side came to a compromise. In 1951 it was suggested that India and Pakistan should work jointly to develop Indus River system with the help of world bank.

World Bank endeavored to bring both countries on a compromise. Negotiations started in 1954 but could not reach a particular result until 1960. President Muhammad Ayub Khan carried on this issue and finally reached an agreement signed by Pakistani President Muhammad Ayub Khan and Indian Prime Minister Jawahar Laal Nehru on September 1960.

 This was a great achievement for Ayub Khan government as they solved the pending issue speaking of which was a challenging issue for Pakistan. According to Indus waters treaty the waters of three rivers Indus, Jehlum and Chenab were given to Pakistan while three rivers Ravi, Sutlej and Bias were given to India.

With the help of this agreement Pakistan received a massive aid from World Bank member countries to build link canals, Barrages and dams. This helped improve the irrigation system of Pakistan.

These are the crowning achievements of President Ayub Khan and his government. Along with these hallmarks there were some loopholes in the governance of President Ayub Khan as well. After all he was a military dictator. Although he achieved a lot during his tenure but he also faced many failures and made some blunders that weakened the country’s unity.

Understanding the efficacy of the system one might also come to know that economic realities are less glamorous if not bad. A critical review of president Ayub Khan’s policies suggest that his primary goal was just to sustain his regime.

 He was against the democracy and termed the politicians as immature and incompatible to rule or govern the country. Moreover they are illiterate and cannot be trusted. He introduced the system of basic democracies which consisted of almost 80000 eighty thousand constituencies.

People elected the members in rural councils and urban councils..These elected basic democrats were then asked to legitimate the presidency of General Ayub Khan. Out of eighty thousand 80000 members 75283 members endorsed the presidency of General Ayub Khan in referendum which was held to affirm the regime of Ayub Khan.

Basic democracy was launched just to escape from parliamentary democracy. Basic democracy was concerned for grassroots development and this system was inextricably linked with the bureaucracy. Soon it was just realized that original power was in the hands of the bureaucrats and decision making resided in their hands.

 Thus Ayub Khan’s intention was not met properly in this regard and he failed to shift powers on local levels and ultimately this was his egregious failure.  It was basically a demise of democracy which restricted the right to vote. Politicians were imprisoned and were accused of being responsible for internal chaotic situation. Many bureaucrats were expelled from bureaucracy and many popular politicians were disqualified.

Economic growth was stellar but understanding the nature of system at that time one might come to know that the economic growth could not overcome poverty and unemployment. There was unequal distribution of wealth which resulted in the concentration of wealth. All the wealth was just  limited up to 20 families.

Ordinary people had nothing to do with the GDP growth. A critical report by none other than, Dr Mehboob ul Haq, the then deputy chairman of planning commission, revealed that a coterie of just twenty families controlled the two thirds of industry and three fourth of the banking. The so called economic growth was actually a macroeconomic growth.

With the passage of time the gap among industrialists and ordinary people increased and it became severe over time. The rich were getting more and more rich while on the contrary the condition of poor was getting even worst.. Ayub Khan brought foreign experts for shaping the economic policies of Pakistan, these foreign experts were unaware of Pakistan’s economic system and could not understand the efficacy of the system. This eventually resulted in the income inequality.

tarbela dam project

Looking at the economic growth, people praise Ayub Khan for this wonderful success but there is one thing to remember that only one thing can be credited for economic growth and industrialization process and that is foreign aid. Inflow of foreign capital helped in bringing industrial boom in Pakistan. Foreign aid was more than twice of loans.

This dependency on foreign aid made Pakistan useful to aids and loans. Pakistan could not stand on its own feet even after the high rates of economic growth. Pakistan always relied upon others for its survival because Ayub Khan government failed to make Pakistan a self sufficient country.

It is also said that Ayub Khan sowed the seeds of east Pakistan secession. Even he watered that plant by some major blunders. Ayub Khan preferred to develop west Pakistan over east Pakistan which the people of east Pakistan could not ignore. Ayub Khan irked the situation by suppressing politicians. They were tired of military rule and they also came to know that west Pakistan is controlling everything and is not sincere with east Pakistan.

A person having good intentions cannot succeed every time. Same is the case with Ayub Khan. He introduced land reforms to help landless peasantry. But as always happens, the feudal  and landlords showed their skills and transferred their extra lands to their cousins and brothers. In this way the land remained in the same family and thus land reforms failed.

Ayub Khan achieved a lot of things and put Pakistan on the way to the prosperity but we all know that there is no perfection. There are loopholes in policies of every leader. Sometimes it is impossible to achieve all things at a single time. However there are some fields where he made mistakes willingly like that of behavior with east Pakistan and refusal of parliamentary democracy.

However he took some bold steps as well. He was a military dictator with liberal ideas. So he did things right and wrong as well. In a nutshell, we can conclude that Industrialization, economic growth, land reforms, Indus water agreement, new dams and improvement of irrigation system were the achievements of President Ayub Khan while the gap between rich and poor that is the concentration of wealth, refusal to parliamentary democracy, inability to handle the issues of east Pakistan can be termed as egregious failures of Ayub Khan.

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The Travels of Ibn Battuta

ibn battuta

After he finished the Rihla, Ibn Battuta almost completely disappeared from history. He may have been a judge in Morocco and died around 1368, but we don’t know much else about him. It looks like the great traveler was finally happy to settle down after a lifetime of voyage.


Ibn Battuta was born in Tangier, Morocco, to a family of Islamic judges. He grew up in this family. At 21 years old, he left his home country and went to the Middle East. He wanted to finish his hajj, which is a Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca, but he also wanted to study Islamic law along the way. (Phentermine)

“I set out alone,” he remembered later. “I had neither a traveling companion with whom I could find comfort nor a caravan that I could join. A strong desire drove me from inside. A long-held desire to see these famous holy places.”

In Egypt, Ibn Battuta studied Islamic law and went on tours of Alexandria and Cairo, which he called “the most beautiful and splendid city in the world.” He then went to Mecca, where he took part in the hajj. He could have stopped there, but after he finished his pilgrimage, he decided to keep traveling around the Muslim world, or “Dar al-Islam.”

Ibn Battuta’s inspiration was a dream in which a big bird took him on its back. That bird flew him a long way to the east, and then left him there. A holy man told Battuta that his dream meant he would travel all over the world, and the young Moroccan set out to make the dream come true.

The next few years were full of travel for Ibn Battuta. He joined a caravan and traveled through Persia and Iraq. Later, he went to what is now Azerbaijan, which is to the north. After he stayed in Mecca for a while, he walked across Yemen and took a boat to the Horn of Africa. From there, he went to Mogadishu, a city in Somalia, before crossing the equator and exploring the Kenyan and Tanzanian coasts.

Batuta’s Travels

ibn battuta travels

Ibn Battuta made a plan to go to India after he left Africa. He hoped to get a well-paying job as a “qadi,” which is an Islamic judge. He went east in a roundabout way, cutting through Egypt and Syria first, and then sailed to Türkiye.

As he always did in places where Muslims were in charge, he used his status as an Islamic scholar to get help from the locals. During his travels, he received many nice clothes, horses, and even concubines and slaves as gifts.

Batuta left Turkey and crossed the Black Sea. He then went to the land of a Golden Horde Khan named Uzbeg. He received welcome at Uzbeg’s court, and then he went to Constantinople with one of the Khan’s wives. Battuta spent a month in the Byzantine city. He went to the Hagia Sophia and had a short meeting with the emperor. He had never been to a big city that wasn’t Muslim, so he was shocked by the “almost infinite” number of Christian churches inside.

Batuta then went east across the Eurasian steppe and through Afghanistan and the Hindu Kush to get to India. When he got to the city of Delhi in 1334, a powerful Muslim ruler named Muhammad Tughluq hired him as a judge. Battuta worked in the comfortable job for a few years and even married and had kids.

But he eventually became afraid of the unpredictable sultan, who was known to hurt and kill his enemies, sometimes by throwing them to elephants with swords attached to their tusks. In 1341, Battuta finally had a chance to get away when the sultan sent him as an envoy to the Mongol court in China. Still looking for adventure, the Moroccan led a large caravan full of gifts and slaves on its way.

A Dangerous, Embarrassing Journey

Battuta’s trip to the Orient turned out to be the most dangerous part of his long journey. During their trip to the coast of India, Hindu rebels bothered his group. Battuta was later kidnapped and robbed of everything except his pants. He made it to the port of Calicut, but on the day before a trip across the ocean, a storm blew his ships out to sea and caused them to sink, killing many people on board.

Battuta was stuck and embarrassed after a series of bad things happened to him. He didn’t want to go back to Delhi and face the sultan, so he chose to sail south to the Maldives, an island chain in the Indian Ocean. During the next year, he stayed on the beautiful islands, ate a lot of coconuts, took several wives, and worked as an Islamic judge once more.

Battuta could have stayed in the Maldives for even longer. But he had a fight with the people in charge and had to go back to China. After making a stop in Sri Lanka, he went through Southeast Asia on merchant ships. Four years after he left India for the first time, in 1345, he arrived in the busy Chinese port of Quanzhou.

Battuta called Mongol China “the safest and best country for a traveler”. He praised its natural beauty, but he also called its people “pagans” and “infidels.” Worried about the strange customs, the religious traveler stuck close to the country’s Muslim communities and didn’t say much about cities like Hangzhou, which he called “the biggest city I have ever seen on the face of the earth.” Historians still argue about how far he went. But he said he went as far north as Beijing and through the famous Grand Canal.

Ibn e Batuta’s Last Journey

China was the first stop on Battuta’s last journey. When he got to the end of the known world, he finally turned around and went back to Morocco. In 1349, he arrived in Tangier. Battuta’s parents had died by that time. So, he only stayed there for a short time before going on a trip to Spain. Then he went on a long trip across the Sahara and into the Mali Empire, where he went to Timbuktu.

ibn battuta last journey

Battuta never kept a journal during his travels. But when he finally moved back to Morocco in 1354, the country’s sultan told him to write one. He told Ibn Juzayy his story over the course of the next year. The result was an oral history, “A Gift to Those Who Ponder the Wonders of Cities and the Marvels of Traveling.” This is better known as the Rihla (or “travels”).

Even though it wasn’t very popular when it was written, the book is now known as one of the best and most detailed books about the Islamic world in the 1400s.

After he finished the Rihla, Ibn Battuta almost completely disappeared from history. He may have been a judge in Morocco and died around 1368, but we don’t know much else about him. It looks like the great traveler was finally happy to settle down. He settled down after a lifetime of going from place to place.

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