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Single National Curriculum & Our Academic Torment

Single National Curriculam

Single National Curriculum & Our Academic Torment

PM Imran Khan introduced the Single National Curriculum (SNC) on August 16, 2021. He claims it will unite the country, eliminate social hierarchies, and end the country’s “mental slavery” imposed by the British.

The primary goal of a single national curriculum is to prepare smart individuals who can innovate and generate new ideas in a world driven by ever-changing economic and scientific dynamics, and so make the nation-state a competitive player on the global stage. A national curriculum is expected to aid in the maintenance of a people as a national strategic whole. But this alone cannot be its only target.

The new curriculum for classes 1 to 5 was prepared by the National Curriculum Council (NCC) and the Ministry of Federal Education in consultations with the provinces. SNC will be introduced from classes 6 to 8 in 2022 and from classes 9 to 12 in 2023, according to the education ministry. PM Khan, on the other hand, has asked the education minister to begin preparations to start SNC for grades six and up within the next six months, rather than the next two years.

PM Khan stated that he learned that 800,000 students attend English-medium schools, while over 300 million attend public schools and approximately 2.5 million attend seminaries. Mental imprisonment, according to the prime minister, is worse than physical slavery, and no one can grow without innovation and critical and original thinking. He claimed that the failure to implement SNC earlier had resulted in a widening societal divide.

The prime minister said the new curriculum laid special emphasis on the teachings of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Shafqat Mahmood, who had described SNC as a turning point in the country’s education system, said the new curriculum had been implemented in primary schools and seminaries across the country, with the exception of Sindh. He expressed optimism that Sindh would jump on board and adopt SNC.

Science textbooks are being developed in close consultation with renowned local and international experts and will not be approved for publishing until it is determined that they meet the required global benchmarks, the statement further said, adding:

“It is, however, true that the Punjab Assembly has approved a law whereby an ulema board approves all Islamic content in the curriculum. The Punjab government has informed the federal ministry that no change was made in the biology textbooks by the said board.”

“The SNC has also taken special care to ensure that there is no material in it that offends the sensibilities of any of the minorities in Pakistan. In fact, it is for the first time that a separate special curriculum has been prepared for Hindus, Christians, Bahais, Sikhs and Kalaash. The Ministry’s entire attempt has been to ensure that the curriculum is not only reflective of all Pakistanis but promotes tolerance, peace and brotherhood among all communities in the country,” the statement said.

Now most journalists think that our educational system is already damaged and students have suffered a lot from the academic torment. Now PM Khan’s SNC includes much more of what was already included in the curriculum after the mid-1970s. The content of the SNC is inspired by partially immature middle-class urban cultural notions of Pakistani culture and the globe at large.

The Contemporary Relevance of Aristotle’s Political Philosophy

The SNC may create furious moralists and theologians, both traditionalist and postmodernists, who can present arguments against rival ideologies. This SNC, on the other hand, will never create scientists or economists of value or practical utility.

The executive director of the Centre for Social Justice, Peter Jacob, said that he was also present at the same National Curriculum Council meeting, though he was not heard just like the senior journalist. “I have to ask if the process of preparing a single curriculum was participatory. Was the advice of the educational experts being called to give their input even heard? They called us but didn’t listen to us. So many people who are said to have been consulted in bringing about this curriculum were not consulted even though their names are mentioned, he said.

“So we have not reached a common consensus on this as opposed to what is being said,” he added. “Today, we are seeing extremism coming in the way of construction of a Hindu temple, today we are seeing extremists murdering people in courts of law. Instead of fixing the rising extremism here, we might make it worse with the simple curriculum if it is allowed to be implemented like it is now. The class one to class five curriculum is to be implemented by April 2021. We still have time to explain to the government our fears that are coming up in policy analysis,” he said.

Physicist and social activist Prof Dr Pervez Hoodbhoy said the world looks down upon the Pakistani education system and rightly so. “Here those who have attended school are just like those who have never attended school. In fact, those who have not gone to school are better because they are street smart and understand money matters better than the ones who passed out of school without learning anything,” he said.

“Most of our workforce abroad comprises laborer. In fact, those doing laborious work and those with petty jobs amount to 97 per cent. Our doctors and other technocrats make up only three per cent. Most of the well-educated Pakistanis living abroad are doctors, there are hardly any Pakistani engineers there. We teach the same subjects in our school as are taught in any other country’s schools but our way of teaching is flawed so that only a few exceptionally bright students are able to get ahead. The rest lag behind. We see the same thing in our universities too,” he said.

So our education system has kept us behind. We develop very little software as compared to India or Bangladesh even though our populations are almost the same. Prime Minister Imran Khan used to say that we will make up for the lagging behind in education here. But it cannot be done by just coming up with a uniform curriculum. Curriculum is only one component, there is also the type of schools, type of teaching, exams, etc., which also matter here,” he said.

We can conclude that single national curriculum will have significant impact on our students that are already facing the academic torment, but we are yet to see its practical implications in the following years.

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An Unannounced World Order


An Unannounced World Order

Vibrant societies always lead the world. Chinese Communist Party has celebrated its 100 anniversary with a sumptuous festival. The Chinese people extended their support towards the party by chanting slogans “ Listen to the party, be grateful to the party, and follow the party” they shouted, “ let the party rest assured, I am happy with the strong country.” It can not be denied that CPC has worked dramatically for the people of China in terms of infrastructure development, Economic uplift, and Poverty eradication. CPC has articulated its vision which is” Whatever is yours is mine and whatever is mine is not yours.” China is also heading towards taking part in economic and political affairs in order to replace American hegemony with the Chinese world order. To accomplish this vision, China has focused on four areas to dominate the world which are discussed below.


In the preliminary stages, China decided to be emerged as a regional power to extend its influence without the assistance of the USA. Therefore, China established the first regional cooperation named the “ Shanghai Cooperation Organization ‘ (SCO) by excluding the USA. Moreover, The president of China gave a statement at the 2014 summit of the conference of interaction and Confidence Building in Asia (CICA) in which he stated that “: Asian security to be maintained by Asians”. The membership of SCO did not include  America and its close alliance like Japan, the Philippines, and Singapore.

China also aspired to acquire geographical dominance across Asia and Europe. In order to execute the vision, China launched two projects Silk Road and One belt one road initiative (OBROR). By using these projects, China tries to find an indigent country that can easily welcome the assistance of loans through the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank. While paying the loans, China takes two major things into account land and Port which can be later utilized against rivals. For instance, In Sirilanka, where China made an investment of 8 billion dollars for the development of Hambantota port which is closer to the Indian Border and also useful for other projects. Once the port was completely established, the Sirilankan Government observed that the location of the port was not in proximity to international shipping lanes. So, It was not able to generate enough revenue to pay off Chinese debts. By taking advantage of fragile circumstances, China brought a ready-made deal to Sirilanka: In which the Chinese received a debt-for-equity swap along with a 99 years lease to manage the port.


The third tool which is designed by China is termed “ Intellectual Property Theft”. In which, China steals the product idea of a foreign or invested company. Unfortunately, A company can not file a complaint against this activity because there is no law in China that can be utilized against fetched of company’s idea. There are unprecedented examples are available like Google and Amazon. China has cloned them completely with its own versions. Google has been replaced with Baidu and Alibaba has taken the place of Amazon.


Last but not least, the South China Sea, home to a vital shipping lenses, has been a pivotal point for years. Moreover, Several countries claiming ownership of small islands. China has also extended its claim over Spartly Islands. To achieve complete dominance over the South China Sea, China has started to militarize the regions which are closer to the South China Sea such as New Guinea, Laos, Brunei, Vietnam, Hong Kong, and Taiwan.


To sum it up, It is easily reflected from the above discussion that China is making utmost endeavors to take command of Global Political and Strategic affairs by introducing new China-led world order to dismantle the existing one order of America.

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Peace: The Worst Nightmare?


Peace: The Worst Nightmare?

As the world is apprising itself of the mismanaged departure of the U.S from Afghanistan, Ghani and his aides’ shameful exit, and the Taliban taking full control. The U.S president has had to face severe criticism, while Trump asked him to resign. The People are Afghanistan fear the Taliban and the social unrest in the country. Presently, the indigenous people are still hoping the U.S to help them get rid of scary soil, however, the U.S cargo planes are trying to first excavate the supporters. Amid the serious conditions in Afghanistan, many countries are trying to calm the situation, as the U.S requested its ally countries to give shelter to the excavated people temporarily. All these scenarios do remind us of the U.S Intervention in Yemen, Iraq, northern Pakistan, and Syria, due to which thousands of people lost their lives and many more were displaced or became refugees.

Prior when the U.S started its war on terror, which has cost around $6.4 trillion dollars, the people of Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Yemen, and Pakistan has had to face serious repercussions. From 2001 to 2021, many reports have claimed that the total lives lost during the war on terror are projected at around 801,000. To further focusing on the causalities, the total number of people who lost their lives in Afghanistan is 241,000, 179,000 in Syria, 330,000 in Iraq, 90,000 in Yemen, and 70,000 in Pakistan. The most depressing moment is that when we came to know that out of all the figures around 335,000 people, who were killed, were Journalists, humanitarian workers, doctors, contractors and many more. Another report left humanity in shock, according to the United Nation Human Rights report, more than 202 mass graves have been found containing thousands of bodies in Iraq. This depicts the most oppressive moment in the history of Iraq.

Peace in all these countries is just a term without implementation, as it was the first time in history that the U.S was being granted permission to invade Iraq, which resulted in the violation of human rights and destruction of the infrastructure of the countries. Similarly, all the other countries have become the victim of the U.S intervention, which is a nightmare for the indigenous people. As the people of these countries have had to face war and mental illness. Hundreds of pictures have been posted on social media, highlighting the height of the U.S and its allies’ oppressive minds. And the children who have taken the dead bodies of their parents may in future try to take revenge. Because what you teach the children they will surely do the same by seeing and listening. On the one side the European parents were playing with their children in Parks, on the other, the parents in war-ravaged countries leaving their children in graves. [This is the world of inequality].

The U.S, in greed of proving itself as a superpower is now trying to compete with China, which is a single threat to the U.S. Likely, the U.S did with the countries to impinge its capitalist mind. The hubris which is created by the U.S will surely force them to bear the consequences. The famous saying about the incumbent situation defines the whole scenario; “As you sow so shall you reap”. And in the end, it has happened with the dignity and power of the U.S.

So far, due to the war on terror, approximately a 40million to 55million people have become refugees, some are seeking refuge in another country and others are internally displaced people. Although, the refugee influx has created a state of chaos in the past, and presently the situation in Afghanistan depicts the same origin. According to different estimates, approximately 30,000 or more U.S war veterans and active duty personnel have committed suicide or have had to face mental illness issues. Only these people know what they have seen and done in the opponent’s land, and the number of these people may increase if the U.S does not stop its unnecessary interventions.

All the facts and figures do provide us with a review of how people are being deprived of peace and mental stability. And peace in these countries has been haunted by the U.S and its allies. On the contrary, the U.S has seized assets of Afghanistan worth $9.5bn which is an immoral act. We know that the people in Afghanistan are now under the Taliban’s control, but in this state of grievous conditions, the world should provide aid and help the country grow to prosper.

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A Quick Guide on Forest Fires, Causes, Effects, and Solutions 2022

Forest Fire
Forest Fire Causes Affect & Solution

A Quick Guide on Forest Fires, Causes, Effects and Solutions

Do you know that in the year 2021, California alone has spent more than 372 million US dollars in suppressing forest fire in its region?

Forest fires or wildfires are described as uncontrolled and unplanned burning of natural vegetation such as forests, bushes, grasses.

Forests play a vital role in our ecosystem. They provide economic benefits as well as ensure the well-being of many species. We cannot ignore their role in maintaining a healthy atmosphere. Unfortunately, the burning of these forests, or forest fire, is threatening the ecosystem.

In recent years wildfires are ravaging forestland all around the globe. From Turkey to Russia, the world is witnessing probably the worst forest fires in decades. As of 10 August 2021, European Forest Fire System (EFFIS) recent statistics shows that around 175,773 ha of land is burned because of forest fire only in Turkey.

After Turkey and Greece, Siberia is battling with its worst fire blazes. It is reported that Siberia’s wildfire is more extensive than all the worlds combined forest fires. Widespread evacuation is under process, followed by the closure of airports and roads for public safety. One of the most problematic consequences of Siberia’s Forest fire is that thick gray Smokey clouds have entered the North Pole.

After Siberia, forest fires are creating havoc in African regions as well. On Wednesday, 11 August 2021, more than 65 people, including 28 soldiers, died in a forest fire in Algeria. With so much destruction around the globe, you must be wondering what is causing all these fires. This article covers an in-depth detail of the causes of wildfires and further highlights the impact of these forest fires. Moreover, we will also be discussing the preventive measures that we can take to control or combat wildfires.

What Causes Forest Fires?

There are two leading causes of forest fires. Let’s look at each of them separately.

1.    Natural Causes:

Natural fires mostly start with lightning, but climate change is accelerating these fires. Increase in global world temperature, changes in rain and snowfall pattern means we can expect more forest fires, that will happen more frequently and burn more intensely than in the past.

When temperature increases, the evaporation rate increases further, leaving the vegetation and soil dry, ultimately providing favorable conditions for a fire. Similarly, long-term drought condition causes same impacts.

The burning of the forest is creating a vicious cycle that is impossible to break now. These forest fires release carbon dioxide, which in turn is accelerating the global temperature.

2.    Man-Made Causes

Human careless activities like discarding lit cigarettes or campfire accidents are all responsible for causing wildfires. In the US, human activities are a significant cause of forest fires. Many experts claim that humans cause around 84% of wildfires in the US.

Aftermaths of Wildfires

Forest fires have devastating effects on humans, wildlife, and the environment. Let’s separately discuss the impacts on each.


Wildfires release carbon dioxide and other harmful greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, contributing to air pollution, global warming, and ozone layer depletion. Far-flung countries also get badly affected, as strong winds transfer heavy smoke from one region to another. This heavy smoke directly impacts the air quality of other areas also.

Wildfires have immediate and long-term impacts on water bodies like lakes, rivers, streams, and groundwater. After the fire, the soil becomes hydrophobic, which means it loses its ability to absorb water. This lack of absorbability causes the water to take all debris and sediments into larger bodies, further polluting the water bodies with a toxin. Moreover, it disturbs and harms marine life.

Forest fires also disturb the natural flora and fauna of the area where they happen. Countless species of animals die; those who survive usually migrate to other places. As a result, the biodiversity of the region decreases. Many species of plants are lost and are getting extinct.


Wildfires seriously disturb the air quality. With reduced quality of air, many eyes and respiratory tract illness starts getting common. It also gives birth too many other severe diseases like asthma, heart failure, etc. Wildfires release many harmful pollutants into the air, which hurt people. Breathing issues start getting regular, and people with existing breathing problems get more vulnerable. Studies have shown an increased risk of neurological diseases like Alzheimer’s disease.

Wildfires contaminate water bodies, posing acute and chronic health issues in humans, while cleaning such water sources is costly and time-consuming.

Forest fires also have an economical cost as many people need to be evacuated. Many people lose their homes and jobs. The harmful effects on the farming industry are both short-term and long-term. Loss of vegetation cover and decrease in soil fertility are consequences that affect both the short-run and the long-run.


I am sure everybody is familiar with the fire scene in their childhood movie Bambi. Remember the fire scene! It still gives me shivers. How helpless were those animals trying to escape wildfires?

Many young and adorable animals die. But the disastrous consequences come after the fire is out. The natural habitat is destroyed, and food sources are burned. As more and more forests are burned, many species’ survival is under threat. With enormous fires, tons of insects are getting extinct. This extinction is badly affecting the pollination process. Scientists are unaware of the exact figures, but it is estimated that there is a massive decline in pollinators across the globe.

Some ecologists even predict that koalas might be functionally extinct because of these wildfires. A news report indicated that almost 3 billion animals were affected by Australian wildfire in 2020.

Not only were the land animals got effected but many aquatic species also lost their lives. It is reported that hundreds and thousands of fish died in NSW in December 2019 wildfire incident.

How to prevent forest fires?

Forest fires must be controlled and minimized for the future of this world and for our next generations. As most wildfires are caused by human negligence, we must get the necessary knowledge to help prevent them. Few tips are

  • Make sure to put off the campfire properly.
  • Keep all types of sparks away from dry vegetation.
  • Carefully dispose of lit cigarettes.
  • Report any unattended fires.
  • Use fireworks in a clear area, away from vegetation.
  • Cautiously burn debris

With our responsible behavior, we can avoid many fires. Additionally, those living in high-risk areas must pay more attention to the weather forecast. So, they can take preventive measures beforehand. A wise man once said:

“The Earth will not continue to offer its harvest, except with faithful stewardship. We cannot say we love the land and then take steps to destroy it for use by future generations.”
—John Paul II

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Ecofeminism: an intersection of gender and climate change


Ecofeminism: an intersection of gender and climate change

We all have heard about the doctrine of feminism that is a socio-political movement that believes in equal rights and opportunities for men and women. It Advocates for women’s rights based on gender equality. Women’s rights movements around the globe have become a common phenomenon. But the concept of ecofeminism is the least discussed topic in the world. Ecofeminism is an amalgamation of two different notions, that are environmentalism and feminism. The gender issues and environmental issues are intertwined with each other and one cannot neglect this reality.

What is ecofeminism?

Ecofeminism, also known as ecological feminism, is a subset of feminism that investigates the relationships between women and nature. This theory emphasizes how patriarchal (or male-centered) society treats both nature and women. Ecofeminists investigate gender roles and sexual identities to evaluate how social norms unfairly dominate women and nature.


Since its inception in the mid-1800s, feminism has undergone numerous evolutions and resurgences. As awareness of climate change and successive gender rights movements grew in the past few decades, feminists attempted to define how the movements for gender equality and environmental conservation have been connected. The modern ecofeminist movement arose from a series of meetings and conferences hosted in the United States in the late 1970s and early 1980s by a partnership of professional and academic women. They attempted to address how feminism and environmentalism could be integrated to endorse respect for women and the natural environment.


The term ecofeminism was first introduced by French feminist Françoise Dieudonne. She explained that the discrimination and marginalization of women based on and status are inexorably connected to the exploitation of the environmental world, as both arose as an outcome of male domination. The first significant practical indications of ecofeminism were considered in 1992 at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), where women’s environmental organisations campaigned for women’s and environmental rights to be considered concurrently. Resultantly, the Women’s Conference was conducted in Beijing in 1995, establishing for the first time that women’s and environmental rights could not be separated.



However, by the late 1990s, global campaigns of ecofeminism had reduced dramatically, and there was a sense that it had run out of energy, despite its highly debatable effect disclosed through UN initiatives. Thus, Ecofeminism has been formally introduced for nearly more than half a century. Even where the term “ecofeminism” is not commonly used, the philosophies of the movement are intertwined with those who vigorously endorse equitable change for humans and the environment in today’s climate change movement. 


Major principles of ecofeminism

  1. The major factor of oppression and marginalization of women and degradation of nature is male-dominated societies where feminine attributes have no value.
  2. Ecofeminists want to replace the culture of domination on with the culture of care where everyone has the right to make equitable decisions.
  3. Any form of oppression and marginalization (gender, racial, caste, or rank) in societies should be intolerable.
  4. Women who are affected by environmental deterioration must come on the front to lead ecofeminist movements.

What kind of role ecofeminism can play  to uplift women?

Connections between environmental and social issues are common but often neglected. Resolving problems in one area can have a ripple effect on improving situations in another. Recognizing the interconnections between climate change and social issues has jeopardized the chances of finding remedies to either. Likewise, In the case of gender equality, strengthening women through sustainability goals, particularly improved healthcare coverage and education, has an immediate impact on lowering emissions by lowering a country’s birth rate. Addressing the underlying cause of these disparities can put a spotlight on how to address these issues.


The world’s population has reached 7.8 billion and according to The UN statistics, this figure will have risen to between 9.4 and 10.1 billion by 2050. Climate change solutions are linked to population growth; as the population grows, more food and fuel must be generated. Increasing population will accelerate the process of carbon emissions. Therefore, to reduce the environmental impact of population growth, states can implement social initiatives that guarantee equal access to healthcare and education opportunities to their citizens. Whether the right to education will be given to women, fertility rates will automatically reduce as they will have more opportunities to pursue their career instead of getting married at an early age.


Moreover, in addition to reducing population growth, strengthening women’s right to schooling can have a significant contribution to sustainable resource management in agricultural economies. In many countries, women are in charge of managing natural resources such as water, fuel, and food. For instance, in the western Himalayas communities, women are typically liable for the protection and conservation of critical natural capital, such as forests, wetlands, wildlife, and agricultural fields, to meet their families’ basic needs.




Altogether these impediments with women’s roles as land managers and a lack of access to education, make the impact of climate change, resource loss, and agricultural failure far more palpable and worrisome for women than their counterparts. Resultantly, women have to face greater burdens than men in situations of poverty and scarcity of resources. According to a 2020 study, when natural resources and ecological services are depleted due to climate change, traditional gender roles intensify, and gender-based violence increases.


Therefore, countries can strengthen their financial systems, enhance the capacity of their financial and educational system, and significantly reduce their carbon footprint by women empowerment and providing them with equal and fair access to critical services. Increasing the number of women who actively participate in environmental policymaking at all levels creates a more determined and equitable public representation.

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Corruption is a major problem, in developing countries. It impedes economic growth, weakens the rule of law, and undermines the legitimacy of institutions. Although it has been studied at a national level from different perspectives, there is a recent growing body of research on local corruption. As far as we know, these latter studies focused on corruption and its effects on votes. However, a further question arises as to whether there is a mimetic effect on neighboring municipalities?

The main focus of this study is the different forms of corruption and its consequences and costs to the environment, especially in resource-rich developing countries Corruption:

Corruption is a form of dishonesty or criminal offense undertaken by a person or organization entrusted with a position of authority, to acquire illicit benefit or abuse power for one’s private gain. Corruption may include many activities including bribery and embezzlement, though it may also involve practices that are legal in many countries. Political corruption occurs when an office-holder or other governmental employee acts in an official capacity for personal gain. Corruption is most commonplace in kleptocracies, oligarchiesNorco-states, and mafia states.

Corruption and crime are endemic sociological occurrences that appear with regular frequency in virtually all countries on a global scale in varying degrees and proportions. Individual nations each allocate domestic resources for the control and regulation of corruption and crime. Strategies to counter corruption are often summarized under the umbrella term anti-corruption. Additionally, a global initiative like the United Nations SDGs also has a target to substantially reduce corruption of all forms.

Corruption and the environment

Corruption is a serious problem and social ethics has a significant impact on all societies. It is a phenomenon that is globally widespread and can be generally defined as the use of public power to benefit a private interest. It is a complex and multifaceted concept with several and heavy complications for the economy and environmental sustainability. Despite the existing theorizations and descriptions of the political economy concerning environment/society interactions and widespread evidence of bribery and illegal exchange in natural resources management, nowadays, fighting corruption goes on widely ineffective, with serious consequences for environmental quality.


Corruption demoralizes government and weakens the whole endeavor of policy formulation and its implementation. It diminishes services and causes fiscal stress, but most of all it undermines trust and corrodes legitimate community expectations. Corruption takes many forms and is found in many contexts. This paper develops a framework for the analysis of corruption which identifies types, activities, sectors, and places (TASP). With the TASP framework identified or suspected corruption in any setting can be analyzed as a precursor to the controls and processes that are most appropriate for the control and modification of corrupt behavior, which ideally can enhance public sector performance. The TASP framework assists in pinpointing the nature, location, and context of public sector corruption, and illustrates more precisely where the risks of corrupt activity might arise. This paper demonstrates, with empirical work from New York City and the State of Victoria in Australia (Australia’s second-most populous state), that more precise classification and characterization of the nature and types of corrupt activity is an essential precondition to the development and design of targeted anti-corruption measures.

Widespread corruption may have roots in culture and history, but it is, nevertheless, an economic and political problem. Corruption causes inefficiency and inequity. It is a symptom that the political system is operating with little concern for the broader public interest. It indicates that the structure of government does not channel private interests effectively. The economic goals of growth, poverty alleviation, and efficient, fair markets are undermined by corruption. Corruption erodes political legitimacy and the protection of rights. Twenty years into the global fight against corruption, there has been progressing in both policy and research, but much remains to be done. Attempts to measure corruption – imperfect as they are – have exposed especially corrupt governments and industries, spurring reform toward transparency and more ethical dealings in the public and private sectors, but most governments still receive failing grades on the control of corruption. Our goal is to further understand the circumstances that contribute to corruption and the policies that can help to combat corruption, but there is no one-size-fits-all anticorruption program.


The causes of corruption fall into three broad categories: institutions, incentives, and personal ethics.

These interact to determine the levels and types of corruption in any given case. Corrupt practices such as bribery, nepotism, and influence peddling are informal institutions that frequently undermine formal institutions and are often pervasive and entrenched. Formal institutions, such as the political structure and the body of law and its enforcement, help shape culture, and attitudes toward corruption. A strong kleptocratic state may suffer financial hemorrhaging at the top, but very little day-to-day petty corruption. Where the state pretends to be strong by implementing numerous strict regulations, but the rule of law is weak, petty corruption will be rampant.

Situation-specific incentives influence choices when an individual balances costs and benefits to decide whether to offer, accept, or demand a corrupt exchange. A strong organizational stance against corruption, coupled with monitoring and proportional penalties, creates very different incentives from an environment in which corruption is tolerated or even encouraged. Low pay may need to be supplemented in some circumstances, but even some well-paid public servants and CEOs engage in corruption if the risks of detection and punishment are low.


The institutional setup of the country such as the characteristics of the political and judicial system determines the extent of corruption. In such a context, transparency has been described as a cure for corruption. Good governance including a broad commitment to the rule of law is crucial for environmental sustainability and is a way to put a stop to the devastating impact corruption has had on the environment. Corruption in a state is a failure of the state, deprivation of prosperity, and a step toward an unstable nation for long.

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Taliban 2.0: Plight & Certitude

FILE PHOTO: File picture of members of a Taliban delegation leaving after peace talks with Afghan senior politicians in Moscow, Russia May 30, 2019. REUTERS/Evgenia Novozhenina/File Photo - RC2HHE9TOUUL

A 20 year of US incursion ultimately culminates on 15th of August 2021 when the US officially withdrew her forces from Afghanistan. An imperialist venture of US in 2001 in the name of self-defense and so-called democracy begun after 9/11 and obliterated the whole of Afghanistan and shattered her from inside out in the former two decades. Taliban’s canny strategy of peace talks for settlement were taking place in Doha for the past 6 years starting from 2014 to the Feb 2020 Peace Settlement with Zalmay Khalilzad and March 2020 Agreement with Trump. Finally, Biden affirmed an official date of September 11 for withdrawal of forces from Afghanistan when seized the presidency.

US Expulsion & Taliban’s Emanation

US liquidated $ 85 million on Afghan National Army and trained it for the long span of 20 years yet it didn’t resist. survive and fight against Taliban and there was no considerable resistance seen when America was fleeing (apology, withdrawing). Why? The answer to this question is very simple and one shouldn’t blame only Afghan Army. It was never a national army as was always buttressed, sponsored and outfitted by American Dollars. The most vital prop of American Model Modern Army Synchronization is its Airforce, as was of Afghan Army until US was dwelling in Kabul. When US withdrew her forces, it inculcated all the other supporting and central features of its 20 years training including the Airforce, Intelligence and Contractors. Supply lines and logistical support were also desisted as it were not provided by road but by aerial routes which already retreated.

Sardonically, the leaders and commanders who should have motivated and leaded the army were either sailing to other countries or seeking refuge in their residences with their doors locked. Ashraf Ghani and General Dostum both fled to other countries who should be there on the leading front to motivate Afghan Army. Prior to fleeing, Ghani changed his defense, interior ministers, commanders and army chiefs rapidly perceiving the sitch aggravated and the front-line soldiers didn’t even know who their commanders are and from whom are they are getting orders. All this instigated the serious demoralization of Afghan Army. Secondly, the Political tactics of Taliban were incredible as they granted amnesty to everyone including all the rivals, soldiers and general public and negotiated with the soldiers not to fight, also kept the local warlords like Ismael Khan relaxed. So, this also persuaded the Afghan Army not to fight against the Enemy at the Gates. By taking leverage from the failed military strategy of Ghani’s government, withdrawal of American forces and by implementing good political tactics, Taliban very easily swept the victory in Kabul.


Thriller Abuts

The question now evolves that what’s next for Afghanistan as Taliban have seized the power. Taliban are being unbelievably vigilant and careful so far as it was a matter of huge concern that they’ll present the same 1996-2001 model of their strict governance but they granted Amnesty to everyone as Zabeehullah Mujahid said in his press conference that we don’t want fight any more in Afghanistan and also want women to help us out in political affairs. Moreover, they have fully endorsed America in the evacuation process. Taliban are just 1 lac or so, they need internal as well as external legitimacy. For domestic legitimacy, they must provide security, ensure prosperity and political participation and incorporate their rivals also in the particular political framework which they are doing because military takeover doesn’t predict popular support.

Till now as portrayed by their reactions and foreign policy statements, every country in the region is prepared to recognize Taliban like China, Pakistan, Iran, Turkey and even Russia welcomed them but all these countries will not recognize Taliban so early because they need an argument to recognize them. International community needs assurances from Taliban obviously not regarding human rights and whatsoever but regarding their interests in Afghanistan. China will be concerned about BRI investment and Uighur Muslims not to be supported by Taliban. Pakistan will be concerned about TTP, Baloch Insurgents, CPEC and Afghan soil not to be used against Pakistan as was so during Ghani and Hamid Karzai’s regime. Iran will be concerned of Shia community in Afghanistan and other Western States will also be sharing somewhat similar concerns mainly revolving around the terror not to be exported from Afghan soil and terrorist Militants not to be provided safe heavens and sanctuaries in Afghanistan.

Certitude & Quandary

These assurances are given by Taliban as Zabeehullah Mujahid said in his first press conference on 17th August that Taliban wont allow Afghan soil to be used against any other country, you will not be harmed from Afghan soil and we don’t have any grudges (Reference to Transcript from Al Jazeera). But this is too early, international community will not so early recognize Taliban which is evident from the fact that FBR has frozen $10 million Afghan reserves and IMF has stopped $460 million. Gerry Rice, the spokesperson of IMF also said that IMF cannot give access of SDR to Afghanistan.

There is going to be a serious humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan in the upcoming days as World Food Program’s executive director David Beasley said that 14 million people in Afghanistan, almost one third of the total population, has no access to food. Another most important threat to Taliban regarding their legitimacy is Islamic State because Taliban will definitely stop all other terrorist organizations like TTP, Al Qaeda and other remnant radical Islamists but they can join IS which makes it a potential threat to Taliban because IS is a latent adversary of Taliban, America and even Pakistan.

So, all these threats are there for Afghanistan but as discussed earlier that the impression of  Taliban 2.0 gives us a hope and optimism that they’ll do well this time and although, dominated by Taliban, the government formed will be an inclusive government incorporating all the political communities of Afghanistan.

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The Domestic Violence Bill, 2021; another progressive Bill tabled by misinformation?


The Domestic Violence Bill, 2021; another progressive Bill tabled by misinformation?

The current socio-political climate of Pakistan seems to be submerged within incidents of violence, particularly those involving women. Despite calls and assertions from certain sects of society to categorize these incidents as ‘isolated’, the ever-mounting piles of these gender-based crimes seems to be rising by the day. Such string of incidents ultimately leads to the emergence of a pattern within the society, which can be deemed systematic in nature.

To address these instances of violence, the Minister for Human Rights introduced the Domestic Violence (Prevention and Protection) Bill, 2021 on 19th April 2021. The Bill that did not ultimately pass within the Assembly to become a statutory enactment of law, because of calls from various sects of society. Eventually, Adviser to the Prime Minister on Parliamentary Affairs, Babar Awan, wrote a letter to the Speaker of the National Assembly, Asad Qaiser and sought a review of the Bill in question, by the Council of Islamic Ideology. The Council of Islamic Ideology, notorious for objecting on any laws that are progressive in terms of provision of rights to minorities, gender and religious, both, led to the Domestic Violence (Prevention and Protection) Bill, 2021 being put on hold indefinitely.

The Letter written by Awan to Qaiser, suggested that the Bill contravened “Islamic [injunctions] and way of life as enshrined in responsibility of the state in Article 31 of the Constitution of Islamic Republic Pakistan”. The natural question that arises then is how the Bill appears to conflict with the Islamic way of life.

Interestingly, the Domestic Violence (Prevention and Protection) Bill, 2021, does not only provide protection to women but rather aims to “establish an effective system of protection, relief and rehabilitation of women, children, elders and other vulnerable persons against domestic violence”, suggests the Report of the Standing Committee on Human Rights on the said Bill. Thus, the Bill aims to protect all those impacted by physical, emotional, psychological, social and economic abuse that occurs within the domestic sphere. The ambit of the protection provided to individuals under the Bill is so wide, that the definition of a vulnerable person under Section 2 (xix) of the Bill includes anyone who is “vulnerable due to old age, mental illness, or physical, learning, psychosocial or other disability, or for other special reason.”

The Bill envisages a regime for the protection of survivors of domestic violence in the context of the social, cultural, and legal impediments that most suffering from domestic violence within the country face, often, these factors become monumental in helping a survivor take the decision in reporting the crime. This includes the right to reside in a household, as stipulated within Section 6 of the Bill that allows any aggrieved person to either reside in the shared household regardless of whether they have any right, title or beneficial interest in the property or in a shelter home. Taking into account, that often in many instances, the abusers are breadwinners or those with the power to essentially render a survivor homeless, if they were to take action against the abuser. Similarly, under Section 9 of the Bill, the Court may pass an order during the course of a trial to provide monetary relief to either the aggrieved and their children, this can include compensation, medical expenses, any other loss suffered, including earnings or property damage, etc.

The Bill therefore acknowledges the struggle that many survivors go through, particularly, in the patriarchal society such as Pakistan, where any attempts by the survivor to either leave the abusive household or reporting of any abuse, could lead to physical harm and violence directed at the survivor, in some instances, even death. Section 8 of the Bill, allows the Court to issue a protection order and direct the respondent to ensure no further domestic violence against the aggrieved is carried out, this can include maintaining distance from the survivor, moving out of a shared house, no communication and wearing of an ankle or wrist bracelet GPS tracker, in a situations that could endanger the survivor’s life. Further, in this respect, the Bill also constitutes a Protection Committee and a Protection Officer to assist the survivor throughout the process of the trial, maintain records regarding incidents of domestic violence and other duties that may be essential for protecting the aggrieved and ensuring justice, under Section 15.

However, it is pertinent to note, that the jurisdiction of the Bill is restricted territorially to only Islamabad, and does not apply to the rest of Pakistan, even if it were to pass the Senate. Ultimately, the Bill currently resides in a ‘blackhole’, like many other progressive bills that have not passed through the parliament. Despite the impediments that such a bill faces in the parliament, if the Bill were to pass and be implemented even within the territorial boundaries of the city of Islamabad, it would serve as an example, that a well drafted piece of legislation, implemented within the society can achieve.


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Limited Salience of Climate Change


Limited Salience of Climate Change

The creation of wide-ranging environmental problems due to human activities is suggestive of a marked climate change over the last 300 years. Mass production, burning of fossil fuels and escalation of greenhouse gases produced by the capitalist-industrial system have contributed to a consistent increase in the Earth’s temperature. Climatologists and environmental experts share an agreement that climate change is happening at an unprecedented pace. Around the world, there is a simultaneous loss of biological and cultural diversity which is anything but a sheer concurrence.

Collective unconsciousness has caused us to separate ourselves from nature even though the interconnectedness is one of a kind. The global discourse and wider narrative on climate change imply that there is something gravely wrong with the associated language. Since the 1950s, billions of dollars have been invested in climate research and the growing body of environmental movements but the underlying efforts and discussions have not reached at an internationally uniform commitment. Statistical reports and a scientifically objective view of the matter fail to extend the necessary and easily graspable comprehension of climate change to the masses. Resultantly, a lack of clear scientific understanding about the matter and the sheer inability to adapt the descriptive accounts with the mundane and commonplace factors of life have intensified the situation. One does not, at an individual or a collective level think about the seriousness of climate emergency unless they are hit by an incident which affects them personally.

Masses leverage themselves with spatial or temporal discount and the climate change crisis is treated as something that happens too far away, or too far in the future to care about. The climate emergency incriminates our systemic injustices, our relationship to progress and all of our social structures. There are convoluted networks of entrenched interests which hamper concerted and collective action. The crisis also warrants a formal declaration of climate emergency which is supported by an undeniable scientific consensus. Climate changes are thought about in large terms, for instance, in terms of the global and of weather patterns. At its core, people experience the changes in very local terms. Extreme heat waves, floods and droughts, loss of property and crops are some adverse effects that cause costly disruptions to societies and pose hindrance to any latent efforts towards ecological restoration.

In a quickly changing world with an exponential progress in technology, the complex relationship between economy and environment has experienced fundamental shifts most of which require the redefining of sustainable development. There is a co-existence of environmental emergency and a prominent reluctance to take urgent and meaningful action which is raising pertinent questions on the planet’s finite capacity to support and exhaustively absorb human impact. The human-centric worldview and an ever-increasing stress on consumption can be attributed to an unembellished trade-off between development and climate change. Policy agendas of many developing countries are exclusive of climate change, in spite of the knowledge that these countries are particularly vulnerable to consequential disastrous effects. The prevalent economic system has paved the way for a sustainability crisis and the power structure impedes progress in the implementation of substantial reforms. As commendable as the SDGs are, an essential infeasibility is predicted unless awareness of the environmental crises is real and ready to elicit enormous and continuous response from the masses.

Apart from rational utilization of fossil energy, abandonment of a human-centric concept of economic growth and development is vital. Popularization of environmental protection and effective dissemination of necessary knowledge can be enhanced by properly educating the society. The growing ecological debate will continue to threat humanity if developmental interventions fail to embrace sustainable livelihoods and lifestyles. Setting up of incentives for timely solutions and a proactive manner of environmental planning can build cooperation around environment and development.

There is a dire need for communicating climate science beyond academia and potential discussion in a heterogeneous manner is possible if wide-ranging dimensions associated with climate change are included. Grave concern about the issue will only be met with adequate policy action if effective use of social science research is made. Current heatwaves and other visible indicators of climate change are a trifling sign of a much hotter future. The academia can be pinned as one of the early predictors of the perils of climate change, therefore, a boost in climate literacy among masses and policymakers should also be assisted by academic research.

Management of existing natural and man-made resources has a huge impact on global climate. An escalating stress on consumption combined with a relentless human-centric worldview on development has created wide-ranging environmental problems. A scientifically detached view of the matter is rendering masses unable to adapt to the unique and serious challenges of climate change. A much hotter future with significantly threatening crises is impending and the current heatwaves are visible predictors of the grim prospects. An enormous and consistent response can only be elicited from various segments of the society if climate science is communicated and conversed about beyond academia in a heterogeneous manner.

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ARE YOU DEAF? SHE’S CLEARLY SCREAMED “NO!” An article about the rape culture in India


An article about the rape culture in India

For every 15 minutes that pass, while you and I breathe in fresh air, a girl as young as 7 or a lady as old as 60 is being suffocated without consent, crying out for help but muffled by the  ruthless, over and again, uncertain if that minute was going to be her last in this world.  After every 35 minutes while you and I have a hard time deciding what to eat today, a woman has a tough time fighting to live as he snatches away her life, because that morning she decided to choose career over marriage and wanted to work towards being independent instead of relying on a man for the rest of her life. This isn’t the story of the past few days, or months, but the one that’s shadow has been neglected for years. From the time of birth, trapped in a cage, they taught her that it was a disgrace to fly.

At 5 when she was told to change her clothes because a man was at the door and, at 11 when they said it was not  feminine for girls to play sports and, at 18 when she couldn’t go for a walk past 10 pm, and at 23 when they didn’t pay her the same as her male counterpart; at every stage in her life she wondered what was wrong with this world, as with every passing day it only got worse, and so, slowly but gradually she started falling numb.

When the Bombay high court itself has said things like – “Promise us to marry the girl you raped, and we will grant you bail” or “groping breasts of child without skin to skin contact does not qualify as sexual assault”, earlier this year, how is the female population of India supposed to feel safe? Just because he married her, was it consensual? Just because the victim was wearing clothes, it does not ‘qualify’ as harassment? On 11th April 2021, a man stabbed his wife to death in broad daylight, in the middle of a busy road, and the worst part wasn’t even the reason that he had suspected her of having an extra marital affair, but the fact that hundreds of people just passed by indifferent to the whole incident. Not one soul tried to prevent this horrendous event that took place on the streets of New Delhi. Ergo, the danger isn’t even about encounters happening at night anymore, because the people don’t seem to take action even when it takes place at 2 pm, right in front of their eyes. They said your father  is the only man who will never harm you, then how do you justify the act of a 17 year old daughter being raped by her father in Haryana for 7 years, receiving death threats from him if  she ever tried to oppose, and been forced to abort her child several times over that period. Or that a son killed his mother in Jharkhand this February, the woman who raised him and prepared him for this world, the one who loved him from the very beginning, just because she  asked him why’d he come home late that day. How will India ever be a safe place for women when after a 12 year old girl was raped and cruelly murdered, the cop himself asks the accused to cremate the victim and destroy the evidence in Bihar?

When police officers, the Bombay high court and political members themselves are an addition to disturbing cases like these, how is India going to promise the women of its country security? When will the government of India realize that sex education is as important as academic education because when even college students from IIT, manage to assault a girl, maybe not haven studied is not what matters. Are these the standards our country has fallen to, where women have to agree to be raped because they want to be saved from being killed?

Her dress isn’t an invitation. Short skirts are not a sign. What part of “NO” do you not understand? Rape is never a mistake. 

I’m shattered, I’m terrified, for I never thought getting out of bed every morning would  become so burdensome. I imagine the things that I would do if all men in the world disappeared for 24 hours, and I realized all I was wishing for was the bare minimum –  a walk at 12 am without having to worry about being killed. What has happened to this world? To this country? The little child who dressed up in saffron, white and green, held up her national flag high every 15th August to celebrate its freedom, now begs for her own every night. And I question how I was ever proud of calling this monstrous country my home.


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