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History as a linear or a cyclic process :


History as a linear or a cyclic process: Herodotus, Khaldun, and Augustine

In social sciences, we often come across different schools; in history or the philosophy of history, there are many, but prominent are two competitive claims that history is a linear or a cyclical process.

So, in this essay, a comparison of both the schools will be made in the light of the works of three famous historians: Herodotus, also known as the Father of History; Khaldun, as the Father of Social Sciences and Modern Historiography; and Augustine, a historian, and theologian.


Further skimming of both ideas is necessary before starting. Those who claim to be linear believe that there is a chain of events written in chronological order, and the events that happened in the past are very unlikely to take place in the future. At the same time, those like Herodotus and Khaldun believe that it is a cyclical process.

History is a mixture of the jumbled-up pattern of events that would happen and take place again. However, human behavior is unpredictable but is still predictable by looking keenly and observing the chains of events that thoroughly happened in the past.

By analyzing that pattern, humans cannot only predict the future somehow but also crack human psychology.

Khaldun, as the Father of Social Sciences

Khaldun believed that an empire lived for a life span of almost 120 years, which means four generations. He argues further that the Asabiya of society, when it grows stronger, comes into a position to overthrow the reign of Hadara, or the civilized world.


The Badawi, or the uncivilized, then become civilized, acquiring more lands and acquiring wealth for their luxury. Four generations later, they had forgotten all the norms of their predecessors, resulting in a weak Asabiya, and hence were attacked by another group of Badawi, resulting in the collapse of the power of the existing and a new empire starting.

Khaldun’s theory is applicable in many cases even today if we look at the American power has reached a hundred years and now in the contemporary time, the American power is encountering different challenges.

One of the major issues is China’s becoming an economic giant, which is predicted to overtake the USA by 2030. But there are some instances, like the Ottoman Empire, where this theory fails; the Ottomans ruled for 626 years.

Ottoman Empire

Augustine historian, and theologian.

Saint Augustine, on the other hand, was a converted Christian who lived in Hippo, modern-day Algeria. He wrote his famous book, “The City of God,” in response to the Romans who blamed Christianity as the sole cause of Rome’s downfall.

The City of God

Augustine followed the Religious traditions of history and was portrayed to be a chain of events imposed by God. Humans followed their unique nature to make the events happen.

He claimed that the roman downfall was due to their attitudes towards Christianity, while what remained in the Roman Empire was due to the blessings of Christianity.

In the first five chapters of “The city of God”, Augustine mentions the History of the Roman Empire. While apart from all the previous Historians of Greece and Rome, he had an approach to writing history linearly.

He believed that would not repeat itself, as humans have a unique and unpredictable nature.


Herodotus, the Father of History

Herodotus and his counterparts in ancient Greece, like Thucydides, mostly believed in history being a cyclical process. Herodotus believed that humans have a nature that can be predicted to an extent by being observed keenly.

Herodotus, the Father of History

This way, the predictable human behavior would result in a similar event that would take place in the future. So history as a subject or a knowledge can be useful only if it can guide the generations to come about the past and to learn from history and be prepared for any next events of a similar nature.

Predicting and preparing for any type of event helps a lot. History is the backbone of all the social sciences. The events that were recorded, with no coherence in them, are mere recorded events, not history.

The histories of Herodotus, for example, are still relevant in contemporary times with a few exceptions and a few changes because of a lot of time in between and the advancement today.

Persians being defeated by the Scythians and Americans bearing heavy losses in the Vietnam War if we analyze the two wars being fought with a time difference of 2500 years have a lot many similarities and commonalities.

Both Superpowers were defeated by the hit-and-run tactics or what we came in modern strategy as Guerrilla warfare. Chronologically Ibn e Khaldun was the last in them while Herodotus was the first among three.

Though Augustine was a great thinker of his time if we look at what is more relevant today is Herodotus and Ibn e Khaldun.

History has a pattern and it repeats itself, the spread of viral diseases for instance Plague, Spanish influenza, and now Covid-19, and along with them are a lot many other viruses.

Most virus outbreaks happen due to contact with infected animals, birds, or mosquitoes, and historians have written about them. Yet again, the coronavirus came from bats. The theory of cyclical is the most dominant that makes history to be useful.

While at some points history seems to be linear but linear does not make any significant change to the human race. It is just to know the happenings of the past but when the cyclical theory applies it becomes a lot more useful.

For instance, realism in International relations has the concept of balance of power, and nuclear deterrence is never breached in the history of nuclear bombs.

According to strategists and experts, there are very few chances that two nuclear powers would ever fight directly. That is the reason nuclear deterrence is a widely discussed topic among policymakers.

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The United States and Southeast Asia:


The United States and Southeast Asia:

In the aftermath of World War II, with the United States emerging as the World Hegemon, it tried to expand its military presence in a variety of countries around the world including Asia. It approached countries such as the Philippines, South Korea, Pacific Islands including Guam, Samoa, and Hawaii.

The relationship between the USA and South East Asia has always reflected the presence of some of the other major countries surrounding the region such as China and Japan. The Unite States and Southeast Asia

Initially, the strategic location of the area attracted the states that it would serve as a tool to approach some of the rich markets around the world. Moreover, it will allow the USA to explore more trading opportunities in the area.

The strategic importance of the area continued to increase and the United States’ officials believed that if the region is under another competent power’s control, the strategic resources would be lost and this may affect the balance of power.

The rising ambitions and military capabilities of China have played a significant role in shaping the future of South East Asia and also the military presence of the USA in the region. The United Statand Southeast Asia

The United States and Southeast Asia: The need for a revamped diplomatic strategy

It was because of President Donald Trump’s antagonistic policies that the region lost its confidence in the USA. The common belief in the region is that China is more powerful and influential than the USA and the influence will continue to increase over the years. This belief diverts the attention of the region from the United States to China.

Several surveys conducted in the region such as the ISEAS survey show that the influence of the United States has decreased over time.e Previously, 30.5 % of people believed that the USA is the most influential country in the world but this decreased to only 26.7 percent people believing this.

Some of the other conducted surveys showed that people in the southeast Asian region believed that the engagement and interest of the United States decreased during the administration of President Donald Trump. The United Statend Southeast Asia

Considering the perspective from the South East Asian side, some believe that the influence and engagement of the United States have been lost and the region is seen to be losing to China.

Another perspective is that the focus is economic recovery and the region looks up to China to drive economic growth in the area. Other than this, some believe that with the advance of China into the region, the rivalry between the USA and China is worrisome. The Unied States and Southeast Asia

The public view of the region also states that they do not wish to stay at the mercy of China only and a diplomatic policy by the United States which also includes a competition with China would be beneficial as well as welcomed by the people of southeast Asia.

The situation in South East Asia with regards to the United States is significantly diverse. One part of the region which encompasses Cambodia is more inclined towards China while the other area including Vietnam has significant ties with the USA to combat the influence of powerful China.

China has been putting in a lot of effort to create deep connections into the region.Through projects such as Belt and the Road initiative, and other rail and port infrastructure investments, China has tried to build a strong relationship with the people.

The investment that came from China to the South East Asia region continued to increase and the region received a significant advantage from China through a large influx of tourists and also supplied labor.

Although the investment from the United States to South East Asia has also been significant considering the future outlook and as a tool to recover the damaged economy as a result of COVID 19, the region looks up to China.

A New Start

Although it may seem that the USA has lost the region but it is not. There is still a great possibility for the United States to win back the region by adopting a diplomatic strategy.

Considering the reality of the situation, the United States must not believe that it can easily win the region to its side, however, it should deal with the matter carefully especially with China on the other side and its growing influence with time.

It is important to understand that the United States needs greater attention and commitment in the region so that the region is given the importance that it deserves. The United Staes and Southeast Asia

Biden Administration has a variety of opportunities that it could avail to fill out the gaps in the diplomatic network of the United States in the South East Asia region.

The primary needs of the region must be addressed which is the damaged economy of the area due to Covid 19 and adequate measures must be taken by the Biden Administration to aid the region.

The silver lining that the United States has for the South East Asia region is that although China has a great influence in the region, it is not well-loved by the people of the area. The United Sates and Southeast Asia

A new US diplomatic strategy for southeast Asia would not only revamp the relations between the two parties but will also support the region’s sovereignty in a time of growing Chinese influence.

e United tates and Southeast A

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Role of Political Philosophy in the formation of National Identity


Role of Political Philosophy in the formation of National Identity

Political philosophy plays a major role in the formation of national identity. Throughout the history of time, nations have had conflicts due to their political philosophies, and some philosophies have proven to be more successful for nations than other political philosophies.

The political beliefs of a state originate from its history and form the national choices of the state. Humanism and Poetic wisdom originate from the same state and similar circumstances, and poetic wisdom draws from humanism. Political Philosophy

Still, both stand distinctly opposed to one another on the philosophical spectrum. This paper introduces the two ideologies and draws a comparative analysis of competition between states that follow each political philosophy. Political Philosophy

Role of Political Philosophy in the formation of National Identity

Humanism originated out of Roman and Greek texts that resurfaced in what is now known as the renaissance. Drawing knowledge from the classical texts, renaissance philosophers were able to produce a body of literature and a school of thought that later came to be known as humanism.

It was the merger of contemporary problems and struggles with classical literature to draw out knowledge to produce new answers that shaped humanism originally. Political Philosophy

The ideas were individualistic and secular, humans were granted moral authority to oversee their religious activities, which transformed the society and values of renaissance Europe.

Humanism focused on humans as responsible creatures with morality that will behave responsibly once church patronage lessens.Poetic wisdom, on the other hand, came over a century after the renaissance.

The basic idea that Vico formulates is that human societies are in stages. These stages are of growth and decay and are not a constant elevation. Poetic wisdom aims to use the ideals of the stages of growth onto the ones of decay to achieve growth again. Political Philosophy

Vico understood that the reason why religion was not as unimportant was that it might seem outdated.

Still, he believed that the way of thinking changed and that once classical texts were put into contemporary contexts, they would be the answer which means the answer is always to return to the past rather than creating new knowledge.

Vico believed humans to be of brutal nature, a nature that was controlled through introducing Gods.

He believed that the decay of the age of Gods emerged from the imperfection of those religions.Christianity, he believed, was a perfect religion. Just as humanism does, poetic wisdom draws upon history for the formation of political philosophy.

Still, in contrast to the logical ideas that humanism considers the nature of the wisdom that Vico intended to draw from history is poetic, he focuses on the need for God and the perfect religion to bring about not just salvation but rather social equality and all of the things that humanists thought would be achieved by secularism. Political Philosophy

Several societies exist that invested in humanism, taking the example of modern-day America, the state is individualist and secular and is based on the very ideas of humanism that formed the renaissance which gave an initial boom to the state but a closer look shows that the society is heavily damaged and fragmented.

Issues such as class inequality and racism are prevalent in America, Vico has attributed the rise of economic inequality. Vico said that modesty and purity are the basis of all morality. Political Philosophy

So a society without an organization to promote those would be immoral, and I believe that racism is a kind of immorality. Further, a society invested in humanism isn’t manipulated by religious conflicts and thus is more logical.

The conflicts and stance on the international arena are both logical rather than emotional. Political Philosophy

In societies that aren’t bound by poetic wisdom, there is a lack of an all-inclusive identity. The original idea emerged in Europe as more and more nation-states were emerging, but in America, the idea fails greatly; the lack of binding religious identity has created several groups that are all defensive and, in being defensive, offensive towards each other.

There is a distorted social fabric, and even in Europe, it has led to an identity crisis and social turmoil.Vico argued that the only truth in the world was the common idea that originated among them but followed by entire groups of peoples who don’t know each other and have nothing in common but that one truth.

This, he argued, was the solid foundation of poetic wisdom.On the other hand, a society invested in poetic wisdom lags in the creation of logic. Society becomes so engulfed and paralyzed by the religious sentiments and identities of the past.

Poetic wisdom, that rational and logical wisdom are no longer acceptable to the social fabric of the societies. While not in its original form, polluted versions of poetic wisdom exist across Asia and Africa.

The clear distinction is general backwardness and a lack of acceptance to logic but the strong sense of identity and more coherent social fabrics, a robust civil society, and an acceptance of human rights violations because they are culturally relevant.

The issue again is that none of these states that apply polluted versions of poetic wisdom draw it from Christianity. Thus, according to Vico, they are still not the true answer as Christianity is the only true perfect religion.

On the other hand, an ideal society that invests in poetic wisdom would still struggle to accept logic and be backward and promote peace and be more socially inclusive. It would be a more economically equal social fabric with an identity so strong that there would be no internal conflict.

Both the schools of thought have pros and cons, but more importantly, both evolved, yet both still hold their pros and cons. A competition between the two shows that both tend to focus on two distinct things—one results in a weak and backward state with a strong national identity.

Still, the other one results in a strong and rich state with society in tatters and internal conflict to the point that a few conspiracy theories were enough to incite an insurrection or economic inequality to the point that there are yearlong protests or identity so weak that there are numerous separationist movements in the self-proclaimed fathers of democratic values and the ones responsible for spreading it to the world.

READ MORE: The Populist Threat to Liberal Democracy

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Pakistan’s Stake in Taliban Peace Process

Taliban Peace Talk

Pakistan’s Stake in the Taliban Peace Process:

As US and NATO military forces start to leave Afghanistan, Pakistan’s stakes in the Taliban peace process are growing. An all-out war could drive more asylum seekers across the frontier and bolster Pakistani militant groups.

Islamabad should put more pressure on the Taliban to participate in peace talks.

The War on Terror

This year, two decades will be completed since the incident of 9/11 that has shaken the world in various ways. It also initiated an unending war on the soil of Afghanistan that is widely known as “The War on terror”.

The Incident of 9/11

It was initiated by the US along with NATO forces to stamp out the network of Osama Bin Laden. However, with time, the power of the Taliban rose in Afghanistan at an unprecedented level and today they claim to control over 85% of Afghan soil.

Under the presidency of then-president Donald Trump, the USA decided to pull out of this unending war and reached a peace agreement with the Taliban in February 2020.

US pullout from Afghanistan

Besides that, Pakistan also wants a political solution to the Afghan war to protect its eastern borders and maintain peace in the country. However, amid these peace process talks, violence by the Taliban has increased, and that has created tensions in the region.

Pakistan’s Stake in Taliban Peace Process

Historical background of peace talks:

Initially, USA officials denied initiating any peace talks with the Taliban. However, the fast-reaching power of the Taliban in Afghanistan pressurized the USA to negotiate with the Taliban over political settlement in Afghanistan.

Hence, the first meeting between representatives of the Taliban and US negotiators was the outcome of the meditation effort of the German Intelligence Service BND in November 2010. There were four rounds of talks then.

As a result, Kabul released various Taliban, the UN removed a good number of Taliban from the sanction list associated with Al Qaeda, and they established a permanent representation in Doha for the continuation of talks.

Moreover, the Afghan government also showed keen interest in ending the ongoing violence in Afghanistan, and the very first contact between Afghanistan and its representatives took place in

2009 to ensure presidential elections in Afghanistan. The High Peace Council (HPC) was an initiative of the Afghan government in peace talks. Besides that, the Quadrilateral coordination group (QCG) was formed by Pakistan, China, Afghanistan, and the USA in January 2016.

The purpose was to initiate the reconciliation process between Afghanistan and the Taliban. However, it could not proceed because Mullah Mansoor was killed in a US drone strike in  Pakistan in 2016.

Pakistan also initiated the Murree process in Islamabad for reconciliation, which was held on July 7, 2015. It is also known as the 2 + 2 + 1 talks. However, it failed after Mullah Omar’s death.

Mullah Omar

Hence, various efforts were made by the US, China, and Pakistan along with the Afghan government to reach a peace deal.

Taliban’s Stance:

The Taliban were one of the strongest political actors in Afghanistan. They ruled over most of the major territory in Afghanistan. Primarily, they want all foreign troops to leave the soil of Afghanistan.

Secondly, there should be full implementation of Islamic laws in Afghanistan and the political system must not conflict with sharia. Sheer Muhammad Abbas Stanikzai( one of the representatives) said they have two demands for peace talks.

The first one deals with America to discuss extended affairs; the second one is related to the Afghan side, to discuss internal affairs. The Taliban demanded the release of their prisoners from Guantanamo Bay.

Taliban in Guantanamo bay

The USA has fulfilled the demands of the Taliban and released its officials. However, amidst this, the Taliban has continued the violence in Afghan territory that has largely jeopardized the peace process.

Pakistan in Peace talks:

Stability inside Afghanistan is very important for Pakistan, and Pakistan solely focuses on a political solution to end the Afghan war. Since 2018, Pakistan has made multiple efforts to accelerate the Afghan reconciliation process.

In 2018, Pakistan released Abdul Ghani Baradar, a chief representative (chief member of Taliban leaders), and arranged meetings between the USA, and Zalmay Khalilzad to negotiate over peaceful coexistence in Afghanistan.

Power Vacuum in Afghanistan

Pakistan is closely monitoring the ongoing situation in Afghanistan, where the tug of war to get political power between the Taliban and other contesting actors has created chaos. The fast-paced withdrawal of foreign troops amid stalled peace talks has created a power vacuum in Afghanistan.

It has largely threatened Pakistan’s efforts to facilitate the peace process. Pakistan has repeatedly emphasized that only a political settlement between the Taliban and the Afghan government can end the unending conflict, and for that purpose, Pakistan is equally negotiating with the Afghan government without taking the side of any party.

Pakistan Foreign P:olicy

Islamabad is under renewed pressure from Kabul and the USA to persuade the Taliban to reduce violence to precede the process of peace talks.

Pakistan military leaders are in contact with leaders to break the logjam in peace talks by reducing violence. Standstill peace talks will definitely hamper the reconciliation process and heighten tensions in the region, it might also harm Islamabad’s relations with Kabul and Washington.

Moreover, a failed peace process could ignite a civil war in Afghanistan and an influx of huge exposure into Pakistan territory, which is already hosting two million Afghan refugees. Therefore, Pakistan has to formulate an effective foreign policy to persuade them to peace talks.

Will Pakistan be able to persuade? Will peace be maintained in Afghanistan and will war end there? No one knows what the political situation in Afghanistan will be after a complete withdrawal of foreign troops from the country. A war on terror will end or initiate a civil war in Afghanistan!

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Covid-19, and determinants of new World Order


Covid-19, and determinants of new World Order

The article deals with the historic background of the pandemic (Covid-19), referring to different eras in history being faced with contagious ancestral disease.

The next part explains different impacts that the world faced, setting the world on a global “reset”. It will discuss how the current pandemic (Covid-19) has affected the contemporary world order.

And what are the key factors that will determine the new world order, post-COVID-19? Further, it will also look at the uncertainties that lie ahead and how Pakistan can contribute to shaping the new world order.

 As one commentator put it, “the coronavirus has turned the global market into the global hospital”. Its economic impact, however, could be even worse than that of the Great Depression. The IMF expected the global GDP to fall by 3% in 2020.

The WTO had warned that the volume of world trade could shrink by up to 32% while the ILO had indicated that 195 million jobs globally could be lost.

Pakistan was no exception from the havoc of covid-19 and has inevitably been impacted by both the global and domestic developments arising from the spread of the virus.

Some austerity measures to reduce economic loss and efforts to uplift exports through CPEC and small industry are helpful. Moreover, Government needs to overcome tax evasion so that the budget deficit may be reduced.

Similarly, political cohesiveness and effective fiscal policies to ensure stable economic growth during and after covid-19 are some other steps. All these initiatives will help Pakistan to drive its economy in the right direction.

Historical background

The very recent Pandemic, before Covid-19, was Spanish flu which spread just after World War 1. Starting from Spain it went viral to the world causing more than seven million causalities.

Apart from this, looking at the history one can find pandemics like Black Death, Influenza, Smallpox, plague all these left deadliest impacts on the world.

The very first host of Covid-19 was the Chinese city Wuhan and the tradition of eating animal meat started after the revolution of Mao Zedong, a plan with the name “The great leap forward” introduced the centralization system of food supplies and distribution of food must be done from the center.

This method was vulnerable to far-off places and caused a famine in the villages. To protect their lives, people started eating animal meat and the idea of a wet market emerged.

 Following will be the further impacts of Covid-19.

The world will witness a global economic decline. Exports and imports halted, few countries, including Pakistan, decided to lower the imports hence reducing the consumption at a global level.

This is the first economic downturn of this magnitude due to a non-economic cause and has resulted in the largest contraction of global output since the Great Depression of the 1930s.

Agriculture contributes 21% of our GDP and covers 45% of the labor force, these products are exported on a large scale, the pandemic has affected the exports and countries are unable to generate the required revenue out of the exports.

The already bad situation of health is worsened by now, there is no proper provision of testing kits, there was a time when seven lac people in Lahore were expected to be affected but due to the deficiency of testing kits, there was less reporting.

Non-availability of the separate hospital for Covid-19 patients, with the outbreak of covid-19 we saw the efficiency of China with the use of technology, she made a hospital for patients in very less time.

Again Pakistan is lagging in efficient and effective technical skills and poor management caused chaos in the hospitals. Many patients lost their lives due to the non-availability of ventilators.

The dilapidated education system of Pakistan has been fallen with the jerk of covid-19. The future of the students of primary class to University level has been halted.

Covid-19, and determinants of new World Order

The introduction of the online education system at once isn’t proved very effective rather it is stumbling the education system. Teachers and students are untrained and seem to be least interested to follow the online education system.

Apart from all these, fear and depression have taken place on large scale. People are locked in their houses having no interactive activities ultimately pushing them toward depression.

Political instability gives rise to populous leaders. With closed borders, grounded flights, a decline in immigration and a massive dip in global trade, the neoliberal model of economic globalization has suffered a severe reversal.

Trade wars had broken out before the pandemic itself but the pandemic highlighted the vulnerabilities of global supply chains, indirectly forcing nations to focus on self-sufficiency at the expense of global integration.

Key factors determining post-pandemic World Order:

  1. Geo-economics: It looks at the effect of COVID-19 on globalization, supply chains, trade, and economic relations. If this reversal of globalization becomes permanent, it may create more inward-looking national economies—a sharp contrast from the interconnected world that was, until recently, the natural state of affairs. Further, a new form of ‘gated globalization’ could emerge, one that is less free and less open as the countries around the world become more cautious and selective while trading. This will impact not only advanced economies but emerging economies as well

  2. Geopolitics: It examines both the theories and determinants that will contribute to shaping the new world order. The biggest perceptible challenge—exacerbated by the novel coronavirus—comes to the Western-led liberal order

  1. The resurgence of aid diplomacy: It utilizes competitiveness in local industries to meet global demands for medical supplies, medical equipment, and essential goods. If this forges new partnerships between countries and organizations, it may reorient foreign policy imperatives towards nations that are ready and willing to meet these demands of Post-Pandemic World Order & Geopolitics.

  1. Multilateralism: It delves into the possible demise of the post-World War II global order. A global disease outbreak indeed requires a coordinated global response

  1. Geotechnology: It considers the use of advanced and emerging technologies to combat COVID-19, and how to increase their user interfaces with geopolitical processes.


The mortality rate and morbidity rate have reached unexpected levels. The clinicians are working to invent treatments and vaccines to prevent this infection.

The extreme situation is yet to occur. However, if we take one step toward self-isolation, it could save the entire community and the risk will decline immediately.

This is a situation where each individual has to take steps toward minimizing the risk by staying in the house and immobilizing themselves.

No doubt even after the discovery of the Covid-19 vaccine, airborne, contact transmission can only be disinfected if proper handwashing protocols are followed and each individual carries out precautionary measures to save other individuals from this debilitating virus.


read more: The ever-evolving security paradigm

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The ever-evolving security paradigm


The ever-evolving security paradigm

The world of the 21st century, since its beginning, witnessed new threats and threat perceptions. It saw the terrorist attacks on twin towers in America, the illegal Iraq invasion, the economic crisis of 2008, the Arab uprising, climate change,The trade war between two giant economic powers, and the recent outburst of global pandemic named CoronaVirus showing major changes to security paradigm.

With the growing nature of threat and threat perceptions, Barry Buzan, a Professor of International Relations at the London School of Economics, came up with a new concept of security to counter the updated or new versions of various threats.

In International Relations, the classical or traditional concept of security revolved around the mitigation of external military threats. However, the emergence of new threats within and without states compelled the policy strategists to look for a broader horizon of security for their states.

Barry Buzan gave his five sectors of security through which new threats can be countered and state security can be ensured. This article will discuss the changing dynamics of international security after the emergence of new threats.

To evaluate the changing dynamics of international security, one must look at the traditional concept of security.

Walter Lippmann, an American writer, and political commentator defined the classical or traditional concept of security as, “A nation is secure if it is not in danger of having to sacrifice its core values.

And is able, if challenged, to maintain them by victory in such wars.” Previously, the states used to consider them safe and secure, when their territorial integrity was not threatened.
However, the arrival of new threats like civil wars, economic crisis, global warming, and the spread of global pandemics led the policy strategists to secure their states from traditional and nontraditional threats as well.

During these times, a professor in the United Kingdom, Barry Buzan, gave his nontraditional concept. According to Prof. Barry Buzan, “Security is the ability of a state and society to maintain its independence, identity, and functional integration.”

Prof. Barry Buzan’s concept of nontraditional revolved around five major sectors, i.e., social, political, economic, military, and environmental security. All of them will be discussed below.

According to Barry Buzan, the first and most important sector is social security. Prof. Buzan urged policy strategists to secure their state from societal insecurities.

Societal insecurity exists when a society defines development as a threat to its existence. For instance, refugees in Pakistan, Iran, Turkey, and Germany are considered a threat to their existence.

The ever-evolving security paradigm

Moreover, ethnic disharmony is also a threat in multi-ethnic societies such as Pakistan and India. As per Prof. Buzan, the second sector is political security.

Prof. Buzan argued that a state can only be considered politically secure when its sovereignty is not challenged.

There should be no state within a state. To guarantee its political security, a state must ensure a smooth power transfer from one government to another government.

In Pakistan, its people witnessed four Marshall Laws because Pakistan was politically not secure. However, after the promulgation of the Eighteenth Constitutional Amendment, Pakistan has mitigated the threat of political insecurity to some extent. m

Furthermore, the third sector is economic security. The main objective of economic security, as per Prof, Buzan, is to develop rules that generate enough revenue for state sustenance.

Moreover, the state policies must have compatibility with regional and international economic rules. For example, the United States’ military power is not the cause of its superpower status; rather it is the consequence of its giant economy.

Moreover, Prof. Buzan has not neglected the military sector. The fourth and most important sector is military security.

According to Prof. Buzan, a state is militarily secure when it has the state of the art of weapons and technology, sound training of military forces with sufficient numbers of military personals. Likewise, for Prof. Buzan, the fifth and last sector is environmental security.

For this purpose, Prof Buzan argued that a state has to secure itself against environmental degradation, famines, global warming, food shortages, droughts, floods, earthquakes, and tsunamis.

However, environmental weapons like High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) have been developed by many countries to counter environmental threats.

To sum up the whole discussion, in a nutshell, it can be concluded that with the emergence of new threats and threat perceptions in the 21st-century world, the concept of international security has transformed from a classical or traditional concept to a nontraditional concept.

The traditional concept revolved around territorial security from external military attacks. However, with external military aggression, the nontraditional concept also covers the new threats and new threat perceptions.

In this regard, British Prof. Buzan gave his five important sectors of society i.e. Societal, Political, Economical, Military, and Environmental.

read more: Climate Change: Existential Threat to Pakistan

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Role of global civil society during the ongoing pandemic


Role of global civil society during the ongoing pandemic

Now the world has been introduced to a “new normal” which includes confining to your homes, work from home, online classes, social distancing, etc.

This new normal is very crucial to the role of global civil society as now they can’t gather to organize, engage and advocate. Under such conditions, civil society has shifted its activities to virtual platforms.

During the pandemic this year we have seen that in many countries Aurat march was being conducted through various virtual platforms. Moreover, lack of physical presence has provided many illiberal leaders to mess with the check and balance system, promoting censorship and taking all possible measures to restrict the involvement of civil society.

But on the other hand, we have also witnessed the enhanced role of civil societies; as the pandemic has introduced each state to huge economic pressures. Even the largest economy of the U.S.A has sunk at an annual rate of 4.8% after the lockdown.

The global lockdown is affecting the local and international businesses so much that it is becoming a great challenge for every government to counter the economic pressures and to facilitate the needs of the people.

At this point, civil societies are playing an effective role by holding governments into account, promoting awareness, and acting as service providers. global civil society

During the pandemic, civil societies are facilitating in a manner to fill the gaps left by the government by providing aid to the families who don’t have any incomes in the lockdown.

For example, in the case of Pakistan, we have JDC Foundation Pakistan acting actively in Karachi by providing vulnerable families with food, money and also arranging various food drives. global civil society

Role of global civil society during the ongoing pandemic

Moreover, civil society is playing an important role by introducing a domestic abuse helpline as this pandemic has unfortunately resulted in an increase in domestic violence cases.

In the case of Pakistan, we see civil societies are acting in a manner to help the government in identifying those areas which should be more focused during the pandemic for example doctors, police officers, paramedics, etc. global civil society

People should be provided with personal protection equipment, facilitate vulnerable factions like transgenders, disabled, elderly and religious minorities who are unable to get benefitted by the Ehsas Cash program.

Because they don’t have CNIC or facing other issues, keeping a check on the rising prices of fruits, vegetable or groceries items, working on internet access to help those students who are being deprived of basic educational opportunities.

These civil societies are also acting as a bridge between the government and citizens to build effective trust and communication. In states like Pakistan and Iran, we have witnessed people ignoring the advice from the government and not strictly following the SOPs. global civil society

At this point in Pakistan, we have seen the Punjab government calling out Tik Tokers to help by making videos that greatly emphasize following SOPs. Similarly, the blogger community helped the government by promoting awareness regarding the virus on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, etc. global civil society

They also promoted small local businesses which could be of great help in stabilizing the economy at this crucial time. Furthermore, while playing a supportive role in the pandemic, we came across the civil societies in India that have stood against BJP’s aggressive policies against Indian Muslims. global civil society

This ongoing pandemic gave Indian nationalists a reason to increase their aggression against Muslims by calling them the reason for the spread of coronavirus.

Under such circumstances when physical presence or protests were not possible, many social media outlets stood against the government policies and are supporting the Muslim community of India. global civil society

With the ongoing pandemic, another trend became very prominent in which the general public is volunteering in collecting funds through various social media platforms and are also collaborating with different local businesses to generate funds through which they are providing hospitals with ventilators and distributing masks and sanitizers among the people.

For example, in Tunisia, a Facebook group of 100,000 people is being active to fight against the virus by collecting money, medical supplies, and providing financial aid to families in need. global civil society

Similarly, in Iran, many business groups have joined hands to provide respirators and other personal protective equipment to the medical staff. global civil society

This pandemic has shifted many civil societies or more specifically NGOs to work for the common cause. Many of them are now shifting their focus to what is the need of the time: fight the COVID-19.

For example, a Kenya-based NGO “Muslims for Human rights” is now distributing masks and food among all the vulnerable factions, “I-Watch” an anti-corruption Tunisian-based NGO is now disinfecting the public spaces along with collecting masks and other necessary equipment and then distributing it to the hospitals.

In this wake of the global pandemic, there is also much fake news roaming around which is misleading the majority of people globally. The false narrative regarding the virus is everywhere, in Pakistan, we have seen people calling this virus mere propaganda of the government or a “yahoo sash”. global civil society

Civil society is playing an important role in filtering all these false narratives and news. In Senegal, a youth movement primarily focused upon transparent governance is now spreading social distancing songs.

Many polish NGOs are now focusing on puncturing the pandemic-related conspiracy theories. In hungry anyone who will spread false news will be jailed for five years. global civil society

In China, people are setting up online channels to share articles and other COVID-19 material which the government is aiming to censor.

Many Journalists in Zimbabwe has appealed in the high court that government should not criticize Journalist working on COVID-19 and they should have the freedom of work in this regard. global civil society

These civil societies are also pursuing a vital role of being a “watchdog”. At both the international and national levels, they are advocating transparency, accountability, and monitoring policies of the government.

Organizations like “Amnesty international” and ‘Rights and security international’ are looking for new measures for democratic oversight during the pandemic. global civil society

In many countries, these civic actors are also criticizing the government policies. During Ramadan in Pakistan, the ease down of lockdown was perceived very negatively by many doctors and they call out the government to rethink their policies.

In Thailand, because of the slow response to the spread of the virus the “association of physicians” blamed the public authorities. Similarly, in Egypt, the medical personals blamed state authorities for the lack of preparation in response to the pandemic. global civil society

Furthermore, these civil society groups are also revisiting state policies toward vulnerable factions e.g. Immigrants, foreign workers, or minorities.

In such conditions, the Singaporean NGOs are putting pressure on the government to also focus on the living conditions of the migrant workers. In South, Africa NGOs are protecting women and children from abusive families or partners. global civil society

NGOs like “Relief International” are helping displaced families and refugees by setting isolation camps and providing medical kits in fragile settings like Yemen, Syria, Iran, and Bangladesh Lastly, these civil groups are also fighting against corruption regarding the allocation of the funds. global civil society

They are making sure that these funds should not be exploited by the government but instead should reach the hands of the deserving ones.

An example can be the “the freedom fund” NGO that is helping labor, victims of abuse, or people suffering from the disease to safe places during the lockdown. They are helping by setting emergency relief funds for exposed communities in India, Nepal, Myanmar, Brazil, and Thailand. global civil society

All these civil society groups which may include NGOs, humanitarian organization, religious organization, development organizations, etc. are trying best in their capacity to fulfill all local or global needs during the pandemic. global civil society

They are promoting all major roles from parliamentary oversight to protecting the spread of information regarding coronavirus to ensure transparency in the fund’s allocation to provide liberty to media and journalists regarding the flow of information of the pandemic to fight against corruption.

This is to promote transparency in the wake of pandemic and mobilize all the resources for the protection of the exploited and vulnerable groups. They are aiming to promote social, economic, and political developments and tackle poverty and inequality in this time of crisis.

They are also protecting the rights of the marginalized groups while also focusing on the protection of the environment and providing other services like health, education, and all other forms of community development.

READ MORE: China Virus Outbreak 2022

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Save the electronic devices for our future leaders


Save the electronic devices for our future leaders

The technology keeps accelerating with time and numerous potential people keep spending their money on new, advanced, and upgraded electronic devices. Old ones mostly get discarded due to the lack of use.

However, it is crucial to recognize that electrical devices are made from renewable resources.

How can we make use out of old electronic devices?

The processing of discarding old electrical devices hyped up a lot in the past few years, which increased the production of E-waste. We are becoming a detrimental resource for our society. We can see the presence of e-waste in Landfills.

However, it is important to notice that these devices can play a role in the learning process of people from an underprivileged background or third world.

The young generation of the third world is not growing up having expensive electrical gadgets in their hands. Mostly, they do not have the access to proper education. If we reserve electronic devices, no matter how old they are, it can help the deserving ones.

Save the electronic devices for our future leaders

How can we become a part of the future development program?

You must be wondering what we can make out of old information technology. The answer to your query is that so many organizations are serving deserving individuals. Organizations like Goodwill’s professional foundation are serving a great and impactful cause.

We all are aware of the importance of education in this era. Education has been producing future leaders around the globe. You can also become a part of the future leader development program. Dedication and will for serving others can make everything easier.

Say no to E-waste:

If we rescue all those discarding electrical devices, then we can play our role in serving the best in our world. The tiny acts of kindness are the reason why this world is moving forward.

Since electrical devices are made from renewable resources, you should keep in mind that those old devices that you are discarding, can help someone to study the methods of basic information technology.

The information career path is something that can allow those children to reach their destination of success. It can only be possible when they have exposure to different kinds of electronic devices, their manufacturing process, and their functionality.

Benefits of preserving electrical devices:

Preserving electrical devices from going into e-waste can have multiple plus points.

  • You can help deserving individuals to make use out of those devices that you were thinking to discard.
  • E-waste is extremely detrimental to our environment. Utilizing electrical devices for a great cause like helping others can prevent environmental pollution. Hence, it is a sustainable solution.
  • E-waste can produce toxic substances like mercury that can affect human health.
  • Old electronic devices irrespective of their condition, version or model, can allow individuals from the third world to have an effective exposure to the field of information technology.
  • You can create a better environment with your small contribution

Before you think of discarding any part of electronic devices, think twice about it. Realize the importance of something that you were considering as waste material. It can help someone to make use out of it.

You can donate your devices to Goodwill’s organization. Your little contribution can open the information technology career path for the deserving ones.

read more: Water Crisis in Pakistan

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Regional Security concerns for Pakistan: Affecting Foreign Policy


Regional Security concerns for Pakistan: Affecting Foreign Policy

For the formulation of smooth foreign policy, a state is dictated towards regional security concerns. These concerns play a vital role in defining the relations among neighbors. Pakistan is encircled by security threats from the neighbor side.

Three out of four have ongoing issues since the beginning and it is affecting the foreign policy of Islamabad. Whilst going through its own internal security concerns, the regional threats pose major challenges in the policy formulation of Islamabad.

The cross-border activities on three sides Afghanistan, Iran, and India have been used mainly for security issues. Regional Security concerns for Pakistan

Regional Security concerns for Pakistan: Affecting Foreign Policy

The security dilemma of Pakistan is faced by two factors, internal and external. The internal factions were created by the non-state organizations such as TTP, Al-Qaeda, and the Haqqani Network while the insecurity posed by external factors is from the Eastern and Western borders. Regional Security concerns for Pakistan

Although Pakistan remains successful in countering the war against terrorism, the other factor of external insecurities is yet to be solved.

The cross-border concerns of Pakistan with India and Afghanistan have been deep-rooted and unstable. Such factions lead to creating regional blockade for the formulation of better foreign policy.

For a better understanding of the regional security issues for Pakistan, the generic concerns of the objectives of the US in Afghanistan, politics, and interests of India, and the internal situation of Afghanistan is necessary. Regional Security concerns for Pakistan

The US war in Afghanistan was meant to dismantle the terrorist organizations, cause many refugees to enter Pakistan. This view was shredded by the Taliban and took advantage of spreading terrorism which later on led to a major hurdle for Pakistan.

The US interests in Afghanistan were to check over the region especially China and Iran by making India an ally. Although, the recent US-Afghan peace talks under the supervision of Donald Trump, gave hope not only to the Afghan Taliban but also to the regional peace. Regional Security concerns for Pakistan

The foreign policy of Pakistan for Afghanistan remained clear throughout. It has always played a leading role in negotiating between the US and Afghan Taliban, in the Doha deal leaving India completely out of the deal. Regional Security concerns for Pakistan

The peace talks gave four concerning points which include withdrawal of 5000 troops of US and NATO, Afghan Taliban sharing the government, US and NATO fighting ISIS, and guarantee to never use the Afghan land for fighting purposes. Regional Security concerns for Pakistan

It was considered as a success for Pakistan’s foreign policy, but the new administration of Joe Biden clearly disagrees with the deal as they say it was a rush-out deal made by Trump. Regional Security concerns for Pakistan

The interests of India in Afghanistan differ from time to time, but one remains constant, to show the hegemony in the region. Pakistan countering the strategy by making China an ally. Regional Security concerns for Pakistan

The worst-hit to India occurs when in the Doha deal, Pakistan and the USA did not felt to involve India in such matters. India’s interest showed to counter the Pakistani influence in Afghanistan and build relations of its own. Regional Security concerns for Pakistan

Pakistan’s foreign policy in regard to this has remained clear. The influence in Afghanistan is necessary to overt the cross-border tensions between both states and counter-terrorism as possible. While India’s interests as seen through the Chahbahar deal put no question for Pakistan but to deal with the security concerns. Regional Security concerns for Pakistan

Pakistan-India rivalry has remained since its creation. Both the states are engaged in the Kashmir dispute, water crisis, and cross-border terrorism. These factors led both countries to fight wars. Dagger drawn over the issue of Kashmir, both states have become equal rivals in such matters. Regional Security concerns for Pakistan

India on the other hand, showed full support of sabotaging Baluchistan through the Chahbahar. India’s concern and the case of Kul Bhushan Yadav made a clear-cut way for Pakistan to counter the actions of India.

As of now, Iran took Chabahar to deal out of the hands of India because of security reasons while China being a great economy, does not indulge or promote the neighbors to fight due to its huge investment in the region.

Pakistan’s security concerns in the region pass through the light of a huge burden due to neighbors. Stability and positivity cannot be reached until these security issues are not solved. Regional Security concerns for Pakistan

Islamabad needs to adopt a clear policy for making Afghanistan a strategic partner in trade and solutions to the issues with India. It is a need of an hour to promote trade in the region.

Read more: Israel’s President meets Pakistan Delegation

Regional Security concerns for Pakistan

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Educate a girl: A Project of Goodwill Organization


Educate a girl : A Project of Goodwill Organization

Consistently, girls face boundaries to education brought about by neediness, social standards, and practices, destitute background, brutality, and delicacy. Educating a Girl Child is an essential improvement priority for Goodwill development.

“If you teach a man, you educate a person. Yet, if you teach a woman, you educate a country”. At the point when women are educated, their nations become more grounded and more prosperous. The most noteworthy aftereffect of schooling is broad-mindedness. Educate a girl

Education can lead people to the places where they belong. A society can hold a strong position with the education of girls. Educate a girl

Lack of Women Education: Past Diaspora

Back then 90’s people used to discriminate female gender for being born into this world and they had to suffer through a lot of obstacles to get what they deserved. Most of them were burnt alive in the era of illiteracy. Educate a girl

Women empowerment brought change into this world therefore we can see the actual power of women today. Women are no less than men. They have more abilities than men. It is validated now that women can do anything even though they were pushed off once.

Importance of girl child education

Girl Childs’ schooling goes past getting these girls into school. It is likewise about guaranteeing that girls would learn and have a sense of security while in school; have the chance to finish all degrees of training attaining the information and abilities to compete in the work market.

Along with education the girls could also gain proficiency with the socio-expressive and fundamental capabilities which are important to explore and adjust to an evolving world; settle on choices about their own lives, and add to their networks and the world.

Girl Childs’ schooling is an essential advancement need. Better educated girls tend to be more refined about wherewithal and medical care, and in general, they will have fewer kids, wed at a later age, and their kids are normally better, and it’s their choice when to take a step forward and become a mom. Educate a girl

They are bound to take an interest in the conventional work showcase and procure higher salaries. All of these above-mentioned facts consolidated can assist with lifting families, networks, and nations out of destitution. Educate a girl

Girls not getting education: Statistical Analysis

As indicated by UNESCO measurements, 132 million young girls are out of school throughout the world, including 34.3 million of primary grade young age, 30 million of lower-secondary young age, and 67.4 million of upper-secondary young age.

In nations influenced by struggle, women are more than twice as prone to be out of school as women living in non-influenced nations. Furthermore, in numerous nations, among women who do enter elementary school, just a little segment will reach and far less will finish optional school. Educate a girl

Educate a girl - Change the world: A Project of Goodwill Organization

Education: A real Life-Changing Experience

Educating a girl child implies changing the world — her reality, however, the world she lives in. Schooling is the way to opening admittance to monetary freedom and other nurturing assets for millions throughout the world. Educated women develop into women who are engaged to focus on themselves, their families, and their networks.

At the point when you put resources into a young lady, the profits are boundless and immeasurable.

Struggles by Women:

A girl child in our reality faces an assortment of boundaries to getting educated:

  1. struggle
  2. War
  3. brutality
  4. illegal exploitation
  5. absence of admittance to safe water
  6. clinical consideration
  7. sexual orientation segregation
  8. getting married at a young age
  9. fortified work
  10. dislodging Educate a girl

Educate a girl - Change the world: A Project of Goodwill Organization

Hurdles for Child Education:

There are numerous boundaries to young girls’ admittance to and finish of schooling.
By providing funds we can help them overcome the phase of poverty. Educate a girl


Poverty is quite possibly the main component for deciding if a young lady can get to and complete her schooling. Helpless families need assets to pay for tutoring and related expenses (like textbooks, uniforms, transportation, and school supplies). Educate a girl

Helpless families with different children may decide to put resources into young men’s schooling as opposed to that of young ladies while likewise depending on young girls to assist with family errands and care for more youthful kin and other relatives.

Studies reliably show that young women who face numerous hindrances —, for example, low family pay, living in far-off or underserved areas, or who have an incapacity or have a place with a minority ethnic-etymological gathering — are farthest behind as far as admittance to and finish of instruction. Educate a girl


Violence is one of the factors that keep young girls from getting to and finishing schooling – frequently girls are compelled to walk significant distances to class putting them at an expanded danger of sex-based savagery (GBV) including sexual misuse and lewd behavior (Ocean/SH) and many experiences brutality while at school. Educate a girl

As well as having genuine complications for their psychological and actual wellbeing and in general prosperity – this prompt lower participation and higher dropout rates among them. Young adult pregnancies can be a consequence of sexual viciousness or sexual abuse.

Young women who become pregnant frequently face huge disgrace, and even separation, from their networks. The weight of shame, compounded by inconsistent sex standards, can lead young ladies to drop out of school early and not return. Educate a girl

Lack of schools, deficient foundation, and dangerous surroundings:

Notwithstanding an inadequate number of schools to fulfill training needs (especially in country regions) – numerous schools need water, sterilization, and cleanliness, offices including separate washrooms for young men and young ladies, and a water source.

Further, numerous schools need fundamental highlights to advance a protected and comprehensive climate – for instance, they need edge walls, sufficiently bright pathways, and do not utilize the general plan. Educate a girl

The absence of a satisfactory climate can go about as a significant hindrance to young ladies’ ordinary participation in school. Educate a girl

We Can Help Them:

However, we can switch the chances for young ladies up the world by assisting them with getting schooling. We can bring issues to light of the significance of putting resources into the existence of women throughout the world. Educate a girl

We can raise awareness through distinctive sources also that we can build schools for girls. At Goodwill Professional Development Network Foundation our priority is creating a world of possibilities to the child that has no hope but believes tomorrow will be a better day.

Our next leaders are made possible by your donation and support through education and also letting your friends and company know how they can be of help to these wonderful children who will become our next Doctor, Scientist, Engineer, Senator, President, or journalist.

Visit our website www.goodwillpdn.org where we focus on educating the girl child whiles affiliating our charity organization to other women empowerment organizations for their support and encouragement, one way we can boost the mental and psychological, and emotional well being of that girl child who has no hope for another day. Join us in this journey as we reach out to everyone.

Read more: The Human Rights Campaign


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