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It is progressively evident that China’s monetary and political power equals that of the US. This is possibly a significant issue for worldwide organizations since China’s ascent could prompt more US-China exchange struggle and interruption of supply chains, compromising new and progressing unfamiliar direct venture, and bringing different nation states system in international relations into the bumping for power. Nonetheless, we contend that globalization isn’t jeopardized by China’s development as a practically identical capacity to the US. The US and China both have personal stakes in keeping everything under control, and these two nations are each giving worldwide public merchandise that boosts monetary transparency among different nations of the new world order. In this paper, we foster a hypothesis relating to this contention and give proof that globalization has not declined even as the worldwide circulation of force has moved. While the worldwide combination is probably going to endure, troublesome encounters between the US and China will happen with some consistency. In this manner, we recommend that worldwide organization procedures today should zero in additional on hazard the board connected with strategy shifts originating from China’s ascent and less on accomplishing smallest expense worldwide stockpile chains. We present danger to the executive’s system for this reason.

Changing Power Dynamics in New Century

The rise of China and the beginning of the new world order is the most important economic and political phenomenon of the 21st century. It would be based on one world order of China. It had great implications for global security, global governance, and international relations. While China’s status in global exchange is particularly important, it is likewise developing by different proportions of worldwide power. China’s developing clout in worldwide creation and monetary business sectors are clear as far as its worldwide authority in generally speaking assembling, in the seaward gathering of gadgets and materials, and its developing monetary initiative through claiming the world’s four biggest banks. China is likewise filling in worldwide administration through the improvement of new establishments like the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), the as of late marked Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), and its Belt and Road initiative.

While the US and China are rivals on a few policies centered issues, they don’t have various dreams for the worldwide economy, as both work open monetary approach systems, even for certain critical contrasts in structure (for instance, China has a lot more state-claimed organizations than the modest bunch in the US). In addition, there is a monetary beneficial interaction, where every nation offers includes that are useful to the next. China offers minimal expense producing abilities that supplement the US plan of made products and a business opportunity for selling them. The US offers made merchandise that is not made in China to the Chinese market, in addition to ones collected in China but created in the US, just as essential items, for example, horticultural and mining products, and a wide scope of administrations. Also obviously, the US offers China the world’s biggest market for selling Chinese labor and products.

China Centric New World Order

Xi Jinping’s ambition is to reorder the world and make it China-centric new world order through any possible means. As Economy exhibits through a progression of contextual analyses, Xi has sought after a particular procedure to understand his aspiration. He use the force of China’s market and its military to prompt and constrain different nations into agreeing with Chinese interests. He additionally involves China’s administrative roles in the United Nations and other worldwide administration foundations to build up his strategy inclinations inside those bodies. By following Xi’s playbook, Beijing “has gained ground in propelling its basic freedoms, web administration, and advancement standards,”. Progressively, notwithstanding, China’s state-focused model and coercive discretion have restricted the fascination of large numbers of its drives,” Economy notices. From social commodities like Confucius Institutes to foundation projects subsidized by Xi’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), lead Chinese international strategy programs have experienced developing obstruction all over the planet.

Quick forward to the current day and a specific rendition of sway sits at the core of the Chinese Communist Party’s vision of the following scene request. Wang Huning is the brain behind Xi, similarly as he was the theoretician behind Xi’s ancestors Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao. He as of now sits at the summit of political life in China: on the Standing Committee of the Politburo. Sovereignty sits at the core of Beijing’s thought of a “local area of shared future” – one more expression that Xi utilized in his UNGA discourse. It appears to be that this local area is antagonistic to shared sway and multilateralism. In the most natural-sounding way for Xi, “We should dismiss endeavors to assemble alliances”. China’s vision of a world request is one with a nation state system in international relations in which nations remain all alone and advance in a global framework as people. This is a dream in which enormous nations matter more than little or fair size ones. It fits perfectly with the possibility of a territorial, or even worldwide, pecking order – one in which Beijing sits at the top. It is an ordered progression open to all, insofar as each knows its place.

China’s Vision For New World Order

In spite of the fact that they depend vigorously on past models of Chinese incomparability, political and scholarly elites shun the subject of the standardizing underpinnings of their vision. The China-drove world request they imagine isn’t established in customary Chinese insight or Confucianist standards; nor is it settled in Communist progressive beliefs. Simultaneously, references to China’s magnificent past don’t mean Beijing just looks for emblematic appearances of yielding from others. Its vision is established in the Leninist thought of force and mastery. Leninist ideas of infiltration, disruption, and access for the quest for explicit destinations are likewise utilized by and by to help China’s development. In total, China’s vision is the place where tianxia meets Leninism. A partial system that is neither worldwide nor territorial. Beijing doesn’t appear to focus on a total defeat of the current global request. All things considered, basically, in the medium term, the goal is by all accounts the structure of a new, incomplete framework cut out of the current request. This subsystem would be various leveled with China at the top of one world order just as at the middle and unbalanced. China would be the greatest, generally strong, and most mechanically progressed state, with more modest, more fragile, subjected states surrounding in its circle. The China-drove request would not be worldwide, yet neither would it be simply territorial. For sure, it could ultimately extend to incorporate a significant part of the creating, non-Western world, where the power deviation would be manifest.

Inside the limits of this subsystem, China would not need different nations to recreate its political framework or administration model. It would like, nation state system in international relations will have liberal majority rule esteems and standards are smothered. It would likewise urge others to reflect its homegrown strategies over a wide scope of regions, including law and cycles, schooling and media, improvement and help, and modern guidelines and standards. In sum, Beijing appears to incline toward a fractional, free, and pliable authority. This authority is incomplete because it infers the presence of an authoritative reach rather than a desire to run the world; free since Beijing doesn’t appear to imagine immediate or outright command over unfamiliar regions or state-run administrations; and pliable, because the nations included under Chinese authority don’t appear to be characterized along geographic, social, or philosophical lines, as long as they regard China’s predominance.

Implications and Policy Options For US

As a result of the free, fractional, and moldable nature of China’s imagined authority, and the reality it is as yet in its earliest stages, the United States can endeavor to shape China’s vision in manners that are more gainful to U.S. interests. The following are four choices for running after this objective. Focus on new areas of rivalry. China’s vision for another world request focuses on two primary areas of need: the creating, non-Western, non-vote-based world and the current worldwide establishments. Both ought to be perceived as regions where the U.S.- China vital contest is unfurling and hence given more noteworthy consideration by the U.S. government.

China’s development is fundamentally put together not concerning the utilization of military instruments but on the utilization of monetary statecraft and the extension of endeavors to shape the outside climate through both impact activities and “talk power”- the ability to implant thoughts and standards that support the global request. The U.S. government should focus on both and think about them as areas of rivalry comparable to the tactical space in the new world order. For some nations all over the planet, there might be no fundamental contrast between Chinese authority and U.S. initiative, trusting that “extraordinary powers will do how they generally treat.” The United States ought to be more methodical in showing the contrast between global administration practiced by a liberal democratic system and by a biased tyrant system. It ought to stay focused on the help of a liberal majority rules system all over the planet of nation state system in international relations we are currently simply starting to get frail signs of Chinese aspirations on the global stage. We ought not to sit tight for China to completely execute its arrangements before beginning to ponder strategy choices. The different U.S. government offices that are now involving key prescience as instruments for strategy arranging ought to incorporate China all the more methodically in their activities and foster situations that go past military conflict games.


China is requiring the foundation of another world request that will guarantee a drawn-out steady and tranquil global climate, Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Zhang Qiyue said in Beijing on June 10, 1999. The more than 200 nations on the planet and over six billion individuals ought not and can’t be put heavily influenced by one nation or gathering of the nation-state system in international relations, she said, stressing that multi-polarization has turned into an irreversible verifiable pattern of one world order after the finish of the Cold War. A country’s undertakings ought to be dealt with by its kin and worldwide issues ought to be settled through exchanges, she said, adding that the United Nations, the association that has the biggest number of part countries and that is generally delegated, should assume a prevailing part in foreign relations and that this is the presence of mind in the global-local area. The normal wish is for the foundation of an equitable and sensible new political and monetary request on the planet comprising nation-state system in international relation, she said, one that must initially assist with establishing a drawn-out tranquil climate for the improvement of all nations on the planet. It should likewise address the normal interests surprisingly and typify the turn of events and progress needs of the time, she said. The premise of the new world request, she said, ought to be the five standards of tranquil conjunction and other global standards. The five standards allude to shared regard for every country’s sway and regional honesty, common peace, non-impedance in one another’s inner undertakings, equity and common advantages, and tranquil conjunction.

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Failure of Democracy in Pakistan ; A tale of constant struggle

Failure of Democracy in Pakistan

What is democracy?

Democracy is a Greek word that means, “ rule by people”. It is a type of government wherein matchless quality of force is vested in individuals of citizens the whole, and it is directed by them, or the officials designated by them. as indicated by Chambers Dictionary it additionally implies a condition of society described by acknowledgment of balance of right and honors political, social, and legitimate equity. The most acknowledged meaning of a majority rules system is Government of the people, for the people, and by the people (Abraham Lincoln). Freedom, equality, and fraternity are the aides of present-day democratic political belief. But in many developing countries these beliefs are hurting along with having the failure of democracy in Pakistan.

Why democracy?

Democracy is an important type of government because of its different core characteristics.

  1. Role of media
  2. Free and fair elections
  3. Education
  4. Judiciary
  5. Freedom of speech
  6. Religious freedom and tolerance
  7. Equality

These standards are instinctively engaging, and they help to clarify why a majority rule government is so well known. Obviously, we feel it is reasonable that we ought to have as much possibility as any other person to settle on normal standards.

History of democratic failure in Pakistan

Since its beginning, the most troublesome test Pakistan has battled to meet has been to build up a genuine majority rule framework, which could ensure its endurance, strength, and improvement. Sadly, the plant of a vote-based system in Pakistan has not taken its foundations adequately profound to make the country “a sturdy majority rule state”, regardless of this reality that Pakistan bloomed in the dirt of a majority rule government. Failure of democracy in Pakistan passed through various stages over the period oscillating between the rule of the civil and military establishment. 

Since Independence, Pakistan has encountered various types of government that incorporate Parliamentary, Presidential frameworks, military law, and a vote-based system. Under the constitution of 1956 Pakistan had encountered a parliamentary framework yet inside two years, the constitution was suspended, and military law had been forced by General Ayub Khan in 1958. In 1962 Ayub Khan presented the official framework under the constitution of 1962 in which he sent off the arrangement of essential popular governments in Pakistan. Be that as it may, because of defilement, fixing in decisions, and nepotism this framework likewise couldn’t prevail in Pakistan.

Later the military law system, the new regular citizen-government presented the new constitution in 1973. Under the 1973s constitution Parliamentary type of government has been carried out once more. Additionally, Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto was the main chosen Premier of Pakistan who had finished his five years residency. Be that as it may, this vote-based cycle was again contorted by Zia-ul-Haq, who forced military law in Pakistan in July 1977. Consequently, Pakistan again stayed heavily influenced by an undemocratic government from 1977 to 1988. Later the demise of Zia-ul-Haq, the political race had been led in 1988 and Benazir Bhutto turned into the head of Pakistan. Nonetheless, in 1990 the Pakistan individuals party (PPP) government was suspended under the charge of defilement and helpless administration. From 1993 to 1996 PPP again stayed as a decision party yet couldn’t finish its residency and got excused because of defilement allegations. Then again, the Pakistan Muslim League (PMLN) governed from 1991 to 1993 and 1997-1999.

Here once more, the chosen administration of PMLN couldn’t finish its residency also in October 1999 General Musharraf had forced Martial law in the country. The course of a majority rule government was over and over wrecked in Pakistan. Notwithstanding, President Musharraf had guaranteed that he will leave a supportable majority rule government set-up in Pakistan which will stop military takeover later on. He additionally asserted that his administration would set out sufficient work open doors, HR, mitigate neediness, and will work on the fundamental offices of life yet he additionally didn’t satisfy this large number of guarantees.

Besides, before decisions, practically all political pioneers guaranteed that they will work for the government assistance of the nation when they came into power. Notwithstanding, still, everything states couldn’t adapt to the essential issues of normal residents. Hence, the overall population is as yet experiencing fundamental offices of life, food and water lack, energy emergency, and chronic weakness offices. The previous Prime Minister of Pakistan Mian Nawaz Shareef guaranteed that through our strategies and difficult work we will make Pakistan a genuine government assistance state.  Notwithstanding, similar to the past government, his administration couldn’t satisfy their guarantees.

Failure of Democracy in Pakistan

Democracy of Pakistan faced number issues in its survival and there are number of different mixed factors. Reasons of failure of democracy in Pakistan could be analyzed through these factors.

Lack of democratic values

in Pakistan genuine democratic standards couldn’t be prevailing due to many variables, for example, conflicts and clashes between states are exceptionally normal in Pakistani legislative issues. Hence, the inconsistent and undemocratic practices of political elites are a serious issue in the improvement of a genuinely democratic system in Pakistan.

Constitution formation

Since autonomy, Pakistan has encountered three constitutions in 1956, 1962, and 1973. Which too incorporates two acting protected courses of action (in 1947 and 1972), and two premier endeavors of protected designing (in 1985 and 2002). The development of a sound constitution is the sign of prevailing democracy.

Political parties

Failure of democracy in Pakistan is also greatly influenced by problems of political parties in Pakistan. The political parties are a device of mass preparation and support in Pakistan. Notwithstanding, the significant test for the political initiative is to adjust the job of ideological groups to show a portrayal and support the assembly. Tragically, the government officials embrace dictator approaches and perspectives rather than empowering and advancing democratic qualities, strategies, practices, law and order, and capacity to bear resistance groups

Role of state institutions

In a democratic state the role of government and its institutions is the protection of citizens. A myriad  of political problems in Pakistan is the product of failure of institutions fulfilling their duty which is the hurting the democratic norms.

Lack of credibility of elections

Free, and fair elections are the genuine substance of democratic rule. Notwithstanding, the record of Pakistan’s decisions in such manner is somewhat poor. Along these lines, defeated parties got indulge in the blame games instead of accepting the decision of majority. On the hand winning sides started to use institutions for private gains instead of working for greater public good.

Communication gap

There is greater communication gap between political leaders and general public which is creating political problems in Pakistan. In Pakistan, Civil and military pioneers have dominated. In spite of the reality that practically all political leaders are in favor of a democratic government, they show little interest in the progress of real democracy in Pakistan.

Unawareness about nature of democracy

A majority rules government in Pakistan is inadequate with regards to its actual embodiment because of the unawareness of individuals about the type of a democratic government in Pakistan. It is under the strike of Islamic and secular values and somewhat mixture of both.


Currently in Pakistan democracy is facing a number of issues regarding the failure of democracy in Pakistan. A true democracy can be built up by following its major tenets. For the achievement of a democratic system, and the future of democracy in Pakistan essay should be focused on the job of government foundations like the lawmaking body, the judiciary is significant. The job of chosen lawmakers is to work for the government assistance of their residents. Free, fair elections are essential for its serene progress of it. Education will play a vital role in the awareness of citizens, so they better know their duties and rights. They could strive for these rights as per democratic norms if find any violation.

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Right Wing Politics on its Rise in the Subcontinent | Religious Extremism


In the recent past, multiple incidents of religious extremism raised brows against Pakistan in the international community. The issue of religious extremism was highlighted, when a Sri Lankan national was burned alive in the bright day light, that too in the middle of the city. Videos on social media went viral, and a debate on the subject started, not only in Pakistan but on international level as well. This is not the only incident of religious extremism in Pakistan, instead there have been many. However, there is rise in incident of religious extremism in the country, and the narrative of current government cannot be exempted from the discussion of religious extremism.

When the current prime minister, Imran Khan, came into power, they came with the slogan of “riyasat-e- madina”, which means the state which will rule on the principles of Islam. The narrative of making country run on Islamic principles was spread, and some steps were taken as well. The most notable step in this regard is the creation of Rehmatul-lil- Alameen Authority (RAA). Hoodboy while commenting about the authority wrote, the job of this authority is to monitor curricula in Pakistan, social media, media, etc. In other words, the purpose of the organization is to add religious element in every aspect of life. The religious monitoring of Media adds an additional watch on Media, while limiting its liberty.

Freedom of Media is already questionable in Pakistan with the country ranked on 145th position by World  Press Freedom report out of 180. Religious watch just adds to the restrictions imposed on media. Many people fear in talking about religiously sensitive topics, and critical religious discussions are not subject of mainstream media. Television and media, the purpose of which is to entertain people and spread information is being deviated from its original purpose as well. This may not seem problematic at first, but it shows the extent of religious influence in Pakistan. Other than this, the perpetual rise of religious influence can be witnessed the way religious representatives are shaping the curriculum.

During the last year, Single Nation Curriculum was introduced in Pakistan. In the first phase, this curriculum was introduced till the 5th grade. In this new curriculum, Islamic teachings and principles are emphasized. Islamic topics are discussed in English, Urdu, and other subjects as well, despite having one core discipline for Islamic preaching. Other than this, the no picture of woman in the textbook is without its head covered. Even the word of “interest” in mathematics is being removed as well. Science textbooks do not contain the diagrams of human body, as they are considered provocative for students. Such kind of curriculum which instead of providing exposing students to different cultures and religions, is limiting their lens of looking at world. Such conservative curriculum has a major role in rise of religious extremism.

The incidents of religious extremism garner criticism from all across the world, including India. However, there is no denial in the fact that over the past few years, India itself is losing its identity of a secular country, and moving towards religious extremism.

The consecutive two rules of Indian Bhartiya Janta Party, has influenced Indian masses with its narrative of Hindutva. The current government which promotes that Hindus are a superior race, and they must be the rulers have given multiple evidence of treating minorities poorly. Be it the treatment of Indian government towards people of Kashmir, Muslim minority in India, Sikh population, or Christian minority, all have suffered in one way or other under the current government. This is principally against the values of secularism which is the basis of Indian constitution. Like Pakistan, the state narrative is one major factor in rise of religious extremism within the country.

The current Indian government when came into power, raised to slogan of Hindutva, and rise of Hinduism as well. The narrative, that Hindus are the superior Aryan race was spread in the country. But merely this was not a powerful enough narrative to instigate the incidents of religious extremism in the country. Such incidents are fueled by the populist narrative in which binary within the country is created. A binary that involved two groups, one being a Hindu majority group is good one, and the second being Muslim is the evil group. Therefore, over the years the incidents of Hindu- Muslim riots in India have increased.

In February 2020, the attack of Hindu Right Wing members/ RSS members in the Jawaharlal Nehru university became a major highlight in context of religious extremism. As the Guardian reported, attackers were assaulting those who were critical of BJP and its narrative, including teachers, students, and anyone who was either Muslim or leftist. This extremist move by the religious extremist group in an academic environment shows the failure of Indian curriculum in forming moderate citizen. Therefore, in such scenarios the condition of the two countries, India and Pakistan is not much different from each other.

Earlier, there were Muslims who were under the attack most of the times. Last year, during the month of December, Christian while celebrating Christmas also came under the attack of religious extremist groups in India. The statue of Jesus was torn into pieces, and Santa was burned to ashes. The extremist group blamed Christians for spreading Christianity and committing forced conversions as well. Therefore, if at first, there were Muslims who were targeted, now all religious minorities are being targeted in India. This is outcome of religious extremist narrative which are endorsed by the present ruling part of India, and its paramilitary group, namely RSS.

Now, this extremism has reached to its peak when leadership of RSS and BJP is being seen directly promoting mass murder in order to make India a completely Hindu state. Members of RSS have been seen calling for mass Muslim murders in videos seen on social media. Minority groups are also being forced on chanting “Jai Shiri Ram” by RSS members[1]. People are being arrested for criticizing RSS as well. Thus, the overall condition is getting worst in India with each passing day, as the society is moving towards religious extremism.

The rise of religious extremism in India and Pakistan shows the tendency of people to tilt towards right- wing politics. This also shows the potential of right- wing politics in promoting extremism in the society. In coming elections, there is a dire need of  a moderate leadership for both the countries, which may not only reduce extremism within the respective countries but also mend relations with the neighboring country as well. This is important for the regional peace.

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Long-term side effects of Covid-19 vaccine: Myth or Reality

side effects of Covid-19

Many people are still hesitant about getting the Covid vaccine. They are worried that some unknown side effects will show up months or years later.

Here is we can know whether there are long-term side effects of COVID-19 vaccine or not.

History of Vaccine

To know whether there are long-term effects of the vaccine we can look at the history of the vaccine that has been produced and studied over time. Going back to the 1960s when the polio vaccine was released widely to the public. It was witnessed that the polio vaccine did not show any side effects after months or years of injection. History tells us all the vaccines available to us if showed any serious side effects have shown within six to eight weeks of the vaccination.

It`s been more than one year now that the Covid-19 vaccine has been studied. In the United States, more than 174 million people are fully immunized. Vaccines proved extremely safe.

Safety Monitoring Systems have been put in place to detect if the Covid-19 vaccine shows any side effects. Until now, the following side effects of Covid-19 vaccine have been reported:

Thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome (TTS)

This is a rare type of syndrome that causes blood clots called cerebral venous thrombosis and low platelets. This was found in people within a few weeks that were injected with the adenoviral vector vaccine. A report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention provided an estimate that the effects of the adenoviral vector vaccine were observed in three cases per million doses. However, a study from Oxford University showed that the danger of cerebral venous thrombosis is 15 times higher in people after infection with Covid than vaccination.

Guillain-Barre syndrome

This syndrome causes temporary paralysis. It was discovered in people within days after the adenoviral vector vaccine. The effect of this syndrome was found in 7.8 cases per million doses. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report showed that this syndrome is more common in people after the infection caused by Covid-19 as compared to vaccination.


Myocarditis means inflammation of the heart muscle. This mRNA vaccine side effect was noticed within days in people. The cases were mild, and patients recovered without any intervention. The latest report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said the rate of this effect was 3.5 cases per million complete vaccine series. Young men were six times more prone to myocarditis after Covid-19 infection than those who were vaccinated, according to the study from Case Western Reserve University.

Let’s have a look at the technologies used in the Covid-19 vaccine that has been studied for years and used in different treatments without causing any issue.

mRNA vaccines

RNA stands for ribonucleic acid. It is a molecule that contains genetic information for our cells to make proteins. Proteins are then used by cells to carry out our bodily functions.

Both Pfizer and Moderna are messenger RNA vaccines (or mRNA vaccines).

mRNA vaccines were studied for decades even before the emergence of Covid. This mRNA technology has been studied against viruses like rabies, zika, and influenza. Other than vaccines, mRNA has also been used to stimulate the immune system to attack cancer cells.

How does mRNA function in a vaccine?

mRNA vaccines act like an instruction manual for the cells. For the Covid-19 vaccine, this instruction manual tells cells how to make a piece of a ‘spike protein’ that is unique to SARS-CoV-2.

The vaccine cannot cause COVID19 infection on its own, as it does not carry the actual live virus. The mRNA only encodes the spike protein found on the surface of the virus. The spike protein itself is harmless.

Once the body creates this spike protein using mRNA instructions, the body quickly breaks down these mRNA strands and they dissipate within hours or days of injection. mRNA never enters the nucleus of any cell (where DNA is located), does not affect any genetic material in the body, and mRNA strands are removed from the body by daily cellular processes.

Adenovector vaccines

In the Johnson & Johnson vaccine (and in the AstraZeneca vaccine, available in other countries), viral vector technology is used. In this technology, a harmless version of a different virus is used as a carrier to deliver immunity instructions to the body`s cells.

Like mRNA vaccines, the body receives genetic information for how to build the harmless spike protein against the SARS-CoV-2 virus. After that, the body builds an immune response and starts producing antibodies against COVID-19.

Since the 1970s viral vector vaccines have been studied. Recently, they were used in response to Ebola outbreaks. Clinical trials on humans have also tested this technology against influenza, Zika, malaria, and HIV.

Experts’ voice on the Covid-19 vaccine long term effects:

Dr. Allison Arwady, Director of the Chicago Department of Public Health recently said, during a Facebook live, that there are no vaccines we know of that have long-term side effects. She said that in response to the question asked about the vaccine-hesitant people, people who are worried about the long-term effects of the vaccine. She further said that vaccines have been studied for years and years. They never caused any side effects after their approval. What we are worried about is the side effects that show within a couple of weeks. That’s why FDA wants to monitor for six months. If you have not shown any side effects within this period, then there is no biological reason for the side effects afterward.

Her words echo similar to what is written on the website of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It says that long-term side effects following any vaccination are extremely unlikely, including Covid-19 vaccination. CDC`s website also states that vaccine monitoring history has shown that side effects generally occur within six weeks of receiving a vaccine dose. Millions have received COVID-19 vaccines, and no long-term side effects have been discovered.

She also added that there are no links between vaccines and fertility. We have never seen issues with that. The vaccine does not affect the placenta. The vaccine does not hang around. It does not interact with DNA. After getting the vaccine, it is gone out of your body within hours or days. But it has taught your system how to fight off Covid-19.

However, short-term side effects are possible soon after vaccination. The CDC reports suggest that the most common side effects at the injection site are pain, redness, and swelling. The common side effects observed in the body include tiredness, headache, muscle pain, chills, fever, and nausea.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines, people should stick around for approximately 15 minutes after getting the vaccine. And people who have a history of allergies should be present for around 30 minutes so that they can be monitored and treated immediately if they show any reaction.

World Health Organization on the side-effects of Covid-19 vaccine:

According to WHO, mild to moderate side effects like low-grade fever or muscle aches are normal after vaccination. These signs show that the body`s immune system is responding to the vaccine, particularly the antigen, and it is preparing to fight the virus. The antigen is a substance that triggers the immune response. The side effects that show immediately after vaccination normally go away after a few days on their own.

Mild or moderate side effects are not a bad thing. It is a good thing. These side effects show that the vaccine is functioning. But if somebody does not experience any side effects it does not mean that the vaccine proved ineffective. It just means that everybody reacts differently to the vaccines.

Since December 2020, hundreds of millions of Covid-19 vaccines have been administered. People were worried that the Covid-19 vaccine might make them sick with the SARS-CoV-2, a virus that causes Covid-19. According to WHO, any of the approved vaccines do not contain any live virus which means it will not make people sick with Covid-19.

It normally takes a few weeks for the body to build immunity against the SARS-CoV-2, after vaccination. So, a person may get infected with Covid-19 before or soon after the vaccination. It is because the vaccine did not have enough time to provide protection.

In short, it can be said that the benefits of Covid-19 vaccines outweigh its risk. Countries are learning about the safety and efficacy of the vaccine. The data-gathering process is ongoing since the emergence of the Covid-19. According to the current information, it can be easily concluded that the risk of possible side effects is very low as compared to the risk of contracting the virus that has severe side effects and has caused deaths in millions.

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Pakistan is Not a Failed State But a State of Failing Governance.

Pakistan is Not a Failed State

The governance issue prevails in many parts of the blue planet. Several countries are faced with this enigma. It is not denying the fact that governance plays a key role in the progress of any country. Its absence causes multiple issues that lead this state towards abysmal shambles. In this contemporary world, developing countries present the worst-case scenario in this regard. They are sweltering in the furnace of shambolic governance. Pakistan’s case is not exceptional either. This sorry state is facing this music since its inception. Pakistan got independence through pure democratic struggle. Its emergence was a miracle in the 20th century. However, the death of its founder left it in Limbo. It became an orphan in its infancy. Since then, Pakistan has witnessed gloom and doom episodes of governance. The traumas range from the dismal role of law to political bankruptcy. Bad governance has wreaked havoc on the land of the pure. Tumultuous events are fast and furious. Political instability and social disharmony have become the norm of the day. The economy is on a patchy slope. Terrorism and fanatical outburst are at their peak. Indeed, tawdry governance is neither inevitable nor something that cannot be redeemed. Needless to say, if this riddle is resolved, Pakistan will pace up towards progress and prosperity. It can mop up all its socio-economic and religious political evils from its soil. However, the aching theme is that none of the previous regimes took pragmatic steps to tackle this issue. Shockingly enough, if the mainstream government remains in a state of apathy. Pakistan would move towards collateral damage. Ultimately. the government would be hapless to find any option to avert unimaginable nightmares.

There are several reasons behind shaky governance in Pakistan. The institutional tug of war is one of them. Unfortunately, seven decades have passed but Pakistan is Not a Failed State. Pakistan is always in the doldrums over the question of institutional independence. All three main pillars-executive, judiciary, and legislative — square off with one another for dominance in the affairs of states. Recurrent martial laws by power-hungry generals have already pushed the country to the wall. The military establishment still dominates security and foreign policy. Civilian leadership is unable to assume affairs completely. Patron client relations prevail here. Similarly, the previous democratic regime fell prey to a hyperextended state structure where chief justice dominated all policies. Presently, it is overdeveloped state structure where the military is ruling indirectly. The institutional conflagration has deprived Pakistan of an ideal state structure and ultimately the good governance.

Moreover, financial malpractices of bigwigs have devoured the state. Political Corruption in pakistan has eroded the country. Pakistan’s governance dilemma is the direct result of the venality of those sitting at the helm of affairs. This has caused the demise of meritocracy; it is undeniable fact that no nation can rise to the height of glory without the prevalence of transparency and meritocracy. Some mega scams like ephedrine, Ogra, Haj, and Panama gate paint a bleak picture of governance. Hence, unchecked corruption has mired the governance in Pakistan. There are many causes of corruption in pakistan. One of the causes of corruption in pakistan is high desires and low salary. Lack of accountability is also the causes of corruption in pakistan. Even there are types of corruption in pakistan as well as. Such as supply versus demand corruption, grand versus petty corruption, conventional versus unconventional corruption and public versus private corruption.

Besides this, weak political culture is also responsible for second-rate governance. Political instability is a chronic issue in Pakistan. Pakistan has undergone traumatic past experiences. All those experiments plummeted democratic setup to naught. The voting behavior of people is not satisfactory. They care a fag to cast vote: Election Day is enjoyed as a holiday. Resultantly, incompetent politicians are elected through massive rigging. This is why the inept political elite is unable to revamp governance in Pakistan.

What is more worrisome is the menace of terrorism and extremism. In past, flawed policies of leaders and dubious strategies of global power sparked off extremism in Pakistan. Consequently, terrorists were nourished in madrassas. Today, this is a stigma in Pakistan. The world accuses this state of harboring terrorism. World Terrorism Index 2015 ranks Pakistan on the 3 rd. rank after Iraq, and Afghanistan respectively. Terrorism has wreaked havoc in Pakistan. It has made governance too patchy to address immediately.

Furthermore, woefully, the society in Pakistan is weak, Social problems are numerous. Government is unable to tackle them. Mobilization in society is also negligible. Being a multi-lingual, multi-ethnic, and multi-religious country, a dangerous polarization prevails in Pakistani society. Moreover, illiteracy, poverty, ailments, etc., add fuel -to fire. Pakistani society depicts a miserable picture in this world of globalization. Thus, the shaky social fabric has paved the way for bad governance.

In addition to this, the crisis of federation ever lingers over Pakistan. The trust deficit prevails between provinces and federations. All provinces blame the center for their internal savages and murkiness. Not only federation is lambasted, but provincial wrangles are also common in this land of pure. The row over distribution of resources is always a hot topic among them. Big brother syndrome is a bone of contention among them. Though I amendment palliated some wounds, yet not completed. In short, the federal-provincial and inter-provincial standoff has destabilized the governance.

What adds, more to agony is the national identity crisis. Pakistani establishment and laymen are still perplexed oven their national identity. The history of different experiments has spawned dichotomy in Pakistan. People are not united under one single banner of national identity. Some praise moderate views of objective resolution; some Bhutto’s socialist tilt, some Zia’s orthodox Islamization, and others have an affinity with Musharraf’s, enlightened moderation concept. Ethnonationalism is also at its peak. In this dismaying situation, good governance has become a far cry.

In the same manner, the absence of “across the board” accountability has pushed governance towards shambles. Political big fishes and haughty officialdom are indulged in hazardous misappropriation. They pander their whims by trespassing state laws with brazen impunity. Ridiculously. they play this dirty game, unabashedly. Indeed, it is appalling that those who make laws are always on the front line for tearing them into tatters. They are snakes in the grass. They have clipped the wings of the accountability Bureau. This is why World Competitiveness Index presents a dark picture of Pakistan. Therefore, governance is too bad.

Further, there prevails a vacuum of leadership in Pakistan. Quaid e Azam died when Pakistan was at its nascent stage. That setback followed the assassination of Liaqat Ali Khan. Pakistan was left in the lurch after the death of two charismatic leaders. Since then, unhappily, the state is unable to breed any visionary leader on its soil. Though Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto had some political acumen, yet he fell prey to the military coupe. Present leaders are politicians, not a real leaders. As Nelson Mandela remarks, “A politician thinks of next elections, however, a leader always thinks of next generations.” Resultantly, they are not able to pilot the country towards good governance.

however, every disease has some cures. Robust strategies can fizzle out this conundrum once for all. Provision of full autonomy to institutions is needed. Some institutions are utterly dysfunctional and others are unable to perform freely. They must be divided into several small administrative units to cure good governance. The developed world and even Pakistan’s neighboring countries have divided their administrative units to steer the country properly. This trend should be followed here.

What is more, sincere efforts as social indicators are necessary to snatch the hour. Health facilities and education  are basic needs of citizens. To reverse the tide of dismal social structure, budget allocation to the social services sector needs to be revisited. At least, a 4% GDP ratio should be reserved for education. Health care centers in far-flung underdeveloped areas must be established with adequate facilities. Policymakers have to think out of the box. Issues like poverty, gender disparity, illiteracy, unemployment in pakistan need prompt solutions to resume first-rate governance.

Bad governance has caused unemployment in pakistan . unemployment in pakistan has increased rapidly. Due to the unemployment issue in pakistan suicide rate has also increased as people don’t has source of earning. There are many reasons of unemployment in pakistan. One of the reasons of unemployment in pakistan is the lack of good governance. The report was published which showed that the pakistan unemployment rate has increased 5 times more as compared to previous governments.

Furthermore, bureaucracy is called the backbone of any country. Pakistan can make this bone strong by introducing salutary reforms in it. Mere changing syllabus for competitive exams will not entail prolific results. There is a dire need for reforms in areas of promotions, training, salary, and incentives of civil servants. Today, Pakistani bureaucracy is censured for its lethargic processes, favoritism, and rampant corruption. Indeed, Pakistan cannot achieve good governance without changing the attitude of its civil servants. Their recruitment process and training should be efficient to transform them into real servants of the state.

Additionally, the eradication of terrorism is an important factor in this regard. Mainstream government has taken good steps against this scourge. Zarb e Azb is in its final phase. It has broken the back of fanatic hordes. However, removing terrorists through Kinetic operations and coercive apparatuses is akin to mowing the grass which can grow up again. It needs to be rooted out completely. Its solution lies in counter-narrative measures. The state has to win the hearts and minds of its people. Moreover, the financial fuel lines of these monsters must be cut off. Else, it would be foolhardy to assume that good governance will return to this resilient country.

Besides this, a civil-military rift can pave the way for future developments. The military must confine itself to barracks. Civilian leadership should be valiant enough to deter the military establishment from muddling into affairs of the civilian regime. In a democratic system, civilians are the supreme authority.

Pakistan can follow Turkish strategies which have pulled Turkey out of the civil-military crisis. Turkey is the 15th largest country in the world ruled by civilian leadership. The leadership of both institutions should resolve feuds and lead the country towards the zenith of glory. This can ramp governance up pertinently.

In the same passion, the implementation of a national action plan with alacrity and vigor is needed. This twenty-point agenda can prove catalytic in ameliorating the governance system. Enforcement of all agendas can chisel the governance of Pakistan and peddle Pakistan towards progress and prosperity. However, ridiculously enough, those who are responsible for the implementation of civilians’ aspect of NAP are still napping. They must wake up to pull the state out of the cornucopia of crises. Fancy views and toothless laws are futile without their implementation. Though NAP is vital agenda to improve governance, yet lassitude in its implementation can prove perilous.

In a nutshell, governance is a phenomenon that smoothly steers government and state. The sine qua non is that it should be good enough to pilot the state towards progress. It is equally dangerous when it is tawdry. Pakistan’s case is appalling. Bad governance has become a chronic issue. There are several reasons behind shambolic governance. For instance, institutional vitriols, political corruption in pakistan, political instability, stagnant society, etc. have eaten governance like a termite. Moreover, the crisis of federation, national identity enigma, lack of accountability, and absence of central leadership and unemployment issue in pakistan have also fanned flames in the country. Bad governance is a grave bottleneck in the holistic development of the country. It has made days of denizens restless and nights sleepless. An ever-dwindling economy and dilapidated society is the direct aftermath of bad governance. However, the game is not over yet. Pakistan can come back on the right path by taking some extraordinary steps in this sphere. Institutional autonomy, strong democracy, the creation of new provinces, and resolving social issues can be proved vital. Furthermore, wiping out terrorism, solving civil-military stiff, and full implementation of recent envisaged agendas can accelerate the country towards prosperity. It is time to bring back Pakistan on right track and translate the dreams of its founding fathers into reality. Hope still springs into the hearts of Pakistanis.




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BRI, B3W and Hegemony


The Chinese leaders have been working on Machiavelli’s secret of rising to power for the past few decades, in letter and spirit. BRI (previously known as One Belt, One Road) didn’t just come into existence in 2013. Rather it was just formally launched in the global arena. The Chinese premier of the late twentieth century famously said: “hiding capacities & biding time”. The Chinese have been working on this rhetoric for a long before finally unveiling it to the world. BRI is a tool for achieving Hegemony. The definition of hegemony is the same, but have different understandings. An attack on the American interest is an attempt to confront the American Hegemony. Fair enough. China a concealed nation has limited “Chinese interest” before they expanded the spheres through BRI. So, to keep it simple, for establishing hegemony we need a reason to allow us to take whatever measure to establish hegemony. No other reason can be strong than defending the “National Interest”. Although there had been interventions by the US to thwart any rising tides, under the slogan of “Humanitarian Aid”. But even that doesn’t legitimize your actions, paradoxically are criticized for creating anarchy.

BRI and B3W are both models of acquiring/maintaining hegemony. The BRI officially launched in 2013, in an attempt to raise the living standards, build infrastructure, export energy from china to the developing countries. The grand vision was to integrate better communication between Europe and Asia and turn it into Eurasia. The objectives of the BRI seems evident, but are far more than just development. Although development in the under-developed countries is the major objective the BRI also have geopolitical objectives. The Chinese have been involved in the political affairs of host BRI countries. According to a document seen by The Times, from an internal government investigation, $7.6 million were transferred from China Harbor’s account at Standard Chartered Bank to close affiliates of Mr Rajapaksa’s campaign. 10 days prior to the elections, 3.7 million was distributed in checks. Moreover, the setting up of a military base in Djibouti is also questioning which economic benefit this brings to the people. The Chinese managing their military base in Djibouti port does not give infrastructure development, improve living standards and global connectivity. The rhetoric of Chinese leaders of the ‘win-win’ situation created by BRI is challenged by their own deeds. The Hambantota port which failed to generate revenue was taken by the China merchant under 99 year’s lease. But why buy a failed port, as it could not benefit economically. The only answer to this is the “strategic location” of the port. It can help china administer the trade, setting a strong foot in the indo-pacific.

BRI is famous for giving debts to vulnerable countries, which cannot return the loan. As John Adams said: “A way to subjugate a country is through either the sword or debt, China has chosen the latter”. The case of Hambantota port is a clear example of china’s vision behind giving debt to vulnerable countries. Moreover, the BRI is also a threat to Climate change, exacerbating the situation by the power projects it is developing under BRI. Only in Bangladesh, China is to set up 12 coal power plants under BRI. The same is the case with other countries, which are getting power under BRI. Although China has announced that it will comply with the targets set in the Paris climate agreement, which seems to only work within the national boundaries of China. This implies that China is not working for sustainability. The ‘win-win’ rhetoric need to be analyzed from a different dimension. The Chinese are providing loans under BRI, the first condition might be that the country returns the loan timely, it is a ‘win-win’ situation for both. The second condition is if the country failed to return the loan to China. China will take over, as it did in Hambantota. So now this is not a ‘win-win’ situation rather a zero-sum game. In both cases, China is better off. With massive solutions, BRI brings massive problems along. Climate change & bio-diversity have only exacerbated with progressing BRI.

There has been much criticism on the BRI for the debt trap, unsustainable practices, closed-door agreements, ecosystem destruction, political involvement, data theft but sadly nothing has been done yet but statements. The G7 Summit concluded by providing an alternative to the Chinese BRI. The G7, especially America, came up with the idea of B3W (Build back better World). The B3W is said to be worth $40 trillion, with the main area of focus Climate, Health and Health security, digital technology and gender equity and equality. The B3W looks appealing in papers, but the fact is, it is still in papers. The B3W is just announced and have nothing in terms of implementation yet.

The Biden administration is ambitious to contain China. The march of China to the throne of the World is making the king act pre-emptively. B3W is aimed to bring sustainable and robust changes to developing countries. The G7 backs the B3W, but there isn’t any coherent interest that can keep them together throughout. The British premier, Boris Johnson said: “When it comes to China, nobody wants to descend into a cold war. EU enjoys comprehensive trade ties with China which was its top trading partner in 2020, surpassing the US”. The point here is that the EU countries are economically attached to China, and they don’t want to see China drown. The liberalist theory explains the relation between China and the EU. The paramount economic interdependence needs cooperation to survive. The EU will never wish of getting into confronting position with China, as it will harm their own interests. Whereas the US see the rise of China from a different standpoint. The military and strategic implications with raising influence in politics of BRI countries are more pertinent to the US. The rising strategic influence of China in the South China Sea is concerning the US hegemony in the Indo-pacific region. China has disputes over territorial claims with 18 countries of South Asia and South-East Asia. The militarization of the South China Sea is becoming problematic for the US allies in the region. The US-made the AUKUS alliance which is also an attempt to contain China.

BRI is notorious because of the practices it follows and the implications it has on the global level. The transparency and merit of projects under BRI can make them more acceptable and productive. The B3W is aimed to contain rising Chinese influence. US is on the front lead to confront China whereas the allies under the US seems confused. BRI is an attempt to create hegemony whereas B3W is an attempt to save hegemony.


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Online Education in Pakistan; COVID-19 and Beyond

Online Education in Pakistan

Since its outburst in the late December 2019, COVID-19 has inflicted across the world and like any vital sectors education sectors and system affected or has been suffered students, colleges, universities have been deeply impacted according to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) over 800 million learners from around the world have been affected 1 in 5 learners cannot attend school 1 in 4 cannot attend higher education classes, and over 102 countries have ordered nationwide school closures while 11 have implemented localized school closure. Pakistan also ordered closures of school all over Pakistan and approached online system or turns online education in Pakistan into TV during COVID-19 in response to the unpredictable dieses thanks to that Pakistan quickly deployed the federal program Teleschool for Pakistan students, and the provincial program Taleem  Ghar for students in Punjab. Although during COVID-19 Pakistani students suffered multiple problems because of poor technology developments and worst services of state. The pandemic affected more than 30 million children in Pakistan approximately 12 million children in Punjab according to World Bank survey one million children drop out of primary and secondary school. With the existence of these problems Pakistan ministry of Federal Education try to find a better solution for the online academics system.

Online Education in Pakistan

Since inception Pakistan fellow the traditional educational system but in 1974 Pakistan was initiated first mega distance learning project was started with established of Allama Iqbal Open University (AIOU). As the demand for information technology- based education at universities increased the government of Pakistan took a step toward introducing ICT R&D fund was established with the aim of “education for all” and lifelong learning. In 2002, the establishment of the HEC led many universities in Pakistan to facilitate higher education. To further design and implement policies for the promotions, improvement, and evaluation of higher education in Pakistan HEC initiated and sponsored many projects such as E- learning, a digital library program, the Pakistan Education and Research Network (PERN), the Pakistan Research Repository (PRR), and a campus management system. And also tried to approach distance learning, also called distance education, e- learning, and online education in Pakistan learning is a form of education in which the main elements include physical separation of teachers and students during instruction and use of multiple technologies to provide better facilities students- teacher and student- student communication through technologies because of COVID- 19 and also emerging concept to switched from traditional education system to the modern system and element distance barrier. It is growth is one the supreme energetically mounting areas of education. Despite its rapid growth across the globe, there is a large bridge to cross between developed and developing countries.

In Pakistan to analyze the challenges for online education in Pakistan is learning particularly during recent world pandemic Pakistan education system and all stakeholders, which include students, faculty, education institutions regulatory bodies and the government. The challenges being faced by all of them collectively are multi-faceted and can be broadly classified as societal, technical and regulatory, yet the online education system has potential to turn Pakistan into a literate nation.

Pakistan Turn Education to TV during COVID-19

A tele-education channel was launched by prime Minister of Pakistan Imran khan to keep the students associated with their education through dedicated lectures for class Ⅰ to Ⅻ. This initiative took a lot of effort from the quarters and must be appreciated at all times as it will have far-reaching implications in the times to come for the education of our young students. The dedicated TV channel, tele school, would be available on satellite, terrestrial and cable networks so that it would be accessible to most parts of the country, including hard to reach remote areas, ensuring equity in learning. Challenges was faced during COVID- 19 coordinating across multiple players has been challenging, since institutional planning involved almost ten different stakeholders within and outside the government. There has been limited student engagement, requiring continuous innovation especially for areas with historic low educational outcomes. Assessing impact on student learning has also been difficult given the limitations of education TV. Beside these challenges another challenge was the related to behaviors and societal limitations and lake of acceptance for online education by students and general suspicion of elders regarding online education system similarly lack of individual space at home homes in joint family systems, i.e. for families where parents and children both need to work and study from home respectively and the unfriendly atmosphere is a serious challenge. Moreover, our non- disciplined lifestyle and lack of focus during e- learning further the students from taking online classes. While the less attention span for online learning is a reality, people’s shyness from e –learning and being camera consciousness are also practical issues being faced by both the students and teachers. One of the biggest challenges for instructors is the technical skill required to deal with e- learning systems. Instructors are required to develop and restructure their courses in a way that suits online requirements, which ultimately increases their workload, as they need to work not only on course development but on the proficiency or acquisitions of their technical skills. Hence, they may resist this new technology that may hinder the potential of e learning. University teachers in distance learning programs mediated by learning management system may face more challenges such as communication and collaboration with isolated students, as well as difficulty in assessing students especially during their final project vivas and presentations. Teachers would need to change their way of conducting or marking exam papers. Students also face issues regarding e- learning systems. Researchers have argued online courses are successful when the students are involved and active participants. Students may find it difficult to study on-screen material, as they are accustomed to the methods of paper-based readings. Another problem faced by students is social isolation from instructors and peers, especially in distance learning programs. There are eight identifiable barriers to students learning in an online context: administrative issues, social interaction, academic skills, technical skills, learner motivation, time and support for studies, cost and access to the internet, and technical knowledge.

Technological issues

The list of technical challenges is not long enough. Yet, the first issues is the unavailability of the internet in remote areas which makes the students living in those areas unable to get benefit from online education. The bandwidth limitations across the country, with only a few exceptions, when combined with the increased usage burden on feeble internet infrastructure, add to the misery of most of the students. Another challenge is the expensive high- speed internet. The digital infrastructure is underdeveloped in Pakistan.

Lack of policy

Another set of challenges pertains to the government and the regulatory side. As the primary responsibility of ensuring quality education lies on the shoulders of the government, the absence of a pre-defined policy for online learning is the government’s fault. To exacerbate the situation, the government and regulatory bodies do not seem to be on the same page. For instance, the government ministry issued the notification for the closure of universities after the outbreak, while the regulatory body encouraged initiating online classes. This dilemma is causing immense trouble for the students at large. Although guidance informs of prerequisites were provided yet a policy and its implementation is a challenge that need to be sorted out.


Firstly, it is high time to see opportunities in these challenging times. For a paradigm shift from traditional teaching towards inclusively effective and equitable e-learning, due to socio-economic conditions, a large number of students still avoids schools; e-learning may involve them in studies. This initiative could promote primary education and focus on the Tele school has the potential to reach those out-of-school children (OOSC), as this channel is available online on YouTube and available on TV. It would help promote education in remote. Since in remote areas the Internet is not available yet they have access to TV.

COVID-19 is a paradigm shift in education system transformed from traditional to modern education system from blackboard to multimedia and provide equal opportunities to all or promoted distance learning although it has its challenges in country like Pakistan because of poor technological infrastructure or lack of policy regarding online education system. Beside these problems but state strived hard to tackle with these issues due to Tele school was initiated by Prime Minister Imran khan and the outcome was to good it will decrease the illiteracy rate in the country.

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Compelling Dynamics of Digitalization of Cryptocurrency


Cryptocurrency is computerized or virtual cash intended to fill in as a vehicle of trade. The “crypto” prefix comes from the way that digital forms of money use cryptography to get and check exchanges just as make new cash units (coins). Cryptography makes it simple to encode something simple to interpret with a key and hard to translate without a key, which implies that coins can be hard to make, however, exchanges can be not difficult to check.

At their center, digital forms of money are passages in a permanent and pseudo-unknown data set—known as a “blockchain. The blockchain is a freely available description that is confirmed by a wide range of hubs, which makes duplicating coins incredibly troublesome or unthinkable. It additionally makes it simple to follow a particular exchange between secretive individual records or wallets.

Usage of Cryptocurrency:

Cryptographic forms of money offer a simple to-utilize, advanced option in contrast to government-issued types of money. Customers from the United States or European Union might see cryptocurrencies as an oddity, however, there are numerous nations with fumbled homegrown monetary standards. For instance, Venezuela has become scandalous for its soaring expansion, which has prompted falling everyday environments for a great many residents without admittance to outer monetary standards. Different nations have severe capital controls set up to control the progression of cash or potentially charge high duties. Cryptocurrencies can be utilized to dodge these capital controls and assessments—lawful or not—which has prompted expanded interest concerning buyers and organizations. Therefore, numerous nations have begun taking action against the unlawful employments of digital currencies for tax avoidance or illicit buys or deals abroad.

Governmental Response to Cryptocurrency:

The authority reaction to cryptographic forms of money has been tepid across national banks and monetary foundations. While there are a few associations that have been steady of them, numerous national banks stay wary given the market’s outrageous instability. Issues with tax avoidance and capital controls additionally have prompted a few far-reaching concerns. The Venezuelan government, confronting capital limitations of its own, sent off its own cryptographic money in 2018—called the “petro”— that is purportedly upheld by barrels of raw petroleum. While official sources show that the nation raised billions of dollars, numerous investigators are incredulous of these figures and the United States has prohibited U.S. residents from buying the cryptographic money.

Benefits of Cryptocurrency:

Digital currencies and Bitcoin specifically have a profoundly utilitarian, yet additionally disturbing quality that has gradually, however, consistently begun to slow down how the conventional monetary framework works.

Constructive Upsurge in Economic Accomplishments:

There is as of now a whole industry worked around cryptographic forms of money and it’s held by organizations committed to managing all the advanced coin trades occurring all through the world. The rate at which the cryptographic money industry is developing is weighty and this can be affirmed by early adopters that became rich short-term and tracked down chances to develop monetarily. Bitcoin, the most well-known of these digital currencies, has effectively allowed many individuals and organizations to create and prosper, while many additionally depend on exchanging as their kind of revenue. The economy is gradually moving to adjust to these requirements and digital forms of money have extraordinary potential in fulfilling them.

Fruitful Prospects for Developing Economies:

Over one-third of the total populace doesn’t approach essential financial administrations that can assist them with excursion if there should arise an occurrence of an individual monetary emergency – advances, financial records, and the rundown can continue. These individuals that by and large areas of now monetarily hindered normally resort to dubious and hazardous loaning rehearses. The financing cost of these practices is everything except reasonable, which therefore prompts greater shakiness among individuals who mentioned the advance. This is the place where digital forms of money come in with their high instability and convenience. There are presently numerous applications and projects that work with the utilization of digital forms of money and carry them nearer to the more extensive crowd. An additional advantage of digital money use is that it’s decentralized, so exchanging should be possible uninhibitedly across borders. The utilization of innovation will work with a monetary insurgency that will leave everybody all the more monetarily associated, engaged, and empowered.

Entrepreneurs’ Power Rise:

There will never be been a more prosperous opportunity to carry on with work than it is currently, as in blockchain innovation and digital forms of money can assist business visionaries with getting installments in more monetary standards. BitPesa is one such organization that assists entrepreneurs in Africa to make monetary exchanges with American, Asian, and European organizations. The point is to assist little and medium businesses with getting monetary inclusion and a freed monetary association with the remainder of the world. By utilizing TenX and BitPesa business visionaries can rapidly change over altcoins into government-issued types of money that they can later divert to business ventures, buys, and installments.

Costs of Transaction being very Low:

Since digital forms of money and blockchain needn’t bother with a real physical structure to exist, the expenses related to their transactions are insignificant. There is no requirement for worker compensation, service bills or lease to be paid, so these reserve funds normally transform into low exchange charges. This thus energizes an ever-increasing number of individuals to trust these new monetary instruments and begin transactions, taking into account the worldwide economy to be all the more firmly interwoven.

Transactions with Increased Limpidity:

Since all blockchain and cryptographic forms of money exchanges are mechanized and digitized, they are completely followed in a dispersed record. The most awesome aspect of it is that it can’t be controlled by either individuals or organizations, which significantly lessens the danger of misrepresentation and debasement. This implies that immature nations additionally have a more prominent shot at entering the monetary exchanges game and lifting their economy and social possibilities. Additionally, residents will want to monitor where state finances will be arranged and will subsequently include a say inside their own political environment.

Risks revolving around cryptocurrency:

The very elements that make digital money so appealing are additionally why financial backers should be mindful. The unknown idea of exchanges can make cryptographic money trades an objective for programmers since it is hard to follow and recuperate bitcoin on the off chance that it’s taken. The Mount Gox digital money trade was hacked in 2014 and financial backers lost countless dollars of bitcoin. The individuals who held their crypto on the trade were left with little response. Cryptocurrency isn’t lawful delicate anyplace in the United States and isn’t supported by the public authority or a national bank. Its worth depends generally on request. As a speculation, cryptographic money like bitcoin has created considerable returns, nonetheless, digital money is additionally incredibly unstable, which makes its worth as a cash problematic. Government guideline of cash transmitters is principally aimed at illegal tax avoidance and fear based oppressor financing. There are no state or government monetary underwriters for digital currency trades like the FDIC. While Bitcoin and other digital currencies have created confounding returns for financial backers, there are huge dangers and administrative issues to consider. There are not very many customer and financial backer insurances that address digital money, and the trades that arrangement in it. U.S. controllers and law requirement are worried about mysterious digital currency exchanges. As digital money keeps on acquiring more extensive acknowledgment and use inside the monetary framework, worries of the Biden organization and law implementation will probably convert into extra guideline.

Climatic Impacts of Digital Currency:

As per Digiconomist, Bitcoin mining creates around 96 million tons of carbon dioxide discharges every year—equivalent to the sums produced by a few more modest nations. Digging for Ethereum creates over 47 million tons of carbon dioxide discharges every year. Analysts at the University of Cambridge report that most Bitcoin mining—around thirty-five percent in 2021—happens in the U.S. The U.S. gets the vast majority of its power by consuming non-renewable energy sources. Kazakhstan, another country that gets the greater part of its energy from petroleum derivatives, follows the U.S. in representing eighteen percent of the world’s Bitcoin mining. Accordingly, two nations vigorously reliant upon non-renewable energy sources are answerable for most of the world’s Bitcoin mining. Digital money mining likewise produces a lot of electronic waste, as mining equipment rapidly becomes outdated.


The world is changing and it’s evolving rapidly. The speed at which digital currencies are taking over is an obvious sign that conventional monetary establishments can presently don’t hold the post so well and that other monetary requirements are emerging and should be tended to. Also, the world is confronting a developing need to destroy borders, looking for a total social and monetary consideration – this blockchain innovation has all that it needs to resolve such issues.

It might involve time until these cryptographic forms of money conclusively track down a way into our lives, molding them to improve things, in view of monetary development and consideration. A great many individuals will currently have the chance to contribute, send cash across borders, set aside cash and start a business on account of the astonishing prospects that digital currencies offer of real value.

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Current Account Deficit Widens; Economic Stability in Question


The current account deficit of Pakistan surges to 4.7pc of GDP

What is a Current Account Deficit?

A current account deficit means a country is importing more than it is exporting. When a country increases the value of its exports relative to the value of imports. So it can reduce its existing debt. A country can reduce its current account deficit by restrictions on imports, such as tariffs or quotas, or promote export. The country can also use monetary policy to improve the domestic currency’s valuation relative to other currencies through devaluation, which reduces the country’s export costs.

The current account deficit of Pakistan surges to 4.7pc of GDP According to the State Bank of Pakistan data, the current account deficit was higher than September, and it also increases in terms of GDP from 4.1 per cent to 4.7pc. There is a negative impact of the increasing deficit on foreign exchange reserves and exchange rate regime and resulted in fall of rupee value by 13.4pc during the current financial year. In October, the current account deficit increased by $1.663bn in terms of dollars. The reason for the current account deficit is the growing size of imports. The State Bank of Pakistan data shows, the imports in July-October went up by 66.3pc to $23.48bn against $14.118bn recorded in the same period of FY21.
In the month of October, the imports of goods went higher by $6bn due to the failure of policy measures taken by the Central Bank and the government. After increasing the current account deficit it created pressure on the exchange rate as the local currency lost 13.4pc against the US dollar during FY22. The foreign exchange reserves of the State Bank
of Pakistan declined by over $2.2bn to $16.9bn since October, 1 and creating the poor reserves’ situation. In the month of September, the current account deficit was $1.113bn compared to $1.473bn in August. It was 24.48% lower than the deficit recorded in the month of August.

Current account deficit of Pakistan

In Sep 2021, Pakistan’s current account deficit is 3.4 USD bn compared with a deficit of 2.5 USD bn in the previous quarter. According to the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP), the current account surplus is $865 million in the corresponding quarter of the previous year. The State Bank of Pakistan stated in a tweet, that higher International commodity prices kept the current account deficit at a high level of $3.4 billion in Q1FY22. Further, Arif Habib Corporation Managing Director and CEO Ahsan Mehanti said that the primary reason behind increasing the current account deficit was the lofty import bill. “From July to September, oil prices increase from $60 to $85 per barrel, which inflated the import bill.” During July-September 2021, “Textile exports increased 27% to $4.4 billion. According to Central Bank, the current account deficit narrowed to $1.11 billion in August 2021. According to Arif Habib Limited’s report, the current account deficit dropped 24% month-on-month in September 2021, driven by a 10% surge in exports and a 2% contraction in imports. Furthermore, Director Research Atif Zafar said that the current account deficit would stay in the range of $10-11 billion (3-3.5% of GDP) in FY22.

The SBP imposed a 100% cash margin on the import of 114 items in the last month, to discourage imports of these goods and support the balance of payments. According to Tariq, when commodity prices maintain in the International market, Pakistan’s import bill will contact, so it will reduce the current account deficit.

Current Account Deficit VS Trade Deficit:- An Overview

The current account deficit means the country sends more money to sources abroad than it receives from sources abroad. On the other hand, the trade deficit or surplus reflects the total value of all goods exported and all goods imported. The U.S. has the world’s largest current account deficit at the end of 2020, while China has the world’s largest current account surplus.

Current Account Deficit

The current Account balance may be either a deficit or a surplus, it depends on its total receipts from other countries are less than or greater than its total payments to other countries. When country sends more money abroad than it receives from abroad so current account deficit occurred. But when country receives more money from abroad than it sends, so it has a current account surplus.

Trade Deficit

The trade deficit or surplus is the largest component of its current account balance. It is the total value of its trade with foreign countries. When country exports more than it imports, so it is trade surplus, but it imports more than it exports, so it will have a trade deficit. Countries can manage their trade deficit by two ways:- First one is to borrow money or second is to raise taxes to make up for the shortfall.

Trade Balance VS Current Account Of Pakistan

The trade deficit has risen sharply and stood at $20.7 billion from July to November period of the current fiscal year. Pakistan’s trade balance increases to $5.11 billion in November 2021 against $1.94 billion in the last year of 2020. The trade deficit in five months of FY2022 went up by 117 percent. In October 2021, the trade deficit stood at $3.87 billion as exports stood at $2.7 billion and imports $6.33 billion. Top officials of the Finance Minister shared the data of imports, it shows that the import of food items were $911 million, energy, including POL products and RLNG $2.4 billion, 2.2 billion dollars raw material, machinery $1.14billion and Covid-19 vaccine $621 million in November 2021. Pakistan current Account Balance from March 1976 to Sep 2021, with an average value of -417.3 USD mn. The State Bank of Pakistan provides Current Account Balance in USD. Pakistan Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) increased by 167.6 USD mn in Sep 2021. Likewise, In Sep 2021, Pakistani Direct Investment Abroad expanded by 879.0 USD mn. And Country’s Nominal GDP was reported 264.1 USD bn in Jun 2020.

Current Account deficit in December

According to the State Bank of Pakistan in its Dec 14 monetary policy, the current account deficit for the ongoing fiscal year is 4pc of GDP higher than the earlier forecast of 2-3pc of GDP.

Trade deficit doubles in July-Dec as imports soar:-

According to the government’s provisional data, Pakistan’s trade deficit doubled to $24.79 billion during the first half of the current fiscal year. From July to December data showed that imports jumped to $39.91bn from $24.47bn a year ago. During July-December exports also grew 25pc to $15.13bn compared to the same month a year ago. Furthermore, exports increased 17pc year-on-year to $2.76bn in December but dropped 5pc month-on-month from $2.9bn in November. The growth in imports has started to decrease. On Sunday, Abdul Razak Dawood tweeted, referring to a month-on-month drop of around $1bn in imports during December. Farrukh Habib the Minister of State for Information and Broadcasting said that the “record growth” of 25pc in exports during July-December had been achieved.

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The Russian conflict with Ukraine: From Crime to Present-border tension

Russian conflict with Ukraine

According to Washington, Russia has gathered more than 100,000 Russian soldiers on the border with Ukraine and in the annexed Crimea in recent weeks. This has created fears in the West and Kyiv that Kremlin may start a new war with its neighbors and former province that broke away with it in late 1991. A top Ukrainian military official expressed his fears and told Aljazeera that Russia could invade Ukraine as early as January, giving way to a “brief and victorious” war.

Whereas Russia denied any such allegations. It says that any of its actions are defensive, and it can move its troops wherever it wants. President Vladimir Putin and Russian officials warned NATO against expanding eastwards. However, Putin has repeatedly stated that Russians and Ukrainians are “one people”. They are part of Russian Civilisation, including Belarus.

So, the questions arise: what leads to the present-border tensions? What are the causes of the Russian conflict with Ukraine? Why Russia Ukraine war is still underway? What does Russia want? What are its official demands?

Historical Background of Russian Conflict with Ukraine

  Ukraine was part of the former Soviet Union. With the dissolution of the Soviet Union, it became independent in late 1991. The Russian conflict with Ukraine can be traced back to a time when Ukraine started to move away from its imperial legacy and began to incline towards Western powers.

The Russia Ukraine war is continuing and protracted conflict between Russia and Ukraine. Ukraine Vs Russia crisis started in 2014. The pro-Moscow president of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovych’s rejected a deal with the European Union for greater Economic integration. As a result, protests started in Ukraine against this decision. Ukrainian state began a violent crackdown against the protesters and unintentionally attracted more and more protesters. Thus, President Viktor was forced to flee the country in November 2014. In response to this situation, Russia sent its troops on Ukraine`s soil and annexed Ukraine`s the Crimean Peninsula. President Putin justified Russian troops in Ukraine and Crimean annexation as a need to protect the rights of Russian citizens and Russian speakers in Crimea and Southeast Ukraine. Since then, the Russia Ukraine war started and is still going on.

Russia was also accused of supporting separatist groups in Ukraine. As a result of violence between these separatist groups and the Ukrainian military, more than 10,300 people were killed since April 2014, according to a conservative estimate. Whereas Moscow denied allegations of supporting separatist groups and called them volunteers.

Tensions heightened between Ukraine and Russia when Malaysian Airlines was shot down over Ukrainian airspace. Investigations later concluded the Russian involvement in the incident. In 2015, France and Germany tried to reach a peace deal between Russia and Ukraine through Minsk Accords. The accords included the terms for the ceasefire, withdrawal of heavy machinery, and complete control of the Ukrainian government over the conflict zone. But efforts to reach any political settlement between Ukraine and Russia remained unsuccessful.

In 2016, NATO announced to install its troops in rotation in Eastern European countries including Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Poland to deter any possible future aggression of Russia in Eastern Europe and especially in the Baltics.

Ukraine has been under several cyber-attacks since the conflict started in 2014. In December 2015, it suffered a great power loss. Similarly, a power blackout was observed in December 2016. In 2017 government and businesses’ computer systems were hit by the Net Petya cyberattack. This attack that is attributed to Russia caused billions of dollars of damage.

Since the beginning of this year, the Russian conflict with Ukraine has gotten worse due to the increase in the number of Russian troops in Ukraine and greater seize-fire violations.

Causes of the current crisis

The reason behind Crimean annexation by Russia and present-border tension lies in Ukraine`s desire to join NATO. In 2008, the then Secretary general of NATO and other members welcomed the Ukraine and Georgia`s aspirations to get membership in NATO. They also praised the efforts of both countries in the operations of the Alliance. Ukraine`s membership in NATO is not acceptable for Russia. Russia can`t stand the western powers and Americans gaining a strong military foothold in eastern Europe, especially the countries that border with Russia. This lies in the historical fears of invasions from western powers that are manifested in Napoleon’s invasion and Germany`s invasion in World War 1 and World War 2. After the Cold War, NATO has been expanding to Eastern Europe. The military foothold of the West in Eastern Europe poses a direct threat to the security interests of Russia.

Not only NATO`s membership but Western powers are trying to give European Union`s membership to East European countries. The presence of NATO and Western powers in Eastern Europe is likely to get a reaction from Russia if it is not in discussion with the Russian leadership. The current amassing of Russian soldiers in the borders with Ukraine is a reaction to NATO`s expansion in Europe.

Some western scholars also say that Putin has in mind in reviving the glory of Russia. When Ukraine was part of Russia it was called ‘Malorossiya’ or ‘Little Russia’. From the 18th century, Czarist policies suppressed the use of the Ukrainian language and culture. These policies aimed to establish a dominant Russia and later strip Ukraine of an identity as an independent, sovereign nation. Russia is playing a similar type of tactic to underplay Ukraine`s independence in the 21st century. On one occasion in 2008 Putin`s then spokesperson asserted that “Ukraine is not a state”. Recently, Putin wrote an article claiming Russians and Ukrainians ‘one people-a single whole’. This concept is taken from the history of ‘Kyivan Rus’. It was a medieval federation that incorporated parts of modern-day Ukraine, Russia, and present-day Ukraine`s capital, Kyiv as its center. Lately, the remembrance of Kyivan Rus’ history in Russia has gained considerable importance. A 52-foot statue of Prince Vladimir of Kyiv, who is considered a saintly ruler by both Russians and Ukrainians was disclosed in Moscow in 2016. This statue caused distress among Ukrainians. To some, placing the huge statue of Vladimir in the center of Moscow displayed Russia`s attempt to own Ukraine`s history. It came two years after the Crimean annexation by Russia in 2014.

Russia`s official demands

Recently, Russia`s foreign ministry issued a list of demands for NATO countries. The foreign ministry handed the list to the visiting US diplomat Karen Donfried. Putin repeated that the talks between US and NATO on International legal guarantees for Russia should begin ‘immediately’. One of the demands on the list includes the pledge of NATO countries to not give its membership to Ukraine. Russia also asked NATO to limit its military activities in Ukraine, Eastern Europe, the Caucasus, and Central Asia. It urged NATO to limit its troop`s deployment and weapons in Eastern Europe it asked for the returning of NATO forces to where they were stationed before 1997. NATO must not expand towards the East especially to those states that border with Russia. Russia`s area of interest is in the Black Sea and Baltic Sea. It asked that the maximum distance of ships should be maintained in the Black Sea and Baltic Sea.

Russia also insisted on reviving Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty. The INF treaty bans the deployment of nuclear and conventional ground-launched ballistic and cruise missiles with ranges of 500 to 5,500 kilometers to both the United States and previously called the Soviet Union. The Trump administration withdraw from this treaty in 2019. Russian`s fear that Americans might start installing weapons within this range. So, it demanded Biden administration reinvigorate that treaty. Moscow also said that if its demands are ignored, it would lead to a ‘military response’ similar to the Cuban missile crisis in 1962.

The demands of Russia are likely to get a negative response from NATO and the European countries, as US officials said that Kremlin knows some of its demands were “unacceptable”. Also, NATO`s head Jen Stoltenberg already dismissed any agreement that denies Ukraine from getting membership in NATO. He said that it depends on thirty NATO countries whether to give Ukraine membership or not.

In response to the demands of Russia, the White House Press Secretary told the reporters that ‘There will be no talks on European security without our European allies and partners”. Psaki said that the US had seen the proposals and was speaking with its European allies. Sergei Ryabkov, Russia`s deputy foreign minister responded that there was no time limit for talks, but that Russia wants to start negotiations “without delays and without stalling”.

Europe also showed its concern over the military build-up of Russia on its border with Ukraine. The leaders of the European Union threatened ‘massive consequences’ in case of ‘further aggression’. As efforts to find a solution to the current deadlock continue, German regulators, announced that a decision on whether to authorize the controversial Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline from Russia to Germany will not be made until July 2022. Some European Leaders have suggested blocking the pipeline as part of potential sanctions against Russia.

Ryabkov warned that Russia would act “militarily” if the Western military bloc did not guarantee the end of its eastward expansion.

Many experts including experts based in Russia have argued that the West is unlikely to accept the demands. Mathew Rojansky director of the Wilson Center’s Kennan Institute in Washington told The Moscow Times that the West has been very clear to Russia that any further aggression against Ukraine or any other state will not be tolerated and will be met with an unprecedented response.” Dmitry Trenin, director of the Carnegie Moscow Center, tweeted shortly after Russia published its demands and expressed doubts on the acceptance of demands by the West on the security of Russia. Russia will have to ensure its security on its own, most likely by technical military means, he said.

Arguably, it can be said that the West may not accept all of Russia`s demands, but this proposal could lead to difficult but important negotiations.

If this conflict escalates?

If this crisis worsens, there will be a greater chance of direct war. If Russia invades Ukraine, then it will not only be Ukraine VS Russia, but it will involve other European states as well. This could have a domino effect and may trigger other conflicts in the region. As there is a greater threat of war in this conflict, so there is a greater threat of insecurity. As a result of this crisis, a security dilemma has been created.  This crisis may generate an arms race. There is a great threat of nuclear proliferation because of this crisis. Regional states are likely to turn the balance of power in their favor, conventional as well as nuclear. Europeans are also examining this situation closely. So, if Americans prove soft on Russians, they may form a military of their own. In this scenario, the unintended beneficiary is China. The national security goal of Biden`s administration and previous administrations’ is to contain China. This crisis has distracted the Biden administration from Indo-Pacific and indirectly benefit China.

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