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Karachi is a victim of poor planning and bad governance. Even though Karachi generates 70 percent of federal revenue, this city scarcely gets 10 percent of the federal resources. It is one of the biggest and most populated cities in the world. Its population is increasing day by day consequently giving rise to sociological problems. People are living miserable lives which need to be addressed. It should be a matter of our concern to find a solution for these problems. some of them are discussed below. Why YOU ARE KILLING KARACHI?


One of the major problems of Karachi is its transport system Buses are common means of transport in Karachi but they are not in optimum condition to meet the needs. Besides their bad condition, they are generally overloaded as well. Moreover, Karachi has traffic problems due to many reasons. Things like overloading vehicles, negligence of rules, rash driving, overtaking, are very common in Karachi. As a result, road accidents occur more often. Why YOU ARE KILLING KARACHI?

Street vendors are also creating problems causing road blockage. In Karachi Poor Construction plans are also causing traffic jams. Widening of roads, construction of underpasses, and flyovers are not met in time and are planned poorly causing people to suffer. Sadly, traffic rules are of the least importance for the people of Karachi. While driving there I felt as if I was in a jungle where everyone is free to move in the way they want. I even found an ambulance stuck in traffic because no one was willing to give way even to them. VIP culture is also one cause of traffic jams.


The education system of Karachi is poor and is lagging far behind. The children here lack access to good schools and universities. These limited education facilities are influencing their careers. There is a need for recreational institutions, parks, and playgrounds.

Karachi suffers from a complete breakdown in case of heavy rains. It is due to the poor design of drainage systems and roads. Karachi also has a poor underground sewer system and a lack of proper channels for flow management. Why YOU ARE KILLING KARACHI?

The baggers and their attitude are one of another problem in Karachi. They are worthless idlers who are robbing good-natural people. In public places, they are making fools of people and it is one very common practice. It is causing many serious problems which are prominent in some areas. Why YOU ARE KILLING KARACHI?

Similarly, the government has never emphasized population distribution. As a result, there is a prominent increase in slum areas. The development of these disordered houses has ruined the outlook of the city. Additionally, it is causing many other problems related to electricity, water, and pollution. Why YOU ARE KILLING KARACHI?


Pollution, inappropriate garbage and waste disposal systems, and poor urban planning have turned Karachi into the “world’s filthiest city”. Being not only the largest but also the biggest industrial city the air of Karachi is highly polluted with smoke from automobiles, rickshaws, cars, bikes, and other vehicles. Why YOU ARE KILLING KARACHI?

Additionally, smoke coming from the burning of fossil fuels from industrial areas and garbage is one major cause of pollution in Karachi. The authorities should be concerned about this problem and must try to strengthen the Karachi Water and Sewerage Board (KWSB) to overcome these issues. Public awareness campaigns should also be held by the government regarding pollution and its possible solutions. Why YOU ARE KILLING KARACHI?

Illegal settlements and land grabbing are also increasing in Karachi. It is one of the flourishing businesses because of the Mafias. This problem needs to be addressed because these land mafias have political support and thus continue to be a threat. The authorities concerned should try to eradicate such mafias out from the soil of the city of light.

It pains me to see the miserable situation of our largest city. This could be changed by joint efforts of the federal and provincial governments. Together, they can resolve issues regarding power shortages, unemployment and can make Karachi, a crime-free city where people can live with peace. Karachi desperately needs our attention and demands increased federal resources. Why YOU ARE KILLING KARACHI?

To sum it up, the situation of Karachi is getting worse day by day thus demands desperate measures by the government. The majority of Karachi are living hand to the mouth where they have nothing to spare, However, with proper determination and power, the PTI-led government can address these issues. We hope to see Karachi, the city of lights, become an international trade and finance center. Why YOU ARE KILLING KARACHI?


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Minorities; A white stripe of the flag – now soiled?


Minorities; A white stripe of the flag – now soiled?

The government of any state should not be in limbo when it comes to the constitutional, equitable, and natural rights of the minority in any state and no one can deracinate them out of jealousy, disparity, or superiority. The faces of the Hindu minority are withering day by day because they face problems like this in Pakistan spasmodically. It is not incorrect to say that the Hindus of Pakistan are primordial. Minorities

The quagmires of this type are going to hit the reputation of Pakistan across the world, as Pakistan is a signatory of different human rights pacts as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD), Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment or Punishment and many others. Minorities

The issues of the minority are proselytizing, forced conversion, and infringement of their religious sentiments by doing illegal acts either impliedly or expressly. Thar Sindh has become the center of these issues for one year. Minorities

Minorities; A white stripe of the flag - now soiled?

Let me shed some more light on the above-mentioned issues that are persisting yet. The prominent issues that have just taken place are very traumatic. Minorities

Firstly, an Engineer namely Abdul Salam Dawood an employee at the Thar coal power plant in Sindh grabbed the collar of a minor Hindu boy and forced him to use derogatory words against his religion. As a consequence, Sindh government spokesperson Murtaza Wahab demanded the arrest of the accused, and Arrest Abdul Salam Dawood became the top trend on Pakistani Twitter by netizens. Minorities

That shows extreme extremism in Pakistan, the accused was arrested within no time after the notice but he apologized and set free to move even after the commission of such heinous and detestation promoting act he was manacled in a very amicable way by police of the locality that hurting the feelings of Minority is nothing but mundane for them. Why are the rights and sentiments of the minority are considered low-cost? Minorities

Secondly, On August 4, a temple in Bhong Sharif  Rahimyar Khan was desecrated and vandalized by the mob for an unwarranted reason that was condemned by a minority throughout Pakistan but the notice and order of the Supreme Court of Pakistan assured the Hindus that the culprits will be brought to justice soon. A boy, Mubeen Baloch wrote on his Facebook account that, “This is just desecration of the temple, beheading is remaining”. Is this the freedom of speech and freedom to profess religion and to manage religious institutions elucidated in the constitution? Felonies like such must be eradicated without any laches which should be taken as a forthcoming precedent. Minorities

In all four provinces of our country, there are areas where this custom persists in its worst forms even today. The Supreme Court of Pakistan on 19 June 2014, in its landmark judgment on minority rights, ordered that “A National Council for minorities’ rights be constituted. The function of the said Council should inter alia be to monitor the practical realization of the rights and safeguards provided to the minorities under the Constitution and law. The Council should also be mandated to frame policy recommendations for safeguarding and protecting minorities’ rights by the Provincial and Federal Government”.

Minorities; A white stripe of the flag - now soiled?

Despite this, If this will move on then definitely the Hindu fat cats of Sindh will be vigilant for the future of their descendants and that would be the reason they will shift their young offspring to peaceful countries like Canada, America, Britain, Qatar, and Australia to be their citizens and lead their lives there better then their ancestors. Now and then government of Pakistan must rivet to protect, cater and be practically perspective for the rights of the minority in the land of pure people. Minorities

Mere propitiating the minority is not sufficient.

Government should determine the type of action that can most effectively be initiated against it as forever is composed of now, on the contrary, the ensue of such unconstitutional, unlawful, and inhumane acts will be mercurial and condemnable. The rights of the minorities should be defended; their necessities should be seen as not being discriminated against. Minorities

They should not be expelled from any job opportunity, their safety should be the majority’s safety, and their pain should be the majority’s. Minorities are the way much important part of a state, in the terms of supporting public opinion and, revivals. Their neglect leads to unwanted revolts, dangers, and enmities also. Minorities

Pakistan’s creational foundation is that it gives freedom to every religion; its white-colored portion in the flag is the deep clear meaning of peace. Respect for one flag is the nation’s key to progress. Minorities

Let me rewrite here, article 18 of UDHR: “Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience, and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship, and observance”.

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Article 6; Guilty of high treason?


Article 6; Guilty of high treason?

Military invasions throughout history have been witnessed many times where an egocentric  Military Leader of adventurous nature took over a Country, State, or Empire. There always have been more bad impacts than advantages of the Military occupation, and it has always caused nations backwardness, bad governance system, bad economies, many Empires even couldn’t sustain Military Occupation and fell apart. Article 6

Article 6

If any institution of a Country, State, or Empire comes out of its domain and tries to come into power, using power, over its people, the whole nation has to suffer the consequences. If we see through history we can keenly observe that not a single nation has ever prospered under Military occupation. A country that kept on going through military invasions will always be underdeveloped. Article 6

The truth is that a country under Military invasion is declared as under war, due to which interest of every foreign Ambassador, whether he’s a tourist, or an investor becomes zilch, and as a consequence, the country starts to become less important in eyes of the world and the end it gets abandoned. Article 6

In the current world, we can witness Countries that are developed, have not been under any Military Occupation since last five or six centuries, in addition, that they are constantly evolving their laws according to their connivance, that assures Rule of Law, Governance System, Judicial System, is working as it should be. Article 6

We cannot compare law-abiding citizens of developed countries with us, because their Laws and rules are easily adaptable by them, as those Laws and rules have gone through specific evolution according to their cultural, moral, and social norms, and even that took a longer period for these nations to make these laws and rules abide able. Article 6

Article 6

In Pakistan, it’s been four times that the Military has taken over

Pakistan rose on the World Map as it gets separated from India getting independence from the British Raj. After getting independence, Pakistan became heir to Laws written by Britain to govern United India. These Laws had to be followed and adopted by the people of Pakistan because Pakistan didn’t have any laws or rules to be followed, in addition, that Pakistan didn’t even have its constitution at that time.   In Pakistan, it’s been four times that the Military has taken over. Article 6

If we sum up those tenures we conclude that the Military has ruled for over thirty years on one of the youngest countries of the World, during which the constitution has remained suspended. In addition to that, no Military leader has been punished till now, despite Article 6 being a due procedure to punish the individual, who abrogates the constitution.

Since the very beginning when Pakistan in its early years didn’t have its constitution, it was being occupied for no good reason, and the rest of the invasions are also identical, having the same course. In the United Kingdom, Armor Oliver’s body was dragged out of the grave and was hanged, for abrogating the Constitution of Britain. The purpose of which was to give a message, that whoever will abrogate the Constitution, shall not be spared even after his death. Article 6

There should be proper accountability under the due process of law, which is the need of the hour. Article 6 needs to be imposed on every individual who has abrogated or being a party to abrogate the Constitution. If accountability is held and every individual of the nation is obliged to the Constitution, then there is no reason that there would be no Rule of Law, a bad Governance system, or a bad Judicial System. 99.5% of Pakistanis don’t even know their constitutional rights. Article 6

“Not knowing the law is no excuse.”, this line puts a responsibility on the shoulder of every individual of the nation to become familiar with the Laws and rules and play their part in developing them. Amendments in the Laws and rules are key to adaptability, for being accepted by the citizens. Article 6

Unfortunately, the Lawmakers in Pakistan including the members of the legislature, and civil servants are not much familiar with the Law, its adaptability, its imposition, and the consequences of its imposition. Keeping their corruption aside they are keeping the nation in dark, almost 2 centuries old laws are being followed in Pakistan in the year 2021.

In conclusion, we can say that Article 6 should be implemented on whoever abrogates the Constitution or being a party to abrogate the Constitution, this will make obliged every individual of the Nation to be obliged by the Constitution, and that will make sure the Rule of Law, the Law and Order situation, Good Governance system, Good Judicial System, there is no reason that the Nation would still be the same underdeveloped nation, having bad Governance System, Bad Economy, Bad Healthcare System, Bad Law and Order Situation, Bad Judicial System. The whole Nation would be able to observe development in every sector in every aspect.

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Pakistan, a state where no one hears the plea of Rashida Bibi who visits nearby police station for registration of FIR against her rapists, a state where Noor Mukadam is being murdered and is unable to get justice, a state where a bribe is required to get even a legal work to be done, a state where brothers declare their siblings died on record and siblings live their lives miserably just asking for their share in the property, and a state where businessmen monopolize by gratifying institutions as being done with railway and excise department. INSTITUTIONAL DECAY

The Institutional Decay in Pakistan aforementioned is too short to explain the unseen ebbing of the institutions here in Pakistan. There are four chief reasons behind this continuous decay of the institutions in Pakistan. The first and most important reason for this decay is the politicization and militarization of the institutions. This virus has its roots in Z.A Bhutto’s era due to his nationalization policies but spread more rapidly in Zia’s era when he started making armed personnel the head of civil departments. Afterward, rapid shifts in political governments in the 1990s had weakened the institutions even more. INSTITUTIONAL DECAY

Gen. Musharraf tried to strengthen institutions but his maneuvers for getting political acceptance such as giving powers to local governments at the expense of powers of civil servants was also a setback for the institutional strength. The current decade is also witnessing the same decay. Secondly, the gap between salary and expenditure brings the government servants towards corruption – a menace for public institutions. This curse deepens with time due to the continuous downward movement of the state economy.

Thirdly, the institutions also suffered from the policies of political government seeking the personal interests of the politicians or the policies to serve businessmen in order to get benefits. Such as, ‘Mr. 10 percent had ensured the monopoly of Indus Motors in Pakistan and has stopped other companies to follow the pursuit and build their setup here in Pakistan just for their personal interests. INSTITUTIONAL DECAY

Lastly, the colonial setup has not been reformed much. Most of the civil and criminal laws are inherited from the British era and the civil institutions are still running under the same laws. Despite the fact that the world has moved on and has gone through the technological revolution our institutions still use old means and procedures for their general working. These reasons are actually the major termites making the institutions hollow inside.

Initially, there is a need for the de-politicization of the institutions. It can only be achieved by making the institutional hierarchy strong enough to stand and function independently. The government should award budgets to the departments rather than handing them over to the politicians. INSTITUTIONAL DECAY

Moreover, the planning and development commission should be strengthened to plan and suggest to the incumbent government about the necessity and feasibility of the project. And the budgets should be then awarded to the respective departments for those projects. In addition, the government although is economically not that much strong yet it should pay the employees a reasonable salary and other services through which their families can lead a happy and peaceful life. INSTITUTIONAL DECAY

Next, there is a need for bringing the technological revolution in government departments. The procedures involving the use of the technology will reduce the chances of corruption and will ensure transparency in the governmental procedures. The use of technology will also reduce procedural delays. Likewise, there is a need for accentuating the internal accountability mechanisms of the departments. INSTITUTIONAL DECAY

Furthermore, the government should hire technocrats such as Dr. Ishrat and should consult think tanks for making effective policies for strengthening and reforming institutions. The reforms cannot be brought rapidly, rather it is a gradual process in order to make that reforms being accepted by the institutions. INSTITUTIONAL DECAY

So, reforming institutions has become the need of the hour. Some institutional reforms are being suggested below. Firstly, law enforcement agencies can be reformed by the use of technology i.e. by introducing an online complaint mechanism. There is a need for introducing community policing in society in order to reduce the crimes and public wrongs, and enhancing the productivity of the police. INSTITUTIONAL DECAY

There is a need for the moral upbringing of the officers which can be ensured through training and by strengthening media. Secondly, there is a need for reforms in the judiciary. So as to speed up the delivery of justice there is a need for interchanging the whole system by the model court system and online portals. Alternative dispute resolution mechanisms can also enhance the productivity of the system and will add to the speedy disposal of the cases.

Thirdly, in energy and power departments, there is a need for giving the jobs to the engineers well learned and experienced in the fieldwork rather than those knowing only the bookish things – as productivity depends on the field knowledge.


Moreover, the development commission should remain in contact with these departments and the teams should regularly survey the development projects under construction for sake of the quality and stability analysis of the project. Fourthly, the Pakistan railway and PIA can become more efficient when the monopolies of other transport companies will be addressed.

The government can increase taxes on the private service providers while making Railway and PIA services cost-efficient. There is a need for reducing the subsidies provided to the business sector, as it costs the government its reduced taxes and decay of its institutions. INSTITUTIONAL DECAY

Fourthly, there is a need to shift the tax receiving process online. By this, the tax evacuations and the corruption of the revenue collection departments will be reduced and the process will become more transparent and legal. Lastly, there is a need to improve health and education services which can be improved by competing with the services provided by the private institutions. INSTITUTIONAL DECAY

In short, modern public service management should be introduced in the public service of Pakistan for the solution of  Institutional Decay in Pakistan. There is a need to treat the public as citizens and there is a need to own your state and its institutions. The call now is the call of the national cause, the call for loyalty with your state, and the call for the ownership and fidelity towards your people. We the citizens of Pakistan will together nestle these institutions through our devotion by transforming our culture.

There is just a need to listen to the whisper of time calling a wake-up call. Let’s move forward and make our nation great again, the stories of whose wealth had once spread restlessness among European conquerors. INSTITUTIONAL DECAY

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Accountability, Activism, and Digital Media


Accountability, Activism, and Digital Media

Traditionally, accountability has stood for how responsible a person has been in the role they have taken in society. More often than not, this role is that of a civil servant, and the responsibility that they hold is towards the state and its citizens. Accountability, therefore, acts in a hierarchical manner where the top elected officials keep in check the bureaucracy, and these elected officials are kept in check by the voters as per the constitution. Whichever channel the accountability flows through; the intended result is always the same; to keep the machinery of the state and its institutions running as the constitution directs them. Accountability

Accountability can be moral, political, social, and/or personal. Such demarcations exist because of the values that are associated with them. These values represent the familial, tribal, societal, and national cultures and very often they shape the behaviors that an individual adopts in terms of their conduct in their personal lives and the office that they take. These behaviors can and are affected by opinions, life experiences, and narratives, that, they come across daily. Accountability

If we discuss political accountability, the ground procedures remain the same for all countries. Each country has a constitution that guides the organizational setup of the state. The state machinery then functions in line with it and to keep the system in check, these organizations have inbuilt systems to make sure no one strays from the standard operating procedures. Other external factors also exist to aid in this process, for instance, media houses and the democratic electoral system. The need for external setups is felt because we have humans occupying these roles, thereby, bringing in cognitive and selfish biases and interests when it comes to the completion of roles. Accountability

Humans are best kept in check by humans. Pick out Rousseau’s Social Contract Theory and you’ll see that if the ruler-ruled contract tips only in the favor of the ruler, then the ruled are allowed to stand up to the ruler. Now apply this equation to the 21st century. As much power as the ruler has gained, the ruled are not impotent themselves. Especially, in this age of digitalization, where almost everyone with access to a cellphone has now the platform to voice their opinions and concerns. Accountability

The digital media including social media now resonates with the working of a courtroom in which the digital media acts as a lawyer whilst the audience or netizens as they are called are the judges. Meanwhile, the activists are the jurors, who, understand the trial and are there to guide the judges to who they think is guilty or not.

Today the digital media has become a host to such trials. Ever-increasing. Every day new cases showing up. And such is the effect of this digital courtroom that politicians, celebrities, sportspersons, and digital creators are found passing statements, clarifying claims, and breaking news on their social media handles first. Accountability

Accountability, Activism, and Digital Media

In Pakistan, the digital media blazed during the Presidency of President Musharraf but to date, the government that has used it the most is the current PTI government of Prime Minister Imran Khan. He and his cabinet including the President are some of the most active users of the platforms garnering thousands of supporters for their various campaigns. This has, without a doubt, worked very well for them, however, it has not always tipped in their favor. Accountability

Their government has also become the one to be most called out on. Twitter is proof of how every day the ‘Netizen Adalat’ comes alive to call out the government on a bill that was not approved or a statement that settled wrong. It seems as if the new age of digitalization will mature fully through the current regime.

Even though it may not be a preferable attribute for the current government, but the dawn of the new era of accountability is a remarkable sign for the people. Especially those who do not have the privileges to escape injustices at the hand of the system.

Look at the events of June till August in Pakistan. They serve as a great example of why this new era is the need of the hour. These past few months have not been great for the women and children of the country. There is the rise of sexual abuse of children, blatant femicide, rejected women’s rights bills, and dubious remarks on rapes by the Prime Minister himself. What is different this time around is the unapologetic eye of social media. Netizens do not forget.

Neither do they let you! When Prime Minister Khan gave the BBC interview, no one stayed quiet. After Noor Mukkadam’s murder trial, the PM was seen giving more stringent statements on the matter whilst also giving new statements on rape and rape victims themselves. Many dubbed it the correct ‘U-turn’, a term associated with the government’s political decisions.

For a country like Pakistan, this new era is welcomed by many, the writer of this article included. We live in a country where feudalistic behaviors often take over democratic ones. As a result, even justice is elitist. For such a culture to thaw is simply great news because the result is more responsible politics, more responsible justice, and at the center of it all, more responsible journalism. This new equation of accountability which has a space for both digital media and activism is without a doubt more welcomed than the traditional equation where the result was often suspicious and never on time!

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Sliver of a Silver Lining


A sliver of a Silver Lining

Orophile/Orophilia; a person who loves the mountains/ the love of and for mountains, as this is intended for those, predominantly.

Unbeknownst to many, Pakistan houses five of the fourteen 8000ers, namely, K2 (Choghori), Broad Peak, Nanga Parbat, and Gasherbrum I and II; four of these five are located in the Karakoram and Nanga Parbat in the Himalayas. Because of the aforementioned, understandably, Pakistan is considered a favorite amongst the mountaineering community across the globe, both during winters and summers.

Sliver of a Silver Lining

The extent is almost similar to that of Nepal with its yearly influx of mountaineers, hoping to feel what it is like at the top of the world, literally. Foreign mountaineers, more often than not, tend to hire locals (referred to as High Altitude Porters) from the regions surrounding the mountains who are incredibly aware of the tough terrain ahead and not to mention those who find acclimatization easier due to having lived in similar terrains all their life, for the purpose of finding and fixing routes, for carrying various supplies atop the mountains as well as for sustenance purposes such as cooking, etc.

Despite the inexplicably arduous work that is expected of them and despite making it possible for various, if not all, renowned foreign mountaineers, they are often lost to time with next to no recognition. An example that comes to mind is that of Amir Mahdi of Hasanabad, Hunza, who was abandoned on an icy ledge mid-summit push of K2 by the first successful summiteers of K2 (Lino Lacedelli and Achille Compagnoni) in 1954.

By force of will and the interplay of sheer luck, Mahdi survived the nightlong ordeal in -50C and returned alive, but having lost all of his toes to frostbite and his passion for mountaineering to the selfish approach of the climbers he made the summit possible for. Amir Mahdi passed away in 1999, living out his life with the scars of abandonment and unjust treatment. Sliver of a Silver Lining

Years later, the situation for Pakistani high-altitude porters hasn’t changed for the better to a great extent. As opposed to their Nepalese counterparts, who work with life insurance of at least $12000 (approximately), Pakistani High Altitude Porters are barely entitled to life insurance of $1500, if they are lucky, as per the Alpine Club of Pakistan. Fazal Ali, a three-time summiteer of K2, recounts his experience with most foreign mountaineers with the words, “But once they’ve achieved their goals, they forget everything.” The sliver of a silver lining

However, I believe one of the major reasons for the aforementioned plight of the High Altitude Porters, is the lack of recognition and resources directed towards the entirety of adventure sports and, in particular, towards the mountaineering and climbing sector. This is starkly different from that of Nepal; the state invests and allocates substantial amounts for the support of its Sherpas (Nepalese equivalent of high-altitude porters). Sliver of a Silver Lining

Mountaineering in Pakistan, to my knowledge, has only made it to the mainstream rather recently, with the news of the Nepalese Sherpa team successfully completing the first winter ascent of K2 in January 2021; and even more so, with the news of a team of Pakistanis (Muhammad Ali Sadpara, and Sajid Sadpara) working towards achieving the same winter ascent of K2 in a joint manner with a couple of foreign mountaineers (Juan Pablo Mohr, and John Snorri). Sliver of a Silver Lining

It is to be noted that Ali Sadpara too started out as a high-altitude porter, only gaining substantial international recognition after being part of the team that successfully completed the first winter summit of Nanga Parbat in 2016; his foreign teammates recounting time and again the impossibility of the summit had it not been for Sadpara. His breath of fresh air-Esque personality and his opinions such as “Aapki dillagi honi chahye paharon Kay Saath” added to his popularity abroad. Sliver of a Silver Lining

With that recognition came some semblance of international support that paved way for his being the only Pakistani having successfully summited eight out of the fourteen 8000ers, across the world. Sliver of a Silver Lining

The most recent of Sadpara’s adventures was to attempt to be the first set of Pakistanis hoisting to successfully ascend K2 in the winter (which is an arduous task in-season i.e. summers; but its arduousness multiplies manifold with it being attempted during the winter). Prior to this, Ali Sadpara hadn’t received much national support and/or recognition but the possibility of a Pakistani winter ascent had a significant percentage glued to their phones for the news. Sliver of a Silver Lining

But perhaps, it wasn’t in the cards in the manner hoped for; (it is still unclear whether Ali Sadpara successfully reached the top before meeting his demise on the mountain this winter- however, the news isn’t far away, what with the discovery of his (and his teammates’) cameras and tracking devices). Sliver of a Silver Lining

However, as heartbreaking as the situation is in its entirety, there is a possible sliver of a silver lining in there somewhere. It has gotten the people of Pakistan talking- and while that isn’t much, it is something and something, in contexts of this sort, are better than nothing. At times, igniting a debate in a certain direction does it good in the longer run. Recent Pakistani summiteers of various 8000ers (Sirbaz Khan, Abdul Joshi, to name a few) have received a relatively more defined coverage on the national level (which still is not as much as it should be). Sliver of a Silver Lining

Mountaineering groups on social media have consistently seen a rise in memberships suggesting that the people of Pakistan are increasingly growing aware of the existence of the mountaineering sector and by extension, of the arena of adventure sports. This, I hope, propels in the ebbing away of the plight of the aforementioned High Altitude Porters.

The government’s (though it could be more) instances of lending the forces as well as technology for the rescue operation(s) for Ali Sadpara (and teammates) instills in me a semblance of the belief that they (and governments of the future) might be relatively more inclined to invest in the development of our mountaineering sector, Pakistani mountaineers, and our High Altitude Porters (and their insurances, training, etc.) in a timely manner. Sliver of a Silver Lining

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Degrowth economics


Degrowth economics

Environmental changes have become a major concern of specialists. The changes that are observed, such as deforestation, melting glaciers, erupted volcanoes, water shortages, and an unbalanced rain cycle, have become a huge threat to future generations. Many sociologists believe that the solution to all these problems is to control the annual GDPs of countries.

Huge and vast economies are often considered a sign of success and prosperity in a country but the new theory suggests otherwise. According to some experts, for human sanity, it is necessary to put a limit on our growth and practice a more balanced and steady life.

The term “degrowth economics” means strategic planning that will eventually lead to a healthy and beneficial cause. The downsizing in production and consumer needs will have a huge impact on the overall well-being of humans and their coming generation. With that, this planned downsizing will also work for improved ecological conditions at a global level.

Degrowth economics

The misuse of resources has caused much damage to the natural stability of the ecosystem. The rise in the use of resources leads to more economical growth and enhanced production of consumer goods which contributed to the population risks.

The idea of degrowth was introduced in the 1970s and got popularity in 2002. The subsequent conferences in different regions further strengthened the concept of degrowth and capitalism. The concept initially faced a lot of criticism and was neglected by many professionals.

According to Ted Trainer, degrowth theory in simpler terms is to live with simplicity in a sufficient yet steady economy for a better future for humanity and the planet. The idea of degrowth has also faced severe criticism as it suggests killing the economy of the country. However, intellectuals highly emphasize using degrowth as a term that refers to limiting the expansion of the economy.

In today’s era, it seems almost impossible to put a specific limit to the country’s economy as it is the only thing that guarantees success. Politicians and policymakers pay great attention to boosting economies and then celebrating them. But, as the economies rise to a greater level, the consumption of resources and living standards also increases.

With a massive economic rise, the utilization of resources increases and nature has to face consequences. The idea of degrowth economies is highly favored by many ecologists, environmental experts, and sociologists that consider that following this theory will not only work for the betterment of the environment but for bringing justice between populations as well.

The concept of degrowth economics works vastly for the betterment of nature and to deal with environmental changes. However, there are still some concerns that are a barrier to the implementation of this concept.

According to a study, the basic human needs framework might affect degrowth implementation as the strategy will not match with their current needs. The forums working specifically for this cause can help in following the concept of degrowth for future generations as their needs will be then according to present parameters.

Many developed countries have also raised a question on the credibility of degrowth. They find it difficult to implement and practice it as such grand changes will question their success rate in comparison with other developed nations.

Another major concern that is associated with this concept is the impact on the lifestyle of the general population in relevance to the degrowth economy. Due to constant improvement and skyrocketing economies of developed nations, the living conditions of people have improved. If correct strategies are not planned, then a degrowth economy can result in a disaster for the country.

Some of the key areas that will be affected by a degrowth economy would be unemployment rise, possible chances of poverty, and increased debt as shown by research. Economists have an important role in planning such economies for countries and studying its effects on market conditions of countries and the effects on the lives of people who are under influence of current economical situations.

Degrowth is also associated with human patterns and their views on saving the ecological systems. Due to the living standards and general consuming habits of people, it will be difficult to follow this concept. Many overdeveloped countries are skeptical about the whole process because there are less doable and practical strategies that can be followed for bringing a balance to the annual economy rates of countries.

A stable economy is a term that is frequently discussed with degrowth economy. A stable economy emphasizes having a specific economic rate and avoiding growth at all. In the light of this concept, the overdeveloped nations have to downsize their economies and allow underdeveloped nations to struggle for more resources. The result can be chaos if not managed properly and can lead to an unstable economy for many countries.

Whereas, degrowth is a planned strategy that will operate on a global level to work on a common cause. The Second International Degrowth Conference brought many policies such as employment rate, reducing working hours, focusing more on leisure activities, providing a basic income, using more eco-friendly products, and monitoring the progress rate towards degrowth.

Irrespective of the changes that need to be made or the lack of policies to practice degrowth, the positive changes that it will bring to society are vast. The global rise in poverty and famine conditions can be dealt with easily with economical balance and consumption of resources.

Practicing degrowth would bring major changes to mankind. There will be more balance to life if the concept is followed. The transition can happen in a variety of ways but there is an increased need to overcome cultural barriers. By following this concept, people would have easy access to good and organic resources that will increase the longevity of life.

The planned economies will also make sure that everyone on this planet has complete access to all possible resources. The degrowth framework is complete, and it does not overlap with anything. Rather it would be much helpful for a positive change for the environment and simplifying the human lives to the maximum. The green concept that is highly advocated these days would be followed at its best with degrowth economics.

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Economic Prosperity – A Shallow Dream?


Economic Prosperity – A Shallow Dream?

Economic growth and prosperity refer to the rise in the production of goods and services in an economy. In simple terms, we can infer that the increase in the labor force, capital goods, and technology, all contribute to the growth of the economy.

But in the International arena, are we really going towards economic growth and prosperity? Starting from 9/11; US invasions on countries on the basis of terrorism created havoc situations in the entire region.

Despite the investment in the business sector, the expenditures on the military of the world nations have been increasing drastically.

The point to ponder here is that the loss of human lives, military might, and nuclear arsenals are contributing in no way to the claims that the world is moving towards economic prosperity.

Be it Syria, Lebanon, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Palestine, economic growth is in the hands of the world powers who invested ruthlessly in the military, clearly ignoring the human development index.

Economic progress and peace are basically linked with one another. According to the Statistics, high peaceful countries reported growth rates much higher than the low peaceful countries.

It is evident from the comparison of Scandinavian countries with that from Africa and Asian countries. The platform available for economic prosperity is only through investments. Foreign direct investments have the biggest share in this regard.

Research shows that foreign direct investment is a very vital part of economic growth for developing countries. The role of renowned world institutions cannot be neglected in terms of foreign direct investment.

Economic Prosperity – A Shallow Dream?

Economic institutions play a prominent role in the economic growth of a country. International Monetary Fund, World Bank, Asian Development Bank, and WTO are some of the institutions responsible for the different programs in developing countries.

The question arises here that despite the existence of these prominent institutes with solid foundations and objectives, why the world is still suffering from poverty, unemployment, and inflation? The World Bank clearly mentions that its aid is specifically targeted at the developing countries to uplift their economy and growth.

These institutions are solely responsible for the drastic situation of the above-mentioned countries. On one side, they are investing a huge chunk in countries in the name of development assistance, and on the other side; the military is attacking countries in the name of terrorism and extremism.

It is time now that World Bank must stop pretending that there is significant progress in ending world poverty. The human development index shows that the people of the country are living a long and healthy life, have an education, and enjoying a standard of living.

But by looking around the globe, there is a negligible effort made by these institutions to develop a human development index.

The chart shows HDI – UNDP

By looking at these statistics, we can infer that the countries having very little impact on world politics have the high Human development index rank.

In reality, the situation is very different in countries affected by military invasions. The loss of precious human lives in these invasions is enormous.

At least one million people have been killed by the direct violence on the lands of Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Pakistan, and Syria. These lives are just the amount that has been killed in the war zones. The US soldiers being killed in these regions are in thousands.

Therefore, what real objectives have we witnessed from these invasions and wars? Millions of people have been displaced due to war in these areas.

These brutal invasions are only deteriorating the existing situation in the countries by the unexpected emergence of new militant groups like ISIS.

If we take the example of Iraq, this country has become a laboratory in which different new groups have been formed and their sole purpose is to allow and increase violence in the name of religion.

The world institutions and leaders must take measures to stop this bloodshed. The organizations for human rights must raise voice against this violence. Instead, humans should invest in welfare activities.

The sustainable development goals should be prioritized so that the human development index can be improved. The money should be invested to end the disease. The Covid 19 would not have happened if the world would have been serious regarding human lives.

The money should be spent on space exploration or some microbiology discoveries. These welfare activities will be beneficial for us as human beings and also a sense of fulfillment and achievement for our future generations.

We can conclude with this famous quote of Harrison Ford that Nature doesn’t need people – people need nature; nature would survive the extinction of the human being and go on just fine, but human culture, human beings, cannot survive without nature.

read more: Chinese Prosperity – 5+ things we can learn from it

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How poverty can affect the environment and policy?


How poverty can affect the environment and policy?

Poverty is one of the major problems that the world is facing. In 2015, 193 countries adopted the United Nation agenda of 2030 for sustainable development goals. The first important goal is to end poverty.

The major objective of the countries in today’s world is to eradicate poverty so that poor people can also enjoy equal rights, good living conditions, and access to basic infrastructure.

In the next 30 years, the major problem that the whole world will be facing is the population explosion that will affect the environment very badly.

Due to poverty the population rate will increase and create chaos that might change the direction of the whole world. Hunger will be the major problem at that time.

How poor people can affect the environment and policy recommendations?

In another case, environmental problems can prevent people to reach a standard of living like deforestation. This is obvious and more important for the people who are living in a condition that is more vulnerable as compared to rich ones.

At this point, it is argued that both the classes should work together for the betterment of the environment rather than pulling resources and playing games to harm others.

Due to overpopulation and poverty, the land is severely affected. Environmental hazards are the most appropriate term that can be used for the over-exploitation of soil.

Because of this soil overexploitation, the economic consequences are also there which cannot be negated. Destruction of woods, excessive use of pesticides, building without proper planning, and water cycle imbalance are a few examples of overexploitation of soil.

The rich and educated class; first plans the project and hires the professionals that ensure environmental safety first. It is predicted that shortly, the major concern for the environment would be overpopulation.

According to different papers, the population is increasing day by day, and the fight against diseases is also. Food scarcity and shortage of water have impacted the survival of the human race.

As the environment is affected by the poor, the poor also get affected. Due to environmental problems, the shortage of wood is also one of the most important factors to consider. The majority of the poor class have to support them on their own.

Due to upper-class lavish styles, wood is getting scarce. The forests are not that beneficial for the poor as they were. The poor people do not have abundant resources to buy lavish wood for their daily purposes.

The shortage of wood creates hurdles for this class. Their daily consumption of food is halted. They cannot rely on substitutes because of high costs.

There may also be situations in which the poor people cut the wood causing again environmental degradation. Such steps can be taken to give them other resources so that they do not have to rely solely on wood.

Forests play an important role in an environment. They cover 30-31%, help to mitigate climate change, and are the shelter for many species of plants and animals.

Forests cover 31% of our planet which shows that the environment of any place depends on the number of forests and trees in that area. The major concern is how deforestation is causing a threat to the environment and especially in the case of poor people. Due to climate change, many people are migrating from one place to another.

Due to low living costs, most people move to urban areas. But some living in rural areas rely on wood in a forest which is causing deforestation and a decline in crop yield. Due to illegal fires erupted in the forests, deforestation is increasing.

The major problem of deforestation is cattle ranching. This can be solved by allowing poor people to breed cattle in other places rather than forests. The loss of forests can cause loss of biodiversity for many plants and animals.

70% of plants and animals are living in forests; therefore it is of paramount importance to stop deforestation for the betterment of the environment.

The poverty reduction will create an environment for the poor in which they can also survive. By the increase in per capita income, they also will contribute positively to the environment.

The United Nations sustainable development goals show that reducing poverty should be the top priority to get any other problem solved. When poverty is reduced, health problems will also be solved. The poor class will not remain poor. They will have enough resources to invest in such a manner that will enhance the environment overall.

The think tanks should be established and their prime objective should be to minimize environmental pollution. Such institutes can only be developed with government support.

In such a case, the developed countries are way ahead of underdeveloped countries due to their research-oriented approach towards every solution. The use of plastic should be banned and other substitutes should be introduced to counter the pollution impacts.

The trees should be grown. Human nature is incomplete without greenery and plants. Trees are the best source for shelter, cooling down the temperature, and climate concerns. The trees can be grown individually without government support.

The mass level project can be initiated to inculcate the importance of trees and forests in the general public.The rural population should be given all the facilities at their doorsteps. Education, health, and shelter should be provided by the state in rural areas. This can easily be done if the objective is to stop the overcrowding in cities.

In the nutshell, it is noted that all the arguments should be in line with environmental concerns. Every policy devised can only be implemented if and only if, it is clear that it would not be proved harmful for the environment.

The poor people should be given importance because of their large number. A large number of populations can be proved helpful for the environment if the proper attention is given.

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Diplomacy of Era


Diplomacy of Era

Let’s reiterate the sentence we once had studied in Physics “Entropy means disorder and it never decreases”. When I was in intermediate, I saw things with those imaginations, as I grew up, I started to understand many things with variations.

Diplomacy is the art of saying of course, yes, and no, with all expertise of expressions. A diplomat must be a man of all knacks, and a person of confidence.

The World is suffering from the dire Pandemic for two years, in which we have seen many changes in the world order and the changing nature of diplomacy. History never halts, and time never stops.

Traditional and classical diplomacy is much different from a modern and contemporary version of diplomacy. We saw the closed, club, and oral diplomacy in the past, while, we have open, network, and paper diplomacy now.

History is a witness to this changing nature of diplomacy. Let’s touch it briefly.


The course of the French revolution had helped Napoleon to rise to power. His important wars included the Battle of Trafalgar, Leipzig, the Russian campaign, and the battle of Waterloo in which he lost his confidence to defeat allies against him.

He called himself “a child of revolution” and no doubt, he introduced many positive reforms in France including, Economic, Educational, and governmental structural reforms.

But then he inherited the greed of being the emperor of not only France but the whole of Europe which caused his downfall from the political scene of France.


Metternich was the most commanding personality from 1815 to 1848. This period in European History is called the “Era of Metternich”. He was the central figure in European diplomacy and was “without a peer in his age or his style”.

He was a shrewd statesman and was a past master and diplomacy, tact, and finesses. Like his master, the emperor, he was also a great reactionary and a most vehement opponent of liberalism. He distrusted all innovations and new ideas and therefore tried his best to maintain the old order. Homemade porn https://www.amateurest.com/ USA.

Metternich, the foreign minister of Austria, the key leader at the congress of Vienna created the goals for establishing peace and stability in Europe. He had three goals:

  1. To prevent future French aggression by surrounding France with strong countries
  2. To restore the balance of power so that no country was much stronger than the next.
  3. To restore the monarchy to France.


Bismarck, a chief minister of Prussia was an architect of German unity with the policy called blood and Iron with the belief in realpolitik.

Bismarck’s most important diplomatic objective was to prevent France from allying itself with either Austria-Hungry or Russia to create a coalition of enemies in both the east and west.

In 1873 he negotiated the Three-Emperor’s league with Russian and Austria-Hungry. Bismarck’s plan to unify Germany involved showing the other states that Prussian military power and leadership was the only path to German unification.

To accomplish this, he initiated a series of wars and diplomatic efforts that achieved his goal in 1871. However, Bismarck shaped European History from 1862 to 1914.


World War I was a struggle between two groups. The allied powers included France, the USSR, Great Britain, Italy, Japan, and the United States of America, and the central powers were Germany, Austria- Hungarian Empire, and Ottoman Empire.

The two groups fought each other. World War I accelerated many changes in diplomacy. Sparked by the world war, the Russian Revolution of 1917 produced a great power regime that rejected the views of the Western world and that used political language—including the terms democracy, propaganda, and subversion—in new ways.

Diplomacy of Era


The interwar period or the period between the two wars i.e.: 1919-1939, was the period of uprisings where all were making ground to World War II. The rise of Adolph Hitler in Germany, Benito Mussolini in Italy, and Lenin in the USSR further contributed to smoothening the way towards the Second World War.

So, we can summarize the era of 1919-1939 as dominated by Hitler, Mussolini, and Lenin, Stalin.


World War II was a struggle of Hitler against Jews and Soviets. The central powers were France, Great Britain, and the United States of America, the USSR, and China. The axis powers included Germany, Italy, and Japan.

With the victory of Allied powers, the formation of the United Nations, and the emergence of two Superpowers were maintained world peace, there both powers could not stop wars with one another.


The Cold War, a term used in international relations for the rivalry between U.S.A and USSR with proxy wars, which included Vietnam War, Korean War, the Cuban missile crisis, the Suez Canal crisis, and many other short or long disputes.

Cold War ended with the disintegration of the USSR in 1990-1991, and the states of America became the sole superpower of the world with the concept of liberal democracy.

DIPLOMACY AFTER 9/11 was dominated by the Muslim extremist groups that changed world peace and gave rise to the new shift o countries’ foreign policies, and national interests.

DIPLOMACY TILL 2019 was the diplomacy of competition, trade, and influences where we saw India, the USA, China, Pakistan, Israel, and Saudi Arabia, and Iran changing their objectives of foreign policy accordingly.


Discussion on the pandemic won’t end in a page, but to summarize we’ve seen countries coming together, performing goals together, coping with the pandemic together, and formatting new agendas and agreements together.

Hence, the cover-19 pandemic has given rise to the “SILENT DIPLOMACY”, which I define as the ability to counter other states and gaining objectives by just the policy of being silent in the meetings.

read more: Role of Political Philosophy in the formation of National Identity

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